
6 Reviews
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Am I ten years old??
1 June 2007
I've seen Bugs Bunny cartoons with more plot and story line...I'm not getting it. I loved the first of this trilogy; I was somewhat entertained by the second; but this one??? Have we come to this as a society? It seems like every time I get stoked enough to go to a movie theater to watch a "can't miss" piece of entertainment, I get disappointed. This is childish at best...targeting those with the ten second attention span. Great effects; terrible or no plot; terrible or no story line; average to below average acting. I'm just amazed at the 7 of 10 overall star rating this cartoon is getting here??? What have we become? SHEEP! I'd give it zero stars if it were an option.
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More of a tragedy than a fantasy...
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Anything from Europe with sub-titles must be a masterpiece...blah! To the elitist, artsy, pseudo intellectuals this movie is a work of anyone with half a brain, it's just a VIOLENT skip through a bleak, rainy, Spanish woods during a BLOODY revolution. I'm not sure what this movie was other than A TRICK to get a lot of people into a movie theater and then dunk them in a bunch of unneeded, graphic VIOLENCE: Including, but not limited to, the gut-shooting of a ten year old little girl ; a VIOLENT face beating with a glass bottle; and the graphic sawing, removal of a leg. I guess the "Saw" series has desensitized a whole generation to such VIOLENCE...but even "Saw" or "Hostel" didn't include the gut-shooting of a ten year old and I knew what to expect from those movies. Disquise "Pan's Labyrinth anyway you want: subtitles, fairytale, "Labyrinth" this movie is the most graphically, VIOLENT film I've ever seen. I was actually traumatized at the end...Life is VIOLENT enough, that's reality. Now, I can't even go to a movie to see an "adult fairytale" without getting a gagging dose of BRUTALITY. Wake up people. This isn't's just VIOLENCE wrapped in a meaningless fairytale. I won't even get into the socialist propaganda end of it...this is just another of those "bandwagon" movies for young elitists to rave about. To this day, I have no idea what the whole fantasy angle was other than material for the advertising trailer. Anybody: Tell me the significance of the knife she stoled from that GROTESQUE monster...Enjoy the trailer, because that's just about all the fantasy world you get. Honestly, perhaps 20 total minutes is spent on the fantasy end of the storyline; the rest is either tragic events or BLOODY, graphic VIOLENCE. I felt totally deceived by the build up of this movie. It is not what you think, unless you are under 25 and used to such BLOODY VIOLENCE. I worry about our world if this is considered an artistic, wonderful movie. I'm truly concerned...if nothing else, this was a wakeup call for me, and if that is the true purpose of this movie, then it succeeds. Notice all my "highlighted" words--let there be no DECEPTION here concerning this movie: get the idea???
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People, lighten up!
1 June 2006
I give it 10 stars just to offset some of the totally nasty reviews some people have given this movie just because it is based on the premise that there is a God! Why not trash ET? Prove to me there are aliens. This is just a silly movie that has some hilarious moments. I have watched the sequence where Carrey makes Evan talk gibberish while doing the evening news over and over to try not to laugh...maybe it's me. I'm easily amused; but I feel sorry for anyone who actually sat through that sequence without laughing...anyway, I had to write a review after reading some of the things people have said about this movie mostly influenced by the name and premise of a God! How awful! Nothing funny about pushing god on us Hollywood...yeah, right, Hollywood pushing god??? People need to get off their collective intolerant high horses and start enjoying the simple things in life...if this movies upsets you, I truly feel sorry for you. This is a simple, stupid, funny, silly movie about something that would be impossible even if it were true! Sheesh. Just allow yourself some easy laughs and rent this if you haven't already seen it a hundred times on TV. And, first and foremost, enjoy life.
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The Grudge (2004)
It had its moments
27 May 2005
really, for the first 30-45 minutes this movie had some great "jump" moments...i haven't really been startled by a "horror" film for many years. But after awhile the "cat growl" sound got pretty boring. i watched it alone at home one evening and it did cause the hairs on my arms to stand in the beginning...but as the movie progressed, it got repetitive and predictable. still, i gave it an 8 just for the first 30 minutes and the fact that it actually startled me to jump...anytime a horror flick can get that reaction, i'd call it a success....and, i'm not easily affected by these things. I think that kids face was pretty creepy too. I noticed Ebert only gave it one star...not sure what he was thinking or expected...but i've often enjoyed movies he has trashed.
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Unforgiven (1992)
How many times have I re-watched this one?
25 October 2004
Especially the last 20-30 minutes. It has to be one of the best done, climatic shootouts ever...little details of this movie go unnoticed but have impact such as the scene in which Munny and the kid are waiting outside of town for their starts off by giving you a visual of the town and an indistinguishable figure riding toward them in the distance...the following dialog between Munny and the kid (a classic dialog in and of itself) takes place within the time it takes for who turns out to be one of the whores with the money (and the sad news) to ride from town to them...from time to time during the dialog, it shows the figure getting closer and closer...i think that this scene puts you into the pace of the life back then and adds to the overall realism this film tries to capture...yes, at times it is "slow-paced" as some here complain...but then, life was actually that way...unlike the action-packed, fast-paced, never-a-dull-moment life many westerns would have us believe life to be back was hard, filthy, untamed, boring, and slow-paced with moments of total mayhem. Wyoming, a beautifully picturesque place, especially as depicted by most travelogues, was also shown to be a real place with nasty unpredictable weather to balance the majestic beauty it also offers...The recurring question to Beuchamps claim to be a writer: "of letters and such?" is another little example to detail this movie pays to the time and place of this movie--people's only reason to write back then would be to write letters and such--that was something probably everyone did back then, much like everyone talks on the phone was the only thing they could relate writing to...probably the first writer of books and magazines any of them ever met...who had time to write books? Survival took up all their time...loved this movie.
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They (2002)
not all that bad...
18 October 2004

I didn't think this movie was all that bad...certainly wouldn't call it trash or a classic. It did "borrow" some from "Darkness Falls" but for whatever reason, i found this a bit more creepy....maybe because i find creepy, shapeless, unseen-moving-shadow-type monsters (like those from our childhood fears) more frightening than a screeching witch-like thing flying about as if on a broomstick....i've seen the moving shapeless shadows moving in the dark corners of my room; i've yet to see a flying witchlike thing. The star could have been more voluptuous, but then that's kind of what i liked about this movie...none of the standard gore, sex, and slash. The slightly open doors of the dark closets which hid the monsters of our childhood as they observed us, worked for me; I made sure my closet doors were shut that night. Also the abandoned pool scene was somewhat of a flashback-fright for me. All in all, I thought this was an entertaining movie that was technically well done. Contrary to most, i also liked the ending. "They" definitely works better on viewers who are home alone at night...those dark areas of the house seemed a bit darker; and all the little unexplained creeks and bumps a sleeping house makes seemed more meaningful. I do wish they would have expanded more on the brief theory that darkness may be the channel used to travel from one dimension to another... In truth, there is really a limit to how many different ways a horror movie can scare you; we've seen them all over and is just like a thrill ride, we all know what is going to happen; the challenge in a horror movie is to touch something in us that results in a fear response; i guess therein lies the key as to whether you like or dislike this movie.
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