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The Red Green Show (1991–2006)
Get to know Canada through this show.
18 April 2024
If you are like me; you do not know what Canada is all about and why they have flourished just above us in all that terrible weather for so long. One thing I learned as a young patriotic American is that Canada helped us out with vietnam. That is all I needed to know; at about the age 11. I have always considered Canada the friend to us here. I still do not know exactly what is going on up there. This show has helped me to fill those gaps as best I can.

Red reminds me of people I knew back east. We are overflowing with people like this in the north east. Good people with no real goals in life; than to just get through each day without being injured our bankrupt. The simple people of our country are what makes us great.

I have no idea what is going on in the Red Green Show. There is not too much of any good advice in this show. This show should be known as bad advice for anyone trying to fix anything, living with the possums in the woods.

The one thing about this series is that I am pretty sure of; Red is a Christian, as per a scene I saw about him commenting about the Bible taught in schools. He said something like; kids can learn alot with the Bible and use that to help them in life and that is why it should not be taught in schools. Another classic Red Green joke.

Long live the incredibly long series of the Red Green Show!
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This should be required for American students to learn from.
26 March 2024
I like this series mostly because of my infatuation with it as a child. I would be so lucky; if this one came on, when I was a kid. The comics have also amazed me as a artist; all my life. This series is riddled with perilous scenes, one after another; always with the constant recurring theme of patriotism. I think it would be good for young people to watch to help them be more patriotic. I think if my dog was a real child he would like this show too. I like to sing him the theme song to him often. If you have seen the movies they will help you catch up quicker to what is going on. The color scheme is so old school it will take you back to the good old days when comics where your favorite thing in the world; to own. It will show up on the page as soon as they review it.
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Rock Concert (1973–1980)
My favorite DKRC is the T Rex Episode
19 October 2023
You can look this video up on YouTube. This video should have better coverage on IMDB. This video is pure madness. From beginning to end; you keep asking yourself, is this real? T Rex keeps going off script with guitar; riff after guitar riff. This video proves how good this dude could play. I love how he rises from the dead so to speak from a star, from the stage. Look when I first saw this it blew my mind for the second time; since I 1st heard T Rex album: Tanx. I heard this album when I was about 12 years old. I could not believe what I was hearing back then and all I could think of was; David Bowie was right. T Rex albums were the impedomie of all rock and roll at that time. People just would not see it. Sad. Really sad that we do not concentrate on the beauty of the moment we live in. If we could just look at and realize the gems among us and cultivate that. T Rex slipped threw our hands. T Rex was better than Jimi Hendrix if Jimi was right handed and played a Gibson. T Rex was a expert electric guitarist when there was no real expert guitarist's. All that and he played a Gibson. Wish I could afford a Gibson. I do have a knock off Fender; thanks to China. Jimi sure liked a Fender and that is good enough for me.
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Pumping Iron (1977)
This is a 10 for all those that want more.
19 July 2023
I have a friend who was a Vietnam veteran on our military. Jerry Augustine was more than just a friend and a coworker;. I worked for him roofing houses back when I was in my prime. Jerry Augustine was in the book version of this movie. I want you all to know that I am doing great as always thanks to my past and my belief in pumping iron. For years from 1995 till about 2008 I worked out like Arnold Swansinger in the Movie Pumping Iron. This movie is realty. Face reality or become a victim of it. Take care of your vessel or you will lose. This movie presents the cold hard facts in life. I love the end of the movie with pot smoking Arnold and uptight Lew. This is the Ying and Yang of us all. If you really love lifting weights and working out you will be amazed by this movie. It is a movie that documents the peak of bodybuilding competition in our country. Once you hear the theme song for the movie pumping iron at the beginning of the movie; it draws you in and gets you psyched up like no other movie like it. This movie assures you that you are not the only one who thinks like you do. Weight lifting and exercise is a lifestyle you can feel good about. To my knowledge there is not another movie like it ever made.
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This movie should have a 10! What is wrong with you people?
21 April 2023
Do not get me on another anti - anti semitic rant. I will restrain myself for now. This is one of my favorite husband and wife movies. The thing that stands out most about this movie and of which I have commented on my art blog is: the relationship between Greg and Pam's Dad is exactly how my dad and me would get along. For example one time my dad made me rake the leafs in our huge lawn. I did what my dad said as always when it came to yard work. I grabbed the rake and started to rake and the thing fell apart in my hands because the wood was so old and weak. Also my tennis racket broke when I was on the HIgh School Tennis team that I got a letter and numbers reward for. I asked my dad to let me borrow his old tennis rackets and I served with one and it broke, then while using the next one, it broke too, because they were both rotting old wood. My Dad took both incidents as a malicious act against him. Eventually my dad and I had a close brother like relationship, latter in life, those High School years were exactly like the movie here. No matter how hard I tried not to; I did everything I could to make my dad angry with me, mostly unintentionally. I do not condone Greg painting the cats tail at all, I would never do that to a animal. You have to feel bad for Greg no matter what he does in this movie when all he wants to do is marry the love of his life. I love the perplexed look on Pam's mom's face after Robert De Niro says they are out of Tom Collins mix. Too top it all off Robert De Niro even looks like my dad in this movie and when ever he had a party he would always serve Tom Collins. The fact that Pam takes Greg's side, no matter how much Robert De Niro tries to separate them for his own selfish desires; shows how they were meant to be husband and wife. Anyone that has had a hard time with their parents will love comparing this movie to that as a therapeutic thing. We should all look back on things and laugh and this movie encourages that.
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Best good time movie of all time.
9 March 2023
The fact that Ferris ie: Matthew Broderick got to drive that Ferrari in the movie may have lead to his accident with his sister in the movie in 1987. Once you drive a car like that, at a young age; that must give you the need for speed in a big way.

