
3 Reviews
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Haters Gonna Hate
10 February 2024
Seems to be a common trend now - a team does something different with beloved characters and instead of going into it with an open mind, fans review bomb a game because it doesn't fit with the direction THEY want. The last time I was this annoyed with fan reactions and reviews was The Last of Us 2, which was fantastic through and through. Suicide Squad's gameplay is satisfying, with enough variety in traversal mechanics between the characters to not become too stale, and there are some genuinely hilarious moments. Braniac is the villain here - fans would do best to leave their attachments to their favourite superheroes at the door and explore something different for a change. Hell, they've already been losing their minds at the Elseworlds Joker and complaining nonstop that he's not like the Arkham Joker. Another common complaint I've been seeing is regarding microtransactions. Where are they? I've been playing for around 15 hours and not once has the game steered me toward any such thing. The option is there, but it certainly isn't cramming it down my throat.

The Arkham games still exist. If you want more of the same then go back and play them, but that arc finished with Arkham Knight. If you want to play as the bad guys and blast away worse guys (yes, that includes the Brainiac-controlled superheroes), then give this a shot now or when it goes on sale. Either way, most of the hate I've seen is coming from people who haven't even played the game. No better way to discount someone's opinion than to read a rant from someone who made up their mind based on stuff they've literally made up.

Try it or don't. But know that this is certainly not a 1 star game. Anyone who says so is just mad about nothing.
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True Detective (2014– )
Don't Listen to Me, or Anyone Else
28 December 2020
Watch the show and make up your own mind. I've seen too many people regurgitating the same "SEASON 1 IS AMAZING, SEASON 2 IS THE WORST OF ALL TIME" junk, and it's simply not true.

Fact of the matter is this is an anthology series. Different people, different stories, different feels. If they wanted a show with 3 seasons of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, they would have done that.

Some detective stories are eerie and disturbing. Some are broody and slow burning. Season 2 is the latter, and all the hate it gets for basically not being exactly like the first season detracts from the performances and character arcs within.

There are also a lot of complaints about Vince Vaughn? Aside from some stiff writing, I hardly see the issue. He's got some great scene-chewing moments as a brutal crime boss!

I honestly can't believe some publications labeled this as one of the worst seasons of television in 2015. Just goes to show that some people have no clue how to manage their expectations, and this site is no different. Look at what I've said, and now put it up against so many's ridiculous.

Like I said: watch it and make up your own mind. I avoided it for 5 years because of this site and I regret it. Season 2 isn't season 1, just like season 3 isn't 1 or 2. If you want the same thing over and over again, watch CSI.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Glad I didn't listen to these reviews
10 February 2019
You ever come across a show you're really enjoying, come onto IMDb to look up the cast and find it has a 6/10 average with a ton of 1/10, 4/10, etc reviews? That's what happened with Nightflyers. This show has a great mix of suspense, horror, mystery, and science fiction. The sound design is absolutely wonderful (I'd recommend watching with headphones for something different), and the performances are engaging and on point. I'm not exactly sure what most people were expecting (George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones in space or Asimov/Asher level hard sci-fi?), but this is a damned decent show. Perfect? Far from it. But it's an odd, multilayered and entertaining sci-fi show - far from deserving of these silly, pretentious 4/10 reviews.
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