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Deception: The Unseen Hand (2018)
Season 1, Episode 10
Almost unwatchable
15 March 2024
This series is amazing however, this episode in particular is almost unwatchable. Most of the shows in this series are well written and everything is ended with each show except for the longer story that inevitably runs thru each season or series. This episode has so many holes I really think this one was picked up during a writers strike and the studio wanted to dump it off on a show that they had already decided on ending. For me this one episode could have ruined the series for me. There is also a good possibility that this is the show that killed the series. I would still suggest watching the entire series but this one is a stinker. If this was the future of the series it is a good thing that it ended when it did!
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Power: Time's Up (2015)
Season 2, Episode 9
17 February 2024
I really love this series! It has everything that you would want in a crime drama. Characters are super relatable. Some things that society is fine with for some reason I have a problem with. Most of it is small things that one can look past and/or ignore, like how a guy could become rich and powerful and yet not see huge problems in his life. People who become that huge from the streets have the ability to see the future. The one huge thing that I really hate is the DA Angela, she is encouraged to use what they call "her instinct" she is congratulated for over and over again is really her just breaking the law. She chases bad guys like she has the moral high road and she has to break the law to do it. In reality people like that are way worse than any killer or drug dealer because she is there to tax those who break the rules and do so by setting the example that abiding the law is the better way to live for everyone. When she breaks the law to catch the bad guy she is showing us that laws and law enforcement are not necessary because everyone does it and in that scenario the real criminals will never go to jail. This will become a world where the liked will remain free and the unliked or the hated will be jailed regardless of weather or not they break the law!
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documentary for the half informed!
14 July 2023
I almost did not make this post. I really don't want to come off as a huge Republican supporter. I honestly hate both sides and think we are too broken to be fixed, however, if I could have gotten my pet rock to run against the Clinton's I would have voted for the rock. The fact that Bush is a complete idiot made him less of a threat, he was only role-playing president. Hilary is much smarter and much more evil and should never have been Secretary of State... The fact that she was looked at for dozens of murders should have kept her out of the white house. Like is said, they are all so morally reprehensible I actually get very angry and physically sick when I hear about current political movement. ANYWAY..... I am not going to cry about how trump is an Angel, HE IS OBVIOUSLY NOT, however, The information in this vid is at a slant or just half the truth. People that make stuff like this should be blacklisted and never allowed to make film again. Like the information that is gathered and used to manipulate votes.... never mentions that the information that was acquired was specifically mined illegally at the behest of the Democrat party for the sole purpose of defrauding the American people and they get upset because the information was used against them. Like stealing dope from a dealer and having the cops put you in jail for it.

If that wasn't bad enough the vid goes on to say that Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News was large enough, and had enough pull with his little news outfit to overshadow the thousands and thousands of other news outfits, some of which have been around for over 100 years and have dealt with the political game the entire time, which happens to be owned and controlled by, at best far left dissidence that make LEX LUTHOR look like MARTHA STEWART!! If they are not the Bizarro world communists, they end up being the real scary, Uber Psycho level fascists, like they stepped right out of a Hollywood movie like GEORGE SOROS. The man that said killing his family was better than an orgasm. Or Bill Gates, the guy that says if he had one wish it wouldn't be for peace, not to make sick kids well again, not to eliminate pollution...... its to kill off 80% of the population of the world (Science has proven that we will not run out of space or food even if we double the population as long as people stop over eating). I have one final question, why are all the really aggressively driven rich Psycho's so interested in politics. Most of the "NORMAL"(YES I SAID NORMAL) people in the world are politically neutral or they are just moderates, even if I disagree with someone moderate I can still have a conversation that is not about eating children or some HILARY CLINTON hobby?
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Endgame 2050 (2020)
7 December 2022
The question is asked before the film, how can I make you see that Global Warming is very dangerous and is right at our doorstep? Well Moby, I am not sure why that is such a mystery. 99.9% of everything we hear is all lies. Your telling us that this is the 1 tenth of 1% truth. Very unlikely, The first Clue is that we were all told this very same bit of garbage in 2006 with "An Inconvenient truth" We were all told That in just 5 to 10 years we would all be under melted ice and/or dead from Global Warming. Well, Its almost 2023 and nothing has changed. We still have record hi and low temps and still getting the same Global Doom from you guys. I watch trends and in 2009 all the Scientists were scared because they said that there was a Global warming pause that has lasted for 13 years. Then in a few short months, with no new information added, they all said that the global temp was doubling. They all just "adjusted" the numbers so that they could keep saying the Doom speech. Then you insinuate that everyone that does not believe in the warming just deny it for no good reason. Some of us actually go outside and check things out. I usually believe me, So when your story about patriots thinking that the fact the Oceans are out of fish is a Conspiracy, I would just go out on a boat and see what I find myself. Depth finders, fishing pole, stuff like that. If I got no fish, saw no fish, then I would start to think they may not be any fish. If any math ever would actually show something that would come to pass I may put some stock in it. But nothing ever does. Don't get global warming confused with cretin end time prophecy. I think that's why it looks to you like the globe is warming but the math shows different. I mean math with truth, not the numbers that get added, others removed to show an agenda story. Its far more important we stop making plastic, and stop making EV batteries. Production of 1 EV battery is far more harmful than any gas car ever made. BELIEVE THAT. You people only care about the agenda, not actually fixing anything. Volcano's and earthquakes are getting worse and nothing anyone does will change that. If you open your mind to more than just the 2 stories, warming and not warming, maybe you would see a 3rd truth that a lot of us already see.
