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My 200th review ! and what a review it is
23 December 2009
WO-HO, this is my 200th review although I have been watching and rating other movies I just felt that well this was important that I commented on it. A while back ago in the late 1920's I believe an American movie which went by the name of A Birth Of A Nation,was realised the movie it-self was a racist movie in which members of the KKK where played out as hero's however it seems when the Turks make a movie depicting the horrors caused my bible bashing soldiers of the Bush Adminstration - ITS DEEMED UNACCEPTABLE. To put it in a plain way , this movie is bold film making and a feat for Turkish Cinema! I don't really care that it offends some silly fool who is justifying the US's role in Iraq in bleeding it dry of its oil. Unfortunaly most of us know the role of the barbarian US troops have played in their treatment of the Iraqi people (and yet they have the nerve to call Islam backwards). The acting is top notch, the message hard hitting to the bone, the overall layout of the movie might not be that great but it makes a very good point on a low budget of just 14 million ! Its might not be the greatest of movies put together and my Arabic,Turkish, and Kurdish is very very poor but like I said it makes the point loud and clear. To sum it up , no American will like this and I am glad that it will expose the right-wing, Bush loving , butt kissing Sarah Palin -John McCain loving morons for what they really are ! But to put it simply watch it and make up your mind its obvious its going to offend some people but the way the Muslims are being represented in the lime light these days I think people should know how it feels. As far as it goes it will be one of favourites on my DVD shelf.

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Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (2005 Video Game)
27 January 2009
Tekken: Dark Ressurction was Tekken 5 realised for the PSP , and I am glad to report that yesterday I checked it out and I was very very impressed with the it. If your looking to get into Tekken then this would however be a lovely place to start as you have a whole host of players to chose from and also not to mention 2 extra new ones. If your a fan of Tekken then this little beaut is defiantly one to purchase and take away with you ! My only complaint might be that it is still another fighting game at the end of the day and it may get a little repetitive at the end of the day but an engrossing story line is worth checking it out for and each character ending is something different and worth checking out ! Highly recommended!

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Just simply amazing
26 January 2009
For many Ghost in the Shell is a very special movie , including me as I was just began checking anime out and well Ghost in the Shell was the one that did it. However my previous attempts of watching it were failed but then yesterday I was glad to report that I sat right through it and am glad to say that it is nothing short of a breath taking experience. The strange thing is that it was made in 1995 but it still feels so advance for its time and yet it has still not lost any of its shine. Ghost in the Shell sucks you in with its seductive music , use of graphics but then makes one think and about life and other forms of social commentary. All I can say is that this has to be on your 100 movies to watch before you die list , the only thing that I would ask the viewer is watch it with a clear mind , you have to want it to get it !

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One of the cartoons you'll ever watch
26 January 2009
I remember waking up every Saturday morning and going downstairs and checking out Batman , I managed to just watch some episodes of it on DVD today and it is easy to see where the inspiration for Batman Begins saga comes from. This is not only a cartoon for kids but its adult themes also make it a pleasure for the older audience too. The use of dialogue and not to mention colours which give it the Gothic feel to it make The Batman a force to be feared! The villains are truly villainous and not comical to the cartoons we have these days , some can actually be scary for children but then the producer don't really go all the way with them as we are dealing with a children's cartoon show here. All the people are portrayed as 3-D people with personalities of their own whether it be Robin , Mr.Freeze and especially a complex character like the Riddler was handled. To sum it up, this I would say was golden part of my childhood re-visited and I am glad to say that I have not lost any respect for it! Fans of the new Batman should defiantly check this out.

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Blade II (2002)
A very good follow up
24 January 2009
I loved the first Blade movie, it had all the correct ingredients to make an excellent action movie. I was also happy to say that Blade 2 is also good, if not that little bit more stylish visually than the first. This time the plot focus on Blade helping his sworn enemies take on a new breed of vampire , basically like a James Bond movie we have a straight forward plot , gadgets and action which action make it all the more pleasure to watch and also this round we are take further into the Vampire Nation and we get to look at the world of and complex vampiric politics. There are also pretty solid and strong performances from Snipes,Pearlman , Krisoffen as we also get to see a lot more of the human 'side' of Blade and with good hints of comedy along the way which just make it great. So if your a fan of the comics and action movies and you enjoyed the first definitely give this one a shot , you won't be disappointed.

