
387 Reviews
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Rollerball (2002)
Wow, it is so bad
7 June 2024
First, I wanted to start with the sentence that yes, the movie is bad, but it's not that bad. I won't start like that though. The movie is really, really bad, on every level. The scenario is painfully awful, full of illogicality. Although this is a remake, there are practically no points of contact with the original because they changed absolutely everything. The film is no longer about the future, but about extreme sports, and that's where it got lost in the depths. And if at least it turned out to be a solid action movie, but unfortunately it's not even that. Which is actually a big mystery because the director is John McTiernan, one of the greatest action directors in history. The film has a very bad edit, conversations, characters, plot, the point itself is not clear to me either. As if it was made by amateurs and some beginners. He would not even mention the actors. There are some controversies surrounding the film, but I don't want to waste time on that at all. Bypass viewing in a wide arc. The only good thing is that it's 90 minutes long, so you can kind of make it easier to last until the end of the movie.
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Rollerball (1975)
I like it but dont love it
7 June 2024
A futuristic world (interestingly, we have already crossed the year 2018) that shows us how man has achieved a lot, but that's why a lot was taken from him. Bread and games, that's how it's always been and always will be. The world is controlled by corporations and no one can stand in their way. The common man is apparently rich and comfortable, but he is under a lot of control. Although the film "guessed" a lot of things for the future, for me the story is not complete and rounded, everything is somehow left in the air. The point at the end of the film is clear, but the film did not excite me. It's a shame, because the movie could have been much better and much more. Maybe it's up to me because I have similar problems with SF films from this period.
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Rashomon (1950)
Didn't like it that much
26 May 2024
I avoided this film for a long time precisely because of its cult status and significance. I have to be fair and subjectively evaluate this film. I let a couple of days pass so that my impressions could settle down and I could honestly rate the film. A masterpiece for many, but I personally didn't like it. Ok, I can understand his influence on many filmmakers and films, in fact I have seen some films that use this rashomon method. We follow one story that is told from as many as four different perspectives and we have no idea at the end which one is true and real. The unusual structure of the film, especially for that era, is worthy of praise. But in the end, when the movie ended, I didn't have a feeling of delight and some great satisfaction that I watched this movie.
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The Last Duel (2021)
A great, cruel, bloody and tense historical drama
4 May 2024
Ridley Scott is a legendary director, the creator of several cult films. However, lately his films are either hit or miss, one would say that he is not in an enviable form. So even though I always look forward to each of his films, I still approach it with a degree of caution.

The film is certainly one of his good films, but it is interesting that although it has good reviews, the film actually failed in the theaters and has no profit. I don't want to talk about it right now, but I can guess why that is, and the logic goes from his description.

The film is brilliantly made, the direction is on point, visually beautiful, the colors as well as the lack of them show the real situation, considering that the time of the action is the Middle Ages. Quite cruel, violent and bloody.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck participated in the writing of the script, and both played roles in this film. Along with Adam Driver and Jodie Comer, they form a great acting quartet on which this entire film rests. The characters are very well written, we can understand their motivation, and the fact that we follow the film from three different stories, that is, from the perspective of the main characters, in the style of Rashomon, goes with this.

The duration of almost two and a half hours is not felt because the film is so well made. Suspenseful almost from the beginning until the end. The fight scenes are made quite realistically, and I can't remember the last time a movie managed to do that.

It's not a movie for everyone because it lasts a little longer than average, I would say that because of the subject matter it's a movie for adults, it's not pleasant to watch, unusual narration that might even bother some. However, there is no doubt that Ridley Scott showed with this film that he still has knowledge and quality.
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The Upside (2017)
Completely unnecessary, but a solid remake
4 May 2024
I'll start right away with the obvious, this movie is definitely unnecessary. The French original is a great movie, it was a big hit and it wasn't made so long ago that a remake is needed. The only reason I see is the Americanization of films and the prejudice that they don't like films with subtitles. A short introduction, and now a little about the film. Although this is a pure remake, it is not exactly the same as the original. Some things were added, some were taken away, mostly there are changes. My impression is that the changes were not for the better. However, looking at this film as a whole, I must admit that it was not bad. The main actors did their job. Cranston was great in his role and Hart was solid, bringing a little humor but not overdoing it.

Finally, the conclusion, a completely unnecessary remake of the great French original. I wasn't interested, but I knew I'd look at it at some point out of curiosity. I can't be a hater of the movie because it wasn't bad, enough drama and some humor, but nowhere near the original.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Too bad that it's not better
23 April 2024
The film debut of director Lisa Joy, for which she also wrote the script, so far she has only worked on series. I was attracted to this film because of the great cast and great theme. It's like it was made for me. What does the world look like in the (near) future? Not so well. The atmosphere is so pessimistic that many turn to the past and good memories. There is a device that enables them to do that. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that it used to be better.

