
64 Reviews
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Wellmade but not for me
19 April 2024
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I am not into the action scenes and there was quite a lot in here. I really liked the story line and how it all began. It was a well thought out movie. The animation is fantastic. The Bowser song is legendary. I like the brothers but did not care or get attached to the characters. I did not like the ending. To combine the mario world with the real one. I was not into that. It didn't make any sense. I rather see the brothers be able to fix that waterleak and get in charge of the tunnels underneath the city and guard/ have acess to the passage way. To see them have double lives with a flureshing buisness in the reality, but also being able to go back. In the end great movie for young kids. A meh movie for most abow that age. I could have saved my time skipping this one honestly. I do love all the extra scenes in the closing credits tho. It is a nice touch when movies does that.
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Dark. Might been too depressing
19 April 2024
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This movie had it all, artistic, darkness, captivating and intensity. But, I personally just felt depressed afterwards. I feel like it wouldn't have hurt if there could have been some redemption for the main character and a better fate awaiting. I hate open endings. I want a real ending not a loose premise one. In the end I did not see any result of the personal development in any of the characters. This is nevertheless a great movie.

Just became. I would have liked too see this storyline but as an comedy with a happy ending. This could have been a interesting feel good movie. But it definitely is not.
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Welldone but not one of the great
15 April 2024
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I from the get go did not like shen the fox. Her attitude and personality is annoying and seen many times before. The concept of Po needing a succesor was bad, the wrong direction to go. I liked the villain. The chameleon and her abilities brought something new in a refreshing way.

I understand their vision to bring in a new environment, the big city. But it didn't look different enough to feel new. The big thing this movie missed was depth, a sad dark aspect to it. We did not get to know the new characters in any deep way like that. It really brought down the story. Lastly if they were going to bring back the dead why not keep them alive, I would like to see shifu fix his relationship with his son. I only rate this movie high because of the visuals and i could see rge effort pit into it. But I have not enjoyed watching this movie, but am glad it exist.
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One Life (2023)
An important story
11 April 2024
This was important to make, a story that should not be forgotten and now will be easier to remember. We had many spleandid famous actors, especially the lead. The production was well done. I was moved. But I wish they showed and made a bigger note of what happened to the children which did not get to go with the last train. I understood that they did not show that, because this movie was about showing how a man made a difference, how people can do a difference. An success story. But I don't feel like children from the newer and coming generations will truley understand what happened to those children that did not get to escape.
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Poor Things (2023)
Not for me and probably not anyone else either
11 April 2024
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I like Willem Dafoe a lot as an actor, but in this role, he looked a bit bland. I did not particularly care for him which was a lost opportunity. Emma stone was alright, I am just sad that I did not come to like or care for her at all. I felt like even though she acted well she didn't make her character in any way compelling. The entire script probably came from someone being high, dreaming. I love how much money they put in the production, because you can clearly see there was effort and I liked the cinematics and props/clothes/environment, without that this movie would be complete sht.

The only character/actor I actually did like was Mark Ruffalo. But he did not even end up with the girl, we didn't even get to see what happened to him. That really was the last nail in the coffin for me. This movie as an entirety feels like a movie pumped with money, wanting to be artistic and strange. But is so in a bad way with always missing the mark.
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Lost potential
11 April 2024
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I liked the manga, and the anime. Now also this film adaption. But with all of these adaptions I utterly hate how the story just looses it's potential. The direction it goes in is not what I wish for. It left me feeling like some core aspects are lacking. I wished for more confrontation and more of a resolution. I would have wished for the series to go deeper. I would have rather had the girl exploring falling in love in another her age, than just nothing happening at all with her current older one. It felt like the author wanted to stay respectful and not create anything indecent. Which I do appreciate in some sense. But there should still be some depth.
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A complete movie
11 April 2024
The story had all aspects I could ever wish for. It kept me captivated. It started slow, but I appreciated the build up. First time in a while I have not had any complainants regarding the story line or actors. The cinematics and music was perfect. I liked the character development, it felt natural. I appreciated how dark the story got. Mads Mikkelsen acting was splendid. It is not a movie that will have the same impact by watching it again. I wished it would not end and it will be hard to find a movie as good as this one for a long time. My one drawback that isn't a drawback was how long it was. This could easily been a series aswell, but I would not wish anything to be different.
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Disappointing but watchable
26 February 2024
Not a fan. The male leads are stale and not likeable. They are so complicated, in a bad way. It takes more than two thirds to understand one of them.

