
2 Reviews
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Deadly Switch (2021)
Cheap "Get Out" Knock Off
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just felt like this was a cheap knock off of "Get Out" the whole time I was watching it. It was very predictable in my opinion. I basically had the fact that Kevin was the stalker, Camilla being still alive, and the parents, Kevin, and Monica being in on some kind of plan to have Ana be a weird replacement for Camilla all within the first half hour.

Granted, it's predictability could have something to do with the fact that I was getting "Get Out" vibes from the movie that ended up being right. If you haven't seen "Get Out" you might still be surprised by the ending. Although, if you're reading my review before seeing it, you won't be. :-)
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Rear Window (1954)
Good movie
4 March 2015
I actually really like this movie. I first became interested in seeing this when I was watching the movie Disturbia with my mom and she said it reminded her of Rear Window. I would definitely suggest anyone who likes suspense or Hitchcock movies should watch this if they haven't already. I was worried I wouldn't like it sine it's Hitchcock and the only other movie of his I'd seen, Birds, had kind of scared me. I was not disappointed though. While I had an idea of what was going to happen and the basic plot line, since my mom said it was similar to Disturbia, I was still able to really enjoy it. It was different enough that I could watch without being bored.
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