
9 Reviews
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Dracula (1974 TV Movie)
Scary then; Scary now.
26 March 2006
This version was my first Dracula movie. I was a sheltered, impressionable young girl at the time I watched it on TV. I didn't know about Dracula or Jack Palance--or horror. I stayed awake that entire night expecting Dracula to appear in the bedroom doorway. This movie should have scared me then; I was 10. After I saw this movie, I felt different about things. I know that in the oncoming decades other versions were made; I've seen some of them. I had the opportunity to see this Dracula for the second time in my life a few months back; it scared me as it scared me decades ago. There's something about the way this movie 'tastes' that enables the horror within it to remain pure and palpable. The cast and crew captured the pure essence of Dracula's horror on film for future generations to experience. From the music to the surroundings to Jack Palance, everything about this movie lends itself to the viewer's experience of a true horror classic. Jack Palance's portrayal of The Count is sheer perfection. From the top of his black patent leather hair to the bottom of his black patent leather boots, he's diabolic horror personified. So, I invite you to get your hands on a copy of this version; sit down and let this movie wash over you. Just make sure it's in the middle of the day and all the lights are on in your 'pad'. Oh, this version isn't perfect, but--the--horror--within--it--is. Bela, watch out!
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Ignore the story; adore the actors!
26 March 2006
As one of this world's more zealous Robert Shaw fans, I feel obliged to put this gem in every once in a while and follow Shaw's every move. I must say, this film amazes me; it confounds me every time. There's only one emotion that overwhelms my passion for Mr. Shaw's gift in front of the camera--irritation--and it's aimed right straight at the storyline. You will find yourself wondering what's going on and why, as the actors' performances blind you with their shabby, touching directness. Don't let the story creep and seep too far into your brain. The story will cloud your ability to appreciate what this film is full of--brilliant, golden performances. They all shine, especially Shaw as poor Stanley. I enjoy watching films that take me to England in the 60s. The surroundings are dreary and depressing and totally marvelous. This film is well worth seeing; but, once again, I warn you--ignore the story; adore the actors! Oh, and an extra bonus (for what it is worth)-- After watching this film, you'll never look at a newspaper the same way again, I guarantee you. Enjoy!
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Combat! (1962–1967)
This TV war drama is fantastic let's-hear-it-for-the-boys, not-just-for-the-boys entertainment.
28 December 2004
For my money, no other TV war drama packs as much of an emotional wallop as Combat! What's so great about this one--the stories, the performances, all those wonderful MEN and all that grit! Vic Morrow (you were an actor's GOD and we miss you, Man!) and Rick Jason (ditto!) shine as the leaders in this morality play set in WWII Europe. Mr. Jack Hogan, Mr. Pierre Jalbert (wow!), Mr. Dick Peabody and Mr. Conlan Carter are simply marvelous as their back-up GIs bound for glory. These actors knew just how to pull on the viewers' heart strings, no doubt about that! In my opinion, the first four black and white years just 'feel' better than the last year shot in color, but no matter. This show is packed full of wonderful guests and nail-biting, heart-breaking emotion sure to draw you in. I'm so glad Combat! is coming out on DVD now. This bit of 60s TV is classic, every inch of the way. Buy all five seasons when you can; I'm sure it will grow on you just as it did this little old New Yorker chick.
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Are You Being Served? (1972–1985)
1 November 2004
This show had me hooked straight away. What a hoot! Department stores just don't seem the same to me anymore. Oh sure, sometimes the word 'lame' squirts through my brain in a few of the episodes, but nothing is perfect, right? This is a real ensemble show; no one character sticks out as more important than the others. Indeed, my favorite episodes are the ones that deal with just the main characters and no one else. And as for the main characters and the actors who play them... My personal favorites are Mr. Bannister's Dick Lucas (yummmmm) and Mr. Smith's Rumbold. Mr. Thornton shines as Peacock; he is absolute perfection! Check out when he and Mr. Humphries dance together. Oh my God! And as for Mollie's Mrs. Slocombe, oh, I just can't go on any longer. This show rocks! It's 70s British humor at its absolute best. Sssssssswwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttt!
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What a Thrill!
1 November 2004
Every time I put this one on and watch it, I feel like I'm sitting in the front seat of a bad-a** roller coaster about to go on the ride of my life. This movie grabs you by the neck and forces you down into the dirty, dank subway and onto that terror-filled car. New York City in the '70s; what joy! This movie feels gritty and almost has a semi-documentary smell to it. The acting is top-notch; Matthau's Garber and Shaw's 'Mr. Blue' play a nice little game of mental cat-and-mouse that will please even the most cynical viewer. Oh, one more thing... the theme music rocks out loud!
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Black Sunday (1977)
His suffering makes your heart ache.
31 October 2004
Hang on tight for this one, folks! This flick moves so fast sometimes that you might think you missed something along the way. Basic story line holds up well through the years. Good chase scene on the Florida streets! Excellent camera work all the way through. Cast is excellent--especially Mr. Shaw (as usual). He gives David Kabakov a healthy measure of humanity that sprays out of the film and covers you like a heavy wool coat; his suffering makes your heart ache. And boy, is that blimp a pest! This one is worth the view--from beginning to end. A classic!
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Robert Shaw before he became 'Robert Shaw'
29 June 2004
I'm writing this review as one of Mr. Robert Shaw's biggest fans. He utterly shines in this movie. This is one of his early, largely overlooked classics. When I need an overdose of RS, I put this one on. This film comes off raw, realistic and almost agonizing. Halfway through the movie, I feel so bad for Ginger and his impossible dreams. Shaw emotes Ginger's frustration and optimism with equal ease. Great location shooting, and Mary Ure always makes my heart wince. Excellent vehicle for the couple; Mr. and Mrs. Shaw shine in this one, folks! Simple Shaw before Quint, Treece and Kabakov came along.
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Attack (1956)
Instead of your average "Hollywood" war drama, your above-average morality play.
28 June 2004
Wow! Where should one start with such a complex gem?

This movie wastes very little time stripping away the expected "Hollywood" treatment of war dramas and exposes some of the ulterior motives always involved whenever mankind goes to war with itself. The true glory, ultimately, belongs to the cast--so many jewels involved in this one! Jack Palance is one of my favorites, and his performance in Attack! is unpredictable and marvelous! (That scream will stay with me always.) Eddie Albert's Cooney--cowardice and cruelty personified. We're not on THE farm in this one, folks. William Smithers, Buddy Ebsen and Lee Marvin also sparkle throughout this elegy to WWII and human nature. If you ever get a chance to view this one, (and I hope you get the chance) put your thinking cap on, watch carefully and remember to pick yourself up off the floor when it's over. This film packs an honest, gritty wallop!
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Papillon (1973)
A bit long but loaded with talent!
24 June 2004
I saw this movie for the first time a couple of months ago. What can I say; I'm a bit slow. In my opinion, Steve McQueen sparkled in every movie he ever did. We all lost a great one when he left us. He plays Papillon with much humility and courage. Dustin Hoffman is loaded with talent in this one. I must say, though, that Anthony Zerbe's performance as the leper is outstanding. The humility Zerbe emotes (without saying a word and with half his face hidden under a disguise) when McQueen thanks him for his help took my breath away. The entire cast is first-rate. The only negative thing I have to say about the film--I thought it is a bit long. As I said, the entire cast is first-rate, even though, at times, the film lags just a bit. Wonderful location shooting. Oh, and one more thing-- William Smithers rocks out loud in this gem of a movie!
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