
2 Reviews
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Fun time...but opportunities missed
9 October 2014
Before watching this movie it's helpful to be aware that it doesn't focus on Batman. He's more of a reappearing character than a protagonist. This isn't a criticism, although the title is slightly misleading.

The movie itself was more explicit than I was used to from animated Batman flicks. It wasn't what I was expecting. Again, this isn't a criticism. I'm okay with the choice to make it more explicit because it fits the material.

Having said that, making something more sexually or violently explicit doesn't necessarily make it more "mature" or "adult". I was expecting this to be more like BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES (1992-1995). That show was suitable for younger and older audiences alike. It succeeds in presenting mature themes creatively, preferring to imply rather than show some of the harsher moments.

This one instead focuses on The Suicide Squad; a team of bad guy miscreants implanted with bombs in their necks and forced to complete missions for the government that nobody else will attempt.

The premise is not particularly unique or inspired, but seems workable and promising in the DC Universe. It's a premise which has opportunities to explore mature themes; of government, of power, of character motivations and so forth. But the truth is there is very little of that going on here.

Sure, there is (sometimes creative) violence. There is (not fully shown) nudity and sex. But as hinted earlier, this alone doesn't make for a more mature film. It's not the presence of these things which I have a problem with, it's that the rest of the flick feels kind of empty.

I know there's a crowd out there who will really get a kick out of this. Those who want to root for the bad guys and have some fun that way. Fine, nothing wrong with that. But if you're hoping the more explicit take on Gotham will lead to deeper, darker, more defined characters, or that it will explore familiar themes in a less restricted way, then you will probably be disappointed, as I was.

The bottom line is that I found myself being entertained while watching it, and if you're into the DC Universe at all chances are you will be too. But by the next day I had already forgotten most of it. It's just not a very memorable movie because there isn't much to it past the surface.

Without giving away spoilers there's also some very uncharacteristic behavior from Batman in this one which borders on the ridiculous.
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Irreverence can be funny
7 October 2014
Okay, okay this is obviously not a 10/10 movie. But I felt compelled to give it a high rating due to the ridiculous hate it seems to be getting.

It's not supposed to be a masterpiece. It's an attempt at irreverent comedy delivered in deadpan style. As such, it succeeds. It's not for everyone and I'm sure plenty of people will find something to be offended over, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. I found it quite funny, and there isn't a bad performance to be seen. Elizabeth Shue is especially good.

There are so many genuinely bad movies accepted as decent out there. It surprises me to see this one being so targeted.
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