
19 Reviews
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The Spore (2021)
Good idea, bad movie
7 July 2023
The only good thing about this movie is the idea: some kind of fungus appears on Earth and starts to change people that made contact with it. But we don't know where the spore came from. We don't know if it's changing people into some kind of new lifeform or simply consumes some part of them to grow. We don't know if there's any connection between the people appearing in the scenes.

Both the video and the audio quality is poor: the night scenes are too dark, the music and the unimportant noise is too loud while the speech from the radio is hardly audiable.

In the first 15 minutes hardly anything happens. And nothing realy happens afterwards. This hardly can be called a movie but a clip show of death scenes caused by a fungus from an unknown source. And the ending is just like of a story that was cut into halves. Avoid.
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Ben Hur (2010)
Terrible movie full of mistakes
29 April 2012
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The first and the biggest mistake of this movie that at some scenes the makers thought that Ben-Hur was Spartacus. He was not. Spartacus is a different movie and has nothing to do with the Ben-Hur story. 1. The scene from Spartacus (when the Thracian tries to kill the Caesar instead of Judah) should not be shown here. 2. Judah was not a Gladiator. He was a racing driver. 3. Quintus Arrius haven't died before Judah went back to Israel since in the original movie he sent his ring back to him. 4. We don't care about the childhood of Judah and Messala. We know that they were the best friends and that's it. 5. On the galley Judah was not number 40 but number 41. 6. He did not tell his name to Quintus after three days of saving him, but Quintus asked his name right after. 7. We don't know the name of Quintus' son. We only know that he had a son. 8. Galley-slaves did not tell anything to their prisoners about shipping. 9. It's not Judah who caught sight of the other ship at the battle but someone behind him. 10. First he was chained to the ship and Quintus asked to prisoner to take the chains of before the battle.

There are many more mistakes in the movie but I think this many is more than enough to make your own decision about it. My suggestion: avoid!
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Titanic (2012)
Worse than any other
29 April 2012
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This is the stupidest film ever about Titanic. I saw it in two parts: the first part started before the ship left England and ended when it started to sink. It could even be good though was a bit fast. The second part was mainly the repetition of the first one with some extra scenes and the ending after Titanic sunk. Less could have been more. They should have made one 120 minutes long film with no repetition of any scenes. The story would have been stupid even if they do so but had been a bit better. It take too much time to show the relationships among the people and for this reason you simply do not care about some of the characters. Watch Cameron's movie instead.
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The Risen (2004 Video)
extremely bad
24 March 2012
This is one of the worst motion pictures I've ever seen. I said motion picture since you can not call it a movie due to the lack of the story. We see different scenes with different people but nothing sticks them together. Some of the characters appear only to be killed. Though, this should be an alien/monster movie we hardly see the monster. Moreover, in the longest scene we can see a nude woman taking a bath and caressing her boobs. Now, if I want to see boobs I'm going to watch Femalien or Emanuelle or whatever, but not a horror film with aliens. The only good thing in the movie is Megan Bouchard who is pretty nice and acts quite good. But she can not save this crap. Not only the non-existing story and the acting are horrible but so are the effects. When the soldiers fire with their gun you can hear a sound like ... I don't even know what but not that you should. And the visual effects are like flashing cameras or some lightning. According to the storyline written by the director it could be a good movie. Not a Hollywood super production, but a decent flick. But it's not. So I have to suggest you to avoid this even if you have nothing else to do or you are forced with a gun.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
The Thing: Begins
14 December 2011
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The Thing prequel is a pretty good movie. IF. If we forgot about the fact that it supposed to be a prequel of the Carpenter version of "The Thing from another world" from 1951. In the original movie we can see seven Norwegians to place thermits into the ice to blow it down from the top of the spacecraft. Later, when McReady goes to the spot we can see the ship in a huge crater covered with fresh snow. In this movie there's more a dozen Norwegians and they dig a tunnel into the ice. When the Thing gets back to the ship and starts it again the ice above it breaks into peaces. At the end we can see Kate finding out that her friend is a Thing and killing him. There's a cut and we can see a helicopter arriving to the camp, a Norwegians who survived somehow, and a dog-imitation to break out. My questions are: What happened to Kate? Where did she go? How did that guy survive? How many dogs were there in the camp? What happened to the others? (We can see one in the beginning being killed and the imitation at the end.) Is Kate a scientist or an amazon? (Scientist don't used to be amazons and vice versa.) The girls are really pretty in this movie but we do not watch these kind of films to see pretty girls. In the original movie humans become an imitation when they are alone for a longer period of time. In this movie hardly anyone is alone for even five minutes but many turns out to be a Thing. To copy a being cell-by-cell is a long process. And at last: the were no flat screen monitors with realistic graphics in 1982. So, if you haven't seen the original movie of Carpenter you may like this one, but if you liked that film, don't watch this. More than once.
