21 Reviews
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Not Sliders
10 May 2018
The Green Mile is NOT Sliders. There is no inter-dimensional travel at all. No "Q-Ball" Jerry O'Connell, no Professor Arturo, no Wade, not even a Quinn. There's definitely no Crying Man at all in this movie.

I give it a 3 because at least there is some magic on display in this movie, which gives me reason to hope that the sequel may have some Sliding, but there's no Sliding yet so this movie is a failure.
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All Wrong (2017– )
Not Sliders
3 May 2018
This show is not Sliders. It's not about sliding from any dimension to any other dimension, at all, ever. There's no fighting with alien races or evil versions of ourselves.

What this show IS about is a guy who has a very smelly penis. That's seriously what this show is about. It's also the limit of the comedy on this show. It doesn't get any more funny than that, which is to say that this show never gets anywhere near the vicinity of actually being funny...

Avoid this stinker! Watch Sliders instead.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
500th User Review! Be Warned... The Big Bang Theory is NOT Sliders.
3 May 2018
What a coincidence... I just wrote the 300th user review on IMDb for "Two and a Half Men" and now I find I am writing review #500 for "The Big Bang Theory!" I feel very special and truly honored. Thank you IMDb and fellow users for making this possible...

Now for my review...

BE WARNED. "The Big Bang Theory" is NOT "Sliders"... It has in fact very little to do with "Sliders".

I had high hopes because the characters in this show practice science, including some very advanced stuff. I assumed that, since Jerry O'Connell was merely a high school student working on his own, obviously several college geniuses, who are experts in different scientific fields, must be able to unlock the mysteries of inter-dimensional travel. But NO.

Shame on the producers and writers of this show for making viewers believe it will be a great show like Sliders, only to have us find out when watching that it has zero sliding at all.

Sheldon is a huge wimp I can't respect at all. He's lucky he doesn't have to slide from one dimension to the next, where he is relied upon to solve an entire world's problems in a short period of time - because he would fold under the pressure, unlike Mr. O'Connell.

Leonard is also nothing compared to Professor Arturo either. He's just a nerd. Professor Arturo can FIGHT ROBOTS single handed while Leonard has trouble even building ONE robot over a period of years. He even has trouble just talking to girls. The Professor ruled an entire planet of women, with no sweat!

As for the other two nerds, they are nothing compared to the gorgeous Wade and The Crying Man. Seriously, do I even need to get into that one?

Also the characters in this show are thinly veiled racial and sexual stereotypes, and the jokes are predictable and written by hacks... so there's that too.

I give this show a 2, because it fails at being Sliders but at least there's some physics in it, which means there is at least the potential for future sliding...
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
300th Review... WARNING: This Show is NOT Sliders!
3 May 2018
Two and a Half Men is NOT Sliders.

There is none of the action and adventure in this show that you would find in Sliders. None of the episodes of Two and a Half Men involve sliding through wormholes into alternate dimensions.

Charlie Sheen plays a piano and writes jingles in this show. He uses women and makes jokes like "You want a sausage? I'LL show ya a SAUSAGE!"... he doesn't even do science or open wormholes.

There is ZERO inter-dimensional travel in this show.

You have been warned.
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Double Dare (1986–1988)
Not Sliders
2 May 2018
This show is OK but be warned.....it is not Sliders.

I wish this show was as good as Sliders I really do but the fact is, it is not. There is no sliding in this show from one dimension to another, there is no Professor, there is no Jerry O'Connell. This show has almost nothing to do with Sliders. It's really more of a game show for kids.

The physical challenges are good, but not say as demanding as having to for example slide from one dimension to another, solve that world's problems, and then slide out again to another world.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
1 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
These people are supposed to be some kind of genius sweepstakes winners, well if that's how you earn a chance to go what are the odds their entire family is geniuses with different capabilities? Also in this futuristic world how is it the son failed at everything he was supposed to pass but simply hacking into his results is enough to get him in?

None of them follow orders or trust each other or even like each other. None of them are very likable. These geniuses also make mistakes constantly, always choosing the wrong decision and endangering themselves and others. Dr. Smith is terrible. I don't care that she's a woman in this, I do care that she's so vile and also so stupid. You want to be evil, fine, but then at least be consistent and make decisions that makes sense. She's willing to murder but just knocks her sister out? How does she think she can take her place on this space mission then? I guess she's just assuming her sister will forget she stole her identity and ID chip? That's ridiculous. She's also surprised that this future space ship has video cameras she was caught on?

The writing is so lazy, it's mental that the writers of this show actually thought these stories and characters would be OK.

They constantly rely on convenient solutions to problems. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Just terrible sci-fi writing. I hate this show.

