
4 Reviews
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The Brave One (2007)
This movie asks the question: Is a vigilante a bad person?
18 September 2007
There is so much dreck appearing on our local cinema screens these days, that it is refreshing to hear about one that seems to have an interesting theme and a reputable cast. That is why I decided to go see "The Brave One." I find, on reading some of the postings on this site, that many people seem to be confused as to the difference between "self-defence" (protecting yourself against a perceived threat), "vigilantism" (protecting society against the bad guys)and "revenge" (getting your own back for an alleged wrong). The character in this movie started off by protecting herself against almost certain death at the hands of street thugs, but she then changed into a vigilante intent on ridding the streets of the scum of the earth. That is why this is such an interesting and intelligent movie, as it asks significant moral questions to which there are no easy answers. If that is "un-Holllywood" then so be it. I thought that it was an insightful and provocative movie, and one of Jodie Foster's best roles.
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President Sheridan travels to B5 for an anniversary celebration
17 September 2007
I am an avid B5 fan, and I have all 5 seasons on video, which I watch over and over again. I think that it is the best TV SF series ever, and contains some of the most original ideas and finest poetic writing on television. Unfortunately, it went downhill with the appearance of "Crusade" and "Legend of the Raiders," both of which were dismal efforts. At the time, I wondered what JMS was thinking. There were so many imaginative stories and so many creative writers that he could have used. Why did he have to do it all himself? He could have delegated some of the responsibility. Now along comes "The Lost Tales" and I thought "Oh boy! More B5" and I rushed out and bought my copy. What a disappointment! What a travesty! What drivel! The first episode is like a grade 5 production of "The Omen" and the second episode is pointless and trite. The acting is terrible, consisting of vacant stares into space; the script is pedantic and dull; the sets are non-existent (a couple of armchairs, a corridor or two, a blue screen backdrop and a drawing of a large hanger). How could Bruce Boxleitner and the rest demean their talents in this way? The potential is still there. If Warner Brothers is still prepared to finance and distribute further productions, JMS should hire some top-notch writers and a couple of talented directors to come up with a worthy successor to the original series. Tough as it is to face up to, I think that JMS is burnt-out, and he should stick to writing comic books.
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A young American has a rare skin disease, and is required to wear a protective leather body suit at all times.
31 August 2007
In spite of what others have said, I enjoyed this movie. I had never heard of it before and I have just seen it on the Canadian Movie Channel. I was puzzled to see how young Brad Pitt was - even younger than in "Thelma and Louise" - until I read the explanation about it being filmed in Yugoslavia in 1988 and then being lost for 9 years until finally issued in 1997. As I am a male senior citizen, I don't get palpitations at the sight of Brad Pitt, but I do like and respect him, and have enjoyed most of his movies. Some of the acting and parts of the script leave a great deal to be desired. However, this movie has a very Film Festival European feel to it, and in my view is a bit too deep for most North American film fans (insult intended). The scene of him frolicking in the ocean with the dolphins, and his description of the most wonderful day that he had ever spent, moved me tremendously. Life is made up of choices, and the choice for the hero was one day of great happiness and joy, or a lifetime of imprisonment.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
A MUST-See movie
6 March 2005
I grew up in South Africa, but now live in Canada, and being an inveterate reader of film credits, I did not realize until the end of the movie that this was a South Africa/Canada co-production. I have long been interested in the feature film industries of both countries. This is a movie that could NEVER have been produced in Hollywood, as it is an uncomfortable and scathing indictment of the neglect and disinterest of the West in what went on in Rwanda. The events show in this movie are no different from what took place during the Holocaust, and what is going on in Sudan and other areas at this very moment. It is not enough that every thinking, feeling person must see this movie. We should all rise up and point our fingers at our governments, who did NOTHING, while these terrible events were taking place. For anyone who has not yet done so, read General Delaire's book about his experiences in Rwanda, "Shake hands with the Devil"
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