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One of the best SCI-FI movies ever
2 February 2011
And one of the best movies regardless of the genre. Though the movie is a bit different of the book, there are no mistakes in it. Everything happens in time, everything has a cause and a consequence. Both the movie and the book makes me think that all the events in it could happen. Or had happened. Unlike many other sci-fis this one is more science than fiction. And it even has some funny scenes. I have seen it many times yet and I'm still enjoying every minute. I know complete dialogs by head. I remember nearly the whole movie. :) I haven't seen the 2008 version yet but I read some reviews and I think the remake doesn't come near the original one. So if you want to see an extremely good movie, watch this.
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Predators (2010)
Not bad for a human :)
21 December 2010
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I've seen this movie lately and I have to tell that it was better than I expected. I liked the idea of the predators' dogs and the different kind of predators - like dogs and wolves - hunting each other. But maybe they should be called different kind of "Hunters". Of course there were some scene that could have been made better: the killing of Noland, who managed to survive many hunting seasons before, the fight of the predators and the "narrating" scenes of Royce. If the predator in the first movie killed all people of Dutch, this team should have been killed within, let's say, 20 minutes. Including the arrival. What were the predators waiting for when they found the prey? How could they imitate Cuchillo's voice asking for help if he never asked for help? Remember, in original movies the predator was only able to repeat what he have heard earlier. But not counting these mistakes, the movie (the actions) is pretty good.
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Skyline (2010)
What was this movie about?
21 December 2010
The only reason this movie is rated this low because it's so bad. It wants to ask you lots of questions - but it doesn't managed to. And I doubt if it wants to give you the answers. So no questions and no answers. Why the city is attacked? Why this time? Why this city? What the aliens want? Are these aliens or some kind of cyborgs? What the makers wanted to told with the "15 hours earlier" scene? Why the aliens need the people? Do they use them as some kind of energy source? Why they kill some people and eat (?) others? What happened to the other women who were pregnant? I could go on with the questions but it's needless. If anyone can give me an answer for any of my questions or anyone can tell me what this movie was about I will change my review. Otherwise I have to say this is a stupid film.
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Body Melt (1993)
Great idea, terrible movie.
18 March 2010
First of all, I have to tell I mainly watched this movie because the special effects was told to be made by the FX group and the poster was very promising about them. I've seen the uncut version. And if the uncut version is that terrible that it was, how terrible could the "cut" version be? It's not a horror movie, though it's full of gory scenes, and it's not a horror comedy, 'cause there's nothing funny in it. I supposed to see a movie where Virus (with Dustin Hoffman) and the melting scene of senator Kelly from the x-men are combined. Or something like that. But there was nothing like this in the whole movie. From the idea of the three stage (hallucination, organ failure, body melt) a far far better movie could be made by a talent director. I only gave three stars to the three stage, but I only recommend this if you think the gore makes a horror movie. And more gore you can see the better the movie is. But if you think that really good horror movies are like "The Thing", "Alien" or "Prophecy (1979)", avoid!
