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Game of Thrones: Blood of My Blood (2016)
Season 6, Episode 6
good but not spectacular
30 May 2016
Too many weak moments in this episode for it to be a spectacular episode. enough good moments for it to be a good episode. the weak moments were the end scene where its now become so predictable and there's no real character development involving Dany, there's also no in depth political issues regarding Dany the most in depth they go is Meereen with Tyrion, they need to show Dany struggling for power her having to endure more personal conflict, more infighting then the end scene where she conquers a city wont seem so boring and draining. Arya becomes a "Stark" again which is excellent. they've made her re galvanize hope again the bit where she gets needle back is excellent. they've somewhat copied they done with Sansa where they made her character suffer and they then seek the help of others to shy away from being who they really are then they figure out who they are again. the difference is they made Arya's route a lot more subtle and a lot more empathizing for me. they've made Jaime regress, he's back to the illogical,irrational over confident character, the one who people hated, hes resorting to violence firs where as before he was a lot calmer and more logical when planning. Tommen is looking really weak as a character, he seems very conflicted with himself with his beliefs and you almost get the feeling that the writers don't actually have a proper story for him and they are just throwing him in there with the high sparrow vs Lannisters and Tyrells battle. loved the opening scenes with Sam and Gilly you finally learn more about who Sam is, you see the resentment that's there between him and his father and you can see him becoming stronger as a character each season. him taking the sword and leaving his father's castle just shows now he has really strengthened as a character. overall good not spectacular.
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