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Watch this if you have nothing better to do
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's is not exciting nor expected of a guy ritchie film. No surprises no anticipation. Basic fighting and killing of Germans movie. Villains were not evil and heroes were too strong and invincible.

It started with promise. Your standard leader recruiting other heroes for a special mission. Then it got horrid ...heroes were recruiting every other hero and suddenly the ridiculous plan became a mission and the mission became an impossible to believe task that nobody from the 'good' side ever dies. Yeah a 2 guys took a bullet. One white and one black to be fair. But that's it. All survived while 200 germans and italians got slaughtered.

No plot no plan. And the ending was even more implausible.

Skip it Elva Gonzalez is why we watch this. No other reason to....
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This is better than solid gold
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a must watch for all who've lived thru the 80s when USA for Africa happened.

An amalgamation of all the best in the biz in USA in 1985. Frigging genius. The way they put this together with Lionel, Quincy and Michael was just amazing to watch and relive.

This documentary will make you laugh and make you cry, and most of all, a nice walk in memory lane for all of us Gen Xers.

Now go watch this now. Imma gonna watch it the 2nd time. It's that good.

Seeing Bon Dylan, feeling so out of place and then Stevie bringing him back in is just awesome. And Cyndi's noisy accessories was a hoot too!

Leave your egos at the door - Quincy Jones


#wearetheworld #USAforAfrica #almost40yearsago.
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MF Ghost (2023– )
Not quite initial D but lotsa drifting to be expected
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who grew up watching initial D would surely resonate with this sequel where the protagonist is a student of our fav takumi fujiwara (aka jay choi) this time. It's set in a Japan where it's been taken over by EVs and ICE are a rarity. Eat that Honda and Toyota!

Driving the newer 86, as usual, his most underpowered and basic car up against the GT3s R8s and GTRs, leaves everyone in the smoke.

But this time no sugar daddies but skimpy panty-clad angel pompom girls await the finish line. It's more of a love story about a race angle falling head overhead for 19yo British Japanese heart-throb.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Can't find a better, more heartwarming TV series ever.
27 November 2022
This is the perfect TV series that I've missed cos it's pretty heavy stuff and you need to focus on watching rather than leaving it on and doing something else kinda show.

The casting and storyline is perfect. Love the Mandy and Milo chemistry and the kids all ages might I just fantastic.

Manny is hugely funny and each character is built over the episodes and I feel like I know that better and better with each passing one.

If I could give this an 11 I would.

Everyone needs to watch this .....seriously.

It's just very good TV for the family although it contains pretty painful stories it all gels together so nicely in a well told timeline.
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Little Women (2022)
You cannot write a poorer script than this one
1 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I challenge you. Nothing makes sense and the acting is not even plausible. Poor acting and zero star power and full of product placement. I guess their high scores on reviews were all paid reviews.

I've challenge you to find a worse Korean TV series than this.

Please stay away. Don't even bother to watch one episode.

Pointless storyline and forced plots. I guess the crew just wanted to go for a holiday in Singapore and decided to get paid for doing so. Continuity is lacking and characters are so unconvincing and ridiculous.

Blue orchid my foot!

Tells you that you can lug 10m Singapore dollars around in a suitcase and hide it in the mrt lockers. And they managed to withdraw it from a few banks in a day.

Oh please. 1000 dollar fine for throwing a paper from a high rise building and they managed to trace it to the exact unit??huh. What world do you live in?

Netflix you're doomed like your stockprice!
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Ming Mauseu (2022)
A Korean drama with so much promise yet delivered so poorly at the final episode
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As ridiculous and unbelievable as most Korean dramas get,I found myself sucked into the series from the get-go. Interesting plot lines with so many loopholes but still entertaining.

However. The poor writing finally showed at the final episode which I felt was the worst final episode I've ever witnessed in any Korean drama. And I have watched plenty.

I would rate the first 14 episodes a good 8.5 and would recommend everyone I knew. The final 2 episodes were a dismal 4 at best and the finally episode 16 was so laborious I found myself fast forwarding half the time.

Such a poor ending that would have been so good if the writers knew what they were doing. I hope the do release an alternative ending seeing that 99% of all Korean dramas end after a single season.

What a waste of time! Don't watch this. The ending is so bad I don't even want to describe it lest it dregs up painful memories.