There is a clear influence of some other great sci-fi movies in many ways. This movie tries so many things. Dark, almost apocalyptic future world, technology, mystery, noir, investigation, love story, action, non-linear plot. All of that was crammed into less than two hours, and that's why I think some aspects of the film suffer because of it, such as the villains.

The film also requires a little attention and concentration from you, because it is not very easy to be distracted as various memories from the present are exchanged. There is also some symbolism as well as hints of some things. So it's not made as a movie for everyone.

The acting duo Jackman and Ferguson is great, I have no complaints. Great theme, but not the execution of it, which I'm really sorry about because the film had the potential to be great, maybe even a classic.

Although it was panned by critics and not very well received by the audience, I personally didn't think the film was that bad. I liked a lot of things, the genre, the story, the actors, but overall it didn't turn out to be a homogeneous mixture. It is a shame.
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The Empty Man (2020)
I wish I liked it more
20 April 2024
Not exactly standard horror, which is a good thing for me. You can see that a lot of effort was put into this film, links, visuals and even the introduction itself, which lasts unusually long. I normally like mystery, and it is also present in this film when something needs to be unraveled or connected. Also, the film has several very good scenes, which cause chills and discomfort, which you don't really see in the average horror. The movie reminded me of Hereditary to some extent, which is definitely a plus.

However, I still didn't like the movie. The reason lies primarily in the fact that a second after the credits started, my face was confused, which is not a good sign. A lot of questions are asked, and not all of them have been answered, I have not been able to connect everything and understand what exactly is true. That's why it gets a negative rating from me because it failed in the most important part, the coherent story. I have no doubt that there will be a good portion of people who will like this movie. It's a matter of personal taste.
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Oldboy (2003)
Didn't love it that much
17 April 2024
A bit of an unpopular opinion. Many praise this film and put it at the very top of various lists, for me personally it is "just" good. Instead of praising it for its cinematography, actors, story or twist, I will try to briefly explain without giving away the plot why this is not the best movie ever. Overall, watching the movie was a bit too much for me. I couldn't catch every detail on the first viewing, but it was better on the second viewing. Although I understand the motives, I still do not understand all the actions of the characters, especially at the very end of the film, which did not completely excite me, so I belong to the minority.
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The SF spectacle I've been waiting for
7 April 2024
Dune: Part Two is one of the best cinema experiences I've had in my life, without exaggeration. The epic SF spectacle of almost 3 hours almost flew by. There was never a dull moment. A film of such proportions simply has to be watched on the big screen and that's it. I pity all the people who don't. Not only because of its size but because of how incredibly well made the film is. Director Villeneuve once again proved to be a master of his craft and proved why he is one of the best living directors. Visually, the film is pure perfection. The fictional world from the pen of writer Herbert no longer looks fictional. The planet Arrakis is real, without a doubt, the sand is real as are the big worms, different peoples, and I almost felt the lack of water. The fictional language as well as the customs of the Fremen and their beliefs look so lifelike and believable, I almost forgot I was watching a movie. Many of the wide shots are so incredibly beautiful that it's hard for me to describe it in words. This amount of special effects without showing it is quite an undertaking and a big congratulations to everyone involved. The rhythm of the film is also at a high level, the combination of big fights, one-on-one fights, but also the so-called smaller scenes and internal fights where you learn a lot about the characters and people is in an excellent balance.

Now that I've praised the film practically without shame, here's a minor criticism. First, off the top of my head, there is no way this is the best movie of all time. I'm exaggerating on purpose because looking at some other reviews, I got that impression because I saw some comparisons to other classics. I understand to some extent, but I don't agree completely. The story and characters did not touch me personally to that extent. I was still bothered by certain choices of some characters in the film and I feel that the casting, although very good, is not perfectly hit for all the characters.