BLADE 2 : 8.1 OUT OF 10
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Can't believe they cancelled it!
22 January 2009
Blade takes over from the movies following everybody's favourite daywalker taking on the undead and his quest for ultimate vengeance. I guess I could not complain about the weapons , action and babes which is probably enough reason for me to check it out and to be honest with you , it is not as bad as some people make it out to be. Kirk Jones is no Wesley Snipes but in certain places he seems to hold it well at times, the main bad guy Marcus Van kind of reminds me of Deacon Frost which in a way is a good thing as it lets us in further into the world of vampire politics and we get to see it works. The show had masses of potential as it warmed up , I was just shocked to see it cancelled.

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Entertaining but a let down in general
20 January 2009
The first 2 Blade movies were excellent , it showed a war going on followed by the way we are taken into the war. However the layout was perfect for the third instalment in which we are taken against the Father of them all , Dracula. Unfortunalty Blade Trinty builds its-self up to be a little too big and thusly just falls down. The first big problem is the script and although I am aware it is a comic book movie , it just feels a little too superficial and thusly not very engaging. Be aware also that there are several plot holes in the movie which all go unanswered and Ryan Reynolds was a not THAT funny and lets hope his take on Deadpool is better! Wesley Snipes does a little more talking this time round but it feels with that he has lost that bad ass edge that made him Blade. Dominic Purcell was not the correct choice to play Dracula and although he looked as if he had tried , he was just given so little to play with that the interesting character that is Dracula ...just well seemed rather dull. On the plus sides , Jessica Biel was excellent , along with some excellent weaponry and action sequences which made this enteratinting and Triple H was fairly amusing as well although it felt like he was acting like a 14 year old with the insult he threw about. To some it up Blade: Trinty should of been the best one in the series but due to its very apparent problems it just goes out on a low, its not a complete waste of time and thusly I do recommend renting it.

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Dexter (2006–2013)
Dexter rocks.
19 January 2009
I bought my-self season 1 of Dexter as a way of catching up with it as here in the UK we always have to wait till last until all the good TV programmes are shown and not only that but season 2 was hardly out on DVD here. I was pleasantly surprised with my purchase , rather having to stay up till late to enjoy , i got to enjoy it from the comfort of my bed. I think of anyone better than Micheal Hall who plays Dexter , his take on the ice cold serial killer makes him one of the most likable anti-heroes on TV what I really like about him is that there is probably one thing that we can see in there and relate to about him. The comedy is also funny and thats what makes it stand out and thusly makes you want to hook into it every week. Apart Micheal Hall the performances from everyone round are great it shows that the whole crew actually enjoy making the series. Dexter is another great show from the states and I am really looking forward to the next series.

DEXTER : 8.1 OUT OF 10
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Blade (1998)
One of the best vampire and comic movies made
19 January 2009
I decided to check out Blade after a long time , although it might seem a little bit dated by todays standards on SFX , Blade still is great movie in the sense of action style . Wesley Snipes was just absolute brilliant as the day walker him-self not to mention Stephen Dorff. Throw in lost of guns, blood , kung fu and sword fights and we have got a great action flick. Although there are clearly a few plot holes in here and a few unanswered questions but in general the movie works as it is a comic book based movie and there is a lot of info to cram in a short space of time but still that does not stop it from being a great movie.

