
26 Reviews
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Father Brown: The Owl of Minerva (2015)
Season 3, Episode 15
The BEST episode!
11 May 2018
I watch this often and still marvel. The story line is great but what tops anything is how well these characters, meaning this cast, work together..
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The Fake (1953)
Not at all good
27 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I so wanted to like this movie. The premise is interesting but oh brother, and then nothing logical happens.

Yeah, besides a lot of clicking footsteps of folks walking what is there? I adore both O'Keefe and Gray and really love Laurie, but I was so disappointed. It appeared as a low budget looking movie and seriously it made no sense if you think about it. O'Keefe was always at the right place at the right time? I don't think so. The pub server lady was a breath of fresh air. At least she was having some fun.

Please I cannot say anything besides... Don't bother your short time on earth with this barker.
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Das Tub (2010 Video)
What a boot, I mean, hoot!!
2 January 2014
I was so pleased to have watched this last night....what a kick. I'd

imagine seeing DAS BOOT would even ADD to the thrill. Nothing thrills

me more than a well conceived, PERFECTLY acted clip. This is NOT to be

missed. I see that all the Imagemaker films are fabulous but THIS stood

out in my view!

Looking forward to more of this crowds' short films! I must add more....Seriously everything was professional..the acting, A-One, the sound effects were spot-on and talk about the much more can I rave!??! This can also be seen on YOUTUBE so there' NO excuse not to see this!
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The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Power of Attorney (1965)
Season 3, Episode 24
I had a WONDERFUL time
7 June 2012
Of COURSE there's no accounting for a wonderful cast..The story has been told in different ways many times but THIS one shone. I wasn't familiar with Richard Johnson who played Jarvis Smith our smarmy villain. What really struck me with this character was when he would tell the "victims" that their "investment" went south, resorted to tears, YES, literally crying ...He DOES add, "My money was invested too." He's really a bad one! Apparently the gals that loved him (Mary Scott and Geraldine Fitzgerald) were compassionate and caring. Mary Scott was only in the beginning...see it, you'll see..I'm just mentioning it. WELL, Fay Bainter, an elderly wealthy woman, friend of Geraldine Fitzgerald's, didn't take her loss as Fitzgerald (Agatha was her character's name) did...she ended her own life. AHHHH now the fun. Our Agatha obviously wasn't "amused" by this charming fella's scamming them and pulled a stunt that I will NOT spoil!!
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I love this movie!
30 October 2011
I must preface with the stellar cast!! We have Louis Haywood married to Ida Lupino..Evelyn Keyes at one time John Huston's wife.. Edith Barrett married to Vincent Price and then Elsa Lanchester the longtime wife of wonderful Charles Laughton. As another reviewer expressed, the title is not good, to be polite. This movie plays out like a play and I see that the art direction was recognized and awarded. It's tightly shot without being too claustrophobic. The storyline can be read in the others' reviews. This movie to me is great with of course more than capable actors including Isobel Elsom and it's a taut story which is a sort-of "what'll happen?" and rooting for your favorite character may or may not help. Again, 10* out of 10..
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The Twilight Zone: A Stop at Willoughby (1960)
Season 1, Episode 30
Willoughby, next stop Willoughby
24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
or...PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH. Anytime I mention Twilight Zone it never fails that someone responds with, "Did you see that Willoughby episode?" Like another reviewer mentioned it is definitely up in the Top 10 or best yet the Top 5... You all by now have read the set-up..even knowing the ending does not ruin repeat viewings of this fantastic episode. James Daly was gifted with talent and very pleasing looks..he also convinced me that he has that everyman persona that could very well have been in a high ulcer producing vocation. His life at home only added to his pressure. Think of it, a pushy boss and an unsympathetic wife so what was this guy supposed to do. This episode is a viewing treasure.
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It's a Small World
14 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. I posted a Spoiler Alert just in case I say too much. First of all besides the setting I didn't think it was like The Petrified Forest. The Petrified Forest is a better film and story but this little mostly unknown flick is good. Olga (MacMahon) is now running a "next gas 200 miles" kind of a rest-stop/motel in the lonely dreary and hot desert. Unlike Gabriel, where Davis' character who was filled with optimism, Olga had seen that done that. She's somewhat jaded but still has that spark of something positive. Preston Foster and Lyle Talbot are on the lam. It's that "of all the gin joints she walks into mine" kinda thing. Foster and MacMahon were lovers at one time. Foster isn't the nicest fella but when MacMahon sports a dress and some make-up he with all his smarmy charm shows an inkling of interest. However he's so awful that it's best that MacMahon not really pursue this. Enough said. Poor Myra, Olga's younger sister, Dvorak, bored to the gills and wants to have some fun in life. She meets a self-sided loser and is of course saddened even tho' Olga warned her about men. Glenda Farrell, Ruth Donnelly and Frank McHugh show up who are mainly a diversion even though parts are paramount to the plot and I'm not divulging same. A family of Mexicans stop by just for atmosphere in my opinion. What happens near the end is something you'll have to see. Again, the running time of this film is short, good actors, a bit of comic relief and do not expect The Petrified Forest and enjoy.
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C'mon this is silly fun
27 February 2010
"'Starring Betty Hutton' is the clue to watch or not to watch, that is the question." This particular movie is even sillier than her usual stuff. But I had some fun...I even liked the songs and I did so appreciate her "Give It All" delivery. Admittingly I couldn't have a steady diet of her films but I liked this one.