In the end, the subjective conclusion is that this is a big, big plus for the director because he managed to make a spectacular blockbuster at a high level, which we haven't had the chance to see for a while. We are now waiting for Part Three and I hope that the story will be completed on the same level.
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The Postman (1997)
It could be so much better
24 March 2024
It remained in my memory as a good movie, but now I see that it is not so. It's true that it takes a long time, but I don't think it's a problem if it's a good story. In my opinion, the biggest problem here is the script or the story. What is the goal of this movie anyway? It starts as one thing, then goes in another direction, and ends in a completely anticlimactic tone. Ok, patriotism, but excessive jr Americanization, and the characters change a lot and don't have enough space to become interesting and dear to me. This movie had potential, but in my opinion, it didn't live up to it. Shame for that.
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Cast Away (2000)
A very good, but not great movie
20 March 2024
A film that relies a lot on the main role, which carries almost the entire film on its back. Luckily it's Tom Hanks so we have a solid movie with great acting. It relies on the physical, but even more on the psychological change of a man who remains alone on a desert island. Although in one way the plot is reminiscent of Robinson Crusoe, here we have a slightly more modern approach, but also the consequences that are dealt with and how it all affects the main character. We even have a life message, a lesson. In all aspects, a very high-quality film, although I personally would not put it in the category of top achievements, especially since both Hanks and director Zemeckis have much better works in their careers.
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Disappointed because I'm confused
17 March 2024
I have a lot of problems with this movie. I honestly have no idea what exactly the movie is about and I can't fully explain it. We have a lot of characters that appear in a scene or two and later they are gone, we have a set of scenes that follow one another, and not all of them are connected. Some strange parts of the film seem like dreams (which are often strange) and I believe that part of the film is actually a dream, but still I have no explanation for everything. I even think that Lynch deliberately made a film without a point or explanation. I'm sorry that the movie ended up disappointing me given the great reviews that followed it, but Lynch just doesn't work for me.
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My Left Foot (1989)
What a lead role!
17 March 2024
An inspiring story based on a real person who struggles with his great handicap all his life. By far the biggest strength is the abnormally good acting of Daniel Day-Lewis, I would say one of the best ever. He turned into the main character of Christy Brown, the movements, the speech, or the handicap of the same, if I didn't know, I would say that it is not an actor but a real patient. Critically speaking, the film is not perfect. It could have lasted a little longer and had a slightly better ending, but even so, it is definitely recommended to watch it. Although Christy Brown's story is sad because of the hard life, illness, poverty and everything else that he has faced all his life, on the other hand it can also be a feel good film that can inspire you to wake up and do something with your life. If Christy could do it with his situation, then it is much easier for you to achieve it.
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Poor Things (2023)
Not my cup of tea
9 March 2024
Director Lanthimos is known for making strange films, but this is certainly the strangest film in his oeuvre. Absolutely everything is strange here: characters, plot, camera, music, colors, dialogues. Several bizarre scenes as well as uncomfortable decisions that will not please everyone. The development of the main character from a new beginning, where she was created as a Frankenstein monster as a tabula rasa, so we watch how she changes as she gets to know the world, the people in it, and herself. I'll talk about the positives first. Emma Stone is by far the best part of the film, a by no means light character who is going through changes, physically, but especially mentally, I wouldn't be too surprised if she won the golden statuette for the best female lead actress. I also liked the character of the doctor played by the always great Dafoe. The scenography also attracts attention, it is unusual and colorful, but also beautiful.

Now let's go to the flaws.

The film held my attention until the halfway point, later it dropped drastically in quality. It is clear to me that I am in the minority with my opinion in terms of ratings, reviews and awards, but I cannot go against myself. The film tries to cram a lot in, but fails to bring it all to an end. I felt that the movie went on for a long time, which is never a good sign for the quality of the movie. I mentioned that the film is very strange and unusual, practically from the beginning to the end, I didn't get used to it very easily. I was bothered by the excessive and tasteless sexualization that begins in the second part of the film, it even became tiring. You could talk more about the flaws, but I don't want to reveal the plot of the film, I'll just write that the film also contains a bit of pedophilia.

It's definitely not a movie for everyone, unfortunately it didn't excite me and I couldn't enjoy this movie.
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Too long and boring pretentious movie
8 March 2024
A film that tells us about the horrors of concentration camps, but without actually showing us them. The emphasis here is on the German family that lives right next to the Auschwitz camp, they are literally separated from the prisoners by a wall, and the head of the family is the chief commandant in that camp. So it's a positive thing for him that he doesn't have to travel to work for a long time (am I a bit over the top for this joke?). The premise of the film is that it deals exclusively with this family and their way of life, which is to a good extent normal (as normal as it can be in that situation). This is shown to us in a documentary way, the camera is fixed and we watch ordinary things such as breakfast. However, it is constantly on our minds that very nasty things happen in the neighborhood. The horror of the holocaust is not shown to us literally in any scene, but extends throughout the film in subtle ways.

