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It's a Treat!
20 May 2012
Trick or Treat (1986) Director : Charles Martin Smith Starring: Marc Price, Tony Fields & Lisa Orgolini

Eddie Weinbauer is a typical all-American teenager. At least he was until he fell under the evil spell of ROCK MUSIC!

Now he's obsessed with the recently deceased Heavy Metal superstar Sammi Curr and as Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realise this isn't only Rock "N" Roll…it's life or death!

Trick or Treat combines horror, comedy and Heavy Metal into an entertaining brew. The handling of Eddie's humiliation at the hands of the hated jocks and his feelings of isolation is well done, while the scene where the recently resurrected Sammi Curr lays siege to the high school Halloween party is reminiscent of "Carrie". Throw in cameos from rock legends Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne and a rocking soundtrack from the band "Fastway "and you have a great slice of 80's cinema!

As rock-hating TV evangelist Reverend Aaron Gilstrom (Ozzy Osbourne) says after the credits roll "This could kick you off into being an absolute pervert".
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