
13 Reviews
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
WOW (mild spoilers)
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As the American great-granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, this movie moved me to tears. I've never felt so compelled to review a film. It is a sparkling inspiration, a reminder of humanity while very clearly acknowledging the evil that reigned. It made me laugh, too, (director Taika Waititi is brilliant) which helped make this not a dark film to watch - despite depicting the horror of the times.

Visuals were fantastic. The music - both song and soundtrack - was BRILLIANT. And the actors were incredible. I think Scarlett Johansson took the spotlight (and it helped knowing she herself is Jewish! As is Waititi) but Roman Griffin Davis (the protagonist) and Thomasin McKenzie (a Jewish girl in hiding) really brought justice to the many souls their characters represented.

Above all, the writing was spot-on. Johansson's determination to show her son humanity at a time when being human was dangerous. Her courage and sacrifice. McKenzie's declaration that NO JEW IS WEAK while she struggles to find life in her dangerous hideout. And a German captain's last brave stand (played by the marvelous Sam Rockwell).

All the little moments and big exclamations - this movie should be screened in all schools across the world.
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Tag (I) (2018)
This made me so happy.
18 June 2018
I couldn't stop smiling!

It's about friendship and youthfulness. The characters are well written and well played by every actor. The women were real people too! (some at least) The movie is filmed in multiple locations, often beautiful, so it kept moving. Fantastic cinematography and editing.

Most of all, the story was great. Unbelievably, it was realistic. Very well written, with a great twist that will have your cheeks hurting from all that smiling.

Have fun!
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Black Panther (2018)
Great movie - even for non-Marvel fans
25 May 2018
I've seen some terribly negative reviews so thought I'd write my two cents to counteract them. This movie is beautiful.

I'm a Marvel fan, so I definitely have a greater appreciation of this film than someone who isn't, but I went with my friend who's never seen an action or superhero movie in her life and she really enjoyed it too.

The acting is great; the villain is truly a sympathetic antagonist. His motives are clear. The film has quite a few unexpected twists that keep surprising you; there's enough comedy and a ton of color to make it fun. The protagonists are exceptional - you love them and feel them.

The visuals are spectacular! The film is based in a hidden country that comes to life on screen. You can believe it's real; you want to believe it's real. The creators of this film have created an entire new culture with such depth, showing off its tradition and color in so many different ways. At the same time, it's not too surreal (except for the nearly-magical and incredibly diverse Vibranium technology, which is kind of the whole point). A good part of the movie takes place in modern urban locales, adding a whole different vibe.

The action is fantastic. Different characters have their own style, strengths, and weaknesses. Every movement made sense.
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Worth watching... many times
22 May 2018
Absolutely beautifully made film.

Very fine storytelling. The characters are written so well, so real. The atmosphere, the scenery, the emotions all jump off the page. This is wonderful cinema.

And the acting is fantastic - specifically, this is Domhnall Gleeson's finest performance yet. Will Tilston, Margot Robbie, Kelly McDonald, Stephen Campbell, and Alex Lawther, as well as the other assorted actors all play their roles wonderfully.

Enough humor is sprinkled throughout the film to keep it from being too intense, and the beauty - from a West End Ball to 100 Acre Wood - makes it delightful to look at and wish for.

Yes, this is about the creator and inspiration behind Winnie the Pooh, but it's so much more. It's the story of a family, a couple, parents and son, a nanny, childhood fame, resilience, war and its futility, PTSD, and love. I don't think it strictly follows the story of the real Milnes, especially later in life, but the essence is true and this movie leaves you feeling uplifted. I'm so glad I bought it.
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Very good, but flawed
27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In essence this is a great film. Good script and really swell acting - all very well cast, specifically Xavier and Eric. Plus, a few unexpected story lines and character arcs. Fight scenes that made sense - like two flying mutants (though with different abilities) fighting in the air. There was a lot of international touches that made it authentic.

Honestly, for someone just getting introduced to X Men, this would make a great first film to watch. It explains mutations and how to develop them (in the school in previous films, we've only seen them learn history and language arts etc) and you really get to see the mutants improving their skills.

However: I'm tired of the trope that it's wrong to kill someone who's going to hurt other people. Nazis, and their doctors who experiment on people, deserve death and worse. There's no need to spare them and pretend it's kindness. And if someone kills someone who's about to start a nuclear war, they're a hero not a monster. And Xavier should have known that "they're just following orders" is the wrong excuse, especially to a broken concentration camp survivor.

Also, Beast's face was subpar. Not good. And Magneto in a cape?

Lastly, the continuity with other X Men films is bad. For example, from the first trilogy, I'd never have realized how close Xavier and Mystique once were. But on the plus side, this film is really good at showing how Eric and Mystique's relationship developed, as well as Eric and Xavier's - that's one of its greatest accomplishments, although I expected them to have been friends for many years, not months. On the down side, as much as it showed how the mutants became themselves - Eric's story was better than I could have hoped - it's hard to imagine from this that Eric would one day abandon Mystique in a truck, because she lost her mutation. Another glaring lack of continuity is that previous films showed an adult Xavier walking, but here he lost use of his legs way younger.