I made the analogy to my wife as we were watching this; that my whole life has been like this movie. It is true most of my life has been so awesome. I love life. I have had some very big bummers in my life but most of it has been so great like this movie. This movie has a way of making you remember the good times in your life. If you love life you will love this movie too.

Ferris's house and neighborhood reminds me of my neighborhoods growing up around that time. This movie makes me love being a American. Ferris Bueller's Day Off will always cheer me up. This movie brings back all of our Ferris Bueller's Day Off like, memories in a good way.

Claude Monet, Picasso, Pollock the love of art is unreally shown in this movie. Art is my life. I live in a warehouse full of my art. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is also a tip of the hat to Chicago and it's famous Museum Of Contemporary Art.
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Scrooge (1970)
This is my 2nd favorite Scrooge
15 December 2022
Right away when you read the year you know very well that the music made for this musical has got to be the greatest of all time. 1970 was the ultimate year for rock music ever. It was the 1 and only break through year for rock music and all it's offspring. People think, oh the Partridge Family were such great musicians. It was the music people hired by the studios that were the best of the best. The Thank you very much song will stick in your head for ever. My 1st favorite Scrooge is the 1951 version that really, really, touches my heart every year; when I see it.

This movie is so very good because it follows in the tradition of the masterpiece from 1951 with great respect. Broadway theaters were in full swing around this time and it really shows in the quality of this musical movie. The set and costumes are unachievable in our world on CG.
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Thee Most Underrated Television Show Ever
13 December 2022
I am celebrating Christmas with a dude only television show. This is what happens with you let a bunch of beer bellied dudes do whatever they want on television. This Christmas episode is the last show they did for the serries and it is clearly the most disgusting thing ever shown on television. Hurray! If this show does not turn your stomach there is something wrong with you. The cameos of this serries is unreal; Ben Stiller is actually in the one, he does a awful job because everything on this show is done awfully. The sound in this serries is memorizing and will mess with your head in ways that will amaze you with revolting disgust. These guys are metal heads after all. Eric Wareheim has always been a metal head ad long as I have been into Metal; since around 1997. He was featured in a Metal band CD catalog I got in the mail around 2002. Why can't I find this serries on DVD? I bet if these old dudes got together again they could do this show even better.
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Another Gem From Wes
23 September 2022
The best thing about this movie is; the gangs all here, plus a bunch of new ultra cool people to join the Wes Anderson camp of legends. I like so many southerner outcasts, I too am a fan of Wes Anderson. My good friends of the Texas landscape that go into a Wes Anderson movie and leave saying, I don't get it; define why I love them so much. ( I actually witnessed someone saying that as my wife and I left the movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.) If it was not for them I would not feel special. Considering how much this movie made; I imagine that is changing and more people are opening up to this genius way of making movies.

