
17 Reviews
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Absolute Drivel
29 April 2024
I NEVER give something I watch all the way through such a low rating, but I feel compelled to do so here.

It was only 3 episodes, beginning to end and it should have been so easy to get through, right? It wasn't until I had finished and left it to soak in my brain a couple of days that I realized how much this the proverbial "tempest in a teapot." The time and location is Britain's Margaret Thatcher days, full of trumpesque bravado and heartlessness toward the not rich of the country. The family in question in the summary is completely disfunctional and dependent on Thatcher's oppressive right wing years.

Enter a young, beautiful man in their family (at least he has brilliant blue eyes), a somewhat 'puffy' faced Dan Stevens, and they latch onto him like a second Savior.

This is only Dan's second major cinema job according to IMDB and he had yet mastered the use of his eyes to portray emotions as he does later in his career, so his performance seems not wooden, but blank. Therefore, as the narrative more and more depends on his character, the less we get of the important emotions being shared. This is fatal to the production, I feel.

I cannot, under any circumstances, recommend this 'mini series' to anyone.

I really like Dan's later works, especially 'the guest'.
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Tracker (2024– )
A Fantastic Beginning...
4 March 2024
I've watched Justin Hartley since he was Green Arrow on Smallville (Young Superman) 2006-2011. He has always been very well built, very nice, and had an easy big smile. His acting has only gotten better, and in "Tracker" he displays his fullness in exciting tales reminiscent of Lucas Till and "MacGyver" which CBS should NOT have cancelled. This show is NOT dark and full of Violence like most shows these days so it may not appeal to younger people who seem to flock to those types of shows. It's not just for older people either; it's just a nice. Mostly calm mystery each week - of course everything has to be solved, per network tv formulas, but the cast is competent and the stories interesting as well as the surrounding nature shots.

The supporting staff he enjoys with his adventures tracking people who are missing are mostly one dimension but good. The emphasis is on Justin Hartley and his actions to find people as he displays traits he has learned from childhood on self reliance, survival and an ability to read signals left everywhere.

Please support this show and watch every episode on CBS or Paramount+
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This is Bait and Switch, Simply Put
18 October 2023
I don't care what reviewers say is an 'homage' to Edgar Allan Poe or that it's MY fault expecting horror and getting a Succession-type story in Gothic surroundings. Invoking the Edgar Allen Poe story is a complete sham. This piece of work is just that, a piece. It's about a conniving, greedy, immoral and corrupt family coming to grips with the fact that 'the gig is up' and they are all at risk of losing everything - and this is only the first episode, which is usually called the pilot, an explanatory beginning that shows networks what the series is about, and what it has to draw in viewership, before the rest of the series is green-lighted. Pshaw, this is more like making a horrible dish in a pan and deciding to throw it on the wall to see if it sticks.

For me, it didn't stick. I got through most of the first episode before my brain decided it was time to stop or blow up. They couldn't have done much worse if they were spending an hour showing pictures of bodies ripped apart and blood flowing all over the screen. It disgusted me, it nauseated me, it made me say a prayer for those lost souls who wrote this tripe.

-5 is a better score than I used.
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Invisible City (2021–2023)
Refreshing yet confusing
11 June 2023
I like supernatural and this was my choice for the day - I was drawn mostly by the male lead, Marco Pigossi. The Brazilian Portugese was well translate and I had no difficulty understanding what was said although I must admit I got a little lost a couple of times. It's a good tale and the main attaction throghout was Marco Pigossi's character. He was always kind and respectful and super macho in the best sense possible, trying to save the animals and the people around him while trying to take care of his daughter after his wife died. I haven't seen him before in anything but I'll be watching for more of him; He has a look about him in his eyes you want to believe anything he says and do what he says. The man is beautiful in all ways.
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Wolf Pack: Incendiary (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Blew My Mind
27 February 2023
Well I said after 2 episodes, give it a chance, and it's paying off now.

As usual the young ones are each pulling their weight even though they don't know for sure what that weight is (Smile). The Concerned Parents and Adults are in a totally different universe. I like seeing what teenagers these days are going through on a daily basis. Some things never change, they're just updated. This show is enjoyable and there are many more that aren't. The original Teen Wolf was hard to watch - what I thought was the fault of the show, upon re-watching it without commercials I find they they were the fault. It was a much better show than I ever thought. This one too.
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Give this a Chance It's Good
19 February 2023
For those of you who do not remember the first few episodes of Teen Wolf, go back and watch them. What major star lent their presence to get this teen story started? None I saw. Only the street cred of then-singular music source MTV got that series on TV, and the bang at the beginning wasn't as big as Wolf Pack's.