BLADE: 8.6 OUT OF 10
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I believed !
12 January 2009
I am a huge fan of the X Files and I was very happy to see that they had realised a second movie. The title and the set up right from the start sent a chill down your spin asking for it to be watched. I was aware of the negative press that people were giving this movie but being a fan of the Files I ignored it and continued to watch it any way. Its has all the ingredients for a great thriller but unfortunately it feels that a shoddy script just makes it lose marks straight away but also I felt the only one really pulling his weight over here was X-bit who I can't stand , Duchovny and Anderson just didn't have that feel that I am used to seeing from the pair of them. And although the movie tries to build up tense atmosphere with long pauses, it unfortunately just drags on and makes it lame. I am not saying that I want to Believe is a bad movie , I mean it was great visiting a part of teenage which I am glad to see has come out in 2009 and although as I still am a hardcore fan of the X Files and want to defend this movie , its semi complicated plot , shoddy script and average acting make this an average flick when we all know it should of been way more! Still give it a rent !

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Chopper (2000)
I grew to like Chopper
11 January 2009
Chopper is one of those cult classic movies that people bang on about to the point where you just want to watch it to get over and done with. From the very start all I can say is that Chopper is far from a sightly or pleasant human being. His actions are also reprehensible and clearly indicate the the behaviour of someone who is clearly mentally troubled but however in the end Chopper's wit and cunning and his ability to out smart the police are what make him well likable in his own way. Top notch deliverance from Eric Bana , who was almost completely unrecognisable as Chopper.

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Superbad (2007)
not bad!
4 January 2009
Superbad was one of those movies I decided to check out because I was bored and for some reason I decided to waltz down memory lane and remind my-self of all the mischief I got into high school. I was pleasantly surprised, for a start it does not have that glossy Hollywood feel to it, it has a reality based check to it which is what makes you genuinely hooked to it. The characters in it are actually funny and well liked for a change and may even remind you of someone who you know in high school. Although it might drag on in places you can guarantee that Jonah Hill's brilliant comedic role was what saved it from being a total dud . I would say it is worth a check out if your in the mood for some high school comedy.

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silly and stupid but funny
2 January 2009
I was in the mood for something light and brainless to be honest and Duce Biglow: Eurpeon Giglow just seemed like a great way to pass the time. I know that the humour is something a 14 year would enjoy but on the other hand I don't watch that much comedy which probably means why I thought this was funny. I was not expecting an arts movie with clever witty humour but on the other hand if your looking for some brainless fun then this will come as a nice change just don't expect too much I mean after all we are all entitled to cut lose once in a while giving the year we have just had !


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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
I love Nip/tuck
2 January 2009
Here in the UK Nip/tuck is shown on FX , but however due to its graphic content it is normally shown late at night. I however stumbled upon the show by chance whilst waiting for Dexter, all I can say is that I was truly genuinely impressed. The show was easy to get into and funny , emotional and the same time. However we have to wait till last here in the UK for the season to come here, so in the mean time I went to HMV bought my-self seasons 1-4 on DVD and spend my xmas enjoying them back to back. The show its self is 'beauty' shown to you the way it is . All I can say that it is well worth the wait and I want season 5 here ASAP! Truly addictive and not to be missed if you can handle the surgical gore !

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Very enjoyable
24 December 2008
Although Perfect Murder is nothing like the original Dial M for murder it is still very passable on the fact the actors do a great job of it. The plot might make the film very dated but the fact it wastes no time means that we don't bored or dragged along but then with performances from Douglas, Suchet ,Mortisson and Paltrow who I don't normally find sexy done a great job of pulling it through. Truly everyone has a favourite over here and as good as Micheal Douglas was I could not but help feeling for Viggo's character. The only place where this film will deflate quicker than a tyre is on the ending , however apart that big hiccup it is worth a look at especially if you have nothing to do on your day off.

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Eagle Eye (2008)
Seriously lacking in something
18 December 2008
From the trailers Eagle Eye looked like a fast paced thriller , with lots of action sequences and thrills along the way. However unfortunalelty although the plot seems cleverly thought out , the half baked acting makes the movie well uninteresting and rather disjointed. If you put the acting to one side then you are actually left with a very interesting plot and the action sequence ARE good but it just felt that the actors were not very convincing and that they were just doing it for well the sake of it. Unless you have a very clear and rigid mind or have a thing for Shia Labeouf check it otherwise if there is something better on. Check that !

