
2 Reviews
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Intermission (2003)
Great Great and Great!
15 July 2006
I really enjoyed this movie. I laughed and laughed. It held me intrigued and wasn't a chore to watch or follow the story line. This movie dared to do what many others don't - very un-PC in places. Good on them for making such a refreshing movie. Sure we've seen many elements of the story line before and could anticipate many of the outcomes but I don't think this detracted from it at all. Great to see so many well known actors in different roles too. And demonstrating their acting talent by creating believable Irish accents. I did wonder if Colin Farrell had to practice his mother tongue after being in the USA for so long - seems he did OK though. I would definitely watch this again and recommend it whole heartedly to others.
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Pufnstuf (1970)
My favourite movie
15 February 2005
I absolutely LOVED this movie when I was a kid. I cried every time I watched it. It wasn't weird to me. I totally identified with the characters. I would love to see it again (and hope I wont be disappointed!). Pufnstuf rocks!!!! I was really drawn in to the fantasy world. And to me the movie was loooong. I wonder if I ever saw the series and have confused them? The acting I thought was strong. I loved Jack Wilde. He was so dreamy to an 10 year old (when I first saw the movie, not in 1970. I can still remember the characters vividly. The flute was totally believable and I can still 'feel' the evil woods. Witchy poo was scary - I wouldn't want to cross her path.
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