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Jersey Girl (2004)
Ignore the backlash, it's not actually that bad
6 June 2011
Since it's been 7 years since the film came out, I thought I would give Jersey Girl a chance because I'd never actually seen it. I was pleasantly surprised.

By far, it's not an original plot, a father struggles with parenthood and his life completely changing over night. That being said, however, the characters are likable and it's full of warmth.

Ben Affleck brings a good performance and some very emotional scenes, Liv Tyler's character could have been fleshed out a little more, George Carlin is wonderfully grumpy, wise and loving throughout.

I think the film suffered greatly at it's time of release due to the whole Ben Affleck/Jennifer Lopez break up and the executive meddling which caused Gigi to be such a huge flop.

At it's heart, Jersey Girl, is a heart warming, comedy-drama, with a good cast, it falls into clichés at times, but it's very enjoyable. If you haven't seen it and the genre is something you might typically enjoy, then give it a try.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Amores Perros: Both good and wretched
17 August 2009
Amores Perros is a film which I did not enjoy, it's not a bad film but it's just not enjoyable.

Three stories are connected by both one event and the use of dogs. The actors are quite good, the film is shot well but it drags, especially in the middle portion of the film which is unfortunate as the characters from the middle story are the most likable.

The violent backdrop of dogfighting is extremely hard to watch for dog and animal lovers, some of the scenes are just too close to the bone. In my opinion I think that it departed from drama and art and crossed the line into senseless and horrific violence.

The actual mixing of the stories was very jarred which seemed to weaken the film and there seemed to be too many plot points unresolved by the end of the film.

I scored the film 5 out of 10, due to it's problems with pacing, plot and un-likable characters. I wouldn't recommend this film to any animal lovers but those who liked the film 'Crash' might enjoy it.
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A classic Scooby Doo Movie
30 June 2009
Personally speaking I love Ghoul School, it's not as good as Reluctant Werewolf or Boo Brothers (my personal favourite) but I enjoy it a lot more than Scooby Doo goes Hollywood. I used to watch it all the time when I was a kid I only stopped watching it so I could prevent the video from completely wearing out.

I'm not really a fan of the newer movies like witches ghost or zombie island, it's not that I think their bad I just prefer the cell animation that I watched when I was growing up.

Any kid who loves Scooby Doo will probably enjoy watching this film, there are some cheesy puns in it but I don't think that will bother them.
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A little dated but still has charm
21 June 2009
I hate getting a film you loved as a child and watching it as an adult only to find it's completely lost it's magic over time. Having pushed all my videos to the back of a dark cupboard, I hadn't actually watched the film in years until I bought it last week on DVD.

Ferngully has it's problems, some of the songs were written with the days music heavily in the forefront so they haven't really stood the test of time. The overall message of taking care of the environment will seem heavy handed to an adult, although I remember feeling inspired by it as a child.

That aside I cannot vault the voice acting, Tim Curry, Robin Williams, Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis, they all deliver great performances. The animation is terrific and looks very much like Disney movies of the time. The stories hero's are compelling to watch, you really do care about what happens to them as it progresses to the climax, all this is woven together with touching little moments in the animation and a clever and funny set of supporting characters.

Will children today enjoy it? I'd say let them watch it, everyone has their own tastes and preferences and it's no different with children. They'll either like it or they won't.

I'm not sure if an adult who missed it as a child will enjoy it, again I think it depends on the person, but if this was a part of your childhood, it might be worth seeing it again I think it still definitely has a place in my heart.
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The Devil's Chair (II) (2007)
Don't take it too seriously, isn't the worst film ever made but it's no classic either
11 May 2009
I only bought this film because it was on sale for £3, I didn't expect much from it but strangely I enjoyed it. That's not to say I thought it was a good movie, to be honest I thought it was a pretty bad movie but I still got a kick from watching it.

I think as long as you don't expect a brilliant plot, you can enjoy this film. There's a couple of overblown gore scenes but it kinda feels like a cheap 80's horror film which, if you're a fan of those, is nicely nostalgic.

Because they haven't over thought the plot in an attempt to seem clever, you can tell what's going to happen from about five minutes in, but the acting in the film is surprisingly decent & the effects are pretty good to boot. I liked it a whole lot more than the likes of 'Shrooms' but then this film was never going to be as good as 'Severance'. Although if you consider they only had 2 weeks to prepare this film, with only 3 days to write the script, then they did a great job.