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Solaris (2002)
Weird , interesting and also fascinating
8 December 2008
Solaris is a movie that only works if you allow it to. It is like a drug and to experience it you have to want it. I might be young but then in my young and somewhat naive life I have experienced a bit with love and loss and I know how it feels, and I know what it can drive a person to do. George Clooney puts that on the table and shows us how most of us felt. Solaris is a weird film with a lot of emotions running through , it touches on themes of loss , grievances and not to mention acceptance which is the the most important part of the ordeal. George Clooney and Natasha McElorne do a wonderful job of taking us on a journey , I also believe in an artistic way that it is not made to make any sort of sense but in a way Steven Sodburgh wants us to just delve into our-selves , nothing gained and nothing lost...well for me anyway. The only thing I can truly say about Solaris is that if you have really felt love and lost it , and know the after shock that it leaves then it would be worth a look at. If your expecting a sci-fi Star Wars adventure then leave it.


There are some places that man is not ready to go...
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A solid Police drama
1 December 2008
Pride and Glory is a very well constructed urban gritty police drama which is different from other various cop movies. On the surface it might just seem like a superficial police drama, but scratch the misleading trailers and underneath you have a tough cop drama dealing with the moral themes in a complex melting pot. I could not think of someone who handles complex characters better than Ed Norton and his ability to do that with what might seem like no effort is magical, Colin Farrell on the other hand was equally entertaining with his out look as a police officer. The action is nothing over the top and deals with certain issues with a very in your face way of getting its point across. Although it might be a little too long and drag on in places it however does keep you watching it due to the performances. To some it up , Pride and Glory is drama that one has to be in the mood to watch although there is heavy script and acting involved it requires a clear and rigid mind to view.

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Body of Lies (2008)
DiCap adds another to his CV
25 November 2008
Body of Lies is Ridley Scotts return to the thriller genre and he shows us why he is just so dame good at the job he gets those big bucks for. Body of Lies on the surface might just seem like a run of the mill middle East thriller but actually by checking it out we see the amount of realism involved in it is what makes it stand out from the rest of the hyped up Hollywood blockbusters. Leo DiCap adds another fine performance onto his CV and proves why exactly he is one of the most talented actors to grace the screen , I can't believe this was the same squirt who I could not stand in Titanic! The film has a constant pace, there is action, suspense and drama . It maintains a constant twist and turn feel to it and has a lot of realism added to it . My only only complaint is that although it runs with the realism theme a little too much and thusly it drags on and ends up being longer then it should be. On the whole a good film put together by Scott, worth a check out especially if your a fan of thrillers.


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Craig IS Bond .
18 November 2008
Quatom of Solace is the direct sequel leading after the events of Casino Royal. Each Bond film adds something new to the genre as each movie has its own styles and Tastes. Quantom of Solace is a Craig continuing along that same ice cold path which I think in a way most Bond fans were waiting to see. Craig might lack that James Bond charm but he compensates for it well in other emotional conflicts and not to mention the flat out action in it. The plot still focus's on James Bond going to uncover the events of the first movie , although the plot might seem not all that it is however very well compensated for with the continuous flow of action and thusly thats what keeps you in your seat the whole time. The only problem would be that well the main villain might not all that this time round and the leading bond girl might suck , also the Bond song is terrible...Chris Cornell rocked but Alicia Keys might be a good singer , but not a Bond singer ! However if you take QoS for what it is , an evolution of the Bond character then you should be fine. It is not the best Bond movie created but and I would not put it my best of Bond collection - but still it is worth a look at .

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Bangkok boring...
10 November 2008
Just because a movie has a a big name attached to it does not always mean that it will be a class hit. Although I am against Hollywood stealing other movies for their own useless gain. Bangkok Dangerous is further proof that Hollywood still can't master the brilliance of an original masterpiece and this is just an inferior time piece although from the out set it seems that it has lots of potential it however just falls flat and fails in a lot of places. First of Nicholas Cage , provides interesting insight into the character but however he just never seems to have his heart in it and thusly he seems disconnected rather than engaged giving us a performance that we know he is capable of. Although the location is great , and there seems to be action it is just hampered by issues with the script and not to mention thin plot and mellow acting. I would say stick to the original unless your a fan or Cage.