Since I am always honest and subjective in evaluating films, I have to admit that this was a very boring experience for me. There is almost no standard action, the scenes last a long time and in most of them we watch some boring action like walking through the house, eating breakfast or turning off all the lights in that same house. A film made for pretentious fans of film art as well as critics who will talk about various symbolism and interpretations of individual scenes. It's definitely not for us, ordinary film lovers. There are many, many better films about the Holocaust, told in different ways.
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Lost Highway (1997)
Too much strange movie for me
6 March 2024
I follow the plot, mystery, intrigue, completely interesting. However, at one point the film completely deviates from the path and goes in a completely different direction. Since then I've lost the thread and it's been hard to keep up with everything. Strange, bizarre and unrelated scenes and characters. Honestly, I have no idea at the end what exactly happened, who is who and what something represents. The film is very strange and completely unusual. It has no standard plot and characters. It is clear to me that Lynch has his own signature and style, I can understand that as well as the fact that there are a lot of people who like these kinds of films. However, I have to be honest and subjective and say that I don't like these kinds of movies and this style. If someone has to explain to me the meaning and symbolism in almost every scene, then it's not my cup of tea. I also can't tell what exactly the movie is about. I just ended up having the standard WTF moment that I almost always have when I watch a Lynch movie.
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The main part is great, the rest of the film not so much
17 February 2024
The movie starts with a great scene that I really liked and I thought: Is it possible that the plot will be like this? This is the movie just for me!

In principle, the film continues in a similar tone. A satire and mockery of the attitude of whites towards blacks and what it has become today. Several excellent points, scenes and subtle humor that is not always subtle (at least not to those who see it clearly).

However, in the end, overall, the film was not top-notch for me, and the reason lies in the fact that, apart from the "main" plot, I was not interested in anything else. The supporting characters were totally pointless and unnecessary to me. Apart from the fact that they weren't good or high-quality, I didn't care about them, and they didn't serve the story at all. The film tries to be a drama at times, I think that a mistake was made there, to me personally it looked like an unnecessary excess that only interferes with the main part. The relationship between drama and comedy is not well composed, maybe the director didn't decide or the book based on which the movie was made is simply like that. Anyway, I didn't like that part and it ruined my overall score.
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They don't make movies like this these days
15 February 2024
Any way you look at it, Scorsese is not only one of the greatest living directors, but one of the greatest and most important directors ever. For several decades, he has been creating films about topics that interest him, with the actors he wants and in the way he wants. This film is no exception either.

Scorsese is still at the highest level he has maintained for years and it is a real refreshment, maybe even an honor (now someone will say I am exaggerating), that we can watch his films in our time.

The film deals with a topic that the director is very interested in, he wanted to make a film about it for years. It's about the murders of the Osage Indians because of the oil they discovered on their land. Greed for money, status and power was relevant 100 years ago, and it is still relevant today, unfortunately. The first thing that catches your eye is the length of the film, 3 and a half hours is by no means small, but the film is so well made, with great pace and direction, that I didn't feel the length of time that much. I've seen half-length films that I couldn't wait for to end. In today's age, I think that this will bother many people. The film should last as long as it should. I even missed a little more of the film because I expected some characters to be a little longer in the film or some events, that they would end differently. It's as if they cut a little too much, however paradoxical it may sound after watching 200+ minutes.

The trio of actors who carry the film are, as expected, old acquaintances De Niro and Di Caprio, who did everything according to a certain routine, which can be both a good and a bad thing, but I must mention the actress Lily Gladstone who was side by side in the mentioned duet. A difficult, complex character with a life that did not bring her roses.

I have to say in the end that this is one of the best films of the year, but it is by no means one of the best in Scorsese's long career, it is probably in the upper half, but that says a lot, a lot. It's not a perfect film, not even close, but I'm very happy with the final product and I'm glad that Scorsese is still at his best. I can truly say that they really don't make movies like this anymore.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Very good but not amazing for me
11 February 2024
A drama about the relationship between two (or more) characters who at first have nothing in common, but have to spend some time together. Director Payne has already made films with a similar theme (for example, Nebraska or Sideways) that went well with critics, bringing him several Oscar nominations, even a golden statuette for the screenplay. He has clearly shown that he is a master in that field.

In this film, we have a middle-aged, strict professor who has to stay on campus with a problematic student, and the time of the action is December 1970. A very interesting and strictly defined period and place of action. Anyway, the director succeeded in his plan, at least I think so. Considering the time of the action, I believe that many will consider this work a Christmas movie, maybe even a classic. In my opinion, the greatest strength of this film is definitely the brilliantly written and well-acted characters. First of all, there is Paul Giamatti who showed all his talent and excels in his role as a complex disaffected professor who is really a very layered character. Apart from him, the secondary actors, who also have their own backstory, did a very good job. Every conversation, every scene, every move that is sometimes subtle, every meeting reveals something about a certain character, his situation and problems.