The other one just becomes annoying with how unclear his personality/reasonings are. I felt disappointed at the end, there was no real climax and resolution. Maybe because there will be another season. But I won't turn back in. The female leads are likable but there was not enough of a story there. I felt like they could have pushed so much further with the bullying and other issues, they could have made this so much more intense and interesting. I liked it was well produced and it was short.
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lovely real and touching
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My one drawback was the ending. DON'T READ if you planed to watch!

It sucks when you get pulled in and invested in the characters, following along all character developments and get let down by the ending. In a way, to have a open ending it pleases everyone, it pleases the ones wanting a dark ending aswell as happy because it could go wither way and it is up to the one watching to decide. But for me it felt unfinished. You know during the entirety of the movie that she is only staying for the summer so in a way, you just are waiting for the summer to end to know what happens to her, but they didn't give clear answer and I found that disappointing.

Except that, I found everything from the cinematics, the actors and script to feel real and natural. Very beautiful, you didn't think that there was acting going on, it felt like a window into the life's of those people. Very touching and good movie.
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Welldone and a bliss all the way through
5 January 2024
It will for sure be one of my top k dramas. It had my heart moved more than once. But it still kept the warm light hearted mood. It was a pleasent show to tune into after a stressful day. I really liked the complicated dynamic of hearing and hearing impaired. Most importantly how they actually used sign language. The main actors fit their role and acted it out sparkling. The story was well written and I can't really come up with something bad about it. Some of the main plot is something we seen plenty of times before, but made in a way I didnt mind that at all. Just if this genre is your cup of tea. This show is a must watch.
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Likable for those who want more but dont expect better
26 December 2023
It was awesome seeing more of the hunger game universe. President snow's younger actor was a great choice and did very well. It just ain't a good enough story to make it a stand alone movie you love to rewatch. It was too plain and same from what already been done and shown. I was very disappointed with zeglers performance. She just did not give that underdog girl that been through real suffering vibe. She felt too polished and not able to portray pain. Also her singing was not right. It felt like she showed off her ability more than actually conveying any emotions. That is what I liked about Lawrence, she can sing, but her singing was more about being Katniss and showing her emotions, not technique.

I dont regret seeing it in the theaters, but adjust your expectations I'd say and you won't mind watching it either.
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Lightyear (2022)
A slow let down
15 August 2023
As a kid I thought the pretend movie of buzz lightyear was actually pretty solid and catched myself wondering how the full thing would be like. I was impressed by the animation here and thought it was very well done from a graphical stand point. Even the sounds and music were familiar from toystory and I appreciated that. BUT, I felt like I waited for those epic scenes from the original toy story, that really cool moment where we recognize the plot or it all comes together. BUT IT NEVER DID. Also the reveal regarding zurg was such a let down compared to the original from toy story. That was the nail in the coffin. I feel lightyear was a it to lame and more of a failure than he was supposed to be. According to Toy Story Buzz was supposed to be more of a hero in this movie, a character that made all little kids in the toy story universe want to be him, look up to him. I don't think anyone felt that. Also the joke in the movie, the dialogue and events, it felt like kids would not even understand it. I wish i could like this movie, but i don't. Sad part is we will not see this movie done right, it was something i forgot i needed but now miss.
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I grew up on this film
15 August 2023
I had this movie on VHS and seen it a bunch of times. From my point of view it was an terrific stand alone movie, I had no clue there was others. What I liked about the movie. Mostly. I liked the characters, especially the cheese factory scene and maffia. I was scared back then of those characters, but they were also so cool. I never got the deeper message I just purely enjoyed the ride of the story. Now when I am older and see the hidden messages I feel like this movie is a gem. In the year of 2023, the animation is getting too old and the storyline in modern days might be viewed to gloomy or forced. But that wasn't the case back then, remember it is a classic made during another time. I truly appreciate this movie.
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Elemental (2023)
The movie I didn't know I needed
15 August 2023
I completely adore this movie. Waited for something like this forever. The animation was fantastic, and the details were astonishing. I felt like every frame had such debt. Many people hate this movie because it gives a Zootropolis vibe, but before that movie, we had Meet the Robinsons (2007) and before that one, we had Robots 2005. The concept of creating a dynamic new city is used widely. I believe people forget this and judge this movie unfairly. Like even big hero 6 gave that different take on a big city. But I still love all these movies because they still feel like their own universe. To just have the same vibe doesn't mean it ain't original. Also, I did not mind the deeper message of racism, in my opinion, it wasn't a forced concept like the recent live-action Disney remakes. I liked how the story made sense and didn't lose its integrity. My only negative thought was that the water guy looked ugly but I came to like him with time. This was a wonderful movie.