Still, if you can ignore all that, it is a well done film I enjoyed watching.
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Inception (2010)
Unbelievably beautiful
16 April 2018
This is a beautiful piece of work. Not just an artistic action/drama work, but a beautiful exploration of the human mind and heart.

Christopher Nolan really comes through, as do the talented actors L DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy, and the rest. Of course, the real mindblowers are the set designers, who under Nolan's direction, create a world 4 (or 5?) layers deep that both confuses and crystallizes. The story unfolds in a flow that keeps you going, wondering, and exclaiming in fascination.

This is a movie I'm glad to have bought. Both art-wise and story-wise, it's something I'll want to keep watching repeatedly.
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Awesome film
27 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There are way too many negative reviews so I want to add my piece. This film is GREAT. It has fantastic acting, awesome style, great lines, entertainment, intelligence, and action. It kept going and kept me riveted and I finished it with a smile; the ending was very satisfying.

Of course Downey and Law are the stars here but the other actors were fantastic too. It was nice having McAdams back but also nice that they let her character go- Sherlock Holmes is not a romance. I like the way they gave the story and the characters true evolution and loved the new character, Simza. She was so well played. The gypsies added a fun, new touch and meeting Holmes's brother expanded the world we're meeting.

I loved the period sets and innnovations - from the arms to the oxygen puffer. Labs, Holmes's newly redecorated flat and "office", opera, weapons warehouse, horse riding through the woods and sneaking across borders, references to the political situation (accurately showing a world on the brink of WWI, of the modern era) - these all made a well-rounded adventure.

I'm happy to own this movie and shall rewatch it soon.
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Wind River (2017)
Mostly wonderful
27 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful film. Great script and story, love the acting - very natural, which describes the whole movie, especially the cinematography. However, I was very disturbed at how much of the rape was shown. I'm an adult but that doesn't stop it from sticking in my brain and traumatizing me.
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Good but left me edgy
23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is good but I gave it a lower rating than most Marvel films because I was a bit confused some of the time. There's little explanation for how they do what they do, how fiery circles in the air allow them to do A, B, C, how time travel works, etc.

To compare, I always felt that if I hadn't read Harry Potter before watching, there were certain things I'd never fully understand. This movie takes that phenomenon to the next level. Basically everything is unexpected so you never settle into a pattern of knowing what might come next or what can be done. You're left guessing the whole time.

That said, it's still a great Marvel film, with good acting and visual effects.
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Reasonably good
23 March 2018
People are being extra hard on this movie. They expect another Marvel Cinematic Universe. This isn't that. But it's a good movie. Good acting, nice script, great new and old characters, just as much resolution of old issues as creation of new ones. I can't wait to see what comes next.
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S.W.A.T. (2017– )
Still unsure
5 November 2017
I watched the Pilot because I love Shemar Moore. So far, it looks like the show is more about community-police relations and racism, but it also included a lot of guns. The colors are pretty dark - which makes sense because most of it was at night, but was a bit annoying. I want to see more life, something different. I can't yet tell if I like the other people on the team or if they're cliché, like every other cop show. I also can't yet tell if I like the writing. Were it not for Shemar Moore, I might drop it. However, I'm still going to hang in for a couple more episodes and see what happens.
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
The main characters are incredible; the others not as much. 10 stars!
6 March 2017
Because the story focuses on several main characters, and those characters are exceptional and tell this powerful true story in the most engrossing way possible, I give this film 10 stars. Admittedly, the home scenes (which start off the film) are slightly more bland and the characters are flatter but I think that make sense - they serve as a backdrop to Louie as an adult, as a runner, and into the military.

The adult Louie is portrayed very well. The drama grips you - it made me cry at times, look away in horror, but mostly, this movie inspires me every day. It is a story of personal strength and a touch of faith, patriotism, family, friendship, and mostly, the triumph of the human spirit - not just as a cliché, but as an incredible reality.

This movie can be frightening but if you've got someone to hold onto while you watch, it's worth every second. You won't forget it because it won't leave you. It is powerful, awe-inspiring, and empowering. There is dawn at the end of night, beauty in a black coal mine. Be moved.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Awesome show - the law's about people
22 February 2017
I love this show. It's fast and smart. Legal with comedic hints. Dramatic but not melodramatic. It surprises you without disrespecting viewers.

Great characters and more importantly, the kinship between them comes right off the screen.

There's a lot of similarity to The Mentalist. Different - the characters are trial analysis specialists, not cops, so fewer guns and violence. I might like to see a bit more action to change my 9 star to a 10 star rating but it's still awesome.

really enjoy watching this show and I hope they give it many more seasons
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