
12 Reviews
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Frustrating at times, but something to watch
25 May 2024
I'm only into Season 2, so it may get better. I believe there is an Emmy Award in a later year. Overall, the show is interesting and watchable. But it goes a bit off track, to say the least, in season 2. I'm not sure that even the writers thought the plot line made sense. Which would be consistent with the show; as is a big joke on us. Now that I know the big reveal, I'm not sure the plot works. Much is nonsensical (doesn't make sense that it happened as they say). Still, most of the characters are quite likeable and interesting. Unfortunately though, the Dom DiPierro FBI agent is a bit annoying (even if it's sacrilegious to say about Meryl Streep's daughter). And every time I see Mrs. Wellick, with her huge, giant, freakishly overstuffed lips and bad teeth, I feel like I'm watching a freak show. She must be the reason lip fillers went out of style as quickly as they came in. I found her appearance disturbing and her personality obnoxious and over the top (the same goes for the Dom DiPierro character but for different reasons). They hold Mrs. Wellick out to be super intimidating, which is a joke. Most people would laugh at her. Especially in NYC. Really she's just creepy and weird and has those huge overstuffed lips... I keep thinking as the series goes on, the lip filler will start to go down. But not in S2. But those 2 annoying ancillary characters, I'll keep watching because it's something to watch and it is somewhat interesting, which means more than nothing I guess. Something to watch...
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Interesting Creepy Movie
21 May 2023
Unlike other reviewers, this movie reminded me how much I really do like M. Night Shyamalan movies. I know that they are sometimes slow, but I like the depth that the slowness brings. I love how interesting his story lines and characters are. One of my favorites along these lines is Unbreakable. This movie was no exception (though not as good as Unbreakable or the Sixth Sense). The only reason I didn't give it 10 stars is because of the little dumb plot holes here and there. As in, not taking out your kidnappers when you have the chance. Which is a big pet pieve of mine (the unending love of victimhood so commonly found in UK productions these days).
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Wish I would have known this was right wing religious garbage...
21 May 2023
...Before I wasted the 4.99 to rent this on Amazon. Not being an idiot, I was not aware of these books and thought it looked like a good religious horror movie (Prophecy, Omen, Exorcist, etc.) I knew I was in trouble when the dorky narrator voice came in. Do super religious people really talk that way?? Actually, I would have kept watching if not for that dorky narration. It was that voice that made me do a bit more research to see if this was in fact, some sort of religious garbage. And yes, it is. For anyone who is interested, a much better and interesting story dealing with the topic of disappearances is the HBO series The Leftovers (taken from a novel of the same name I believe). That series is very good and I highly recommend checking it out!
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The Thaw (2022– )
Totally Confused
6 February 2023
This started out really good, but all of a sudden in episode 2 I'm totally confused. Who are her (the victim's) parents? I thought it was the Prosector, but now the cop at a different house where someone has cancer (the husbands mother maybe??), she (the investigator) then goes to another house where she finds the victim's roommate and they talk about how everyone lived in the basement of someone's house (no idea who's house because it's not the same house as the woman with cancer and the prosecutor lives w/ a woman in another (3rd) house who may or may not be the victim's mother) and only the girl (victim) was allowed upstairs?? Whose house? And how old were they when all lived in the basement? She was already married when they all (the couple and 2 other people) lived in the basement? Then the officer asks why the victim moved in w/ the other girl who lived in the basement?? Wait a minute, why would she move in w/ someone who lived in her basement?? What a disaster!!! I'll hang in there a little longer, but it's pretty messed up so far.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Why do they keep showing WW in his underwear?
11 October 2022
Truly disgusting! This series is definitely worth watching. But not for the reason the critics tell you. I'm not sure if it's the fault of the writers or Bryan Cranston, but the Walter White character is by far the least interesting and unbelievable character in the series. You can literally fast fwd through whole sections of episodes w/ him and his family and not even notice. They spent the first 80% of the series presenting W White as a nerdy, ugly (sometimes gross), belligerent man who's constantly rudely barking at everyone to his own demise. Then they expect us to except him as a "Clint Eastwood" badass. I didn't buy it. That being noted, outside of White's dweeby family, literally every other character is interesting, well written and captivating. Aaron Paul is 10X the actor Cranston is in this drama. I say watch this for sure, but ff through the stupid, boring White family filler.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Seems Very Realistic
7 April 2019
What's great about the characters is how genuinely oblivious to how horrible they are. In fact, they of course think they're superior. The series depicts them as "ordinary" in the context of their upbringing and surroundings. No need to go over the top like Billions or other dramas depicting 1 percenters. No, it's just how they live their everyday lives; as sick and horrible as that may be. This is what they are. They're almost like bugs or reptiles. Just horrible because that is what they are. It's about time normal people really understood how these people think and behave. They are not evil geniuses like in the movie Wall Street or highly sophisticated individuals who should be admired. They're weak horrible people. End of story. That's why I love this show!
