
103 Reviews
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Sacrifice (VII) (2020)
In dreams
11 February 2021
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What the hell ??? After establishing a premise it was just one dream sequence after another after another after another,, then just a lazy quick twist in the end.. The acting was okay but the writer and director should be ashamed of this drivel.
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Reunion (VI) (2020)
Wasted acting..
6 February 2021
A dismal movie that some may call a slow burn. I just call it "boring".. The entire premise of the film is to established a final showdown between mother and daughter.. And when it came it's totally dulled by imagery and more flashbacks, as if we didn't have enough of those already.. Both actresses did a fine job with the mess they were handed but just couldn't overcome it..
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Good acting but a childish script...
19 January 2021
All the actors did great but the storyline was absolutely ridiculous. All sense of reality and logic was tossed and it made any Lifetime movie look like it was written by Shakespeare. Guess people today are so starved for entertainment they're giving it good reviews.. either that or they just love Bryan Cranston.
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Just Very Boring
26 December 2020
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Early on the CGI effects even in the Amazons sporting events was very poor... Then we get introduced to one of the silliest Comic screen villains.. Then it was 20 minutes of Wonder Women and her Lasso.. (yawn) Then it's the reincarnation of her dead love interest.. (yawn,,yawn,,) Then the climaz was well... Zzzzzzzz...
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Kindred (I) (2020)
Good premise, slow dull ending...
7 November 2020
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When an entire movie goes about setting up the eventual confrontation between two people and you never get it, you just cheated and deflated. You don't watch thrillers just to get a weak walk off into the sunset type ending. For me, the two women should still be fighting as I type this. Sigh Good acting with a wasteful script.
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Penguin (2020)
a wasted confusing mess
19 June 2020
Starts out well enough but then became a series of flashbacks. Once the main storyline continued it then leads up to the climax confrontation which abruptly ended yet this was only 2/3rd into the film. Last 30 mintues was a boring side quest that was unnecessary. Acting was good and there was nice visuals but the writing and directing guided into a forgettable watch.
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Collateral (2004)
Excellent Film with a ridiculous ending
7 April 2020
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Loved 99% of the film... One of Tom Cruise's best performance ever. It had a such an intense tight feel throughout and was directed and filmed with great care.. My only complaint and it's a big one was that ridiculous ending. To think that a cabbie who could barely hold the gun would somehow win a shootout barely ten feet away from a professional hitman was pure nonsense. Not to mention it destroyed any chance of Tom recurring that role for future films. It was great for that first watch but knowing the ending I've never watched it a second time.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Gets silly about mid point
21 February 2020
Started off fantastic, but midway through got slow, slower, slowest. Writers stretched out over 10 episodes what could of been a two hour movie. All the actors did okay work, maybe just a little over the top at times. Also you could see the so called ending twist a long way off. Finally, It's worth a one time look but oh so easily forgotten right after you're done.
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Scarface (1983)
More like a cartoon
14 February 2020
Watching this movie is just a guilty pleasure as it's so ridiculous yet fun. But as a movie it's more like a cartoon like a good drama. Everything is so over the top it makes me laugh. from Al's accent to the story line and even the shootouts. To be rated as high as it is seems absurd. The best thing about Scarface was it's poster.
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Only good thing about this trilogy was the Trailers...
28 December 2019
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It made tons of money yes,, but for me I wished there was only the original trilogy started in 1977 and it all ended with Empire Strikes Back.. the following 6 films afterwards were completes messes... Everyone gets excited about the trailers then gets let down as there was NOTHING new, just rehashing the original concept over and over and over again.. They had no idea how to handle Hans, Luke and Leah coming back other then to kill off and/or minimize them.. It was a slap in the face to the original movie goers in the 1970's who helped launch the series.. thanks for making our heroes "ghosts"...
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The Irishman (2019)
Sadly over-rated
28 November 2019
Everyone seems to be so overjoyed seeing the paring of the BIG THREE together, they overlook just how boring, tedious and uninteresting this film becomes over it's 3 1/2 span... If it had stayed more focus on the Hoffa/Kennedy saga it might have been more tolerable. But of all the characters in the film. Robert De Niro's portrayal of Mr Sheehan is a snooze fest... He seemed to be sleepwalking. The constant facial CGI didn't help.. Love most of Marty's films, but this goes near the bottom for me..
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Midway (2019)
Rather watch a good documentary on Midway
12 November 2019
While impressed with some of the CGI visuals, the overall storytelling of this event in history just felt too Hollywood. The scope of what laid before them and the true bravery of the men who fought that day seemed lost in all the visuals. The importance of how the intelligence gathering before the fighting was handled initially, then eventually was also poorly presented. They are some excellent documentaries on Midway, suggest you track them down..
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The Emperor with No Clothes
27 July 2019
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It reminds me of that old fable. People go to see Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio in a film by Tarantino and assume it has to be great despite what they are actually seeing on the screen.. The film is incredibly slow paced and neither funny nor suspenseful. Throwing in a 5 minute fantasy violent scene at the end after over two hours of boredom did NOT make me change my mind.. Sadly disappointing to this fan of most Tarantino films.
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Excellent thriller
21 July 2019
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I recently saw Netflix's remake of the French thriller Point Blank which was horribly done.. This movie however does the original justice... All the action scenes were well done especially the pregnant wife's fight for her life near the end..
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Level 16 (2018)
Not even Lifetime worthy
1 March 2019
Very weak movie that wants to be Hand Maidens worthy except that it's very dull,, offers no real suspense and ends on a whimper. Even Made for Lifetime movies offer more than this did.. very disappointing...
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St. Agatha (2018)
Horrible script and direction
8 February 2019
Giving it 3 stars only because the acting was okay.... But the script and directing of it was absolutely horrendous. It's one thing to give your screen characters the IQ's of a potato, but it's unforgivable to treat your audience as morons. Add to that a slow pacing only made even slower by numerous flashbacks. It might have been saved by at least a good finale confrontation between the main protagonist and antagonist, but even that was omitted. Instead we were given a ridiculous ,unrealistic and almost laughable act at the end.
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Okay acting,, Ridiculous script...
24 September 2018
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The "last man on earth" scenario has been done before. This version was void of any attempt to explain the "why" and "how" of the "End of Life" as we knew it even came to happen. Then after a long slow burn storyline the ending seemed so rushed. So you need an apocalypse for a normal height human to be attracted to a small person ?? Is that it ?? Really ?? So ridiculously shallow... The actors did okay with the little they had to work with.
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Unnecessary sequel
29 June 2018
The first Sicario was a great drama as well as an action film. This film presented nothing that was thought provoking. It was soulless . Just more stereotypical government operations that is cloak and dagger rather than operational. As usual Hollywood will bleed dry anything that is even remotely successful, so expect another one next year.. I won't be holding my breath though.
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Same old story...
10 June 2018
I loved the original Jurassic Park. It remains one of my top ten favorites of any year or genre. The sequels however have become stale, repetitive and worst of all, boring. How many more times can you do the "no one ever learns from previous mistakes" routine. And then throw in the dumb and obnoxious military and then always have a kid or two around just to scare. Great CGI does overcome a monotonous script. As long as it remains a studio cash cow, they will be rolling out another next year, but for me, I won't be looking forward to it..
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Inside (I) (2016)
Wasted opportunity
30 April 2018
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Unlike many, I did not think the original was some kind of masterpiece. It was dumb, unrealistic and was just an excuse to show blood and carnage.. This remake while less bloody still makes the same moronic decisions the first film did. It makes everyone dumb just to advance it's frustrating cat and mouse approach to it's storyline.. And as frustrating as it it was, it could of been saved by a gran finale that had more balls and actual non stop fighting. Both ladies seemed up to it but the writer and director totally decided on a ridiculous cop out ending.. Shame on you..
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Hostiles (2017)
Poorly scripted and directed..
7 February 2018
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Whatever good intentions the movie may of had about injustices was lost with a fumbled script and rushed direction.. To think a man so full of murderous hatred toward a race would just flip like he did was never really fleshed out.. It was only just to fill a two hour movie plot.. I always enjoy Mr Bale's acting, but it was not enough here to save this movie in my opinion.
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The emphasis was wrong...
14 November 2017
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Based on a true story of a very tragic event, I felt the emphasis was poorly placed on the new coach hiring and not enough on the school,coach,players and family of those who died. For me the best way to have ended this film was shown like 20 minutes into it, when the school was chanting outside that school president and board of directors meeting. After that it lost focus and emotion.