Shame on you writers for the disgusting final episode. Don't quit your day job.
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Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017)
Good looking cast but weak plot
25 November 2021
It was fun for the first season or 2 and then the writers take us on a roller coaster ride so convoluted and senseless we go back to where it all started and then off again. The writers make twists just for the sake of it and it's really not plausible. More loopholes than Rambo's flak jacket.
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
wow. best Romance mini series by a country mile. love it!
25 March 2020
So I just finished episode 8 of season 1. I remember raving about it when I finished 2 or 3 episodes last week.

this may be the best series of short stories I've ever watched in my life. Beautifully told stories that all intertwine and comes full circle on episode 8.

perfect casting and acting and character development even though each episode was only 45mins long.


If there's just one series you have to watch this is it! I almost didn't want it to end...

I love this!

tissues mandatory. finally episode probably a bigger box.

trust me. you won't regret this!
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A Sun (2019)
Real, painful, thought provoking story
28 January 2020
Set in modern day Taipei, this story about a middle class family struggling to survive some bad decisions and predicaments. Superbly acted and character building made family relationships so easily relatable.

Fantastic direction and somber tone.

Love it
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Journey Back to Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Fun magical and christmassy
8 December 2019
If you're like me, and sick of home alone again this Christmas, watch this. Sure to bring a tear or 2 to your eyes....

Beautifully scripted and fairytale like and raise the spirits for a icy Christmas. Characters were convincing and plot was simple yet entertaining. Love Tom skerritt as always. He was the only notable actor in the mix.... Him with his white hair so much grown from his picket fences days.

One of my fav Christmas movies this year.
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Wu Assassins (2019)
Was hoping it'll be entertaining at least....
11 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
But it is not even that. Slightly below B grade cast coupled with C grade acting especially from the Asian cast, you get wu assasins. From title you can tell they took all of 2 seconds to decide. A ridiculous plot with ridiculous writing, thrown in irritating cast, yes,even summer glau was so bad in it. Bet Howard won't even try to pick you up in this movie. You get this horrid painful series with the weakest of leads. The Indonesian shortie.

Wasted many hours watching this and I hope people will learn from my mistakes
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Insights into pro gaming e-sports with a touch of class!
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Never knew so much about e-sports till this series. If its accurate that is. Not the most plausible series but so so entertaining. Excellent cast, superb acting and set. And the last few episodes were magical. Especially when ye xiu reminisced about his grampa and went back to see his dad... Lovely story.

Would recommend to anybody who wants a series that will make anyone feel pumped up with excitement (I was a gamer before) and enter a whole new world of gaming. Glory game in the movie(I still don't know if it's a real game) seems like an awesome way to escape life for a while...

Thanks for the entertainment. 30 episodes.... Will there be a season 2? I was looking forward to a love interest in the show but it never appeared. Too many good looking characters to not fall for each other in the show tho.

Keep up the good work.
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Another lousy Korean copy of the original
21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Korean copies of us originals is at it again. The good doctor and suits were bad copies. This adds to the pile. Decent production is foiled by localising content to suit their taste. Which means implausible plot lines. Throw in unconvincing acting and you'll get a mess of a show with the lead actor president Park mu jin being the weakest link. He is no keifer sutherland but he fails even to muster enough convincability to champion the steps of our great keifer. Bad choice of casting for the first lady as well. She looks so fake and character so weak. Unlike the original which found her too strong they had to kill her off in the previous season.

It's watchable at best but plot lines seem overlapping at times and terrible story telling at its most boring that it borders on lazy.

If this is the trend I may never ever watch any other Korean copies. I watched all or most of the korean dramas and the original stories were very interesting.

Stop copying usa content and develop your own. You're much better at it anyways. If you copy and have to localise it you lose all the essence of the original and it just makes it ridiculous. At least nail the CGI effects. So fake it makes the Simpsons look more real.
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Wu Assassins (2019)
The most ridiculous story ever told
19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was as though they had a competition ok who could come up with the most ridiculous story of all. And the more it doesn't makes sense the more the story would be filmed. Throw in seriously weak acting and irritating characters, lame Chinese characterisations and voila. You got wu assassins. Even the title of the show tells you they spent all of 3 seconds to decide. They tried to be luke cage and Jessica Jones daredevil in the setting and colors but fail so miserably in that aspect too.

