
27 Reviews
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Looper (2012)
I enjoyed it
27 March 2013
I liked it. OK, there were plot holes. But the acting and execution of the film did the magic trick and I didn't really notice them.

There is an art to film making and it speaks of a world where Superman can fly, Luke Skywalker can wave a "light sabre" and deflect laser bullets etc.. We don't question that at the time because we accept the craft and skill of the film maker.

He pulls that rabbit out of the hat - and he does it in such a way that we want to believe that he really did do something magical as opposed to discussing the impossibility of the physics behind the act.

That is what separates a good film from a bad one. Its so well crafted that we ignore the inconsistencies and withhold our skepticism.
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24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first two movies. In fact, I liked Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers so much I watched them five times.

Unfortunately, The Return of the King seemed a rather big overkill for me - it seemed too rushed - poorly edited - an overindulgent overkill.

The scenes were all pretty epic in the book - but Jackson juiced it up too much.

I didn't like the charge of the Riders of Rohan - it just looked so... fake for some reason.

The scene when the Eye of Sauron topples over - was so laughable.

I really wanted to like it but I just couldn't. I'm sorry.

And to top it off - we get Annie Lennox singing that song at the end - I like Lennox - but I just found her version of this song lackluster. Goodness knows why ROTK scooped up all the Academy Awards. They should have given it all to FOTR instead.
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Loved it
24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it! I liked it so much I'm going to buy it on DVD, heck even the extended DVD.

I thought it was really well written.

The pacing was good.

The characters were well drawn out.

And the overall story was pretty amusing - in fact, it was so amusing I hoping it will come out on xbox or a computer game to play with.

The only thing I wished for was perhaps more jokes about retro games that I loved - like Space Invaders, Galaxian etc.. it would have been great if they had made a come back at the finale to help defeat the enemy.

This together with Toy Story 3 - are one of my fav animated movies.
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A perverse and awful man
21 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Verges is in love with his own hate. He sees hypocrisy everywhere and like a spoiled brat wants to tear everything done. And so he supports dictators and mass murderers in the the name of justice.

He also asserts that the Cambodian genocide under his friend Pol Pot did not happen and blames the Americans for most of the damage.

The fact that over one quarter of Cambodia's population perished under Pol Pot's rule - the fact that Pol Pot's insane policies drove the population to utter starvation - the fact that Pol Pot's regime actively conducted mass imprisonment, torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of its own people - including children - does not bother Verges who still admires Pol Pot.

This film does not press Verges on such hard questions. Its an utter waste of time and only serves as a limelight for his overwhelming ego.
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I liked it
5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not too sure why there is so much hate for the Hobbit. Its clearly an adaptation of the book, not the actual book itself. And it also incorporates detail from the other stories written by Tolkien, ie. the growing sense that Saruman was going to be more of a hindrance than a help. Some people see it as a problem but I don't. B I have some problems with the film 1. the initial meeting with Gandalf seemed too weird. There didn't seem to be any reason why Bilbo should go running off with this tall messy looking stranger.

However on the 2nd screening (I watched it a 2nd time) this scene didn't seem so bad and I caught some of the casual explanations given.

2. Galadriel meeting with Gandalf. Was Gandalf so in awe of the Lady in the books? She seems to have taken on a ghostly Mother Mary sort of persona here.

3. Bilbo's capture which resulted in the surrender of the entire group. I don't exactly see why Thorin would lay down his sword and get eaten just to save Bilbo's life temporarily.

4. Some of the decapitation scenes of the goblins did not amuse me.

But overall it was an excellent film. There were some marvelous bits of drama for me.

1. Bilbo's explanation of why he didn't belong to the group, and later why he chose to stay with the group.

2. The appearance of the Eagles. Weta did an amazing work in this. Simply stunning to behold.

Some posters complained about Azog being "resurrected" to be the main antagonist. Gosh if that bothers you I think you are a book-wraith.
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As comparable as the award winning History Boys
12 September 2012
A particular in transcendence beyond human understanding could, in some divine sense, be the goal of every artiste, emotioning, empathizing, or in some mysterious deep level educating the big muscle within deeper senses that goes beyond the human capacity to articulate. Music can bring out the beasts within our dark aspirations, primal stories that elucidate the dramas of our gay soul or whatever stuff that comes from within our stomachs after eating too much tachos.