I'll be interested in seeing the other films these guys have made to see if they can do any better.
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The Bank Job (2008)
Slow start, but gets much better
18 July 2008
My dad kinda shoved this DVD in my hand and told me to watch it, I'm glad I did because I quite enjoyed it.

I'm usually not one for crime films, but this one has a particular charm that had me interested throughout.

Colourful characters and a light and often engaging script contributed to this films charm. It's not all action either, so you won't get bored by constant gun fights.

It's hard to not get caught up in the mystery of the piece, I would recommend it to anyone who wanted to watch a fun film with clever characters and an interesting plot.
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Jaws (1975)
My favourite film of all time
18 July 2008
At the tender age of 3, my mother made the mistake of allowing me to watch this film, which subsequently sparked a life long obsession with sharks.

I must own 12 copies of this film, (not including the sequels) and every time I re-watch it, I go back to that moment in my childhood when I first saw it and became utterly enthralled.

I don't care that the shark isn't the greatest looking model in the world, because Spielberg carefully crafts the tension in such a way, that there are moments when I still jump out of my seat.

This is one of those films that everyone should see at least once, it will never age and never become dull.
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Gabriel (2007)
WOW... An unexpected masterpiece
18 July 2008
To be honest, I wasn't expecting much of this film, but I am happy to say that I was completely blown away by it.

The lead actors Andy Whitfield (Gabriel) and Dwaine Stevenson (Samael) were amazing, I couldn't believe that neither of them had done much work before, in my opinion, these are two men who have the potential to go far. Not that the supporting cast wasn't brilliant, Harry Pavlidis (Uriel) stole his scenes completely and Michael Piccirilli (Asmodeus) portrayed his character so well, he made my skin crawl.

When I read that the film was made on a ridiculously low budget, I was shocked, it didn't get in the way of the film whatsoever.

The plot and premise it very original and is carried out in an interesting and often spell-binding way. I was completely held from start to finish and think that in one viewing, it has made its way into my top ten films of all time.

I don't know what else I can say about this film expect for: watch it.
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Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Has none of the originals charm
18 July 2008
I am quite fond of creature features and I am a huge fan of the original Lake Placid. However, this outing is nothing to get excited about.

It is a merely a re-hash of the original with poorer characters, a much lower (and obviously so) budget, no wit or charm. It starts off well, I was actually willing to ignore the poor special effects if there had been a good story to back up the film, but unfortunately, there was nothing.

This film could have easily been a sequel to the 'Crocodile' series, if it hadn't been so clearly trying to rip off the first instalment. One wonders why they actually bothered to make it at all.

It's painful when you realise that the largest amount of research done for the film is probably read aloud by one of the characters in a slightly condescending tone. I think I could have picked up more information from a Puffin Book.

I have tried to look for positive things to say about the film, all I can say is that the actors aren't bad, its s pity they had such a poor script to work with.

Rather than wasting your time with this film, just re-watch the original. Or if you want to see a slightly cheesy crocodile movie, watch Crocodile 2:Deathroll, instead.
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Good premise, good effects, good plot, good cast, AWFUL characters
18 July 2008
It got to around the half way mark before I realised what had been bugging me all the way through the film. I pretty much sat thinking; this film isn't bad, so why aren't I excited or scared or willing the characters on? I finally realised it was because I didn't care about the characters in the film whatsoever. Now the idea is brilliant, the effects and make up are great, the cast is good and the script isn't bad, its just that the characters are so flat, I don't care what happens to them.

I really wanted this film to be good, I'd heard a lot of people telling me that it was a great re-telling of a movie monster classic. However, because there is little establishment at the start and practically no development throughout the film, you're watching flat 2D characters walk around on screen for 108 minutes, without much rhyme or reason.

If I were recommending vampire films to people, this would not be on the top of the list, I would much rather watch the likes of Dusk Till Dawn or Blade.
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I'm not sure what the hell was going on 'last summer'
17 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
*MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* (Though, I tried to avoid as much as possible) I was utterly torn on the scoring of this film, on one hand I wanted to give it a much higher score, but on the other I also wanted to give it a much lower one. Allow me to explain: I started watching this film quite dubiously, thinking it was quite a boring rehash of the original film, but about 20 minutes in, I really started to enjoy it. The characters were colourful and very likable, the dialogue was clever and interesting and the plot had me more than a little 'hooked.' (<- see what I did there?) I was all out ready to praise this movie to high heaven, already planning my IMDb review at the half way stage. It got to around 70 minutes into the film and I was thinking; wow, this film is excellent, I REALLY can't figure out who the killer is...