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Numb3rs: Blowback (2008)
Season 5, Episode 3
A comment of series digression
6 December 2022
This episode is very good much like most of the episodes in this series, However, Every once and again they give a nod to some unnamed Group. Weather it was written in deliberate or it was added later after the some "HEAD" or executive gets the note pen out. Specifically they frequently make mention of how much money the collage brings in from government contracts. Then to connect that with the bragging they do about how California has made so many advancements in the way of law enforcement over the years, and yet they fail to mention how much corruption and excessive force has been highlighted from the LAPD in particular. They also go on to mention how the D. A. R. E. program started in California. By now this series is getting old so I have the benefit of time in my pocket. In recent years it has come out (although kept quiet) that the DARE program was not started to keep kids off of drugs, in fact is was designed to keep drugs in the front of kids minds with how curious they are. It is no surprise that DARE started right before the crack epidemic started. I realize that this has gone off the main focus of the episode but I wonder if the studio that put the show out was also getting fat from the government every time some useless point like this was put into an episode. It does not detract from the fact that episode, and the series as a whole I very well done. I wonder how different the show would have been if it had been if the morals and values were the same now as they were in, say, 1945. I will keep watching, I hope everyone else does too.
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Numb3rs (2005–2010)
Thank God for sub-stories!
16 November 2022
So, To start, this show is very good. Every now and again there is a rare miss. I have to say that this episode is a rare miss. The ongoing sub-stories saved most of this episode for me. As far as the "F. B. I." part of the show, the particular "bad guy" in this episode. Chasing this person, to me, was like sending an exterminator to jail for doing his job, killing rats, or bugs, roaches. I think the paperwork generated by letting this killer work, In the long run, would be far less than the paperwork made by letting the "people" go, not to mention the anthropological benefits that come with just letting the situation play itself out. I honestly feel, in this case, the killer could have charged the state, or at least the city for the service provided. It was far more beneficial than any elected official to come from that state in a long time. The only real crime committed was the mess that was left behind afterward.
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South Park: Put It Down (2017)
Season 21, Episode 2
Your SLIP is showiing!!
13 November 2022
The episode as a whole is pretty good. Specifically the parts about dealing with mental issues in any kind of relationship. Being able to empathize is a very important thing, and in this country most people seem so caught up in self worship they are too busy to notice anyone not on the screen of an electronic device. The ending however was such a reach to massage the political scrotum of the left. Yes, maybe some things are better left off social media but where was this preachy garbage during the last administration. The previous PREZ, in his 2nd term had way more postings, and said way more offensive stuff. It was just directed at a different group. So that's ok I guess. I still love the show but where is the greats like "RAINFORST" where a beautiful Jenifer Aniston gives us a new look at the world. South Park was a show that let us see the world with new, Fresh eyes, Like a breath of fresh air on a crisp fall day. Like "The Red Badge of Gayness" OR :Cherokee hair Tampons" I always felt refreshed after every show. Now every show seeps to come from a California echo chamber. Maybe they need to move back to Colorado to get some perspective back but the newer shows are not objective like when the show began, or even the first 16yrs of the show. One thing I do know, If this continues the fan base from the beginning will not say forever. I understand we all need to grow but the growth of people can be manipulate like a tree and if the growth is forced too much it becomes more of a problem than a beautiful aesthetic or may even kill itself off. Please don't kill off a great part of our history. One of the only things left alive from the grunge age.
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12 November 2022
I Was so super excited for this show. I found out over 10yrs ago this show was in production. By the time it actually got to air, I was crushed. This comic was one of my favorite novels I have ever read. Sure, wasn't perfect, but every issue seem better than the last. The show starts off ok, but takes a violent left turn from the book. It seems to have been written by women who obviously hate men, and paint a Picasso-esk distortion of the story. The new point of this show seem to be some dim witted political statement that had nothing to do with the original books. Whoever thought this new trash would be well received by the fans of the book needs to be lobotomized. DO NOT LET THESE WRITERS DESTROY ANY MORE beloved stories because they felt the need to remake a college political film!