I grant that Sarah Michelle Geller, famous for her Buffy series, could have been introduced better, but that is not her issue, it's the writers. Her issue is the continued straight face she must put on as the only two episodes available allow, although I would swear I saw the humor and michief in her eyes once or twice. Work on that, would you Jeff Davis?

As far as the younglings go, this is an up-to-date version of what teenagerhood is as far as I can see (and thank God I'm far removed from that horror and heartbreak) so I feel sympathetic and somewhat confused that nothing has changed for our future adults after all this time. Puberty hurts. Some are sympathetic, some are in a coma, some rebel, but these young people on the screen are a good representation of the adults of tomorrow.

All this wringing of hands and outright condemnation over two episodes reminds me of network TV of old, where some shows were pulled after one or two episodes without letting them show what promise lay ahead. Come on, people, lighten up and give this a break. This is the land of streaming. And after all, this is Jeff Davis, the hero who led us through some crazy stuff for six seasons in Teen Wolf, and despite MTV's intrudence on the show with multiple commercials, some great fantasy and horror moments. Watch it again without commercials; it's fantastically better!

Just for showing up and giving us a basic start to hopefully another many season legend, I give Wolf Pack a hearty and hopeful 10 out of 10.
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8.5 but....The Ending Ruins It
21 August 2022
This was a very low key, engrossing horror tale wrapped up in four people's emotions. Kevin Durand's slow paced Sheriff's voice and deliberate actions make you slow down and process more clearly what's happening to this small town. Interesting elements I've seen in Stephen King movies, like all the animals and birds fleeing the area add to the spookiness and general disquiet you feel as the film progresses.

Lukas Haas as deputy Sheriff plays his part well, also as an ex-patriot from NYC. It is a paper thin degree from creepy and well played by all. I would give it an 8.5 if I could, but that dam ending. Why oh why, filmmakers?
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Why do writers and the World hate SuperHeroes Now?
18 July 2022
Henry Cavill, the best Superman in my opinion, is no more.

Chris Pine and his cast on Star Trek, the best I think, is no more.

Chris Evans, the best Captain America, is no more, as is most of the Avengers.

The studios involved, the corporate owners of the names, are destroying a lot of childhoods and honest people trying to be good in a time of extreme hate in our real world. Its ridiculous.

And now they've done it again with Tom Holland as Spiderman, making sure there's not another. Marvel's trying on a Black Captain America, and now as one of the charcacters said in this movie, why isn't there a Black Spiderman? God help us - next is females taking male leads everywhere. Men are the enemy now, especially ANY white men. God forbid haters would be more specific.

These aren't really spoilers; there's no need as this movie is really really really bad from the start, and through to the end.

Only Tom Holland, still naive but a good person, in a more buffed up body, and Dr. Strange, seemingly confused the entire movie, are any good. Special mention Andrew Garfield, for honest looking emotion. I can't believe budget was 200 and it has already made 800 (Billion Dollars). It shows how starved we are for good superhero movies; I wonder how many who paid to see this in theatres came out feeling good?

Another very sad landmark in American History.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Proxima the Cat was the Real Star of This Movie
14 November 2021
Proxima was great in her debut. A real stand-out. Feelings expressed, motions fluid and graceful. Beautiful coat.

The three leads were also good; Dwayne, Emily, and Jack. The film REALLY suffers from not enough writing (?) - I'm not sure, but it played exactly like our years-ago Pirates ride at Disneyland - very long, with few interludes with interesting characters. Instead of 2 hrs 15 this could have been 1 hr 15, which is a real shame, because I was intrigued with the whole premise. I'm glad it wasn't non-stop action, but there was so much 'dead air' time, radio-wise. What did the preview audiences think? Or were there? Someone dropped the ball for everyone except for serving theatre concession stands. Disappointing.
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Cruella (2021)
A Sad and Infuriating Tribute to 2021
9 September 2021
My wife and I watched this thinking it was a more adult version of 101, but discovered it was just a perfect salute to the Cynicism of Today, a culmination that started with Zak Snyder, the whole Marvel Universe destroying itself, the DC destroying of Superman, and all that is WRONG in America today. The ONLY sympathetic character in this movie is the poor mutt that stands loyally by Emma Stone's character; coming in second is the sad man who is in love with her. Both lose out most of the film. All the other characters, except the usual loyal John, are so full of cynicism, greed, and self absorbance to be obscene about it. This is NOT a Disney film, no matter what the beginning says or the final credits say. Walt must be turning over in his grave to have his name put to this trash. Unacceptable, regrettable, and a sign of the times that our democracy is doomed by indifference and incredible self indulgence.
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Much More Than I Expected
15 August 2021
This was not your usual war is hell movie, first for the enemy of course, but second for the repercussions of all that has come before and what comes after we the audience arrive on the scene.