(By this stage I had long dismissed the two main, big suspects as Red Herrings.) Then just at the climax of the film I thought; Brilliant, I get to find out who it is, I love films I can't figure out like this...

Then the killer was revealed and I was left thinking: What....? I mean... WHAT?! What the hell is going on?! I spent the remaining 15 minutes scratching my head wondering why the hell it all suddenly changed from a really good 'whodunnit' slasher flick into a fairly cheesing and disappointing film.

*WARNING spoilers follow here* I would like to know why exactly the director thought; I know! Instead of making this so far, very good and completely believable film into a fresh relaunch of the franchise, I'm going to make the killer a zombiefied demon/ghost/thing instead. Note to the director: it's been done.

Slasher films with supernatural killers just do not work, see Urban Legends: Bloody Mary, if you don't believe me.

In my mind I rewrote the ending into the killer being one of the other girls on the ferris wheel at the beginning, because that would have been more believable than what happened. So I gave it a 6 because up until the last 15 minutes or so, it really is a very good film, just after that it turns into a: what the hell did I just watch? - type of film.
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I don't hate the world anymore, but I still love this film...
17 July 2008
I first saw this film around 1996, when I was 13 and just going into that 'I hate the world and everything about it' phase that most teenagers go through. I fell in love with it there and then and over the years I've owned 5 separate copies.

Not just because of the unbelievably brilliant soundtrack, not just because of the real and relate-able characters, not just because of the engaging and original plot, but because I still feel now, what I first felt when I saw the film. Sometimes everyone feels that they're alone and it takes another voice, one coming from a someone you might not even ever have met reminding you that everyone feels that crushing loneliness and only you can change that.

Even now that I'm nearing my mid-twenties and every time I watch this film I want to 'Rise up in the cafeteria' and 'stab my teachers with a plastic fork.' Being a teenager sucks, its probably the most free time of your life, but everything from parents, to homework, to hormones prevents most from truly enjoying the experience.

I want every teenager to watch this film, I want every person who looks back on their teen years with regret to watch this film, I want every person who's forgotten what its like to be a teenager to watch this film. I think there's room in just about everyone's heart for it.
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One of my favourite films of all time
17 July 2008
I almost didn't want to comment, because I simply cannot match some of the wonderfully eloquent things that have already been said about this film, however, because it is an all time favourite of mine, I simply cannot resist.

How anyone can not like this film is beyond me, I have read a lot of reviews of this film, both positive and negative and the negative points people have made I couldn't disagree more with. The film isn't about Iggy Pop and David Bowie, it isn't even about two gay men, its about two people who are falling in love at the most inopportune and exploitable moments of their lives.

The characters aren't just engaging, they are addictive, the plot isn't just compelling, it's spellbinding. The acting cannot be faulted, the casting is perfect and the soundtrack is one that I have barely gone a week without listening to in the last ten years.

After badgering him for the last five years or so, I finally convinced a friend to watch this film. At the end I asked him what he thought and he just looked quite pensive for a moment and then turned to me and said: I wish I had watched this film years ago when you first told me about it.

I don't allow myself to watch it often, even though I own 3 copies of it, I save it for special occasions when I want to be completely glued to my TV screen. If you have never seen the film, I urge you to watch it this minute and allow it to become deep-set in your heart. If you have seen the film and didn't find it as wonderful as I do, then I actually, genuinely feel physically sorry for you, that you are unable to enjoy this cinematic masterpiece.
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The Return of the Bad Sequel
17 July 2008
The only reason I have rated this film 3 instead of 1 is because I absolutely ADORED the performance of Jeffrey Combs, even though the director ignored the brilliant use of camera work for the previous instalment and completely ruined the character.

Let me say that I'm quite a big fan of both the previous film and the original film, but this pile of tripe was a poor, poor excuse for a horror film.