Other movies that I can think of in the same league: Arthur and the minimoys, bee movie etc..
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
A let down
11 August 2023
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At first glance, how the mermaids spoke and was animated under water was a let down, it looked very fake. I didn't expect them to do it as well as avatar but at least the same ballpark. Also I expected more from the under water castle, the original animated movie made it out so magical but this movie was only showing a basic reef. Honestly I wished for a more classic bright red head Ariel. The romance pictured between Ariel and Eric didn't get to me. I felt like Sebastien and the Bird was too realistic looking and people who are hearing impaired or for some reason can't hear the voice actors got no personality or visuals that expressed these characters' personalities. Lastly I really liked the evil octopus lady, but when they killed her dog made me sad. I felt bad for her, that wasn't necessary. Nah, not worth watching in my opinion.
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A feel good series, one of the better ones
31 July 2023
This series is a gem. It can be very light hearted, comedy and feel good. But what surprised me was that I was emotionally touched at multiple situations. I like how well rounded and how deep it goes without dragging you down mentally. I was happy when I finished this show. I for sure will keep this series in my favorite list and rewatch, but not anytime soon. I liked not knowing how it will end and question it. Why it lost two stars, was because comedy/lighthearted series is not my taste and it was a little too much to be a 10/10 series according to me. I really liked how they portrayed and digged deep on a child's relationship to their mom. How complicated that relationship can be and that concept of what would you say to or do with your parent if you get to see them after you loose them. That was very touching and well pictured, I believe some will find this series healing. It is family and kids friendly. This series could bennifit a struggling couple, it can be an eye-opener, and something that makes them reflect. Also for kids who might forsaken their attentive parents, this series might make them appreciate their parents more.
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The series lost me
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hated how week the boy that is the main character was and felt like to me. It was frustrating and annoying to see him be pushed around by the girl he liked. Not being able to handle the responsibility of his job and messing up. For an whole hour. I got to episode 2 and was done with this series. Why continue watching if it is not enjoyable. It started out good and had a lot of potential. But lost me. I just seen better drama crimes. I just didn't like the storyline at all. An ongoing police investigation and them trying to get away the entire show. IF you like a week pushed around male cast that mess up being hunted by the police, go ahead. It ain't for me though.
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Burn the House Down (2023– )
28 July 2023
I typically enjoy these types of dramas. I liked the storyline, but it felt like the creators for this specific series, didn't quite know how to really make this genre. I felt it was mediocre compared to really good revenge dramas, like The Glory for example. Still watchable and I had no regrets for spending my time on it. It was worth the time and I enjoyed it. But lower your hopes and expectations. Will this be a favorite, no. Will this be a perfectly watchable good Netflix drama, yes. I felt like the actors were alright to good. But their expressions and reactions didn't really meet with what the scene demanded.
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Only You (2014)
24 July 2023
This movie has some magical scenes and the main cast are so talented. They have such good chemistry. But the second half of the movie is where the movie lost me. I felt they were really pushing the drama aspect. It had some real bollywood vibe. For example, the water and the swing moment, the boxing thing or like the health thing. Am trying to explain without spoiling. But instead of emotionally affecting me I was internally thinking "COME ON". This had so much lost potential. I would not recommend this movie, I rather send the best scenes on tiktok and people have seen what they needed to see. IT was alright, it made a nice movie night. It was just a miss for me.
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Atonement (2007)
I preferred the little bits I seen on tiktok
24 July 2023