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Numb3rs: Bones of Contention (2005)
Season 2, Episode 10
9 November 2022
Both my wife and I have a doctorate in History, mine is specified in Europe, pre- renaissance, and she, U. S. colonial. Now this story is very well written, however the fact they flat out state that native Americans have been in America since the beginning of people, but yet also say that the native ancestor gene is Asian. The later is undeniably true. When one uses old maps with literature we can follow tartaria's movement east into Canada and down into the Americas. AND ESPECIALLY in California. Before the 1700's the chance of people being white or Native drops to almost 0. California was an island of ebony warrior woman who were bald and about 9 feet tall. Even Russia teaches this in elementary school. God forbid we teach anything of value. We just keep the indoctrination/drone production machine running as is. NEVER make an imaginative free thinker!
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Numb3rs: Bettor or Worse (2005)
Season 2, Episode 2
7 November 2022
This story is so horrible, plot holes, unnecessary action to drive story. Worst episode so far. The fact that Charlie and Amita can't connect on shared passion. My wife and I started on that and we been married 25yrs with 5 kids. We spend every second together or as a family , we even still have "play time" 3 times a week. Thats what shared passion gets you. Point is, everything about this episode is wrong and horrible! I suggest to anyone watching this great series to just skip over this one episode and just move on to the next one. Be ont the lookout for others written by Nicolas Falacci, Cheryl Heuton, or Andrew Dettmann.
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Psych (2006–2014)
1 June 2022
Every show better than the last! I sat down and 2 seasons later i had yet to eat, and sleep. Perfect situation comedy ! I for one will getting this box set.
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Barry (2018–2023)
26 May 2022
This series is amazing, my daughter got me onto Bill Hader after the "IT" remake and he is no let down. Even if his face from time to time makes me feel like I am watching Dexter. Everything about this show is a monster, that is except for the character Sally Reed and partway thru season 3. The only bump on this raceway is this cookie cutter neo-(non) feminist played by Sarah Goldberg, who at least makes the character watchable. The show should have ended with season 2 or maybe half of 3 because is spirals down an insane man-hating hole. The writing in season 3 becomes so contradictory of itself, it almost becomes impossible to watch. If it dosen't improve I'm ending this show right here for me.
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Modern Family: ClosetCon '13 (2013)
Season 5, Episode 8
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is great and it rips my heart out when I see an episode like this. Most of the show is ok, however Phil seems to get ever weakening story lines. Phil ends up in Jay's closet of toys, pulling out a bunch of delicate, and rare items. A toddler could see that Phil breaking on the horizon. After the first one breaks do they put everything back and start saving what they can from the one they broke. Nope, this is far too hard of an idea for Alex (the smart one) to start executing. They end up breaking more. I may have expected this out of the children in this show. It is meant to be funny but the writing on this episode is just so weak I put in an episode of Shadowhunters because that show seems to be written by people with more upstairs (no offense to fans of Shadowhunters).
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Married... with Children: Peggy Turns 300 (1990)
Season 4, Episode 19
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of Ed O'Neil and his work, this episode however is a huge disappointment. Al Bundy (played by Ed) is not the reason this episode is a disappointment. Anyone watching this one that has played in sports, be it professional all the way down to the lowly high school or jr. High sports may know what it feels like to be cheated out of a big win or have someone try and sabotage your play. It would have been one thing if Peg had just out played Al, but there was a frame where Peg yelled in the middle of Al's back swing causing him to bowl a split. After Al is done with his game, Peg gets a higher score, and she acts like she got it fare when it was so clear that she never would have gotten that score without screwing with his game. I understand this is meant to be funny but when stuff like that hits close to home....... I hate the act of cheating and have no respect for cheaters in any event. Sports, politics or even in marriage. I despise cheats!!
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Problem with most aging shows
18 March 2022
The reason this episode drives me crazy, not because of the main story or acting or anything. The big reason I dislike this episode is because it lacks consistency. This is the main reason most shows with many season tend to go downhill. The writers should consult the subject history before writing a new episode. Season 1 there was an episode where house were being broken into and AL got a gun and Marcy went off the deep end about it and got a dog. She said how much she hates guns and all kinds of anti 2nd Amendment garbage, fine, Story movement. Now this episode comes along and Jefferson has a shotgun not a foot from his wives head and she has no problem with that, but to protect ones house that must cross some insane line. It would be different if it had not been a major plot point but you cant just flip like that without having the character grow in an episode to enplane how and why. Not just throw in a gun and it is all fine with no explanation on why she no longer has a problem being around fire arms.
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Legion (2017–2019)
24 September 2020
In the first season I would have said to anyone interested, "amazing show" but as soon as season 3 started, every episode became more about making a political statement about how the writer or maybe producer felt and not at all about the story at hand or even the comic book that inspired the show to begin with.

I understand writers will put a piece of them into works, but turn every show into a session of congress or some response to what somebody saw on a primetime show or YouTube video. It is just sad.
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