We'll start with the cast, Dr Dave from ER, two Jason Statham lookalikes, a metro-sexual token black man and Lucy Liu's angry lesbian sister made up our bad guys. A girl whom I'd never seen before was the lead with Connor from Primeval (with a pretty convincing American accent) and Del from Blakes 7 (with a fairly muddled accent) holding up team 'heroes.' The only character whom I did not want to die a gory and elaborate death was Dr Vannacutt, but since he was already dead there wasn't much chance there.

Don't get me wrong, some of the actors were great, but the script was poor, the plot was tragic and the entire premise went against half of the things established in the first film. Some of the characters were idiots and made clearly stupid mistakes. The writer was clearly aware of how stupid these mistakes were because every time someone made a stupid decision, they were questioned and then given a lame response.

If the film was called something else entirely like 'Haunted House Film' for example, and the idea that this is supposed to follow on from the previous film was scrapped entirely, then the film may have faired a little better.

However, it was just a typical haunted house film, tacked onto a previous success, much in the same manner of 'Dirty Dancing 2' and 'Save the last Dance 2', its well past the point of a sequel and it just disappoints completely. Give it a miss and just watch the original instead.
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I Know Who Bored Me...
17 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
*MAY HINT OR IMPLY DETAILS OF THE PLOT* I have rated this movie 2 out of 10 because the core cast of the film actually laid out a good performance, even though the script was bland and the characters flatter than pancakes. Of course that compliment does not extend to Jessica 'lonelygirl15' Lee Rose, who spent most of her five minutes of screen time staring open mouthed at things. (I need to point out that I was a fan of lg15 before she left and only watched the movie because she was in it.) I know who killed me has a brilliant premise, unfortunately, it was so poorly executed that I spent the vast majority of the film checking to see how long was left before the head-ache inducing overuse of red and blue lit scenes would end.

This film is listed as a 'mystery thriller', it could have been more accurately titled a double bill episode of Murder She Wrote. Only the spectacular Angela Lansbury has been recast as Lynsey Lohan.

Sleuths and fans of murder mysteries in general may guess or have a good inkling of who is behind everything within the first 10 to 15 minutes or so, fans of 'whodunnit' horror's who don't spot it at the start will probably get it around the half-way mark. Idiots who think the film is deep and suspenseful will be left guessing till the end. (Note: anyone who can't work out a humongous clue shoved directly into their face, may object to being called an idiot.) I figured it out pretty much as soon as they give it away in the first 15 minutes of the film, which left me agonising over the rest, hoping that like in all good 'Murder She Wrote' episodes, there would be a good wrap up at the end, I was left sorely disappointed.

The director chose the use of harsh primary colours red and blue to accent certain aspects of the film, the director had clearly watched the 'Trois Couleurs' trilogy far too many times and thought he could pull it off; he was horrendously wrong. The colour is significant I GET IT, now go back and light your scenes properly! It was simply shoved down my throat too much to actually enjoy a piece of monochrome film-work.

I would say you'd be better off watching a feature length 'Columbo' or a few episodes or 'Murder She Wrote' or CSI or Criminal Minds, than watch this particular film.
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Match Point (2005)
Dark, engaging and utterly breathtaking
9 July 2008
Allow me to begin by saying this is the first (and only) Woody Allen film I have seen and I was completely blown away.

I bought the film on DVD because Jonathan Rhys Meyers is one of favourite actors, but I didn't get chance to catch it in the cinema. Now I wish I had made the time, since my initial purchase, I must have re-watched the film at least seventy times.

I just cannot tire of the story, I find it hard to do anything but give it my complete attention every time I put the disc in my DVD player.

The characters in the film are rich, complex and at times, enthralling. The acting is superb, the script is rounded and thoroughly well-written and I honestly cannot find a complaint about the film at all.

If you are a Woody Allen fan or not, you will be held from start to finish by this stunning piece of cinema.

(Special note: League of Gentlemen fans, watch out for cameos by both Steve Pemberton and Mark Gatiss.)
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The Cottage (2008)
Funny and gory
8 July 2008
I wasn't expecting much from this film from reviews I had heard, but I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed the film immensely. From the start I was hooked on the relationship between brothers Peter (Reece Shearsmith - league of gentlemen) and David (Andy Serkis - gollum.) With a good supporting cast of Andrew (Steve O'Donnell - Spudgun from Bottom) and Tracey (Jennifer Ellison), the film puts a new take on black comedy.

