
26 Reviews
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Honest Thief (2020)
Liam Neesom vs Car Salesmen
25 March 2021
I think Kate never kissed Liam in this movie? At least not in the last 2/3rds since I paid attention. Her acting was cringeworthy and unnatural, I think she still played some character that belonged in Grey's Anatomy than LN movie. The bad guys looked like BMW dealership employees. Loved the detective Meyers, old-school charm. Funky movie, don't know what to think of it, it was sure entertaining.
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This kind of movie is the only reason I haven't cancelled Netflix yet
20 March 2021
Lots of reviewers were expecting action and gore... this is not it. This is pure atmosphere driven. It's an "experience". Not for a moment I felt it was lacking something. Extremely well-written. Draws you in and makes you enjoy every minute of it. When it ended I just felt sad that it was over.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
From 10/10 to 5/10... time to end this
31 January 2021
S2 scored 8/10. I averaged my score.

Started great. Turned into a soap opera. Characters trading allegiances, going back and forth on everything. The season 3 was lacking focus, interesting conflicts, pretty much everything that made S1 great.

Seems like creators ran out of ideas and are just milking it now. The fights are extremely fake you can see easily noone is touching anyone and fists fly in the air and everyone is faking hits.

Zero character development in this season, pointless plot lines/new characters that added nothing.

The show feels tired at out of breath at this point. Needs a plug or a serious reboot.
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Very difficult to watch... for all the right reasons
22 January 2021
This felt so real. Almost suffocatingly real. Extremely sad. That's all.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
My God, did I miss monsters, just plain variety pack monsters!!!
1 January 2021
What a fantastic show. It made me realize that Hollywood stopped making monster movies long time ago... it's all zombies, vampires and ghosts and nothing else now. This was so refreshing. I binged on it for a few nights.

What was even more refreshing is the Korean cast... it was so nice to take a break from American "culture" and actually see good people, just plain simple, good, nice, all likeable people without typical annoying American "baggage". Nobody in this show was annoying. It was like taking a breath of clean mountain air.

Very original, great atmosphere, great characters, great cinematography, great pace, great action, dialogue, I have nothing to complain about at all... it was much more enjoyable than anything Hollywood made in recent years.

I will definitely be looking for more Korean movies/TV shows now.
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COVID19 filming - just film... something... with minimal cast
27 December 2020
This pretty sums it up. Everyone wanted to earn a paycheck. So they hired 5 actors so as not to deal with COVID restrictions, and a FX team to draw the rest of it.

Having said that, they did more than ok, and I still enjoyed it. For once, I love anything related to space, and two, the sense of loneliness and depression is felt so strong in this one. And for that alone it deserves more than 5 stars. It's kind of like Melancholia.

I think this movie is more of an emotional journey than story-based. I personally didn't care that it "went nowhere". I found all the answers in it. I saw no loose ends. But then again, I'm not one of those people that need everything explained to them or the movie gets 1 star. Sometimes leaving all the explanations off screen is the most beautiful thing to do. Was it the best sci-fi flick ever? No, but it was well above average and some scenes from it will remain in my memory for sure.
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Superfast! (2015)
All it takes to thoroughly enjoy this is to have at least a speck of sense of humor
23 November 2020
How dare do they make fun of sacred F&F? SLAM!!!! 1-star... /angry fan

How could they make something serious out of series that had nothing serious in it to begin with? That's such a silly notion!

If you're not hopeless as a person you'll enjoy this immensely. Just remembering The Rock in this one makes me smile every single time, and it's been 5 years since I saw it the first time (and watched it probably 2-3 times again).
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Alien Code (2018)
The idea behind this movie is just not that interesting... not really a movie
1 November 2020
I watched the whole first hour. At that point, as the movie devolved from being a movie into a youtube video of 3 people walking in the room and rambling about Interstellar quantum physics non-stop, I stopped caring entirely about it and turned it off.
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I feel like I'm in there
17 October 2020
This is the highest praise I can give to any TV show. There's something undescribable about this show, but I watch it and it feels almost like a distant sad memory. I watch it and feel being in that house. I'm not going to analyze the story or actors, because none of that really exist when I'm watching it, it feels like I'm a ghost following these people, such a beautiful experience.
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The most anti-climactic ending in the history of cinema
8 October 2020
It was an ok movie building up to something truly special but it felt like coronavirus hit and they had like 1 day to wrap up the shooting the last 15 minutes of the movie so they came up with that ending.

I literally can't think of a worse way to end this movie.
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In comedy success and quality seem to go opposite ways, seems like
17 September 2020
"They're not going to laugh at you" was one of my fav comedy acts ever. It was coming from a struggling comedian. And that's why it was so good. It was relatable.

8 years passed. Sounds like Felipe "struggling" years are far behind him. And so is his inspiration and soul that brought up all those hilarious "they're not gonna..." stories.

You can tell when a comedian going downhill when they start repeating same lines or gestures throughout their act which looks so forced. Russell Peters suffered the same way. So did Jim Jeffereys to name a few. All their latest acts are cringe worthy. But they're sort of celebrities now.

Unfortunately comedians' success seems to take away their funny. Very few resist that and remain interesting and still have funny, LouisCK, Chapelle...

