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Mind numbingly bad
26 November 2023
At a loss for words at just how bad this movie was. Think of the cheesiest dialog possible-think 1960s action comic books- and that's how they talked with one another through the film.

There's a scene around the 18-minute mark where the heads of all departments, lead by actor Cary Ewes, have a serious meeting in a giant room. There's a paragraph's worth of story that explains what the world is up against, that could be spoken out loud by one person. But nope: each of the 12 or so actors has a single line of this explanatory dialog with a closeup, followed quickly by the next actor's line of dialog and their closeup. A movie goer a few rows behind us yelled out "NO ONE TALKS THAT WAY!" and the theater erupted in laughter.

And the acting and overly seriously facial expressions is just as cheesy. What an oddly put together movie. I normally love Tom Cruise's movies. But this one was one of the few where we wanted to leave early.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
What a bizarre and shockingly boring experience
21 July 2023
I would've been good money that this was going to be one of the best movies I'd ever watch. But wow. First, the soundtrack plays *constantly* throughout the entire 3 hours. It never stops, and it's very loud, a true assault of the senses. Second, its pacing is crazy-making slow. Even 20 minutes into it, I was thinking 'this has got to get better, right?' Only it never does. The dialog is difficult to hear (largely over the loud music that never stops), and the storyline is not easy to follow. But besides all this, it's just a shockingly boring movie. I'm a big movie fan, and this will go down as one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Important satire for anyone under 50 to watch
24 June 2023
Gordon Liddy was a certified psychopath, willing to kill journalists and break the law in the name of patriotism, and yet even after being hired to, and then convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping, upon being released from jail, his views made him a hero to millions as a demagogue radio show host. For decades, he was living proof of the power of progranda-style language to fire up the fear and loathing hidden in people's minds, allowing listeners to overlook the tiny detail that they were listening and being influenced by a psychopath.

This satirical TV show on one of Liddy's more well-known bungles is funny and educational. But ultimately its real value will hopefully be to give insight and awareness to the particular younger generations whose parents and grandparents got sucked into believing the fear-based rhetoric that came out of Giddy's radio show for decades.
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Night Sky (2022– )
the worst series in quite a few years.
27 May 2022
What a boring, slow, drawn-out story. Had so much promise, and great actors. But what a painfully slow story line. We did something we never do: after wasting hours on the first 4 or 5 episodes, we were so done with the slowness we just watched the last episode, and yup: still just boring. Whew, it's been a long time since we were this unimpressed with a TV series.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Brilliant and then so stupid.
21 March 2021
I haven't been this entranced in a drama for years. Not a fan at all of spooky-type cinema, which made this even more interesting for us. And the acting was out of this world good. The lighting! The camera angles! The set design! Just beyond anything we've seen. And then we started to feel overly manipulated, as if the writers were getting paid by the page, by the minute. We finished up the last episode of Season 2 last night, and the main feeling we were left with was being ripped off. Angry. Really? That's the ending?

If you're a cinema enthusiast, then I'd recommend watching the first few episodes just to see brilliance at work. But I'd stop there because the arc of the story line, and the idiotic ending will just piss you off.
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Oh my. What a dumb, dumb movie
7 February 2021
We rarely stop watching a movie half way through. But for The Wanting Mare, we made an exception. Oh my gosh. Looks like a college level video production, with the longest wait between scenes, weird cutting, weird dialog, and just bad acting. The best part, though: shaky camera holding! Like insane amount of shaky camera holding! Our only guess is that the camera man had read some place that the future to realistic filming was to hold heavy cameras and add some extra movement to give it that "it's as if you're really here!" vibe. It made for laughing out loud watching, but good luck making it all the way through this one. We stopped after 30 minutes.
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If you love any form of pretension, this is perfect for you.
27 July 2019
Do a web search for the artist Mark Rothko; he paints largely giant squares of single colors. His "Orange, red, yellow" painting sold for $86.8 million dollars in 2012. For a 4'x5' canvas painting that is basically all orange.

There is a group of people who would pay that money gladly, and there is a group of people who would hang that painting in a gallery, and then there is a group of people who would go out of their way to go look at that painting and stare at it and then discuss it for hours and even years.

If you are part of this group, right on, because life is about doing whatever you want to do.

If you are part of this group, then you will probably love this movie. Just as you found profound expensive meaning in Rothko's painting.

If you are not part of this group, then there's a good chance you'll find this movie such a profound waste of money and time and talent. It will leave you as depressed as when you realize someone paid $86 million dollars for that orange painting.
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Downsizing (2017)
One of the worst movies in a long, long time
27 December 2017
Just so bizarre. I'm at a loss for words. I feel ripped off, especially with having seen the misleading trailer. Do not go to this movie. Seriously. Don't go.
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