I quote my review of Moonrise Kingdom.: To be honest with you all; every time Wes Anderson makes a movie it is my favorite movie. This movie is not a exception to that quote and I do not believe there will ever be a time he makes a movie I do not like. You have to look above the whole move as with every movie he makes. All his movies are about you and me. So many young people in this movie and I envy them all. What better way to start your life out than as a actor in a Wes Anderson movie. So much going on in this movie I will have to watch it more than once.

Benicio del Toro's brilliant performance is a must see as a beheading killer/artist; as if one actually exists. His art is outstanding and I agree with Adrien Brody's assessment on whether the abstract artist is a fine artist first; is what matters.

Frances McDormand's lurid affair with a much younger man; worthy of prison time around these here parts, is played well enough to score one for the old people. The young actors in Revisions to a Manifesto all seem to get it that is a big score for the Wes who is now nearing retirement age. This part of movie gives hope to old people like me in the art and journalism game.

The Private Dining Room of the Police Commissioner has 2 of my favorite actors; Jeffrey Wright who stared in starred as Jean-Michel Basquiat; one of my favorite art movies. Mathieu Amalric of Cosmopolis and my favorite performance of him in Munich; his role in this movie was very touching. The art is outstanding at the end; in the animation, it reminded me a little of Akira.

The Obituary with Bill Murray is what the entire movie is about; exclaimed my wife at the end of the movie. If you restart the movie right away after watching it; you get that right away.

I just finished updating my political blog: Constitutional Rights Blog and noticed that it mentioned James Baldwin played by Jeffrey Wright in the movie. The article came to me in a email I got from SPL. I had to as this to my post.: "I was very impressed with the quote included in the email sent to me from SPL. I looked it up and discovered it came from a very good book worth reading. By coincidence I just finished my review of the movie The French Dispatch that portrays him in the movie." The quote is.: "Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced." Is that not one of the most beautiful words put together in opposition to prejudice's? It is just one of those things you read that reaches out and grabs you by the heart strings. The book is.: The Fire Next Time from 1963. Bravo Wes Anderson, Bravo! I am sure there are many more discovery's to make about the journalists portrayed in this greatly entertaining movie.

I am glad I am updating because I really wanted to mention how much my wife and I enjoyed the airplane ohmage of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. This a example of why the unique imagination of Wes Anderson and everyone like him; must be coveted, by us all, forever.
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Community: The Art of Discourse (2010)
Season 1, Episode 22
7 September 2022
OK 2nd try on commenting here. What did I do wrong last time? Who knows, who cares. IMDB rules and will rule no matter what. Like my last post I love this serries too and have never commented on it till today. There are moments in Community that are kind of tear jerkers. Chevy Chase is in this serries! Chevy "the legend" Chase is in this serries? Unreal. This is my wife's and mine's favorite show. We were schimity's for almost a decade each. She begged me to go to college, after she went and got her associates in computer science; while she was in the army reserve. I went with her for my 1st certificate; I have 3 now. We both identify with being schmittys. I felt it the whole time I went. Let's face it if you are old; you are uncool, no matter what you do. This episode proves it. Lisa Rinna brings me to this post. She looks unreal in this episode. Her part is well cast. I have been seeing her in the Google news often; recently and am glad, because she is amazingly photogenic after all these years, for a so called schimitty. I so much recommend this episode for all; the so called schimittys out there.
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Sealab 2021: Tinfins (2002)
Season 2, Episode 9
Grizzlebee's for Thanksgiving
19 November 2021
I will always cherish the Sealab series. I like it so much I actually bought season 1 and 2 on Amazon back in my college days. It cost me about as much to buy as it did to rent it; back then. This is one of my favorite episodes and is proof Sealab could have kept going. The interesting thing about this episode is that it always makes my dog bark during the oh, oh song.
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The Office: Pam's Replacement (2011)
Season 8, Episode 7
That is really James Spader on Harmonica
31 May 2021
I really love The Office; even though the show is the exact opposite of how to run a successful business. I actually found a Wikipedia page pointing out how the character Michael Scott displays many traits of someone severely mentally challenged. The Office is still so lovable; despite all of it's dysfunction.

I had to look up who those musicians were in this episode and found out that James Spader plays a mean harmonica. I like to play harmonica (see my YouTube videos) and know how difficult it is. James Spader plays Midnight Rambler as good as Mick Jager himself. Amazing. The rest of the players are industry types like the ones that wrote all the music for The Partridge Family. Where would we be without them?