Here's one example of many: The father is a US Marine combat veteran from a war in the Middle East back on Earth... so why is the wimpy, indecisive, disrespected mom in charge of the ship and crew? Who even put her in charge? Also, they're all in mortal danger after they crash landed onto a planet with threats all around them - after their space station was attacked and destroyed - but she won't let US Marine Dad 3D print himself a gun to protect them with... uh, duh, HE'S A TRAINED SOLDIER! There are many, many more examples of the writers' stupidity here.

A lot of the "science" is also really, really stupid. So stupid I won't even bother getting into it here. Just check out other reviews, examples are everywhere here. It's again so lazy to just make up new miracle tech to solve problems you create in a sci-fi show. And stupid. And unbelievable.

There are plot holes everywhere. I had a lot of optimism for this show but it turned out to be a real dud. Two stars on the power of the great visuals and CGI, and the good actors in this even though they are completely wasted on one dimensional characters and scripts seemingly written by a grade two creative writing class.
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The Ron James Show (2009–2014)
A Show Nobody Wanted
1 May 2018
This is dad joke comedy for old people. CBC actually got rid of Royal Canadian Air Farce after like 30 years or something but then replaced it with this guy who is just as old as them. Bad jokes and sketches. Nothing else to say other than that. What a stupid show.
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Very Bad Talk Show
1 May 2018
This show was very bad. It was a pre-show talk show that was on before The Mike Bullard Show. That show was awful and so was this one. The host was smarmy, unfunny and unlikable. Not sure why the Mike Bullard show existed let alone this show that only aired as a way to "warm up" the audience for Bullard coming on after it. Just a dumb and pointless show. Hated it. I give it two because I have seen some shows that are even worse.
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Storage Wars Canada (2013–2016)
LOL At These Reviews
1 May 2018
Most of them are way more funny than this show is and they are all true! This show is very stupid and insults the intelligence of anyone who tries to watch it. I basically shook my head for the whole half hour all three times I tried to watch it.

This show is completely faked and so obvious about it that it is just sad. Why do they even bother pretending? It is like watching wrestling where they pretend it is actually real, only a stupid person would believe it for a second. Also the actors/people in it are phony and also terrible. If you are going to fake a reality show you might as well at least use GOOD actors. The writing is so pathetic it is unbelievable. I hate this show so much it is hard to believe it. I'm still angry thinking about the two hours total I wasted trying to give this turd a chance.