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Manhunt (2003 Video Game)
Quality game
8 November 2008
Manhunt is one of theses games which pleases the gore hound in me. It is release for behaviour deemed 'unwise' in reality not to mention the level of controversy the game received due to the Neo-Con Lobby of England and the Daily Mail. However in a way one could also argue the boundaries of taste giving the fascination people have with reality TV. Players are placed into the world of James Earl Cash who has been given a second shot at life only to be used a pawn in a brutal bloodsport with the 'director' pulling his strings. It cleverly ties into the Grand Theft Auto world although I would argue that Liberty City seems like Vegas compared to Carcer City. It is them up to the players to implicate extreme measures or violence and brutality to please their audience and at the same time keep them-selves alive. It is easy to get into , fun , fast paced and also very atmospheric with a still a few jump out moments and the gore level in it will satisfy any inner freak. I think the only thing about Manhunt is that it well the missions can be a very repetitive which may lead to concentration lapses which makes things frustrating from time to time. And also the camera might be a little bit frustrating at the worst of times. However putting that aside Manhunt has to be played as it is there to offend and please anybody who hates some self-righteous moralistic prate who wants to tell us how to live our lives. Check it out if your in a mood for blood. They have also recently lifted the ban on Manhunt 2 giving the media frenzy surrounding the first and I shall indeed be checking it out, hopefully it will live up to the hype.


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Max Payne (2008)
No Sin City , But still worth a look at.
4 November 2008
I am huge fan of the computer game series , Max Payne on his own seems like a very interesting character however although Mark Wahlberg touches on that, he never truly goes all the way and shows what the character is all about. Although computer game-to-movie adaptionations do sick with the expection of lets say Tomb Raider or maybe Silent Hill, Max Payne does seem half decent. The scenery and the mood is set in a great way , also the clever use of visuals make it all the film-noir Sin City style. The problems however with Max Payne are that which most of these types of movies suffer from. The script is shallow and in a way it seems to do the character no justice what so ever, Although Mark Walhberg made an effort it seems that there is very little preparation needed for his character because it looks like that he so used to playing 'tough guys'. However it is not a total dud , as the atmosphere and great action scenes save it from being a complete waste. To conclude Max Payne should of been a terrific movie and by checking out there is no denying that it has lots of potential but is unfortunately hampered by time old problems. Its not a total waste of time but , worth a look at but don't expect anything big.

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Saw V (2008)
Still a very watchable flick
1 November 2008
Jigsaw has probably made enough of a mark in the horror movie world to show that he can compete with the likes of Hannibal Lector. Micheal Myers and Pinhead. Although Saw 5 might just feel like the rest of the Saw movies in Layout , the very fact that something new is added to it this time is what makes it you want to watch it. Tobin Bell goes down in history as one of the most fascinating killers brought to life. Although the layout might end up being samish , the gore and cleverly thought out puzzles are what make this again a good movie . On the whole if you are a fan of the saw franchise or horror franchise, do check it out ! You won't be disappointed.

SAW 5 : 8.1 OUT OF 10

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Death Proof (2007)
Good not great, but good anyway
27 October 2008
Death Proof is the second half or QT's latest feature Grindhouse. Its is a clever blend of Spaeghtti Westerns/exploitation movies of 70's . Its deliberate grainy and worn down affects are what give it that affect along with its funk star and hipster style layout are what make it good . The script is cleverly making references to that era. Kurt Russell is the man who just makes crazy look cool in a car. Unfortuanly unlike most QT movies , the heavy script may sometimes lead to boredom along with the over developed plot line which just drags its heals a lot longer than it should do. On the other hand its not a complete waste of time but I was expecting better when its comes to escapism.

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