This movie evokes events in our own experience and casts light on them, creating master art pieces of master art works that reach out beyond Soho to the sublime, taking us beyond the mundane for a brief moment of time. There is a imaginative reasoning within ourselves that goes beyond reasoning; the lighting of sheer genius; the torchlighting of the human spirit. The question of how to awaken female chicks preparing for University is one that admits of no direct answer, though the teacher portrayed in this film approach it from all angles, sideways. front on, analizing philosophical challenges to the audience about the nature of education.

If you thought this was rubbish you should read the reviews about History Boys.
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I hated it
20 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get this movie at all. I love spy actions films like the Qantum of Solace, Bourne Supremacy, and of course, Spy kids.

Where are the sex scenes? Where are the car chase sequences?? And OMG where are the epic fight scenes and gun shoot outs???? The hero chews a chewing gum - pulls out a gun and thats it???? I mean there was NOTHING at all in this show.

And worse whats with all the weird accents??? They all talk funny. Why have they outsourced all the acting roles to Russian and Irish actors??? I was really hoping to see the acting class of George Clooney and Kevin Costner. I don't know any of these actors. Well, maybe one of them. I think I saw him in Dark Knight, another fav spy movie of mine.

By this time you should have realized this was written with sarcasm mode on. If you don't like it - find a sniper rifle and shove it where the light don't shine, in this case your brain.
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It grows on you - ignore WIlly Wonka and the Ompa-Lumpas
14 April 2012
The problem is that I've seen films like "1984", "Battle Royale", "Gattaca" etc.. so this film seems to be a cliché driven movie right from the start. We start off with very little empathy for the characters - esp. the well dressed heroine who does not look emancipated. There's no sense of dread when they get called because I'm wondering WTF is Tim Burton's Willy Wonka doing in this apocalyptic film. And then when we reach the "city" - its filled with a whole bunch of Willy Wonka type of characters - and munchkins as news commentators.

At this point I'm really struggling to imagine a modern world where all the citizens of the greatest city in the world are dressed as Willy Wonkas. Sorry, I can't get that image out of my mind.

By the middle half of the film - however - I'm warming up to the characters. Partly because we see very little of the Willy Wonkas. And it goes up hill from there on.

I was pleasantly surprised that the dashing boyfriend does not make a surprise appearance. And that it did not end with a V for Vendetta style ending.
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Virtual Sex with Devon (2001 Video)
Excellent video
14 December 2011
This is a superb video which showcases the beauty and acting ability of Devon, an extremely bodacious actress with a very pretty face and long blonde hair.

The video really does make you feel like you're in the same room as this magnificent goddess.

You do not hear any sound from the male porn star - and there is hardly any glimpse of him - so that enhances the virtual reality aspect of the video.

Devon exhibits superior technique and the video comes with several sex position options.

Her acting skills are so good that I think she should win an Academy Award for her performance.

There is also no irritating soundtrack to mar the session.

What more can I say? Go get the video.
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Harry Brown (2009)
A Documentary
9 August 2011
I'm watching the London riots and decided to watch Harry Brown - I then realized its not a film, its a documentary.

The police really are ineffectual bureaucrats in real life.

In the world of Harry Brown, the kids in the ghettos get to rape, murder, bash, rob, maim, commit arson and the police don't do much about it except chase them with sticks - and then I look at the TV, and wow, same thing.

I had some problems with the plot. And the idea that Harry Brown can suddenly appear here and there like the blooming Calvary seems a bit silly.
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Best of the Trilogy
4 August 2011
I thought that out of the Three, The Fellowship of the Rings was the best.

We have the joy of seeing Tolkien's world of Elves, men, monstrous Orcs, hobbits come to life here.

I particularly liked Galdriel's quote of how the world had changed- said in Elvish. In the original text, it was actually the Ent which said it. But having Cate Blanchett say the words was simply spellbinding. I remember her speech word for word to this day.

The choice of actors was also spot on. Sir Ian McKellen was a fantastic choice as Gandalf.

Some people have complained about the pacing and length of the film and to a certain extent I agree with them.

The inclusion of the story of Arwen was probably partly to blame for this. But in context of the film story telling, I think they erred on the right side of balance.

