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Easily One of My Favorite Films
25 May 2017
FORTY YEARS MY word it has been that long

Though forty year ago today Star Wars opened I did not see it till over a month later. After excellent PR from my cousin sometime in July on a Saturday afternoon my Dad Brother and I went to see it. Not knowing WHAT to expect despite the reviews etc up to that point

It was incredible

As the film began there were familiar things etc robots ray guns spaceships aliens...........but NOT on such a level for my young mind at the time could comprehend I remember smiling and being quite happy as the spectacle of sight sound whizzed by the action the drama and nearly crying as my favorite character Artoo Detoo was shot by Darth Vader having some reconciliation as the Death Star Blew Up and Joy seeing Artoo all fixed up at films end. Then going to the concession stand to buy the first of MANY collectibles a souvenir program(which I still have)to relive the moments(this was before home video internet as we know it)and learn the names of the characters and those who made this fine film and finding out that George Lucas wanted to make Flash Gordon film(yes knew who that was)finding out that composer John Williams did one of my favorite TV show's Lost in Space music tracks plus calling my best friend about the film I just saw and bike riding down on bicycle to his house to show him the program. And months later suggesting we build our own Star Wars toy out of his Lego(foreshadow)

Got the soundtrack got a lot of the toys trading cards most I still have got the Marvel Comics (which everyone WANTED to read)and was ecstatic when I heard about the Holiday special a year later(oh the disappointment WORSE then the prequels)and we both got older and came to new levels of understanding of life and politics Earth bound and Otherwise

1987 ten years many could not believe it BUT a decade went by now with Home Video showings on television and George Lucas's ILM company lending their talents to many other fantasy films Using tracks props in student films to a career that would NOT pan out seeing a special showing of all three films in one day

1997 Twenty years. YOW!!!!!!!! Now parents who were children on 1977 were introducing their children to this film and seeing it in theaters with new scenes which did not take anything away(Return of the Jedi did that)new toys collectibles and the announcement of new stories in 1999! What a way to end a century/millennium.........(The prequels are NOT that bad)AND discovering shortly after Lego Star Wars sets (??????????????????????)

2007 Thirty years My that seems as long ago as 1977 though never did find my Princess Leia my brother's children discovered Star Wars a few years earlier showing the film for the first time they wanted to know what the Jawas were gonna do to Artoo they discovered SOME of my Star War collectibles (kids grow up WAY to fast) and that year just shy of that May

I met the creator himself George Lucas at a benefit dinner (cost a lot and I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!) NOW that's a way to celebrate one of your favorite films

So now at forty year mark What will come of the franchise starting so unassumingly in 1977 So far Disney (Them owning Star Wars in 1977 1987 even 1997 WAS UNHEARD OF and yet)has not destroyed it yet seems to be much "Hope despite the loss of Carrie Fisher (lest we NOT forget Kenny Baker Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing)and as I type this while listening to the soundtrack what is to come................hopefully the one word Lucas used to describe the film in 1977


I only wish I could leave statements here as I did with other realms of entertainment just a few years ago Happy Forty Star Wars
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Fifty Years
8 September 2016
Well Today it turns fifty. Fifty years of Trekin

I am a Second Generation Trek fan for though I may have seen the third season in Prime Time I was too young to remember. It was syndication in the 70's that introduced me fully to The United Federation of Planets and the explorers on that Starship named Enterprise

Each incarnation I have always been there to watch judging praising All incarnations have there charms BUT The original is to Science Fiction what Disney was to animation

Though not the first serious attempt at serious Science Fiction it set a standard for others to follow

Many a show during since and even before certainly have their charms (Think Twilight Zone) but Star Trek is the Rosetta stone of Science Fiction

May it Live Long and Prosper
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18 February 2016
Spoilers! Though it has been two months

WELL Today went and saw Force Awakens the second time today and as the Handle implies........................

EXACTLY two months ago saw this film on opening night in a decent Theater with it full of fans so may have lost some things

This time theater was NOT empty as you would think bit was not full so I could focus a bit better on it

And YES There are problems.

