
3 Reviews
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Dead Fish (2005)
Crap, crap, crap!
14 December 2006
This movie was so bad, even the good actors started to irritate my eyes. And my ears. And my brain.

This movie doesn't just leave you indifferent to the characters. It left me positively hostile.

Hard to keep watching that way. I stomached 40 minutes before turning it off, and sitting myself down to write this review.

As said before: How did this happen? Great actors, obviously a big budget. The Groove Armada are no small fish, either (lame pun, sorry) yet their music was intrusive, out of pace, and sloppily mixed.

The romantic interest was a joke. As far as fish go, this Stinks Rotten! And could someone PLEASE shoot that annoying hippie pothead?
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I want my money back!
18 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out really gripping with some clever juxtapositions of the two cultures. The hip-hop scene and the Jewish wedding set the stage for what seemed a very promising movie. For three-quarters of the movie things developed organically (if somewhat slow) towards a very tender liaison dangereux. After that, the movie just went bust for me. The threat of escalating violence is not explored, nor is there a visible means of a solution. True, in real life there are no easy solutions, either, but making a choice for either one in a movie would seem at least cinematographically correct. As it is, this movie tethers out to a cliché showdown-between-the-two-antagonists (Sol and Judah) (in the park, remember? Oh, you forgot, well, I didn't think it very memorable either) and an end shot of Sarah with a baby. And that's all, folks. What? Hello! This I found particularly depressing. Where is Sol? Is he dead? did they elope? Did he decide to stick with his music and leave his love to raise their child alone ? "Planting a seed for Zion", as the old Rastafari put it constitutes knocking women up and then leaving them? Surely that can't be the case. Failing to work out such a massive part of the story for me is just plain lame. It is mentioned too we get to see too little of Sara. I agree. That combined with the fact that Sol is sometimes not entirely likable (not to mention sometimes a bit too cliché Rasta-drone) takes a lot of credits away from the love story. And I've heard better rappers, too.
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28 Days Later (2002)
NOT a Zombie movie
27 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let's make clear I really liked this movie: Great story, great actors, well-paced and some very nifty director's tricks make this a very enjoyable flick. What drives me off the wall, and at the risk of being labeled a nitpicker (which I am) is the fact that this movie gets mentioned whenever the topic turns to "good, bad, or so-so Zombie movies". There Is Not, repeat NOT A Single Zombie in 28 Days!!!! True, they LOOK like Zombies, they ACT like Zombies, they SOUND like Zombies, but they're not dead! They've all been infected with this "Rage" virus thingie. So all they want to do is kill people. Even eating is not on their to-do-lists anymore. Or washing, or going number two, for that matter(oh, the humanity..). I thought this was a brilliant idea, totally original and handily used-If the survivors just wait it out for 4 weeks (28 days again!), the maximum period of time the human body can survive without food, the Ragers will just..die! Ever see a Zombie starve to death, hmm? Well, at the end you see some poor ragers collapsed from starvation, out on the road. For me, that was one of the (many) great perks of this movie: Original Content! Let's not insult it by lumping it under the wrong header! If this movie is to be compared, it should be Cronenberg's Rabid ('77).

" Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi convention? It's full of nerds!" Homer Simpson
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