Dwight commits what could be construed as a sex offence groping Jim; as a bazaar arousal test. I do not think it should be considered a sex offence since both males are heterosexual. There is no way to talk your way out of any sex offence in our insensitive, upside down court system; these days and I am sure people have been charged for less. There are more sex offences in movies and television than can be counted; then we wonder why that is a problem. As far as exposing yourself The Office takes the cake though. Still; The Office is such a Amazingly entertaining show and a great series to watch so I guess we will have to forgive them. I wish everyone felt that way.

Ed Helms and Rainn Wilson are really great musicians. The entire cast seems to be picked from colleges around the country; yet you would never know it by their characters. The Office is extremely addictive and fun to watch and this episode rocks; that makes this episode 10 stars.
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Empty Nest: A Life in the Day (1989)
Season 1, Episode 22
Best Empty Nest Episode
30 May 2021
Of course my wife and I love Empty Nest. We were regular watchers of the Golden Girls in California when we lived near the coast from Southern Cali to Central Cali ; between the years 1986 to 1993. Then my wife joined the army; and The US Army moved us to Texas where we have been stranded (for better or for worse), till this day. Empty Next was a offshoot of Golden Girls and was the thing to watch; if you likes Golden Girls, like my wife and I did. We used to watch the episodes of both shows; as they came out, almost every week.

This is by far the "Best Empty Nest Episode" ever. It is very touching to see the different stages of life of a American boy; as he smash in the face all his life with the garbage thrown at him by the rest of the world. It reminds me of me, growing up.

Empty Nest (A Life in the Day) is worth watching for the likes of Mathew Perry (from the show Friends) and Stephen Hartley Dorff Jr (from the movie Blade).

The series Empty Nest is worth your respect and attention for the likes of legends like Richard Mulligan, and the young lady I loved growing up; who had a nervous breakdown during the series: Kristy McNichol. Kristy McNichol is the same age as my sister and looks like my memories of her. I have studied the last episodes she was in and could see how she was not doing well. It upsets me to see her like that, but she seems to be doing very well these days. The creator of Empty Nest; Susan Harris is a one of a kind, feel good, writer, genius.
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The Best Beatles Movie, 2nd to Let It Be
26 March 2021
This movie is very cool. You have to listen closely to what people say in the movie and you will learn cool stuff, first hand. This movie shows the great Phil Spector doing his thing. It rates a 10 stars just for being able to see this man at work on this no 1 album in 1971, also voted 80th on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. This genius of a man who we have recently destroyed and stomped on like a bug; really shins in this movie. He died January 16, 2021 in a prison toilet bowl hole of COVID-19, I blame the right wing, perverted, Nazi like, conspiracy driven legal system for that. Like the Imagine song goes: All I want is the truth Just give me some truth.

I love the way John handles the obviously very mentally unstable young man who makes it past security to his house. Again you have to listen. The man insists that John Lennon's music and songs are written especially for him. (This seems to be a prevalent problem with music today amongst many of our youngest and brightest.) He reaches out to him and even invites him inside for some food. John was a phenomenal, almost saint like; human being. This entire world would be better if he was still alive. (another reason to watch this movie)

Also Andy Warhol makes a appearance in the film. I really like the scene with George Harrison and John; you could see that friendship they had from the Beatles days come to life on film. They have this conversation while eating breakfast that looks really serious between them. I loved that look John had of excitement in what he was saying; like it meant something to the world. A true artist always has this with them. Also in the movie John mentions the Crippled Inside song and John uses this southern accent to sing the song. When he describes the song he had that look in his eye again. I think even the small Crippled Inside song had a huge amount of meaning to John as not only a artist but a activist.

Reality sometimes makes people uncomfortable. John Lennon tried to help people see the truth of reality and bring us all together; to work together and end war. He was way ahead of his time; maybe ahead of the time left for planet earth, as we know it. That never made John wrong; just truthfully unique in his love for mankind. People were excited about his ability to speak beyond the norms. What is a normal and kind love for all the earth? Is there a normal human limit for love; for the human race? John wanted unity and an end to war, if it were possible; who would disagree with that? Who would say; that it is not normal for our empathetic and brightest people like John Lennon, to try to stop suffering?