Indonesian main character is so weak and neutral at best to be the hero of the show. After analysing all the main cast. None was convincing. Not even close.

Im surprised tho that I did manage to watch almost all the episodes of season 1. Some parts with much pain and suffering if truth be told.

I hope this never gets renewed and that the writers and producers all get burned by uncle six's flames. Oh wait a minute. He lost his ability hahha. Duh!

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Looking forward for so many years but....
13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to watch this and get that warm fuzzy lorelai Rory feeling again but alas it was horrid. I mean seriously horrid. What terrible writing. Useless plot twists that not only don't make sense it's totally unbecoming of characters.

Watching a Broadway play at pattys that lasted so long was so unnecessary. Making Rory's character so lousy also wasn't fun to watch. And where is my carole king intro???
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
This is how tv should always be
6 April 2019
Great cast. Great acting. Great story. Simple production. Just wow. U can't stop at 1 episode. With Netflix i find myself watching the whole series again and enjoying it again. Bryan Cranston is the best actor for this role nobody can replace the characters here.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
Pilot held so much promise
23 December 2018
And that was it. After that it was a bunch of unwatchable unconvincing plot with weak acting and poor direction.

Forget this series I'm just surprised it got renewed after season 1.

If not for the good looking cast it will be even worse.
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How I Met Your Mother: Spoiler Alert (2007)
Season 3, Episode 8
One of the best eps ever
9 November 2018
Funny from start till end. Amazing writing .... Literally.
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House of Cards: Chapter 73 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 8
Only got 1 star cos there wasn't an option for 0.
8 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Worst ending to a completely unwatchable final season. First 3 seasons were spectacular. Robin wright's character was poor and acting was equally unconvincing. The way Doug died is laughable. A cold blooded murderer getting poked my a pregnant woman. The only way it ended they way it did is because the writers had no clue how to continue from there. Sad... Long live Kevin spacey. He made a mediocre show watchable for the last 2 seasons.
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great romcom with a top notch cast
12 December 2015
Greg Kinnear and Jennifer Connelly's chemistry is only exceeded by the chemistry of his daughter, the lovely Lily Collins and Logan Lerman. Storyline is sweet, painful and awesome all in one. This movie is so strangely familiar to the perks of being a wallflower and in thoroughly enjoyed that as well.

I love it when the ever hot veronica mars (Kristen bell) cameoing as the slut who's sleeping with Greg Kinnear. she's still a hot fav.

All in all, superbly enjoyable with a great looking cast and a storyline that's worth the 2 hours. I'd recommend this movie on dates and if you're looking for a chill Saturday night like the one i had...

Goes well with a beer!
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Begin Again (II) (2013)
I love it I love it I love it
10 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It has all the ingredients of the perfect ROMCOM but alas it's not a ROMCOM cos the protagonists eventually don't end up together, but it's a great story with excellent casts like Mos Def and Ceelo Green and Adam Levine.

Show starts off slow and weak with both sides of characters played by the ever- inspiring Mark Ruffalo and the gorgeous Keira Knightly having to leave their jobs and loved ones and everything is down and dusted.

Their meeting was magical, cinematography at the club Keira was playing in was superbly shot and this movie brings joy, laughter and tears.

Mark Ruffalo's daughter in the movie was played by Hailee Steinfield, which none of us have ever heard of. She handled the innocence of being torn by estranged mother and father so well and should be noted.

Keira's character's BFF in the movie was a Brit James Corden, who's character is too affable i felt and a bit underplayed. And way too much talent for the character he played.

But all in all, everything felt well placed and fit and should make for a delightful evening of lighthearted humor and the underdog story. The ending was not expected tho....and not very intentionally put, maybe that's the whole point of it all...

must watch for all music lovers and Keira fans out there...gonna find the album on Itunes now.
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unbelievably boring and overrated
8 August 2014
it's not a bad movie, but it's not great, not 8.8 on IMDb great or #36 on top #250 great.

it's almost boring at times and without the antics of Vin diesel as Groot, the show is a huge letdown. Bradley cooper as the raccoon, Rocket, was really unfunny and unconvincing; so were the other cast. the storyline left loopholes everywhere and strangely left me with many questions and feeling ever so under-entertained.