Overall, high praise I give to Weta design teams, and the writers, directors, actors, Elvish speech coaches, and the people of New Zealand to bringing to real flesh and life the Epic, Lord of the Rings.
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Save Me (I) (1994)
Watch it for Lysette Anthony
19 June 2011
If you are a connoisseur of beautiful women with flawless ivory skin, the perfectly measured body, golden flax hair, pink nipples, firm breasts etc.. you have to watch this movie.

Lysette Anthony is totally hawt here. I mean totally mind blowing hawt.

She is the sort of woman you can imagine as Helen of Troy - launching a thousand ships because her beauty was totally captivating.

The sex scene at the end with the beefcake actor has to rank as one of the hottest scenes in film history.

The plot may be thinner than Lysette's pantyhose but if you think about it - most films plots are pretty crappy and rip-offs from better movies.

But well, if you like watching beautiful women - you can't give this a miss.
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George Lucas joins the Dark Side
20 December 2010
I find it ironic that George Lucas started out as a rebel film maker who absolutely hated the (orthodox) Hollywood Film Studios and wanted to make indie films, like American Graffiti, tales with soul - stories that were character driven and deal with deep eternal issues like forgiveness, revenge, love.

Somewhere along the line - probably after making Empire Strikes Back - he forgot that - you could say, he went over to the Dark Side - he sold out. Instead of overcoming the Hollywood Studio system - he joined them.

The prequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga is testimony to this fact.

This is perhaps why his wife, and chief editor of the Star Wars saga - left him after the completion of Return of the Jedi. It was just too painful living with a man who had forsaken all his idealism and was now "Darth Vader".

This film explores that betrayal in an amusing manner.
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Attack of the Colon
19 December 2010
I give it two stars because of Natalie Portman. It might seem ironic that the only thing I remembered in this heavily "dense" CGI film was the only thing that was real - ie. Natalie Portman's bosom.

But yeah.

I hated the movie because it was stupid, silly and filled with more plot holes than an asteroid belt has rocks.

1. Didn't the Jedi Council - yes, those same wise masters - ever get suspicious about that convenient Clone Army that was created for them - in advance? 2. They still haven't explained why the Jedi and the Sith hate each other.

3. The Jedi are forbidden to marry or fall in love - yet the Council, yes those same wise, all-seeing Knights of the Realm - place Annie and Padme in close proximity to each other. Why? Oh wait, the script calls them to fall in love.

4. Why are the Jedi forbidden to fall in love? 5. The love affair between Padme and Annie was the most contrived and poorly written.

Harrison Ford wrote that Lucas was abysmal in writing speech dialogue - and so Ford changed the script - Lucas, due to his busy schedule, only found out much later and couldn't change it.

Now that Lucas has all the power, he can do whatever he wants. And this is it - Attack of the Colon because I felt like retching at the terrible dialogue.
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Marcia Lucas You are our only hope!
13 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It has been said that George Lucas can't do dialogue or write a logical rational script. This movie proves it.

Appalling dialogue. An illogical absurd plot twist. And Jar Jar Binks. Three reasons to hate this dreadful movie.

I hated the way Lucas contrived to make Anakin turn over to the Dark Side.

It doesn't make sense. He might as well have got mini-Sith Lords crawling out of Anny's behind.

How is it that the best Jedi Knight Anakin who has been fighting tooth and nail against the Separatist led by the Sith Lord suddenly turn against his order and go about killing even little Jedi kids? Did Lucas even bother to think this through? I think even a pre-school kid could have done better.

As it stands, this garbage of a film only makes Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back shine even brighter.

I can only hope that one day after George Lucas has disappeared up in his behind - that Marcia Lucas - the real crafts person behind Star Wars will get back in his chair and redo the whole first 3 episodes.
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Marcia Lucas You are our only hope!
13 October 2010
I first watched Star Wars (the New Hope) back in 1977 and I thought it was the best movie made of all time. I thought that Phantom Menace would equal the brilliance of that first film. After all Star Wars had a great story, great pacing, and the acting was pretty good for a sci-fic film.

Compared to that film - the Phantom Menace pales in comparison - its filled with stupid characters like Jar Jar Binks which gets a negative 5 rating from me. And worse of all, the child actor casted to play Anakin Skywalker was hopelessly out of his depth - he gets a negative 6. But to be fair to the little kid - he's just a child actor who was given an abysmal script. Why didn't they use the Haley Joel-Osman "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE" ?