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The Mist (2007)
The worst ending possible
6 July 2008
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This is one of the best movies made from a King novel. The first 110 minutes is simply excellent. The last five is terrible. They simply had to cut it off. This ending is the worst possible: David and four of his fellows leaves the store and traveling with his car discover that the mist has consumed everything. After a few days (?) they meet a really huge creature and after running out of gas decide to finish their lives. But there's only four bullet for five people. David kills his fellows and gets out of his car to be taken by the creatures. And suddenly the mist starts to dissolve. Then dozens of survivals starts to appear from the road they just left behind and the army shows up as well. And the mist disappears. It is TERRIBLE.

A much better ending could be something like this: David gets out of the car and walks into the mist. And the movie is over. We don't know if he will be taken by the creatures or what happens with the rest of the world. Or an even better one: they have five bullets for the five survivals. We cab hear five shots as David kills the others and finally himself. And that's it. I hope there will be an alternate version with one of these endings.
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Could be better
4 February 2008
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If I see this film as a single movie, it's quite good. If I see it as a part of the Alien/Predator series, it's really bad. It's too short, the fight scenes are too quick and short, the lighting is poor, the story is bad, if any. No people to love or to hate, I don't care at all if any of them dies. The predator is a bit unskilful, he makes mistakes that a Hunter shouldn't: sometimes he recognizes that there are Aliens around him when they already attacked him. If it happens in the real world, he could be killed at least five times during the film. The aliens grow up too quick just as in part one. And it takes place in the present as a sequence of the first one. This one is could be better then the first due to the fight scenes - if they could be seen. But both movie destroys the Alien/Predator myth.
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The Marsh (2006)
Good picture, bad sound
23 November 2007
I only voted 5 out of 10 for this film because the sound quality is so POOR that it does not make the film really enjoyable. When the actors are speaking you can only hear them if you set the volume to the maximum. But if you leave it there the ghost scenes will break the glass in your window and you will become totally deaf. The film itself is very good and if you managed to uniform the sound it will be even better. The DVD has a sound of poor quality as well, so instead of the original watch the ripped and corrected one. Some scenes are a bit similar to Poltergeist or Exorcist but since it's a ghost movie, they must be so. The actors are good and the acting is good as well. Only the sound is poor. But that is really.
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Very good film
23 November 2007
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I think this movie is much better the the second one that we should forget totally and replace with an "unofficial" part two called Evolution. This should tell us what happened between the first and the third movie. The training and the gathering scenes of the third part had been stolen from the movie "Day Of The Dead" by George A. Romero, but if you ignore this, the film is very good. I didn't notice any advertisement, because I watched the movie: the actions are well done, and I liked the zombie crows very much. But the ending is even better: it promises there will be a fourth movie with thousands of Alice who will showdown the zombies and the Co. The creature the doctor became is better then the "Nemesis" in part two and its death is witty as well. This movie is a real sequel to part one not like the second that wasn't a sequel and wasn't a prequel either. That was nothing. I hope part four will be at least as good as this one.
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Species: The Awakening (2007 TV Movie)
Not that bad, but not good
9 November 2007
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This movie is not as terrible as the third one, but not as good as the second, not to mention the first. Where did the other monsters come from? What are they? Hybrids? Aliens? Where were they until now? Why are they killing people? Is it a sport? Hobby? We didn't knew it from the third part and we still don't know from this one. The third part was disgusting and stupid. This is simply stupid. Including a lot of blood, some monster and disgusting scenes doesn't make a sci-fi. It makes horror of the worst kind, that is not real horror, just a crap with some horrifying scenes. In this film Tom (Ben Cross) loves Miranda (Helena Mattsson) as his daughter. What will be in the next part? Will the human and the alien get married? Will they have children as well? It should be a remake of "Amanda and the Alien" with Nicole Eggert, and it could be called Species V: I married a (Human-Alien) Hybrid. Though, if I remember well, there are some movies with titles like this (I married: a monster, a werewolf, a vampire and so on). And of course they should live happily after killing their enemies. This movie wasn't that bad but I liked to know what happened to the people walking away to the woods at the end of the third part.
