
2 Reviews
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The Originals (2013–2018)
Unexpectedly Amazing
17 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of Vampire Diaries I has very please for them to make The Originals because they were no longer a threat and didn't need to be in the storyline. I also enjoyed how the witches can't use magic because in Vampire Dairies they solve all of there problems by just finding Bonnie, so it's good for them to find alternate ways to solve problems. I would however like Matt and Caroline to visit. I hate the character Marcel he irritates me, I also hate Davina mainly because she hates the Originals and is a absolute pain. It is so well written that you get a lot of story in one episode but you also get a cliffhanger. Also the whole storyline on Rebekah and Marcel seems really weird because they both like someone else but seem to come very close to kissing multiple times. I love the motto of family before everything and loyalty wins you power. I am seeing Klaus start to become a better person which is long overdue. I love how strategic Klaus is and how he knows how people will react. I hope they get the town back and rule it as a family.

~~ Always and Forever
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Not Perfect but a good first try
23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went in both excited and reluctant. For one people who haven't read the book and watch the movie and hated it, then it ruins the books reputation which is quite stupid because the books were amazing. Bits they changed or left, that annoyed me:

1. There was no chemistry between Jace and Clary 2. Valentine was not like book valentine at all. Book Valentine is sleek, commanding but persuasive. Movie Valentine was just violent and not persuasive. 3. Why didn't Simon turn into a rat? Having the bite marks on his arm. Was just obvious and super cheesy 4. Why didn't Simon need his glasses? He isn't a full-vampire yet and correct if I am wrong but I thought the perks come in after he turns 5. Where was Jace's cocky smile and humor? Jace's humor was dry and Jace was way too serious to be Jace. He hardly ever smiled, which I found to be totally un-Jace. 6. Never in this movie do they mention fairies. When Isabelle is naming all the Downworlders she misses out Faeries. Which we know is a big part in the next book. I wonder how they're going to explain that. 7. What the hell was up with that portal? Am i the only one, who found the portal completely stupid and un-book like. Firstly, did I miss the bit where you can just take a bit of the portal out. Secondly, Jace didn't need to say that she needed training, cause it makes him sound dumb when she can use it to go to Luke's house. Thirdly, Jace said the Institute was built around the portal. What? We all know Henry created them, so that made no sense to me. And Lastly I get that the portal exploded and it snowed but it continued to snow after they destroyed 8. When Clary freezes the demons with her rune she made. Why didn't they kill them all while they were frozen? They had to wait a good 20 seconds just staring at them and THEN decided to sneak past them even though they were frozen. They basically just stood there waiting for them to wake up. Is there logic there? 9. They never explained what a censor is. (They used one.) 10. Never explained what a Steele is. What I imagined if I hadn't read the books: They are getting out their giant glowing pens and burning themselves with it. 11. Magnus looked like Magnus but it didn't feel like Magnus. 12. Where did the demon energy-vampire motorcycle scene go? :( 13. What did Valentine hope to achieve by having Clary drink his blood? The Mortal Cup is used to make people shadow hunters. Isn't Clary already one? 14. Never explained what runes really are 15. What was up with Clary fixing up her apartment? When did she turn into Marry Poppins or Matilda? That is NOT what ruins are for. They're NOT to help you tidy up your stupid house. Duh. 16. Didn't feel the connection between the three 'siblings' felt it between Alec and Isabelle. It felt like they couldn't stand Jace half the time. 17. Where was the explanation of parabatai? I was waiting for them to mention that Alec and Jace were and for them to explain what it means. But, no. 18. Where was the scene where Clary slapped Jace? When she slaps him for putting the rune on her 19. I thought that ALL the Lightwoods lived at the Institute. But they said that they are the only people living there and never mentioned them or did Clary or Simon ask about them. 20. The Circle wasn't explained well. I thought it was just mushed and I couldn't see anything. And I wanted them to make more reference to it 21. They also never went to Taki's. Why? 22. I would've like Simon to at least mention his band 23. Where was Magnus' cat? 24. When valentine was talking about "How do you think you got your gifts, Clary?" Duh, she doesn't know she has gifts yet. Idiot! She doesn't know what she's capable of yet. 25. When Jocelyn drinks that liquid from the box. I couldn't even read the 'J.C' carved into it. It was too fast and I felt like they really needed the bit at the start where she cries over the lock of hair. By the time we figure it says 'J.C'. It's too late. 26. When Clary throws the knife at Luke in werewolf form. That felt really unneeded (considering werewolf's cant climb ladders) and very awkward. 27. Why couldn't the name 'Bane' pop up in Clary's head like in the book? Instead she had to write demented lines. That Jace miraculously figured out it meant 'Bane' in some weird symbol language. 28. Silent Brothers Mind Speak thing? Don't get me wrong, i liked how they did it but they didn't explain what happened. All we knew was that there was a creepy voice talking. Also, Why didn't she react. I mean, does she get mind spoken to on a daily basis that she has no reaction. 29. Where the hell was Church?

But there were bits I loved!

1. Jace does that epic flip 2. The seeds of Isabella and Simon's relationship 3. Just Simon all together 4. How bad ass was Isabelle? Seriously. 5. Just the entire Hotel Dumont Scene was just thrilling to the end. 6. THE DEMONS!!! Quality CGI. 7. Valentine and Jace's fight scene was epic. 8. Silent Brothers Mind Speak was not cheesy at all. 9. Silent brothers were creepy as hell and were so well done. *Clap* 10. Vampire were amazing, they were NOT cheesy and really brought the way concept that they are dangerous.

Overall: Great movie, But should have followed the book more. I felt that this was only for fans of the book. And if you weren't, you would be completely confused.
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