Furthermore, we are to expect that "Annie" will one day marry Padme? There's a serious height difference going on there.

However you do get to see moments of G.Lucas' brilliance - a bit like seeing that glint of diamond under the tons of rubble. Darth Maul was very well cast/written +5 and Natalie Portman played a brilliant Queen Amidale +5. But the best parts of the movie is still stuck under that ton of ugly rubble. Its a pity that Marcia Lucas the real craftsperson of the Star Wars series - she won the Academy Award for editing the first original Star Wars movie - was not around to mold this into a real work of art. She would probably have convinced George to have got rid of Jar Jar Blinks and have devised a better script and plot - not to mention getting a more suitable actor to play Anakin.

But of course the special effects of the film was fantastic. So +5. However, Lucas' awful plot idea of the midichlorians gives it another -5.

The pacing is horrid. A lot of the plot doesn't make sense.

A really horrible effort by George Lucas. All that money went to his head - its just a big showcase for his CGI. What a waste.

Anyway - you should watch the original 1977 Star Wars and compare it to the 1997 re-release - this time with all the crap that Lucas' wife deleted. Then you realize why she won the Academy Award. Pity that Lucas didn't get it.
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Poignant Crap
7 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I fell asleep in the first 10 minutes of this film. It was so boring that I stopped watching it after the next 15minutes.

Its basically an Anti-war "I hate war" "war is meaningless" sort of film written apparently by Sean Penn.

This sort of theme may perhaps be used for other conflicts - insert your "I hate Bush" diatribe here. Or lets see, WW1 trench warfare.

But the Pacific War was quite different. The Japanese military really were horrible. They slaughtered millions of innocent civilians. The Battle for Guadalcanal was vitally important as it served as a staging post for Japanese bombers to sink Allied ships heading to Australia etc..

There were numerous historical inaccuracies in this movie. The battle scenes were not factually correct.

In short, this film and the story of WW2 only serves to act as a canvas for an anti-war message, and for the director to insert platitudes about the "horrors of war" and about how the Japanese soldiers - the same people who raped an entire city population at Nanking before killing them - were really really nice people.

In short, its a boring, preachy film filled with hippie 3am free form poetry. Watch this if you want to watch an anti-war film. The director might as well have substituted the Japanese soldiers for smurfs.
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The Pacific (2010)
Slow moving ponderous
13 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A poor effort by the directors and script writers.

This film wallows like an elephant in quicksand, slow moving ponderous. There is a very pathetic attempt at the start to give some depth to the characters - it fails. It tells the background of the men in a series of cliché "faux-Norman Rockwell" vignettes.

Feel good, 2 dimensional - the sort of boring and forgettable ads you see at bus stations.

Then the war starts, and the next second are giving hell to the "Japs" and it plays out like a video game. They shoot and all the enemy fall over like pins whilst the Yanks are behaving like supermen. I think there was more drama in a Rambo film.

And for crying out loud - they are fighting in the jungle. I spent 10 weeks doing military training in Thailand, Borneo etc.. and we were all drenched in sweat every single darn minute and pretty fracking tired - all this and no one was shooting at us. In this film - it all looks so clean, like one big stage production... did I mention the bad acting?

This was just poor directing. I read the history of Guadalcanal - it was intense, brutal, and a close run thing. You don't get that feeling here.

Its also too melodramatic -every emotion is invested with great significance with an accompanying doom-doom-doom "omg so serious" soundtrack. After awhile, it gets wearing.

And then we are saddled with a main character whose whiny world weary cynicism render the 1st part of the series into a massive constipation - that the actor has red curly hair, freckles and bad acting makes this series stink. Check out his successful bozo drunken chat up of the Aussie girl - its so damn awful that it put the "C" into cringe.

Is this far real? If this was actually based on a real life memoir - you gotta really wonder whether the author made it all up instead of writing the awful truth, ie. "After the Battle of Guadalcanal, we got RR in Melbourne where I got blind drunk - I made a pass at a girl. She slapped me in the face then said "F.O. Dick head". I wanted to tell her my name wasn't Dick but was too busy vomiting. A couple of kids laughed at me as I lay in the gutter covered in my own vomit and urine, and stole my wallet. But I'm going to write in my memoirs that I got invited to her home and banged her silly while her parents slept peacefully in the other room. Yeah everyone's gonna believe that."