I can't say more without spoiling it; my two problems with the movie was one, the incessant fighting at times. Hollywood always drags out a fight and it's tiresome. Second, I felt there was some CGI or odd makeup on Chris Pratt's face at some places in the movie, but not all. I don't know what it was but it was distracting.

Otherwise it was a good movie for me and mostly enjoyable, and a bit emotional as well.
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This is definitley worth a look. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
25 July 2020
I was wary at first, having read a review that said something at the hour mark ruined the movie. Nothing happened like that. From the beginning, and throughout, my attention was captivated. There was an 'event' the occurred and permanently affected the entire planet. The story shifts to 10 years later and our heroine leads us and her through the rest of what I think is a very good mystery about what happened before and is happening now. Lots of twists and turns later it finishes as a fine piece of work, I think. Lots of heart and lots of thoughtful action and discovery. It is not a 'horror' movie, but a supernatural/natural one. 9 thumbs up.
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The Outsider (2020)
Stephen King should be pleased
15 February 2020
I am on episode 5 and I had to stop watching it at night it just freaks and creeps me out. Along with the story, the music actually made me more nervous (scared?) and I usually love horror stories, but this series takes the cake for suspense, horror and anticipation. 10 frightening stars!
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Supergirl: Falling (2016)
Season 1, Episode 16
Dark Day for Superheroes
11 April 2016
After all the negativity going on with Batman vs Superman and the attempted destruction of every superhero we grew up with, this episode takes the cake for the stupidest most depressing anti-superhero episode of the Supergirl series. If they want Supergirl to continue to be on TV they have to stop this storyline. There's too much cynicism in today's culture and to try to destroy all the goodness represented by superheroes like Superman and Supergirl is just an expression of that cynicism. If I wanted to see that I could just watch news instead of TV shows and movies that try to destroy all that is good in the world. Wake up people to the nonsense and rise up and stop this before there's nothing left to believe in.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
M. Night Shyamalan's Worst screenplay
6 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think, for one, that there are any spoilers in this but I have to say there are in case you figure certain things out, I guess. I really have little to say except I wish I had seen the cost of the film first would have realized there couldn't be much to it, and indeed there wasn't. Even less. Once you knew what was happening (after an hour into it) there was nothing else to say but beware the awfulness that follows. It is a shameful waste of film, cast and crew and Universal should not have allowed it to be distributed. Horrible horrible movie. IMDb says I have to have ten lines to submit this - The movie is not worth two lines, sigh, but it is about two youngsters sent to their grandparents for a week while their Mom frolics with her boyfriend. They began to notice changes in the oldsters and tell Mom but she advises calm. The audience is made aware that on two visits by outsiders from town, the grandparents are "not at home" - we're not shown where they are but the assumption is that they are out for a walk or something. Once the major plot twist occurs all hell breaks loose (loosely speaking) and the Mom after a skype call becomes agitated and advises the children to be careful. Still an awful movie. Wouldn't even make a good short story over ten pages. It didn't make sense (why the grandparents were weird) and well I'm stopping now because I'm getting a headache thinking about it. Nothing good about it except the young boy (Ed Oxenbould)and his performance. I have seen many many movies in my lifetime and have found some good in almost all of them. Not this one.
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Straight A's (2013)
Only the Editor needs to Walk the Plank
20 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was choppy in places and the ending "scene" was sloppily done. Otherwise it was a charming little movie devoid of violence and gore. I don't understand the R rating as all I saw was a few curses and one joint-smoking. This movie isn't something children would enjoy anyway; it's what years ago would've been marked as M for mature. One brother brings home a girl and the other brother ends up marrying her - then many moons later the story we see begins (as the poster already suggests).

Ryan Phillipe and Anna Paquin were good in this movie; Luke Wilson seemed strained the whole time, though. I enjoyed the plot, the story and the locale. I don't watch Hallmark TV novellas so I don't know anything about them; this was a sweet trip through a nice story.
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This was a really fun movie
10 May 2009
This movie couldn't have strayed completely from Jules Verne - it was the inspiration, after all. As such, Brendan Fraser delivers another completely fun time for all. Brendan is one of a very few "comfort" actors, someone who makes you feel like he is not only performing for you but having a great time doing it. This was the spirit of the first Indiana Jones movie that seemed to dim in later sequels.

I'm glad I didn't see this in 3D - firstly they charge too much for the glasses, and secondly it always has and always will be a 'gimmick' that detracts from the movie plot and theme.

In 2D this was a great time - I've seen it three times and it doesn't dull with viewing. It is a spectacular remake of the story, and if you don't think so, watch any of the previous versions. This is just the kind of escapist movie we all need right now, and next to "Transformers" this is the best!
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