It is in a different vein to the likes of Shaun of the Dead, Severance and Black Sheep, but not without it's merit. I found the story as interesting as the colourful characters and there were several moments I found myself hiding between the gaps of my fingers.

Horror fans will enjoy some especially gory bits and a cameo from Hellraiser favourite, Doug Bradley.

I recommend you give the film a go, it might not be to everyone's personal taste, but I think most will at least enjoy watching it.
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Fun to watch but doesn't hold up to the previous sequels
28 June 2008
I'm a big fan of cheerleader movies, so I looked forward to watching this film. Overall I would say it isn't as good as the previous sequel (Bring it on: All or Nothing), but it does have a few things to say for itself.

The characters are very likable and the acting is good, there are some particularly fun moments to watch, however the script is weak and the finale doesn't have the same WOW factor as previous attempts in the franchise.

It felt like the director was far too busy trying to reference other films than concentrate on this one. The plot is very slow at the mid way point and drags into a disappointing finale.

Those things aside, there isn't a great amount of 'we've seen this all before' so fans of the franchise will probably enjoy it, but perhaps not as much as the other films. If the next film in the franchise has a little less pep and a little more plot, it could be quite good.
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Better than expected, lots of fun to watch
28 June 2008
The characters are likable, the script is great, the acting is brilliant and the finale holds up to the original. All in all, I had great fun watching this film.

I wasn't expecting it to be good, in fact I was expecting it to be quite poor, but I was pleasantly surprised. I think fans of the original will like the film very much and happily watch it alongside.

Expect to see quite a few movie references, but they don't feel forced, so a natural part of the dialogue. I would quite happily recommend this friends who were fans of the franchise or otherwise.

So far it's my favourite of the sequels (though I have yet to watch Bring it on again).
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The Mist (2007)
A new classic piece of horror!
26 March 2008
I must begin by saying, that I HATE adaptations. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, a book to movie adaptation will just inspire hours long of ranting from myself about how much the movie cut from the plot.

However, in this case, I have to say that I was very impressed. 'The Mist' is one of my favourite Stephen King stories and I was more than pleased with the adaptation.

The suspense throughout the movie is laid on thickly, which at some points can be uncomfortable to sit through. Without having to rely on jumps and gore, The Mist creates a reminder of the tension that horror movies used to be so good at.

While the characters are likable and the dialogue isn't heavy with undertones, the simple idea that the monsters outside, can become the monsters inside you, is one I can get on-board with.

The main players, Thomas Jane and Laurie Holden are generous and do not try to steal the screen away from excellent supporting actors such as William Sadler, Jeffery DeMunn and Frances Sternhagen. Performances across the board were generally compelling to watch, at no point did I ever think; that guy was better in _______ film. The rawness of the film made it feel more like we were watching a snippet or real life. No matter how extraordinary the circumstances.

Some die-hard fans of the novella, may be unhappy with some of the directors choices, but overall, I felt it was an excellent way of spending two hours.
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A film we have forgot?
7 May 2007
I first saw this film when I was a child, it had always stuck out in my mind and I was lucky enough to see it again recently.

Although the effects are not spectacular, they aren't terrible. In fact they are pretty good considering the era.

The characters are well written and likable, the dialogue is not over-complicated with technical terms but remains clever and enjoyable to follow.

A real empathy is established for the characters who find themselves in a seemingly fantastic but dangerous situation.

All in all I find the film enjoyable for anyone to watch and recommend it highly.
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This viewers suicide.....
2 May 2007
A friend recommended this film to me and I have to say, it will be the last time I ever take her advice.

I haven't read the book, so I am not concerned with adaptation, more that the film was so dull I nearly fell asleep. Twice.

Coppola uses, what I presume she must think are 'poignant' shots and slow-motion sequences, in an effort to try and convince, we the viewers that this is not the most slow story ever told.

After a vaguely interesting first ten minutes, it was all down hill from there. Left without any weight in the script after the theme of the film (which would be young girls, committing suicide) it fails to address anything which could be vaguely interesting.

There is simply no 'gotta' in this film. I didn't pause the DVD, when going to the toilet, thinking; oh, I just gotta find out what happens next. For the first time in a while, I was watching the timer, wondering when the film would just end. There is no force, no driving edge.