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The worst pod people ever
9 November 2007
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This is the worst crap I've ever seen in the pod people / body snatchers category. The filmmakers should learn that some good looking girls don't make a good movie as well. For a good movie there must be a good story, good actors and a good director. If any of these is missing the movie is done. In this "film" all of these are missing: the actors are amateurs, the director is a no-name, the story is very-very stupid. Sometimes I had the feeling that the actors hadn't PLAY their roles. They had the script and they READ out the text written. That was all. If I take my camcorder and record one day of my retired mother, that would be more exciting than this crap was. I think that none of these people had ever seen the movies they were trying to re-make: there is no invasion (a dozen of very-very small alien can not be called invasion), no "cloning" of people while they are sleeping (people get killed by their clones), and no real pods. From the 14 people acting in this movie 10 are women. Have you ever seen an invasion movie with 14 actors? It's a joke. And the quality of the film is terrible: it's dark, noisy, blocky, and the sound is bad as well. Instead of this total stupidity watch the original: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978).
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One of the worst remakes
28 July 2007
This movie is one of the worst remakes. Although it is very spectacular, the main thought of the original story is lost in it. This thought was that the humans became animals and the apes are the superior species. Humans are not only unable to speak but even to think. They are driven by their instinct. Apes are not only able to speak and to think but they even walk righted. The only "good" thing in this film is the ending that gives back the ending of the book. Although the ending of the original movie was not bad as well. It made the possibility to make some sequence for it. This movie can not be continued (Thanks for the Lord for all the small miracles!) and has a very stupid story with a very stupid beginning. Don't waste your time, watch the original instead. 0.1 out of 10.
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What is this crap?
26 January 2007
This is not a movie, this is big pack of crap. I suggest to all members of the crew to go back to school and learn: 1 how to write a good story, 2 how to make a good film from it, 3. watch other movies about man-eating creatures such as JAWS, She Creature or even Dinocroc. Dinocroc is not the best movie I've seen about killer crocodiles but much better then this. I wish we could rate a movie 0 or minus 10 because for this one I'd like to rate like this. I'm not able to understand how could anyone vote for it a higher value then 2 out of then. There's no story, just a whore and two unthinkably stupid assholes among the characters. I liked even Star Crystal because it was so "stupid" that it was "funny". But not this one. I like horror movies very much but I stopped watching this after the first 20 minutes because nothing happened. Don't waste your time and money: avoid this movie as far as you can. 0 out of
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It's not RE 2
19 February 2006
This movie is NOT Resident Evil 2. This is NOT a sequel and NOT a prequel. It's based on the game, while the first movie is NOT really based on it. There's no continuity. At the end of the first film the city of Racoon is TOTALLY abandoned and ruined, during this one it's full of people and just starts to ruin. At the end of the first film Alice wakes up in the hospital of Racoon city, in this one she wakes up in a lab who knows where. It's not a good film on its own because it refers to first one and starts before the of end of that. And so on ... If you want to see how they turned one of the games into a film, than watch this. Otherwise, avoid.
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Very Bad Movie
17 October 2005
The only thing that good in this film are the two blonde girls who have pretty faces. I tried to figure out what this film was about, but I failed. If anyone knows just answer me. The original movie's runtime was nearly 3 hours, this film's length is only 90 minutes. I think it tells everything what you can expect. In some scenes it's like Flash Gordon, but even that was better than this. This film is not finished, but I hope, it never will be, because the second part can only be worse. Don't waste your time watching this film, unless you like one of the actors very much, and you want to see every film he/she appears in. Watch the original instead.
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