As been stated in the summary she so wants to be a great actress..her publicity agent William Demarest (not Frawley) is really over the top and winds up getting her into dangerous situations. She gets mixed up with the mob, and all that fun stuff but never fear, Betty will prevail.

The huge weakness was pairing her with Victor Mature. I understand it was Paramount's call but still...there was no chemistry even tho' good old Betty tried her best but Victor looked like a fish out of water but being this movie was a bit of fluff it made no difference.

Bottom line...if you're at all a fan of Betty's sit back and watch and listen to her sing and then run and watch something really dark!
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What a WONDERFUL treasure THIS is!
28 January 2010
This is when and how my love affair with Martin Landau began. I saw this when the Outer Limits series was new...I have NEVER forgotten this episode.

The story is quite interesting and the acting by ALL is top-notch. The set-up and the story line may be read in others' reviews so rent it, steal it just get a hold of a copy..I found mine this day on VHS and it remains as lovely as it was 47 years ago! Oh Heck..I'll give you a few details..It starts out NOT on earth. A spaceman has a conversation with this mutant creature of a man who speaks with style and grace...yep, it's Martin. He, Martin, gets to earth and meets the lovely Shirley Knight...evidently it's his power of suggestion, a hallucination, that changes his ugly self into an eloquent and handsome man. I refrain from saying any more.

WOW the early 1960's were quite filled, thankfully, with such interesting and intellectual programs in this vein. Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, etc, were a grand insight to how the brainy writers and actors appeared and we were treated to same in spades!
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What a sweet movie!
29 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a RAVE review because it is the most positive movie I probably have ever seen. I'm a noir fan and if this is what a feel good movie is then I should at least TRY and seek out more! The cast is/was perfection. The ending was so damn sweet that I'm still shaking my dark head. I cannot fault this little treasure. Where would one start...Holly Hunter was a delight. Tim Robbins is so believable as well as the entire cast. I evidently cannot say enough. If you're ever feeling like spending time with some fine actors, characters and script here ya go! I got to thinking. This is exactly the movie that lightened up my watching experience.
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setback group therapy 100 years
13 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I truly appreciate Scarlett Johansson's work and lord knows that she tried her best here. Do please read the other reviews for the plot line as I just wish to say a few things ABOUT the reality of the plot. Wouldn't it be dandy if one videoed tirade could possibly change the life of someone? Just think of it...You're selfish or self absorbed or especially down-deep unhappy and one person comes along and reads you the riot act and POOF you're a different person...sorry but I couldn't buy it. Actors were fine, blah blah, or perhaps that I am being too critical but "No way can a personality alter overnight!" Bottom line...the movie left me shaking my head in total disbelief.
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Rope (1948)
I watch this over and over and over...
9 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
WHEW..I found it to be a masterpiece, well almost. The cast was sterling..the story compelling and I enjoyed Hitchcock's continuous filming style. You have all read the premise and I only added a Spoiler Alert just in case I say too much. I DVR'd it a few weeks ago and have probably watched it 10 times in the last couple of weeks. I had only seen John Dall in THE CORN IS GREEN and he made himself welcome here in this. I always enjoy Farley Granger always on his nervous edge. One reviewer didn't care for Sir Cedric's acting...I don't see why that was said. Golly, he's worried about his late-to-the party son, his wife was at home sick and he cares NIL of the conversations. I feel the story was neatly tied up and I recommend this to any play goer let alone a Hitchcock and TCM fan. I give it a RAVE review!!
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Black Sheep (1935)
Black Sheep
9 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie. I have a copy and I watch it frequently and I'm never bored. The theme song that streams practically through the entire movie is a catchy little number and just enhances the '30's stuff.

By now all the reviewers have let you in on the plot. I must concur that parts of the plot are too in this whole wide world a pro cruise ship gambler meets his physical past on a cruise ship but so what. There's Claire Trevor who was so cool. No Clark Gable but a fetching Edmund Lowe. Adrienne Ames being so appealing spending time with a very young man. I see how a young impressionable young man would be attracted to her and better yet be her dupe.