There's not much funny in "Bad Decisions". A few chuckles maybe. It's not terrible but I stopped watching halfway through.
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Loved the Hasselhoff parts... didn't like the rest
28 August 2020
The guy is funny as heck. The movie was only interesting when he was in the shot. The rest of the movie is bad. JJ can't really act. The whole thing was quite boring mostly. Only Hasselhoff and the gay assassin were truly enjoyable to watch. The rest of the movie was blah.
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Fantastic atmosphere, and the feel of 50s
16 June 2020
The old-fashioned sense of wonder and mystery is all there, as the sparseness of an 50s American town. I appreciate the director taking time to show how slow and inefficient technology was in the day. A great, great movie.
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Interesting concept, a bit boring at times
16 June 2020
There are many melodramatic or empty yakking scenes in the movie that makes it tedious to watch at times, but somehow it moves along. Arnie is very entertaining.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
I'm on episode 6 and it's getting harder and harder to watch
3 June 2020
Episodes 1-2 showed some promise, but starting from episode 3 it kind of went sharp downhill. Every plot of every episode is just not interesting or involving in any way, absurd sucked out of thin air premises, everyone's trying to be cute and way over-acting, just hard to watch. The show would be interesting for middle schoolers, but unfortunately there's a lot of cussing. Not sure whom they made it for.
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"Anihilation" (2018) , take 2
23 May 2020
I felt like I was watching another take on Anihilation. Both follow the same story, just focused on different characters and smaller scale. Good movie just weird that they made two of the same kind.
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John Henry (2020)
Why is everyone so angry? It was an ok movie
16 May 2020
I had no problems with soundtrack, or anything else. It's a different movie. It was a bit too slow at times, and by 1st half I realized it wasn't going to be another J.Wick movie. I didn't understand who some of the characters were or what their relationship to JH was, but it didn't really matter.

It was a bit clumsy but overall it was pretty good. Had kind of an indie feel to it.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Despite multiple flaws... the best TV show of 2020
3 May 2020
I'm not even going to bother telling you how many things are wrong about it. They simply don't matter. I just binge watched this show, all 6 episodes at once, never wanted to leave the seat. It's the best 6 hrs of television I've seen in the past year, easily. The atmosphere in incredible, the tension never lets go, the characters while utterly unlikable somehow are interesting and fun to watch. Not a single dull moment. What a great show.
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3.5 is ridiculous... it's no worse than others
25 April 2020
It's really no worse than any of the previous installments. I just finished a PA marathon on Neflix and I can say that they're all very consistent, I wouldn't rate one higher than other.

Russia is portrayed rather inaccurately but who cares, the movie is fun to watch.
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The Fare (I) (2018)
When separate elements don't come together to make a film
15 April 2020
Like a dish made from highest quality ingredients that end up tasting like nothing after being cooked, this movie fails to materialize... as a movie. Fantastic atmosphere, great actors, the idea, cinematography, everything is great... and yet, it's almost unwatchable.

There's a lot of tedious grind about the way the movie progresses, and you can guess what will be happening for the next 5-10 minutes for a good half of the movie. Then it tries to introduce some story but does it in an awkward, confusing, disjointed way, and then simply jumps to an ending trying to tie everything together and explain itself but this way it turns a mystery into some absurdity and ultimately falls flat on its face.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2016)
It starts with 8 film company logos going on for 2 minutes...
11 April 2020
Since it's shot in one room basically with two actors doing pretty much nothing, why were there 8 companies involved? Did each one take on the movie and realize what a drag it was and passed it on to another?

I stayed for the atmosphere as I watched this movie slowly but steadily lose any purpose with every passing minute and turn into nothing.
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The Boat (2018)
What a great movie
10 April 2020
Not a single dull second in it. One of the best movies I've seen in the past year.
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The Platform (2019)
Falls flat on its face with its ending
10 April 2020
Movie was great until the last 20 minutes. Everything that happened in the end made zero sense and left me with a feeling that screenwriters simply had no slightest clue how to end this movie. The story feels simply abandoned, which is the absolute worst way to end a movie.
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Russell Peters: Deported (2020 TV Special)
Local comedy club open mic night level
13 February 2020
Only got through 1/2 of it barely... reviewing what I saw. No ethnic jokes - the only reason I'd watch RP. Where did the accents go? All the situational humor is clearly made into blown out of proportion unbelievable drama. Talking for 15 minutes about hiding his from a doctor, really, what are you, 14? Regurgitating the same fat jokes we've heard from every other comedian and swinging microphone joke that's as old as comedy itself, for another 15? Reminiscing on an adult conversations of when he was 7, verbatim? Really, that good of a memory? That kind of "humor" I get from my humorless co-workers any day of the week, I expect more from a world class comedian. The material in this one is your local Comedy Club open mic level. Shame.
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CSI: NY (2004–2013)
The first CSI with substance
27 March 2007
When I first rented CSI:LV I was impressed and highly intrigued by the show after the first episode, it was really new to me... however it never developed... the same boring crimes, the same unimaginative stories... and I really disliked sugary actors and overly masculine women... I got tired of all of that after about a half of the 1st season and just stopped watching it...

Then I rented NY. Wow. I don't even know where to start. I guess the thing I like most about it is the atmosphere. A dark, gloomy, mysterious atmosphere... It's like you see the whole city skyline in one of those aerial shots and at the same time you feel its massive weight pressing you deep into the underground... making you understand how easy it is to get lost there... NY has so many facets, there's so much history behind that city, there's nothing LV could put up against it... The show's not about the same prostitutes and villas, and all those trumpery lights... it doesn't have the shallow soul of LV, instead the action takes place in more psychedelic settings, with a lot of soul behind every scene, every character... And I have to admit I totally like the main characters, unlike those in LV or Miami, they're neutral and they don't try to earn the "below 15 screaming female" fanbase, there's nothing soapy about them... they're a group of professionals who do their job and that's all one needs to see... In fact I feel like they are there just to unfold the story without stepping too much forward... when the episode ends you don't really remember them, instead you remember the story of people behind the crime... and those stories are great and truly unique... one of the first episodes (the one about 20 years old skeleton) really touched me... An excellent show, which anybody who likes movies with substance should definitely watch.
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