In no way am I disparaging the efforts of the Pacific WW2 veterans. They fought hard and terrible battles - against a foe which put the "B" into barbarity. The Japanese were the sort of monsters who regularly raped and slaughtered the populations of cities AFTER its citizens had surrendered.

Off tangent but whenever some stupid Peace protesters cries out "Remember Hiroshima!" I feel like yelling back - "Yeah bomb the stupid 4kers and for their mosaic films!" Japanese women are hawt but their film production are stupid, anyhow I digress.

This sort of monstrous behavior went on in varying degrees in all the campaigns the Japanese conducted - from China, Philippines, Burma, Malaya, Singapore - where they rounded up 100,000 citizens - men, women, children and even babies and slaughtered them before dumping their bodies into the sea to get rid of the evidence (and that was just a small part of their horrible reign).

The Japanese also used millions of Asian civilians as slave labor, and even as sex slaves brutally treating them worse than animals. They died in the thousands on a daily basis. And well, God help you if you became a Japanese Prisoner of War or a so-called "comfort women" which were women routinely gang raped to death by ordinary Japanese soldiers.

In this film, you get the feeling that it was the Americans who were the barbarians - and not the Japanese.

In this film - it seems it is the Americans who are the cruel aggressors. The people in charge of this film, however, did a big disservice to their story; Spielberg needs sit down and think this though. I think they just got lost in the detail.

The story telling was just so monotonous. Some of the action sequences were OK - but the initials battles lacked tension and felt very much like a video game. Having said that, historically the Japanese soldiers died in their thousands using stupid tactics.

I don't blame the history though - I blame the film's story tellers, the script writers and directors.

On one hand, you have film directors like Christopher Nolan who can make the audience hold their breath over a spinning top. And on the other - you have the amateurs who did the Pacific - who managed to make the epic battles of the Pacific into really boring yawns.

One other note: the soldiers all look so clean, don't they sweat for crying out loud? - Its the tropics, 30C+ degrees, they're wearing full combat gear but they seem like they've run around a few blocks of the movie set.

Poor acting, poor directing, poor script writing, but the props were excellent.

I give it a C minus. I expected better from Hanks and Spielberg.
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Into the Blue (2005)
A beautiful movie about scuba diving
25 March 2010
I thought this was an excellent pop movie. Its fun, watchable and yes, Jessica Alba looks totally hawt.

To do justice to this film, you should watch the "Making of" documentary which shows the absolutely beautiful Jessica skin diving with massive sharks - wearing only that stunning bikini, whilst the dive camera crew are wearing chain mail suits for protection. That image of her magnificent body outstretched with her arm reaching out for a shark is one of the most memorable cinematic images ever. I swear I could spend an entire week on a liveonboard watching this on repeat.

There is probably no chance of her doing this sort of dangerous stunts like this again, thanks to her fame. The insurance premium could sink a battleship.

The plot is about as believable as Brokeback Mountain - but it doesn't claim any pretensions - it is what it is. A fun movie, highly watchable and worth buying on Blue Ray thanks to the pretty Miss Alba's taunt tight bodacious body. She should have won an Academy Award for her curves.
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Spectacular Failure
31 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It just didn't gel. A lot of the scenes feel extremely clumsy like a monstrous giant trying to do origami.

The plot is incoherent. One moment the girl is trying to kill "Tony" - the next she is seducing him. Finally, it made no sense that the devil after outwitting "the Doctor" chooses to release his daughter by getting him to help kill Tony.

Its a stupid and shallow Deux Ex Machima idea - and makes no sense, as the daughter was the one who helped saved Tony at the start.

Some good points. I liked the idea generally speaking. I thought the characters were marvelous drawn up. The costume, set design was fantastic. I thought Jude Law gave a great performance. And Plummer did a good job as "The Doctor".

But Heath Ledger's performance was not so great. The character of Anton was irritating and his eventually fate so clichéd.

Some people will say this movie is very clever or try and gild it with existentialism or some other mumbo jumbo clap trap philosophy.