Trevor and Lowe meet, it's a fun interlude...they get wise to Palette,etc...Lowe meets his past and saves the same's fate. The whole movie is not long on running time, easy to watch, fun on listening and one can see that some talent and a fun script can make a small movie set have you on a wonderful cruise.
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Fun Fun Fun!!
13 September 2008
I rated this an 8 out of 10...Seriously! I'm a movie snob but once in a while some light stuff comes along and makes me smile. These two stars, taller than tall, play off one another perfectly. The story is silly and the whole cast is seeming to have fun, making this a time worthy romp. Their chemistry, ALL OF THE CAST, works.

The information of the story may be read under the other reviewers' reviews. I am only commenting how I felt about the film. Bottom line...I feel/felt great about it!

LisaKudrow, Miro Sorvino, etal, have turned a sort of ridiculous story into less than two hours of FUN!
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I liked it.
24 July 2008
There is a great looking hero, his nice and pretty main squeeze, and PETER LORRE. Who needs anything more? But there is. The story is told partially in flashbacks. I LOVED the camera work. I LOVED the shadows plus the character actors were A-1. There was one scene where the jury is literally sleeping.

The storyline is told here (IMDB) by the other reviewers. It seems pedestrian at best BUT the delivery of the tale is never boring. Peter Lorre's teeth are worth the price of admission.

I've seen it a few times on TCM and I'd wager it will be showing again. Give it a look, better yet, DVR it and watch it over and over. You will not be disappointed and in fact if you like this artsy kind of noir, you'll be thrilled.
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Silly but FUN!
13 July 2008
I watched this twice this day and then hollered for my husband to see this. He actually laughed aloud during scenes where I rolled my eyes. HOWEVER, I must add that I too had a fun time. I DID enjoy the premise meaning the interaction/interjection of the '40's film noir characters slipped into this.

I also admit that going in I knew that the combo of Steve Martin with Carl Reiner's direction it was going to be somewhat silly but wow, it was done wonderfully..AND again I had a fun time. Being that gorgeous Rachel Ward agreed to costar in this was a plus...shows she had a tremendous sense of humor let alone shedding any ego.

Oh see's in the caliber of something Mel Brooks would pull-off. I DVR'd it and I may watch it another 20 times!
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AWWW, She was a sweetie
28 June 2008
This documentary made me sad...sad in a supportive way. I am neither a religious person nor a heathen so I am commenting on this from an entirely neutral position. Tammy is darling...naive, perhaps, I tend to think so. Her sincerity reeks from every eyelash...this gal has no holds barred. From puppets to the pulpit I truly believe she was the epitome of sincerity. Seems I keep using the word SINCERITY.

This documentary was made in 1999 and the small batting-eyelash-gal was alive. Before I previewed this great documentary I had seen her on TV reckoning with her cancer treatments....she even threw-up on camera...quite a feat for a vain woman.

Ya know, I bet if this gal were touting GOD on her own show whether with or without puppets, her message would have been delivered and received completely with, here's that word again, sincerity.
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Not to be taken seriously..a fun who-done-it
6 June 2008
Oh heck...I gave it practically a rave review because I was not bored for one minute. Those that stated the astrological slant being ridiculous due to so few facts to cast a chart...well...the movie is for astrology semi-buffs that do nothing more extensive zodiac-wise than read their daily horoscope.

It was a neat tale supported on GENERAL characteristics of each of the zodiac signs. All the actors were great and seemed to be treating the material with respect.

For the plot read the others' reviews.. I just had to put my two-cents in by saying, PLEASE do not take this fun short film too seriously.
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Why Couldn't She Have Some Something?
18 November 2007
In defense of the movie I DID have a decent time. Story was neat..Who couldn't appreciate a faceless suspected murderer..(See it to know of what I speak.) The scenes with the faceless fella were indeed eerie like the wonderful Jeff Corey also commented. My problem was 100% with Dorothy Patrick. She reminded me of Priscilla Lane, not one of my favorites, but Ms Lane could show something going on in her noggin. It seemed like perhaps William Lundigan treated her poorly or plain ignored her off camera..there wasn't an ounce of anything resembling attraction/chemistry that I could detect. Ms Patrick wasn't the sexiest gal around but she also showed nothing resembling acting ability.

Anyway, besides she standing out in the rain in her raincoat and entering a bar dry was not her fault but after the ginger ale her bird-dog attempt to get to the police LT (Lundigan) for allowance for her magazine article was weak. Lundigan caved in far too quickly for his "release" or whatever it was called. The film may have done fine without the weak romantic addition. Sure Barbara Stanwyck could have pulled the Patrick role off in spades but...