Thoughts and prayers are still there though for those who were effected by that day..
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It's no fatal attraction...!!
21 October 2017
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I've seen some people refer to this movie as a Fatal Attraction, even saw the old "Hell hath no Fury" quote. This movie is NOT even a thriller let alone any of those comparisons. It's just a slow moving drama about a woman released from prison with no sense of direction. It crawls along at a snail's pace and in the end just fizzles out. I give it a 3 only because I'm a fan of miss Chapman's other works.

In the end it was just a wasted opportunity.
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Wind River (2017)
Excellent thriller
30 September 2017
Beautifully captured to film and a great slow burn story with good acting and great directing.

It was some of the best acting I've seen Jeremy and Elizabeth do so far...all the actors nailed their roles. And I'm glad it was not another unrealistic Hollywood film where the leads just have to fall in love just because it thinks it has to. They avoided that cliché by giving them realistic dialog.

I look forward to seeing more from the director.
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16 September 2017
The movie felt so uninspired. Compared to other Kong films, he had zero personality in this film. Other than being huge, Kong actually seemed bored. The 2005 film, of which I was not that crazy about, at least it made Kong feel alive and interesting...

This storyline was very minimal. Other than the old WW II pilot, everyone seemed rigid or stereotyped . And none of them actually showed much awe with what they have encountered. Like one pilot almost joked, " is that a big monkey ?" Really ?

They seemed so hung up on CGI that they overlook creating a good story. King Kong vs Godzilla won't have one either, I'm sure of that now. Shame..
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