I do not blame the fact that this is supposedly a 'thinker,' plenty of films which are merely there to tell a story, I have enjoyed in the past. It is merely that Coppola presumed the strength of the book's fan-base could carry her amateurish directing 'skills' through the 97 minutes.

The film is pretentious and dull. If you want to watch a film that deals with the issues of teenage suicide which is actually good, watch Heathers.
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Cruel Intentions 2 (2000 Video)
Good intentions - Terrible execution....
27 April 2007
What can I say about Cruel intentions 2? Well, I can say in all honesty, I will only watch this film again if I am fastened to a chair and have my eyes opened clockwork-orange-style.

The film 'stars' Robin Dunne (No, I never heard of him either), whose awful impression of Ryan Phillipe made me cringe throughout. In a case of terrible casting, Dunne attempts (and fails) to carry off playing a handsome charismatic, charmer. Since the actor is not handsome, nor charismatic nor charming, the character is left wholly unbelievable. Amy Adams, (she was in an episode of buffy one time), tries to pick up where Sarah Michelle Gellar left off and bring scheming Katherine to life... However, Adams is not that good a an actress and her performance was flat and lacking in any real emotion, often she looked like she was reading cue cards just off camera. There were two good actors in the film however, Barry Flatman (Saw 2 & Saw 3) and Mimi Rogers (Mrs Kensington in Austion Powers), made very good and entertaining performances as the parents of Sebastian and Katherine and are the only reason why I rated the film as a 2, not a 1.

The film itself is a poor version of the original, with such lows as carbon copy's of dialogue and mimicked scenes which lacked the originality of the previous film.

I think that as a TV show, it might have worked, but if it had been recasted with people who could actually act in the main parts.
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Such a let down
4 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
***Contains spoilers*** It would have been such a good episode if I hadn't figured it out in the first five minutes of the program starting.

Aside from the fact that the prosthetics were blatantly obvious and anyone worth their salt should have spotted them as being such when seeing them, the killer used the interesting tack of using serial killers names, Michael Myers could have been passed off as coincidence, but Pamela Voorhees? Has no one in the CSI department of Las Vegas seen any horror movies? Let alone the fact that it was only realised by them about 35 minutes in when the name 'F.Krueger' was thrown into the mix.

I found myself utterly frustrated by this episode, almost shouting at the screen at the blatant stupidity of the characters.
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X-men the last straw
13 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
**WARNING CONTAINS MASSIVE SPOILERS** Let me open by saying; I have been a fan of X-men for a while, I read some comics, I was an avid fan of the animated series, I had one or two minor complaints about the first two films, drastic character changes and what have you, but otherwise I throughly enjoyed them.

When my friend purchased the movie on DVD for us to watch last night, I was quite looking forward to it, I had seen the promotions and trailers and was fairly excited with the prospect of Angel and phoenix making an appearance. I was unaware that Singer had left the project however this was made abundantly aware about 20 minutes into the film.

As a movie fan my complaints would be listed as such: too much action without the occasional light relief break we had from the first two films, inconsistencies from the first two films, a poorly developed script and subplot with a string of off -shoots that were spread too sparsely.

As an X-men fan my complaints would be: Professor X died, Cyclops was killed, Mystique was robbed of her powers, Magento was also (although a tiny blink-and-you'll-miss-it hint at the end implied otherwise), Jean Gray was killed by Wolverine in an over blown action sequence that was all about CG and nothing about the film. The plot was originally supposed to be about Phoenix, the phoenix saga, is a saga it could barely be done justice in 3 films, but the whole thing was rushed and mixed together with the 'cure' plot line which was meshed together in a big mess. Death was ultimately implied for Pyro, juggarnaut, phat, spike and several others which i don't care to name.

Considering the amount of promotion involving Angel, the character was severely underused, as was phoenix who mostly just stood there and stared for the vast majority of the film. Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) was a pointless addition to this film also, the previous films had all been about characters, this was a useless addition.

Perhaps one of my biggest complaints was Rogue having the cure and her powers taken away from her. This sends the wrong message completely and makes her character seem weak.

By the end of the film I felt like crying, because one of my favourite marvel comics had been raped by this director and turned into an all-action no-plot disappointment.

I urge any fan of the X-men to not waste either your time or your money on this film. It was a shoddy example of the previous two films.
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