I'm going to call it for what it is - "The Emperor has no clothes." Now that's a laugh.
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Nothing to do with History or School Boys
30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine a bizarre world where the school's top students sing and dance for their favorite teacher in their underwear and allow themselves to get molested by him on a regular basis. That's History Boys in a nutshell.

I am still stunned at how so many IMDb reviewers regard this sort of behavior as normal and seem to believe that it was also a part of English school life. Now, which school was that? Penisular Glamor? Buttwarts High?

First off - this is not a criticism of homosexuality - this reviewer is horrified by the glorification of the abuse of the high student/teacher relationship as portrayed in this film. Its like propaganda of pedophilia.

If this film was about an elderly male teacher rubbing the genitals of his protesting but yet compliant young female students the whole media establishment would express outrage and crucify the entire cast - even the best boy ; although perhaps the media elite might find it acceptable if it was directed by Roman Polanski.

This film was touted as another Dead Poet's Society, a story about working/middle class boys making good.

What utter rubbish. Its not.

Its a film whose main aim is to glorify a fat old teacher who enjoys regularly molesting his students who worship him. The same students also randomly break out into a Vaudeville song and dance routine and quote poetic passages from Auden and apparently enjoy prancing around in their underwear in front of the same teacher. Wow, what kind of pervert dreamed up this fantasy?

Predictably, the new history teacher is also of a similar sexual orientation. And the only teacher who finds the fat teacher's behavior objectionable is portrayed as a vile creep who is instantly vilified when he touches a female staff member.

The climax of the movie is when one of the students offers the new teacher a sexual service and when he hesitates - the boy criticizes the man for his timidity. Carpe Dickus! This is nothing other than a pedophile's fantasy - to have high school boys offer blow jobs to reluctant teachers.

Wow! What kind of sick old pervert dreamed this sick fantasy up?

I've read this sort of story before - but it involved female porn actresses and a male star. They didn't win any awards but it was certainly a lot more honest than this piece of pedophilia propaganda.

What I found really shocking was the advertising and reviews for this film which were just as disingenuous as the blurb of this film. Few mentioned the homosexual pedophile aspect of this film.

This is like advertising Jurassic Park as a pleasant family adventure in a nature reserve and totally ignore the man eating dinosaurs or reviewing the Jaws as a fishing trip involving three happy men in a boat with no mention of the man eating shark.

That History Boys received so much acclaim and awards from prestigious groups seems a sad indictment on the film industry: virtually no reviewer dares to reveal the honest truth about this film - that its a pedophiles fantasy. I wonder why?

If the story had been about a fat teacher who was feeling up his female students' genitalia, the outrage from the movie industry and other lobby groups would have destroyed the film, film's directors, actors, producers and even the best boy. But instead - because its written by Bennett rather curiously, the reviewers and movie industry praise it sky high and call the student molesting teacher "a flawed hero". What utter hypocrisy.

As for the History teaching aspect - a perverse twist has been added. The new teacher advices his pupils to say positive things about two of the most evil men in history, Hitler and Stalin, to get admission to a prestigious British university. Those two were directly responsible for the deaths, rapes, tortures, and enslavement of uncountable number of men, women and children.

Just great, perversity in logic too.

Bennett and the whole cast of the show, including its producers and actors ought to read out the names and details of all the people Hitler and Stalin killed, and for good measure Mao, Castro, and Pol Pot too.

If I could give this film a -1000 I would.

In summary, History Boys is a film which glorifies the sexual abuse of high school students. Its a male pedophiles' fantasy.

It also demonstrates the utter hypocrisy and perversity in the media industry who choose to downplay this central theme of the film. Their sense of moral judgment is so far off its not even on the same planet, possibly on Uranus.
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Midway (1976)
Cheap, lazy, easy way to make money
30 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Battle of Midway was a crucial battle of WW2. However, this movie does it injustice.

I personally thought that the producers of this film were lazy. They crammed in any old stock footage from WW2 - including film from Battle of Britain - Now there's nothing wrong with using stock footage but when its used incorrectly, ie. when a US plane is attacked - they incorrectly show footage showing a Japanese plane crashing.

In fact, virtually all their entire combat footage is stuff taken from other War movies or common stock footage.

