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A really underrated film that should be held up to the standards of Beauty and The Beast or Pinocchio
22 July 2016
I haven't read the book so I can't compare it to that though, frankly, that makes it easier to review and possibly more entertaining. But enough of this introduction, let's get on with the review!

I want to start off by expressing the great ideas this film comes up with. I love that they have the dogs consider the humans as their pets. And the way they go about explaining it is really good. If it were to be made now they'd probably just have a dog saying "Hi I'm a dog! You may think that this human I'm with is my owner but no! He's actually my pet!". I actually cringed typing that. My point is that they treat you with respect and don't ever talk about it as if we were supposed to think they were pets. That's good writing. However the two main characters, Roger and Anita are only brought together because Roger's dog sees them and thinks that they should get together. Despite this they don't lack any good chemistry and are one of Disney's best couples.

Now the animation! I've already said that I really like this modern sketchy style, it gives the movie it's own feel and almost even some grit to it. Doug Walker said something along the lines of that he personally doesn't like it and that it doesn't look like the final product, I disagree though understand where he's coming from. Though I also feel it helps with some of the character designs, the dog called colonel looks really cool, due to the sketchy style but I think you can tell that I'm just building up to talking about Cruella De Vil.

This bony little old woman under a massive fur coat is really unique idea is one of, if not the best Disney villain designs. She's one of the best Disney villains and has such an iconic presence and voice. Her entrance is amazing. She bursts in the door, with her own theme tune playing from up stairs. The opera length cigarette holder, that puffs out green smoke is also a really noticeable element about the character.

As I mentioned before Cruella has her own theme tune and unlike other Disney movies where people just break into song for no apparent reason, here it makes sense. Roger is a songwriter and is working on a melody, once Cruella shows up at the house he applies lyrics to do with her to the song. They even add to this idea more when we hear is song being played on the radio and his wife refers to it as "his first big hit". This, sadly, is the only song in the movie.

Now onto the pups. The puppies are the most important part of the movie, if they didn't exist this movie really wouldn't have it's plot. So how do they turn out? The puppies are probably the worst part about the movie because since there's so many of them, the writers couldn't have gave them all distinct personalities. Thankfully they never come across as annoying or stereotypical and that's good enough. It would probably take too much time to flesh all of them out anyway.

Something surprising about this movie is it's vast amount of suspense. Through a lot of it I was very worried for these characters and as critics would say "on the edge of my seat". The characters go through so much that when you do get to the final happy ending, you've worked for it and in this movie that's done better than in any other film I've seen, in my opinion. However once you do get to that happy ending you kind of feel underwhelmed, or at least I did. I feel they could have went that bit more happy but what I got I'm happy with.

This film is definitely worth giving a watch and, despite what some critics lead you to believe, has a lot of harsh elements. If I had to pick something that disappointed me, that I haven't already mentioned, is that it was too short and I didn't get enough. Though I suppose that's more of a compliment.

Thank you for reading and goodbye.
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Disappointment, then again every body says that.
24 December 2015
When The Phantom Menace came out it was probably the most hyped movie to that point in time, and rightfully so; the first Star Wars was great, The Empire Strikes Back was amazing and Return of The Jedi was good! However this movie did not live up to the hype at all. For years people loved this film and put it up there with the original trilogy, blinded by their own love of the first three. In time people realized that this film was not good at all from the boring plot about trade negotiations to the over the top tun of terrible CGI. Every thing that has to be said about this movie has already been said and I don't have anything new to add to the table but hopefully this review will cause its current score on IMDb to go down.
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Casablanca (1942)
The Greatest Romance Movie Ever
13 December 2015
Before I had seen this movie I expected it to be a film-noir, because of the fact it had Humphrey Bogart with a gun in it I had got it mixed up with The Maltese Falcon. I was very surprised to find out this film is a romance. However the movie did not disappoint me what so ever. I was amazed to discover what a wonder this movie is. I loved this movie in so many ways. The acting isn't the best however the dialog makes up for it completely. As well as the expertly written comedic aspect to the film:

Gentleman "I'm shocked... shocked to find out that gambling is going on in here!"

(Man walks over and declares that the gentleman has one)

Gentleman: "Thank you very much."

This is one of my favourite films of all time and if you have seen it I'm sure you could understand why. It's also possibly the most quotable movies of all time. In the past (Before I had seen this film) I had heard references to it on TV or in movies but I didn't get them but after seeing this film I had so much fun watching them again.
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Getting Worse As It Goes Along
12 December 2015
I've already reviewed this and I gave it an 8/10, however, I've decided to re-review it because this show has declined in quality. It was originally a lot of fun and I really liked the debates, though now there is too much Super Hero fights and clichéd battles. There's so rarely a normal episode nowadays, without them getting a guest appearance.

Speaking of which, they constantly are having Kevin Smith on the show and keep on boasting about it.

And last of all they spend too much time on their adds. There's usually about two minutes in between each fight because they are trying to advertise something and it's often five minutes before the show really begins.

I'd suggest going back and watching the older episodes. 10-40 is, I think, when they were in their prime. They do, occasionally, produce a good episode now, like their 1999 episode but I don't watch the show now and I'm glad that I've finally stopped watching it because it was wasting my time and there are much better movie review/debate shows out.
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A Satisfying End To A Satisfying Franchise
12 December 2015
I thought the first Hunger Games was okay. I thought the Catching Fire was a lot better. The Mokingjay-Part 1 was my favourite in the franchise and this one I thought was satisfying. As I went into this movie think my hopes were to high due to how much I liked the previous one. However as you should know by the fact I have gave this movie a 7/10 doesn't mean I was all that disappointed. It had it's flaws though it's good parts over power the bad parts. I'm not going to spoil anything but there was a part at the end that I didn't expect however when speaking to someone else about the film they said they saw it coming a mile away! Over all I think this film is worth seeing.
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Psycho (1960)
My Favourite Movie Ever!
12 December 2015
Psycho is one of the very few films that I could say is perfect. It has no flaws what so ever and has some of the best performances in a film of all time. I am not a fan of horror movies which just proves how good a film this is! If you have not already seen this film I suggest you stop reading this and watch it right now! This film features what I consider the greatest twist of all time. It's even better than twists from films like Starwars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Planet of The Apes, The Usual Suspects and so on. You've Probably noticed all I'm doing is throwing a bunch of great things about the movie at you and that's because I feel this is the best way to explain the Masterpiece that is PSYCHO!
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