I almost forgot the whole reason I wrote this review. My mom had mentioned in a email that my favorite Uncle, Uncle Bill had been over her house recently. My Uncle Bill was always my favorite relative on my mom's side of the family. We used to talk about music together. He gave me the Imagine Album on my 11th birthday.
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Every Pee Wee Playhouse is a Gem to Cherish
13 March 2021
I recently bought all the Playhouse episodes on disk. I bought them separately; for a good deal. I will never regret that purchase. My dog loves when I play Pee Wee. He likes the way Pee Wee talks because it sounds like the way I talk to him. We always talk to him like he is a puppy because that is how young he still looks. Roosevelt appears in this episode and he looks just like my dog except my dog is black and white. It has become a constant in my home. Every time I play Pee Wee my dog looks at me Like; daddy, Pee Wee is on! I call him Roosevelt sometimes when it is on. He seems to like that.

If you do not like Pee Wee then you just do not get it. To enjoy Pee Wee's Playhouse you have to on occasion think of yourself as a child. In this day and age it seems impossible to think of yourself as a child; but it is within your reach. I do not want to be a child again. I been there did that. Sometimes you have to think; what if I was a child and saw this? Nothing is as good as it was when you were younger. The problem is many people desensitizes themselves so much; they become so syndical, none wants to deal with them, not even themselves. So; snap out of it, you old grumps! I hate old people. I am old but I do not care; I still hate old people. I have specially been hating old people since the mid 1990's.

There is one other reason you may not like Pee Wee and maybe that reason is; he is a Jewish person. If that is the case; why are you reading this? Please stay away from all entertainment for the rest of your life; for the good of the world, if you hate entire races of people
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More Like This Please
25 January 2021
On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 92% based on 450 reviews, with an average rating of 8.40/10.

I mean this is a creepy movie. You have to watch it more than once.

If you ever worked the late shift in a giant building, with strange empty arias, that were dark and cold; you can relate to this movie.

The poem in the movie is very cool. You can download images with it; on Google.

A recent article reminds me of a part of this move that left a impression on me:

"Dairy Queen rejects lesbian's request for an ice cream cake because it's a "FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT" The manager said "Happy Birthday Lesbian" is inappropriate for a Dairy Queen cake. Friday, January 22, 2021"
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Best Godzilla Movie Ever
13 March 2020
I like Godzilla movies for all the right things. Number one they are the stupidest movies on earth. When it comes to Godzilla movies; the stupider the better. This movie makes no sense at all; and that makes it the all time winner. Ichiro in any other movie would be considered a seriously mentally handicapped sad story but in this movie he is a hero and a really cool kid. The toy maker Shinpei also makes this movie great. The bank robbers offer a small break from the hallucinations of Ichiro which is the premise of the entire movie. The dinner with Shinpei is my favorite scene of this movie; it makes you want to cook up some oriental food to make this a theme movie; to your meal. Some how out of all this corny, cornucopia of a Godzilla masterpiece; the movie has a happy ending of Ichiro standing up to the bully's.
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This needs to be digitally remastered.
28 February 2020
This was a awesome movie to see in the theaters when it first came out. I saw this movie in the midnight, movies back in Connecticut with all the cool kids; when it first came out. Midnight movies on the east coast was someplace you went after partying with your friends for a goof. Midnight movies started in New York City in the early 1970's. New York City is the neighboring city to the state of Connecticut. When I had gone to see Rainbow Bridge; I had already been to the midnight movies several times. It was the small theater room and it was packed, like I never remembered it being. I got there early and had prime seats with my friends. I am not proud of it, but I did a one hitter of marijuana before the film started (while I was in the crowded theater with my buddy). I had done this before during major rock concerts. The reason I said I was not proud of it; is because I got really uptight, after I realized no one else followed my lead. Same thing with the concerts. This place was packed with long haired college aged hippies and I was in my teens. It got so rowdy in there just before the film started they turned the lights on. This one long haired, long bearded dude got up and said something like; we need to all cool out now man. The people eventually calmed down. This movie is all about Hendrix as far as the music lyrics matching what goes on in the film. The way this movie starts was so innovated; I have never seen anything like it, to this day. A bunch of hippie hating guys on horseback shots this dude on a surf board and his spirit leaps out of his body; looking like the Led Zeppelin Swan Song logo. I will never forget seeing that scene back in the seventy's; it was pure epic rock and roll come to life. The song that plays during that scene is one of my favorite Jimi Hendrix songs. My second favorite seen is when Pat Hartley see's a jet plane then the next thing you know she is in Hawaii. Then there is this scene out of the blue; where this young black dude and lady sing this ballad that rivals the scene in the movie Hair, that features the song, Easy To Be Hard. I also liked the scene at the beginning where the Jesus freaks were trying to get Pat Hartley to be saved. This movie is full of innovative camera work and scenes; that should have set precedent in the film industry. The genius of this movie seems to have been completely ignored by the industry. The Hendrix music and sound effects are incredible too.
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The only time I have seen guitar playing better than Jimi Hendrix.
27 February 2020
I do not cry easy but when I first saw this; it made me ball my eyes out. When I started getting very heavily into metal music in 1999; Black Label Society was one of my first favorite metal bands. Black Label Society's first CD came out in 1999 and I bought it after researching it in Metal Edge Magazine. That always seemed like a special bond to me. Seeing this video was a huge pat on the back to me; for loving Black Label Society for so long. I bought several of there CD's including the 2003 release of; 1919 Eternal when it first came out. Hearing the song "America the Beautiful" (instrumental), gave me chills. 2001 - 2008 was my motorcycle years so that was also a connection between me and Zak. Also the band being from a neighboring state was a big deal too. The music is so hard driving and sincere and heartfelt. It was everything I could ask from a metal band. I never heard anything like it and I do not think anyone could match their sound and lyrics. I used to brag about the band for years to people; telling them how much I loved it. I also was also enthralled by the skull logo and have based my art on it many times. I got my start doing art for a huge skateboard company in 1988 and skulls was my staple. When I saw this concert video around 2009; I was so blown away by it, it made me cry big wet tears. I never saw them play until I saw this video and Zak seemed like a full blown super hero to me. I did not know who Zak was; until then too. He played with his teeth and behind his back and even played Iron Man with one hand on the fret board. I took lessons in electric guitar as a child so I am very familiar with how hard it is to play. There is so much emotion in this concert video between the audience and the band; it can not help but draw you in. Dedications to Dime Bag and the troops followed by a unreal performances by Zak; is hard rock heaven. It is all about Zak the rest of the band seems to be background but they are still really good. When some dude gets up and continues the jam with Zaks super guitar; it gave me chills. Then when Zak gives the audience the amps and that freaked me out too. From start to finish this is high energy rock and roll unmatched by anything before it and after it. This was Zak in his prime. This guy is a super human dynamo.
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The greatest rock concert video ever!
26 February 2020
There is only 2 rock concert DVD's that have ever made me cry and this is one of them. The other one was Zakk Wylde's The European Invasion - Doom Troopin' Live. I do not cry easy. I saw Freebird... The Movie around 2009 for the first time. It was also the first time I had seen Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert. To me it was amazing to see the band like that. Lynyrd Skynyrd was a legend to me growing up in the party hardy days of the 1970's. Listening to Freebird cranked up; in a friends muscle car was as epic as it gets. All my friends would talk about the band and the story's that we told were that of legends. Seeing the personal shot's of Ronnie Van Zant fishing was a heart breaker, if there ever was one. What got me balling was the end. I sat through the entire concert with batted breath filmed in Knebworth, England. The band played incredibly and looked awesome; but being in England it made it very impersonal and bland. I waited and waited and thought; they have not played Freebird yet. At the end they showed them in all their glory in Oakland, California. I think I cried through most of the song. I do not agree with the rebel flag usage of Lynyrd Skynyrd; that has never or will never; take away my love and admiration for this legendary band, ever. One of the; too many to remember story's we would tell each other back in the 1970's, was whether Lynyrd Skynyrd was prejudice. One time I remember a dude exclaimed that Lynyrd Skynyrd was no way prejudice because Ronnie Van Zant dated a black girl. I was very close to the definition of a Freebird in the 1970's; today I can not relate to those lyrics at all. I will always be in awe of that thundering extended minstrel extravaganza; at the end of that epic song, Freebird.
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Watch this to take a vacation from feelings.
19 February 2020
I am so into black and death metal lately. The blackest metal is the band Mayhem. I have been boasting about them for years. This concert video is when they were in their prime. I want to point out when the song (Bloodsword And A Colder Sun, Part I) gets to these lyrics: "In the multi-layers of paralyzed Christian lies"; half the crowd boos and half the crowd cheers. This means there were allot of Christians in the crowd. It's just great fast music and great entertainment to me; just like anything else; it is all the same, whether it is black metal or Walt Disney, it is all the same. This concert is from their best Album: "Grand Declaration Of War". Mayhem invented true black mental; not Venom. During this video notice the lead singer then, and now; Attila Gábor Csihar cuts himself with the barb wire microphone stand. He also stabs the pigs head several times. He also walks around the stage with the pigs head over his head mounted on the knife blade dripping pig's blood on his open wounds. Black metal and most present day hard core metal (except whining grind core); will take away all your feelings and now a days; we could all use that. Also if you look at Attila Gábor Csihar arm's in the concert movie you will see deep scares from other shows he had performed; I assume.
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This movie is a example of how our present day unjustice justice system is.
16 February 2020
When I rented this movie; when it first came out, it just screamed sex offender registry to me. I am and have been very outspoken on the internet against the sex offender registry and mass incarceration since 2001 online; so this movie really touched me. It is a lonely job; like Chief John Anderton in his quest to disprove Precrime. Lets face it when our government wastes millions of tax payer money on the sex offender registry; they are saying these people will re-offend. Like Minority Report predicts people committing crime; the sex offender registry does the same thing. Instead of freezing them in prison; they allow posting their photos and personal information all over the planet. Even more wasted tax payer money is spent through; police wasting there time constantly investigating them, verses protecting people from real crimes. I always say I would rather have a sex offence committed against me than getting shot in the leg. The amount of people shot and not killed in our country is staggering; look it up. Director Lamar Burgess seems to me to be a great example of a politician fear mongering to gain votes and power at other people's expense. He looks exactly like the character in the sex offender comic I drew and posted on the internet; in the comic Joe Dork. The end gave me chills with lines like this: " know your own future...which means you can change it if you want to." and this: "You still have a choice, Lamar.". Of course we can change our future, of course we have a choice; that is what life is all about; even insects and animals display this inherent trait. When I wrote this; I left out the main reason I think this movie is about sex offenders. When a person is put on the sex offender registry they are assigned a risk level. A risk level is just another way of our perverted justice system to say; this person will commit a sex crime.
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South Park: White People Renovating Houses (2017)
Season 21, Episode 1
New episode's of South Park; are a must see. This one is a great example of that.
15 February 2020
This episode made my list of must see's because it transcends men. I was watching this with my wife and she noticed something I did not; because she is a woman. She pointed out to me the reason Eric Cartman was angry with his girlfriend is because he liked Amazon's Alexa Echo better. I did not see this at all after watching it more than once. Guys if you find yourself angry at your wife and you do not know why; it is probably because your in love with something else, like your car, computer or video game. When we start loving things more than the people we should be loving; we will have problems. What got me is Cartman kept saying sorry to his girlfriend; it sounded like me sometimes. Every time I say something mean to my wife; I say I am sorry. I do not care how many times I have to say I am sorry; I do it. This is a great attribute in my observation and has helped me for many years. I say all of this from 32 years of a happy marriage.

