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Man of Steel (2013)
The good, the bad and the ugly
15 June 2013
The good-

-Kevin Costner as Johnathan Kent, he was my favorite part of the movie and was the best acted part by far. -The visuals, it looked well done and exactly what you would expect to see from Zach Snyder -Michael Shannon as Zod, He acted the part well but it was not exactly a challenging role

The bad-

  • The script, the story was not well laid out at all and was a confused mess. There was no beginning middle or end and nothing out of the box or in any way clever to replace that. The pacing was awful and even laughable at times. - Ms. Lane, Amy Adams was not special in any way because her part was the most generic character i've seen in a long time. In her first scene in the film she is set to be a badass news reporter with an attitude but in the next scene she is just a scared normal generic news reporter. HER ENTIRE PERSONALITY JUST CHANGES! -The dialogue, Me and the kind group of teenagers behind me could not stop laughing at the utter chessiness of the flashback scenes. The dialogue was just so terribly (it's a strong word I don't like to use often but this is the proper time)written it was hilarious. - Boring, When a house explodes every other minute and a terrible line of dialogue comes out of the blue right in the middle of what is meant to be an intense scene that has now become horribly cheesy, you're gonna have a bad time. When something explodes every other minute and is meant to be exciting but you've seen that a few minutes ago, the constant action just gets boring and loud. This movie was torture the last thirty minutes because it should have ended thirty minutes earlier. - the soundtrack, you've heard the exact same thing in every action movie ever, it did nothing special at all.

The ugly-

  • Zach Snyder's direction, I don't know if Nolan made the right choice on him or not but he definitely deserved this role to direct Man of Steel but some of the scenes where just messy and there where several errors I pointed out loud and I heard a loud murmur of agreement throughout the theare. - Epicness, this movie is not epic in any way and the epic and well done movie trailers for this film are extremely misleading.
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The good, the bad and the Tarantino
15 June 2013
The good- - The script, I love all of Tarantino's scripts but this one takes the cake with outstanding but what you would come to expect from Tarantino dialogue and brilliant characters along with clever humor and brutal/intense scenes. - Christoph Waltz, what can be said about him that has'nt already been said. He was BRILLIANT in this role and Hans Landa is one of the greatest movie villains of all time. - Brad Pitt, I like it when actors have a little fun with their roles and Pittdid and brought the character to life really well. - Every other actor in the film, everyone was brilliant, really - The editing, it's amazing how little time they had to edit this and how well they pulled it off, well done Sally. - The soundtrack, set the tone of old style shoot em' up comedy. - sets, the sets where really good and looked very real - attention to details, you have to see this film multiple times to catch a ton of brilliant little details all over the place and it's fun to play what I call 'the Tarantino game' where you search for easter eggs all over the movie.

the bad- - deleted scenes, several scenes where deleted to save time but some where actually important to the film's story. - Adam Sandler being an idiot, Sandler was originally supposed to play the bear Jew but blew it off for another role in a terrible movie but god he would've been so good in this movie it hurts to think about it. Although Eli Roth was good in the part, Sandler would have been better.

the Tarantino- - Choice to have language changes, most of the film was either in German and French. - The middle block, the whole block was devoid of English and was a little boring but found ways to keep it interesting
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