Growing up with the first film in the summer of 1977 I can honestly say I know a little something about Star Wars but what are opinions in the world of today?

First NOT seeing the old Fox logo Not the first time that happened BUT

gonna miss that

And yes the first problem DEJA' VU Yes there is something familiar here

Desert Planet Droid carrying secret info Bad Group trying to find it Droid finds someone who will go on to great things Ends up in a VERY familiar star ship Creatures in a bar Jungle Planets........

And the bad group has some kind of Super weapon that can destroy multiple planets?? (No Death Star could do that)

BUT There is some new stuff here as well as well as familiar ones from a chess set to familiar yet new costumes and some fresh faces

Rey is by far NOT the greatest character in fantasy BUT she sure is welcome in the male dominated world She is quite versatile but also vulnerable Though the film could elaborate on how she got her talents simply by showing them to some extent in her hovel

I believe she is another Force Child by the medichlorians trying yet again to bring Balance to the Force But will have to see next film maybe for more info And she is NOT as invincible as she seems she is more unfocused and when she DOES focus..........

Finn Some more could have been done there but despite starting out as a janitor he does somewhat well Not a as much as Rey but certainly NOT incompetent and his skin color should NOT mean anything sure as hell did not bother me

Nice to see our old friends (well most of them where was Lando and Yoda?)as well if only briefly maybe next film

As to the new Death Star (really what else can you call it) Maybe flawed strategy BUT How can a group bent on evil control 9,999 star systems?

Destroying Multiple targets at least makes more sense and yes the science is screwy anymore then it was in 1977?

My nephew at age 11 (hes 16 now) asked Why did the Empire not blow up Yavin? (would have been easier to tell him where babies came from)

My answer Yavin was a bigger target and NOT a planet (I know Yavin 4 is a moon) and apparently like Jedi and Sith there are limits not to mention FX technological limitations and the fact that our Solar System was the only known on in 1977

How many planets have been discovered now?

Basically the film is not perfect BUT it is not as bad as some claim and the prequels?

The same will be reviewing all the films throughout this year
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If you are a peanuts fan GO SEE THIS!!!!!!!!
11 November 2015
As I write this review I play the Rod Mckuen song A Boy Named Charlie Brown for it seems just appropriate

In 1969 my mother took myself and my older brother to see the first film Until I was able to see it on TV years later I did have fragmented memories of the film (particulary this song) and though loved it had some emotions from it even though I was not in Kindergarten yet

Today I took one of my brother's children to see the new film

And despite the CGI as it unfolded I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!!

As some else has posted Blue Sky nailed it and they sure did!!!!!

From the most trite to the tiniest detail(see the film and you'll see what I am talking about) the film did NOT forget what the true spirit of the strip was From Charlie Browns pursuit of the Little Red Haired Girl(Heather) to Snoopy's Pursuit of the Red Baron it was just beautiful to watch

But No WW2 The Cat Next Door? Or the Rod McKuen song?

Plus characters doing the wrong dances were the only major issues here but the film shows that someone STILL cares about what makes something work

As to my Child Companion/ Enjoyed very much

Will see it again or if not Definitely putting it on my gift list

Again whether you are the casual fan or as obsessed as the Snoopy Lady Freddi Margolin was this film is a delight and is a must see

And though not as strong similar memories of 46 years ago were with me today

And that's my two cents
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25 years
6 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It was 25 years ago this very day I first saw this film

and despite things that have happened all these years it is still one of my favorite films and a film that is at times VASTLY underrated as well as a little overrated

But mostly underrated

No the film is not perfect for NO Disney film is something is wrong in any of them no matter how trivial and this one is no exception

Why does Ariel want to be human? (not because of the "hot" guy he just was the point of no return she was into humanity before he entered her life) Why could Eric not become a merman? Why did she not write in the sand?etc

But for all of its faults it deserves more respect for it redefined animation in general and why animated films would get more favorable reveiews and accolotes

gonna watch some of it now

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