For a marvel fan with x-men and iron men series doing so well and so well made, this was such a huge disappointment.

The Gunns are too overestimated and i don't recommend this as a must watch in 2014 sci-fi blockbusters.

almost as bad as the Transformers age of extinction.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
what a waste of 2 hours but....
25 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
i only watched this movie as it stars Scarlett Johansson and I'm curious to see what this is about. the start of the movie is as slow as it get as the director is attempting to get the viewers into a slow motion dark horror kind of mood. He fails at it terribly and the audience is left wondering if the movie stopped and feeling extremely bored.

This is a bad movie with little or no plot. The cinematography is what saves it from being a 1 out of 10 movie. gorgeous sights in Scotland and great graphics which look too real to be graphics are done impeccably.

If nudity is what you like, this is a movie you will need to watch. Scarlett bares all in this movie and that is always entertaining for some. but for most, this movie struggles to keep your interest past the half an hour mark.

up until the last scene where she goes up in flames, I'm still wondering what the whole movie is about...

Watch at your own peril.
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Veronica Mars (2014)
excellent movie - especially for veronica mars fans
24 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
i admit, I'm a big fan of veronica mars the TV series...all 3 seasons of it and was completely stumped why it only lasted 3 seasons. i admit also i love Kristen bell in the series. spunky, confident, gorgeous and always solving any mystery in the series. brings me back to my childhood days reading about encyclopedia brown. now who doesn't love teenage crime busting shows? so Kristen bell has come of age, from the young girl who everyone noticed of only after her TV series she went on to the big screen, most recently, lending her voice to 'frozen' which she sang so well and also 'forgetting Sarah Marshall' which was a forgettable movie other than to see Kristen. 'house of lies' also is a great series but her character somehow clashes with the more pure and morally correct veronica mars type character.

so the movie is very watchable, even if you never seen any veronica mars episodes. i guarantee you'd enjoy it. but for the's the much awaited sequel to Neptune high. some characters were missing in this movie but i guess they got the main cast very well.

Logan is always charming and veronica's soft spot for him is apparent at the first scene of them together at the airport

Keith (vm's dad) retains his character exactly as it was in the series. responsible, attentive, caring dad who always supported his daughter.

dick(casablancas) superb dick head retains his role excellently too...always fresh!

well i think this is probably the first of many parts to come. seeing that this movie was largely funded by kick starters, the next few will follow in it's success and as long as the actors don't age too fast, we are looking at a long list of sequels...

piz, a new character, i felt was killed off too fast after all, he's the good guy...and chicks never stick with the good guys....

8 stars! eagerly awaiting the next installment....
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a directorial masterpiece with awesome storytelling and an equally compelling cast, a Singaporean triumph!
8 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
i must say that this is THE best 'made in singapore' movie i have ever seen. and i've seen them all. well almost. the movie starts out when the main cast were kids and gradually moves forward to the main storyline which is between 1996-2008 spanning 4 leap years on 29 Feb. Dr Catherine Lim's novel tells the story very aptly and leaves the viewer with that magical sensation at the end of the movie. it's the notebook, serendipity, when harry met sally, all rolled into one with an inspiring singaporean flavor. it has all the ingredients to a romantic date movie that is invariably thought provoking and funny. the depiction of the protagonist (the absolutely gorgeous wong li lin), the best friend (unrequited love), the supportive friends (a la sex and the city, 4 chicks, besties), the seemingly perfect guy left at the altar, the male lead, intermittent appearances only on 29 febs and of course the old cast (a la the notebook). i loved a lot in this movie. for the serious nitpicker, this movie has loads of holes but if you're just looking for a lighthearted tearjerker (a little oxymoronic, i know). this is it! what's not to love, beautiful cast (almost unreal, no one's normal looking in the movie), great story, excellent cinematography and Jean Yeo's directorial debut really did it for me. it was obvious that a lot of thought went into filming this movie. since it spans many years. continuity was excellent and everything seemed to be exactly where they were supposed to be. i watched this movie with no expectations and was very pleasantly surprised throughout. with romantic movies, comes happy endings, which can get quite painful as hopes were dashed, and the myriad of 'what ifs' leaves the audience captivated and guessing how the story will unravel.

kudos to all who made this happen.

i thoroughly enjoyed it. heck, i might just the DVD when it comes out just to show more support!
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