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Waco (2018)
Curious Motives
4 February 2018
This series is interesting and pretty well done; but it's pretty unfair to the FBI. It brings a lot of other controversy into the story and again, it's framed to make the FBI look bad. They lost some good agents to a child molesting, psychopathic cult leader with suicide fantasies. Of course we feel badly for the moronic followers who tragically lost their lives and sacrificed the lives of their children; but as their leader was Hell bent on an apocalyptic end, it was just a matter of time. I don't know anything about this network. But the timing of this hit job on the FBI is questionable to say the least. If I had the time, I would look into who is behind it's financing. I'll keep watching because I'm intelectually capable of enjoying something which may not be consistent with my views. I hope that others can watch with some skepticism and still enjoy.
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Liar (2017–2020)
Somewhat Disappointed
16 October 2017
In episode 3 I became disappointed that 1) she didn't know how to block unwanted callers on her phone which is the easiest thing to do and something I do every day; and, 2) she didn't know that when a high school aged girl is pregnant by an adult male- you call the police not the guy. Never mind the extraneous circumstances. I was also disappointed in the whole social media choice in the earlier episode. Tended to point towards a mentally ill motive of notoriety. But I have to.note that I'm equally as disappointed by the evil comments about rape on this page. There is very little incentive for a woman to falsely accuse anyone of rape. This is why the police and the law tend to believe women who make these allegations. Unless there's money involved (which there wouldn't be) or severe mental illness (not the kind predators always bestow on women whom they've preyed upon), there is only further damage to come from the accusation for the victim. It's disgusting that we're still dealing with this garbage. In fact, the majority of rapes still go unreported thanks to people like those on this page. I'm disgusted all the way around.
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15 September 2017
I actually did watch this so the 1 might be hard to understand. But I just watched it as a sort of joke. Not sure who produced this, but I guess they think In the age of Trump, we are dumb enough to believe anything. They even use the "fake news" excuse - so it's not a stretch. Clear attempt to help Scott. I guess they're trying to appeal the verdict or something and hoping to turn public opinion - who knows? I don't have the energy to look into it further.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Could do without the gross soft Porn...
14 September 2017
Believe me, it's not what you're thinking - fat ugly Sadomasochists - fatally ill sisters - just gross. Fortunately I recorded the episodes so I could fast forward. Otherwise I would have thrown up. It's too bad because it's pretty good otherwise. Very good if you can fast forward. The acting is good and the story is keeping me interested.
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Thirteen (2016)
Thought this was much older
20 August 2017
I actually looked this up to see how old it is because I too was shocked at the insensitivity of the police towards a person who has endured obvious horrors. I thought maybe it was from many years ago before law enforcement understood anything about kidnap victims. It was made clear in the first episodes that she had experienced multiple physical attacks in addition to captivity, demonstrating that she had survived many forms of torture. Even if they did need information, in real life, dealing a person who had survived her ordeal, they would not terrorize her in the process of the interrogation - locking her in rooms and threatening her with incarceration - dahhhh!! I thought it was good generally up until now and I'll keep watching, but this twist in the story line is annoying.
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The Walking Dead: Service (2016)
Season 7, Episode 4
16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have had it with this show in light of the election. I'm a 2nd amendment person who is a huge fan of Obama. For the life of me, I am lost by the multiple opportunities of the characters in this show to shoot their villain which have been completely wasted. Here he is, by himself, behind a fence and no one shoots him dead?!!! This is liberalism gone berserk. I get that the horror genre media always incorporates an element of bad decision making. But it's gotten stupid here. The villainous group are followers of the evil leader. Shoot him and they will work for you if you ask them. Hasn't anybody seen Scarface? How stupid is this. My family is military. Do you think they would lay down their weapons so that they could in turn endure murders of their team and torture. NO. This is stupid!
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