Example they borrow heavily from the movie, Tora Tora Tora. So you have scenes of airplanes fighting in Pearl harbor (for goodness sake you can see the ships are in harbor!!!) substituting for Midway Battle scenes fought in the open seas. Some people will say - yeah, so what big deal.

But hey, what if you went to see ... say, the latest action "blockbuster" movie and found that they had recycled footage from a dozen of other films for ALL their action sequences - what would you call that??? Ridiculous.

Its cheap, its lazy, its a quick way to make a quick buck. If this was for a TV show, I'd understand. But this is for the big screen and for an important battle in the Pacific war!

Sarcastic mode on: Hey, but its a feel good sort of movie ain't it? The good guys win - the bad guys lose. That's the most important thing for most cinema goers. They should have ended with Heston kissing a nurse for good measure in the end scene. Then jumping on a Mitchell bomber flying off the deck of the Hornet, turning into a B-17 to fight off a swarm of enemy fighter planes and Tie-fighters, before transforming into a B-29 and dropping the A bomb on Hiroshima, "Take that you b@stards!!!" Sarcastic mode off.

It looks like the producers of this film blew their entire budget on hiring a few major actors and cutting the best bits from previous movies. Porn films do that and make mega profits too. But I don't call them great films.
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A Scuba Diving Movie Parody
18 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie in 2004 expecting it to be another Royal Tenenbaums type of film - which I enjoyed, very much. I was disappointed. It seemed a bit too contrived. I put it on the shelf- or should I say my sister borrowed it for 5 years, had a baby, and afterwards I took it back. The DVD I mean, not the baby.

I had gone scuba diving since 2007 - and had been watching hours of scuba diving, undersea films and documentaries - like Diving with the Great White Shark.

Then I rewatched this The Life Aquatic again - and I found understood its genius for the first time. And I also appreciated its dead pan humor even more so.

Its also a very philosophical film like the other Wes Anderson's films - its a film about heroes getting old and frail, its about children finding that their parents can be very human and flawed and accepting that.

For those who hated the film. Its OK. Never mind. Go scuba diving. Then go watch all those shark, nat geo, discovery, documentaries - the ones where the camera focuses on the shark hunters in pensive moods or striding purposefully onto the board, or finding things in the water FOR THE FIRST TIME (with the camera men already on location filming the jokers).

Then watch this. You'll get it.

But having said that - this film could have done with some editing. There were several unnecessary bits that could have been removed to improve the pacing of the film such as:

1. The scene where Ned is on the telephone to his airline boss telling them that he's going on a voyage with Steve and won't be coming back soon and that someone else is covering for him. Did we really have to hear all that? Couldn't we have overheard it in an overlapping background?

2. The little boy Verner. He's cute but he couldn't act.

3. Swamp leeches. WTF?
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Shark Swarm (2008 TV Movie)
Best film to watch before a PADI Open Water Dive at Dayang
3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Lol. This film is so bad - its funny.

Tedious. Predictable. Bad writing. Clichéd crap.

The sharks form swarms to attack humans like piranhas. The funny thing is that no one seems to notice the people getting killed. No MIA reports. No washed up body parts.

When they finally realize the sharks have gone insane. No one bothers to get the police or coast guard to warn the beachcombers.

Just watch this on fast forward. Watch the funny parts. Watch this esp. if you are going for your Open Water Padi dive - its hilarious. In the Gallow humor way.
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Jindabyne (2006)
Terrible show - don't waste your time
16 September 2006
I hate shows that are absolutely boring and filled with clichés. Let me give you a short synopsis of the movie.

1. Aborigine people are good 2. White people are bad- unless they are bisexual or homosexual. 3. The evil people are men. 4. Repeat after me, evil people are white males. 5. The Australian countryside harbors evil. 6. Guns are bad 7. Violence is only committed by white people. 8. Green voters are the best people to rule the world.

9. Men who go fishing are evil incarnate and are monsters 10. Wimin are oppressed by men!!!!

I can't believe I wasted a good evening watching this piece of rubbish. How in the world did the film producers get the tax payer funding to produce this boring piece of nonsense?

On the other hand, Kenny, a film about a dude who goes around cleaning toilets was hilarious - despite the fecal subject matter.

BTW, I have spent my holidays staying in Jindabyne, its a beautiful place. Peaceful, fresh air, and only a short drive to Perisher Blue for the best skiing in Australia.
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