Whoever wrote the review titled "An insult to the intelligence of even the most handicapped." thank you you made my day, LOL so true and so funny.
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Stars Gone Wild (2007– )
Average Much Music Show
1 May 2018
This is an average Much Music show. It is not as good as Video On Trial that it spun off of but nothing else is on that channel or most other channels. The problem is they took some judges and made them play characters and they are comedians and not actors, so of course they are not going to be good performers. The writing is terrible or maybe even non existent, Video On Trial seems like they just say whatever they come up with themselves so again that is not going to work so well if you tell them to play characters and act. Also they used some of the best Video On Trial judges but a lot of them were not put on the show (or maybe did not want to). A lot of the guests were the bottom of the barrel of the Video On Trial crew. Not the worst but not good next to Video On Trial.
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Spun Out (2014–2015)
A Turkey
1 May 2018
Someone said this show is a turkey and that is the perfect word for it. It just seems appropriate to call this show a turkey. Or maybe a lemon. Nothing to see here. Just a terribly written show where the stories and characters are nonsense and none of the jokes even come within a whiff of being funny, even in a "ha ha these dad jokes are so bad it's kind of funny" kind of way. The acting is also terrible by everyone including David Foley. We shouldn't give him a pass in this just because he was in Kids in the Hall. You can see them differently. He was great in other things but this show is garbage, he and everyone else are all garbage in it. Three stars because I have seen worse shows believe it or not.
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Second Jen (2016– )
Really Bad
1 May 2018
This show is really bad. Just like really really really very bad. Nothing else to say but this is really bad. Don't waste your time. 2 out of 10 only because I have seen even worse than this.
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LOL:-) (2011– )
Courageous Attempt But A Bad Show
1 May 2018
This sketch comedy show is just very bad. I don't have anything else to say other than that really. There's pretty much no dialog and all the sketches are very short but it is way worse than it sounds because none of them are very funny and are just straight up bad usually. Never laughed at it. I give it a 4 because it is unique and a different thing to try to do and must have been hard. It just didn't work which is too bad.
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Life's a Zoo (2008–2009)
Good, Not Great
30 April 2018
Life's a Zoo is a unique show with great animation but it isn't great. The worst thing about the show is the weird way they stick music videos in every episode, they come out of nowhere and you have to suddenly watch an entire music video by a band nobody has ever heard of and unless you happen to like the music (I only liked one in all the episodes I saw) you are in for a few minutes of boredom or even worse. The voice work was not very good but wasn't terrible either. The writing wasn't bad but also wasn't great. Overall the show is better than average but not special in any way.
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Below Average TV
30 April 2018
This is a below average show. Kenny Hotz is desperately trying to seem smart and funny but the jokes are all based in toilet and sex comedy. When you step back nothing is special about it. It is shock comedy with no real shock behind it and it just isn't very funny either. I can't even tell how much of this is actually real and suspect much or all of it is faked. If he actually eats a placenta props for that but other people do that quite a bit as part of their culture or because it is a recent Hollywood fad so what's the big deal? In another episode he hangs out in a pig pen dressed like a pig to see if he should be a vegetarian. It's just stupidity masquerading as comedy, pretending to be making a much deeper statement than it actually is.
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30 April 2018
Although there are occasionally some pranks that are OK and even kind of funny (for which I give this a 3) most of the time it is stupid, unwatchable and completely unfunny. Really bad pranks, really bad performances, really unoriginal and a really, really awful soundtrack. Please stop it Just For Laughs!
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InSecurity (2011)
30 April 2018
I can't stand this show and literally can not believe that it is somehow rated 7 out of 10 on this site. Unless maybe all these ratings are people who worked on the show or know people who worked on the show? If so the ratings will correct themselves in the long run. Of the few people I know who have seen this show, like me they all hate it. The characters, acting writing and "comedy" if you can call it that were all so bad I cringed every time I tried to watch it. A huge mistake of a comedy TV series and one I was really glad to see go away.
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SCTV (1976–1981)
All Time Greats
29 April 2018
This show is an all time classic for comedy. Canada's SCTV put so many big name comedians on the map, from John Candy to Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis, Catherine O'Hara, Andrea Martin, Dave Thomas and so many more. This show is still funny today and what a concept it was. A small local TV station somewhere in Canada that makes all these awful shows. It's not like SNL or sketch shows today, they had running characters from week to week and shows that would come and go, nice long sketches with funny characters that are actually well written. One of the all time great comedies. Up there with Monty Python in my opinion.
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Stand by Me (1986)
Don't Waste Your Time! Pales in Comparison to Sliders!
20 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Jerry O'Connell has done some pretty good projects (Sliders season 1, season 3 of Sliders, season two) but earlier in his career he also made a few missteps.

Case in point this average at best movie that gets tons of attention, Stand By Me.

Not sure what people see in this film. It's all a bunch of white guys running around trying to find a dead body of some other white guy. Spoiler alert! Sure there are some OK actors in this like Q-Ball and Kiefer Sutherland and that other kid whats his name and the kid who stunk on Star Trek. Daniel Stern is in this too and that guy's a cut-up, he once took a BM at a pool party I threw.

Anyway there's no real actors in this for Q man to play off of. No Rembrandt Browns.

It's also very disappointing that at no time in the entire overlong two and a half hours of this film did any kind of vortex to another dimension open. No inter-dimensional travel at all. No musical numbers. No Kro-mags. No Wade.

This movie is a real boring waste of time. Check out Sliders season five instead.
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Miami Magma (2011 TV Movie)
You People are Crazy! This Movie is Brilliant!
3 March 2014
I have to wonder, did you people rating this movie even bother watching it first? This movie has EVERYTHING! It has absolutely EVERYTHING that a movie needs to be successful. Volcano, check. Super volcano, check. Super volcano hidden under a major city, check. Evil business mogul who demands to drill for oil directly into the super volcano underneath the major city, check. Gigantic disaster, check. Hero fighting the good fight against evil businessman and super-lava (Cleavant Derricks in one of his finest roles), check.

Some people just aren't satisfied by a movie no matter how good it is... I sincerely feel sorry for you!
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Sliders (1995–2000)
I Love This Show!
28 January 2014
Sliders was a great, fun show and it had the best fans in the entire world. And what a cast! Sabrina Lloyd, Kari Wuhrer, Jerry O'Connell, John Rhys-Davies, that other guy, what an amazing bunch of people and I'm so happy I got to meet them all in person. I sure wish they would have brought it back for just one more season or even just did a Sliders movie to wrap up the story lines. Did Rembrandt Brown live? Did Rembrandt Brown die? Did the Kromaggs get what was coming to them? Did Earth Prime ever get free of their clutches? I think it's sad that it ended in a cliffhanger but hopefully someday the show will come back in some form and answer those lingering questions. Until then, just make sure you "Cry Like a Man", ha ha!
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