I never see the child characters as children on South Park; and never have; I can not explain it; except to say children do not act like that. South Park has come a long way. I swear I get a up to date life lesson's out of every new episode these days. Bravo South Park. Long live South Park!
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Watch this one; if you want to laugh till you cry.
8 February 2020
This is thee funniest MWC episodes ever. When I first saw it it; literally made me laugh till I cried. This is the best season of MWC too. Once all of Al's gang is assembled; the show becomes a thousand more funnier and entertaining. When Al says "Oh yes indeed... for sausages!"; it is the highest point of comedy I have ever seen in a television series. The words "sausages" echoes several times as the camera zooms in on Al's face covered with visible beads of sweat. That look on his face; is the face we all make when we lose it. It is also awesome to see Waylon Jennings a true 1970's hero.
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Frasier: Shutout in Seattle: Part 2 (1999)
Season 6, Episode 24
Best Episode Of Frasier Ever
16 January 2020
This is the best most funny Frasier because of Jessica Cauffiel. Her performance is unreal. She is so funny it makes the entire series more funny. She is really a awesome actor, maybe one of the best female actor moments in history. The culmination is when she says: "That's all I am, your whore! Your whore from the café!". It is so convincing and at the same time so insignificant, it makes it that much more hilarious. David Hyde Pierce's performance is also stellar as Kit's casual lover out of delusional desperation.
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