This movie is about being artsy. The big drawback with artsy films is that they become very dragged out and uncomprehensive. I watched this movie with someone else and they thought it was a 10 out of a ten. To be fair. It has gorgeous scenes, the actors was incredible. Am thinking of James McAvoy and Keira Knightley. I just wished for more dialogue, more interactions, less cinematics. I am not sure I even thought it was worth the watch, the incredible scenes that summed up in the trailer or the snippets on tiktok was enough. I didn't feel like it was worth seeing the rest. I do like the storyline though, very much, just not how it was executed.
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The Incident (I) (2015)
Missed the point
28 May 2023
I don't get the gloomy worn out look on the couple, there is no explanation behind it or reason for it. The plot line could have been more interesting, nothing really happens. A lot of pretty cinematics, very little interesting dialogue or interactions. Like wow a teenage girl snuck into your house, why is that such a trauma, it ain't a serial killer, there should be something more. She didn't do nothing. They missed out on a lot of build up and actual events to make this story. It felt incomplete or just flat. Good actors though. I liked how the wife found out about the wrong doings of the husband, at least it wasn't totally stereotypical.
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Flipped (I) (2010)
Adorable Gem
21 December 2022
This ain't especially well made or the best movie ever, cinematic wise. But the story and presentation of it was just right and very adorable. This was a nice family movie/chick flick. It leaves you with that good feeling you get of a wholesome movie. There was nothing that bothered me about it and it kept my attention, good actors, hence the high rating. But it still is just a really good movie. It didn't become a favorite or anything I particular would like to rewatch anytime soon, but maybe some day. I save the highest rating for those movies that touches your soul, incredible cinematics and complex unique wellthought out storyline.
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Wednesday (2022– )
6,5 but not great
19 December 2022
I like the dark humour of the family Addams, how it is almost creepy. This series was disappointing in the sense of it was way too kids friendly. I mean it tried being dark/creepy and had some great jokes and characters. Tim Burton did a great job, but his style did not show through in every aspect where it was very much needed. Like the storyline. But if I feel comfortable letting a ten-year-old watch this, then it isn't really the level of creepy/dark I expected when watching as an adult. I wished we saw some more of Wednesday in an ordinary school. After watching the trailer, that dynamic was really interesting and outside that trailer segment, there was nothing more basically. The plot here was nothing special honestly, a storyline we seen way too many times before, and it fell flat. I found this mediocre. Where the good pointers were mellowed down with bad ones. Did not regret watching it, but definitely not a favourite.
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quite peculiar in an extraordinary way
12 December 2022
I really liked the feeling of this movie. I can't describe it better than my heading. It ain't too dark for kids, but definitely could be watched by adults. It landed at a perfect middle ground. I enjoyed watching all the actors, I think every single one of them did a splendid job. This movie makes you feel like you are taken to an fantasy/magical version of reality, while still not being supernatural. It reminded me a little of Tim Burtons recent style. An similar movie to this could be Hugo 2011. Also Amelie 2001. Maybe a sprinkle of " A series of unfortunate events". I would say if you liked one of these, you would likely enjoy The Grand Budapest Hotel aswell.
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Blindness (2008)
10 December 2022
I think that some of the cinematics was really cool to see. I have read the book and to see an interpretation of what I imagined was wonderful. There was some stunning scenes to capture important parts from the book. I liked the villain actors at the prison, the already blind guy and the leader. But the rest of the cast I could not grow an attachment to. I think it was the editing that was bad. Or rather than bad, it was not right. The high exposer, grainy grey look, didn't succeed to create more of a mood for me. It was rather counterproductive. Also the ones that was supposed to do the sound work for this movie did a bad job, there was so much missed potential to make this movie more immersive.
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