Do see it and it's not a lengthy film and then YOU can chop it to pieces or hail its praises!
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Dead Gorgeous (2002 TV Movie)
I LOVE this movie..
3 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yep...10 out of 10..This movie is FUN in spades, well-acted, and is a joy and NOT in Miracle on 34th Street way but I'm not a fluff movie watcher! I bought this flick for three of my chums and all three let me know that, "This is a great well-acted enjoyment of semi-macabre delight!" My words but combining their input! How 'bout that scene when poor Hector is unquietly moved up the stairs and THEN down! Even tho' I chose to click that Spoiler Button, I,however,refuse to be a complete joy-end-ruiner so I did not divulge same. KUDOS to PBS and their fabulous hours of entertainment! I have seen the actresses in other British productions..however, the polar opposites of their personalities and looks really work in this grand film.
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I adore this movie
20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There are three versions of this movie and hands-down this is the best. I of course adore James Cagney, Rita Hayworth and Olivia De Haviland in The Strawberry Blonde but this version is the best. Gary Cooper, aka Biff Grimes, is smitten with Virginia, aka Fay Wray. Ms Virginia was not interested in the simple Biff. Amy, aka Florence Fuller, has had a crush on Biff since grade school. Virginia is no more attracted to Biff than I can fly. Near the beginning when Biff is trying to impress Virginia there's a scene where he's winding around a tree ala true county bumpkin style, it's wonderful. And hanging upside-down on a Merry-go-Round ride, is too darling. The beginning of the movie gives away what happens but the whole 85 minutes is a treasure showing the road of the trials and tribulations. The real eye-opener of what's real and right is exposed in this lovely film.
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A Letter to Three Wives (1985 TV Movie)
Oh Yuck..
14 December 2006
I sometimes wonder why I stayed till the end but being Ben Gazarra usually earns my attention I figured I'd wait around till the final curtain. An embarrassing remake of a fine movie. Loni Anderson was the worst and again how Ben Gazarra continued till the end must show that's great acting for ya. Then poor Ann Sothern reprising the role originally done by Connie Gilcrist doing her beefy best...Oh why oh why did this movie become a tawdry remake? I sorta liked the other gals but dear Loni literally had me grimacing. Have I kept repeating myself..well whether yes or no see for yourself. I live for movies and this is the kind of flick that'd lead me to suicide. If anyone out there who has seen this disagrees with my review feel free to email me...I'm ready for a good debate.
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Let's Swing
20 October 2006
Here's a piece of fluff that is slim on plot but FILLED with talent. This small movie is all of 70 minutes. Boring? not on your life so be prepared to SWING. Check the talent..heck they were the top of the heap. The last scene has Harriet Hilliard in a stunning gown that was eons away from the Ozzie and Harriet Show..That's not a slam so check out her vocal talent.

I have not much to contribute except PLEASE be a fan of the simple 1930's and 1940's films that were evidently produced to make one smile and leave their troubles behind. Here is a goody. The fabulous TCM has a habit of showing let alone introducing people to what being memorized through cinema is all about.. The topping about this movie is the music SWINGS...

OH...I only gave it a rating because I had to...
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Flashback (1990)
An UNBORING Flahback
1 October 2006
This movie is never boring. Wonderful soundtrack and the actors, ALL, were PERFECT in their role. I have read reviews of this film and the reviews were less than kind. OK, it's not Citizen Kane but it's not trying to be the greatest film in the world. Story isn't complicated... A Fed (Kiefer Sutherland) is bringing in an UNDERGROUND '60's political fugitive (Dennis Hopper.) The sidetracks are entertaining and this may seem silly BUT the story is somewhat plausible...maybe not in the real world but certainly in the REEL world. Bottom line... don't judge it just sit back and enjoy the music and the VERY adept's a fun fantastic trip.
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The Neon Ceiling (1971 TV Movie)
Awww, Wish the Folks Could See this NOW
13 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie haunts my memory. I so remember Gig Young dancing with Lee Grant and making a comment about smelling clean hair. The kid, driving back and forth (she's NOT license-ready but determined,) and the ceiling and of COURSE the story of being lonely, love and how things can happen when it's least expected. It has been some decades since my previewing same but...Perhaps it'll show-up again on some late-night TV station and if it does I'd wager it'd be enjoyed by more NOW than THEN. Maybe those that are interested in unavailable movies can do something? Gig Young was a wonderful actor (Lee Grant is great and still is with us) and in lieu of bedroom farces, see Gig in an understated sensitive movie.
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