Now, a purely subjective impression, my problem with this film is that the film is "just" that, a study of the characters and their relationships and situations. It didn't offer me anything spectacular or any excessive emotion. I look at it in the context of the best films of the year. It is certainly a very good film and it has a recommendation, but for me personally it was not great, although from a cinematic point of view I have no complaints about the film except for personal taste and impression.
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6 January 2024
In general, I gave up on horror. Most of them are not of good quality, they don't have a good story, the only goal is to scare the viewers with cheap jump scare scenes and make money with good marketing. And then I finally decided to watch this movie, which has been on my watchlist for a long time. Another zombie movie, right? Wrong! This is a very high-quality film with zombies, and the emphasis is not on them. I'll say this right away, this is a real little masterpiece. The reason lies first in the excellent script, where we have a good story and flesh and blood characters, and the zombies are just an addition to that, not the main part.

The scenes with zombies are excellently shot, tense, visually great, and it's even a big plus that the action takes place during the day, so the darkness cannot hide the flaws.

The real treasure of this film are the characters and scenes that serve us to breathe between tensions. They don't last long, but they are very important to us in order to get a better insight into the characters' situation. If we know the characters, if we understand them, then we care about them. Something that most horror movie directors have forgotten.

A film in which there is not a single redundant scene, in which I would change absolutely nothing. Perfection from the first scene to the last.
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Moonfall (2022)
So bad
17 December 2023
Sometimes you have a busy day, mentally and/or physically. You don't want to think too much, so you turn on some stupid movie to relax a little, rest your brain a little and have a little fun. This isn't that kind of movie because it's worse than the average dumb movie. It's so bad on so many levels. An incredible premise of a movie that keeps getting crazier and crazier. At one point I even gave up on logic. The plot just gets funnier and funnier, and not in a positive way. Dialogues and characters are also at the worst possible amateur level. Parts of the film were stolen from other famous (much better) films. This movie is so bad it's even worse.
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Unusual but great Robin Williams movie
29 November 2023
If someone had told me the plot of the movie in advance and asked me who should play the lead role, I absolutely would never have thought of Robin Williams. A man for whom the first association is comedy. However, during his career he made several impressive films that do not belong to the comedy genre. Thus, this film also belongs to that category (interestingly shot in the same year as Insomnia, where he also plays a role that is very uncharacteristic for him). Today, a film like this cannot be made, and the reason lies in the fact that photography and vintage cameras are very important for the plot of the film (ah when I think back to those times). The film also reminded me of thrillers filmed in the nineties of the last century, which is a big plus for me. The film lasts barely 90 minutes, but it contains a lot, it is compact and every scene is important because it tells us something. For me, this film went a little under the radar, which is understandable considering everything. Robin Williams shows that he was not only a great comedian but also a great actor, and this movie is just one proof.
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John Q (2002)
Not a perfect movie but you have to love it
24 November 2023
A very good movie. It deals with a serious problem in healthcare in America. What the film successfully balances is a large number of characters, a multitude of personal goals and motives, as well as the fact that things are not always black and white. By understanding the situation of individual characters, the film gains in depth, and thus in quality. In addition, it is very fluid, the plot flows smoothly and it was made for a wide audience. We also have the masterful acting of Denzel, with whom we simply have to identify. This is not a perfect movie, but you have to love it. Denzel simply rules!
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Emotional war/love drama
23 November 2023
I watched this movie again after several years of delay. Now I experienced it much better. For me personally, a very moving film, especially the second half, since it is about a real war and crimes against people in my homeland, Croatia. That part seemed very real to me, almost like a documentary, but it is clear to me that it is not the focus and that is not the main goal of the film. The best role for me was from Brody, a complex character, emotional and great acting. The rest of the team was solid and ok for me, and I have to admit that I didn't like the ending, I didn't see any point, and maybe I should have.
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This is the best movie of the year?!
18 November 2023
Ok, the movie contains a lot, a lot. It contains impressive action, drama, SF, humor as well as numerous incredible scenes and shots. I give him a big plus for his incredible originality and idea. However, for me personally, the film was a little too much, to put it that way. In the context of the Oscars, it's also incredible to me that the film picked up so many important awards. Is this the best movie of the year?! Reading numerous reviews and comments, it's clear to me that I'm in the minority and that's why I'm surprised by all the hype surrounding the film. For some, this is even one of the best films ever made. Due to these expectations, I have to admit that the film did not impress me at all. It's not a problem for me to admit that it's up to me and that I can't understand the magnitude of the film, which will obviously be a cult classic tomorrow. But I am surprised that such a strange film won over so many people.
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