
10 Reviews
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Rick and Morty: How Poopy Got His Poop Back (2023)
Season 7, Episode 1
Unremarkable episode, but new voice acting good enough to go (mostly) unnoticed
17 October 2023
Surprised that the Roiland replacement voices aren't too distracting, but I got to say the writing feels formulaic and safe. Maybe this was by design in order to better transition into this new cast and the writing will be better from here on...

Points for getting Hugh Jackman to voice himself even though the character was a bit much, he's a good sport and doesn't mind taking jabs at himself. Still, felt gimmicky and a bit forced.

Overall, I think Rick and Morty overall will be fine as long as the writers don't worry too much about appeasing an audience that likely will cry about it not being as funny as it used be (assuming this isn't true), and that they keep riding the edge of what is and isn't acceptable to joke about.
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Nekrotronic (2018)
- Weird Title -- Insane Plot -- Nonstop Fun -- Cult Classic Contender -
25 May 2023
I'm writing this review as a bit of a victory lap...

Today, many years since multiple viewings of this hidden gem, scenes began playing in my head triggering the need to dive into "Nekrotronic's" world once again... the problem of course being that the title, although unique, is a brilliantly nonsensical fusion of mashed-up generic genre-specific gobbledygook.

With this knowledge, I tried a handful of titles I was bouncing around, TechnoMancer probably being the closest, but alas, after about an hour -- babkas... but then, voices in my head began to chime in... voices of a distinct regional dialect with refined and graceful accents>>> lul

***Google Search: AUSSIE SciFi FANTASY***...... 1st result: N-E-K-R... damn it! That was my next guess ¯\_("y)_/¯

Anyways, all I'll say is that not only was this movie worth the hour lost trying to guess the title from memory, it was so much sweeter being surprised at how perfectly stylized and crazy fun this movie turns out to be. Seriously, with the dip in quality productions we've been experiencing more and more these days, "NEKROTRONIC" is a beacon for those who are lost...

... lost in the formulaic echo chambers of algorithmic target audience comfort blanket storylines and casting for optimal demographic appeal "representing" boxes checked & re-checked insuring returns worldwide can fund the next $100M universal self insert CGI loveletter from the sludge machine that perpetuates these vapid husks of creative dread that end up failing upwards through calculated "risk", depriving hollywood from lessons learned through yoda's favorite teacher... Ultimately f#@% it, there are far more horrific things going on in this world that definitely need attention and Hollywood's implosion might just need to happen, and maybe if we could just fight the urge to watch and cheer it on, maybe some lessons can finally sink in for some...

whoa, that apparently need to come out, I better go before the name drops start, apologies...


*that should be grammatically ambiguous enough to optimize my chances of reaching all forms of review readers :)
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Finished it... you'll never guess the end
3 July 2020
It's a good enough premise to make you interested, but does it deliver? I say HELL yes. I love the casting choices, especially the lead, and as far as the writing goes, it's a whirlwind of highs that at times are dare I say badass. With everything derivative, having been done 10x over these days, it's refreshing to know that I can be surprised. True, suspension of disbelief at some crucial moments may be required to get the full entertainment value, but from my perspective, it's a show I will be waiting eagerly for season 2.
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Star Trek: Picard: Remembrance (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Nerd Boner, Engaged....
23 January 2020
JUST, Wow. I couldn't have imagined how wrong my assumptions were... they nailed it. I "enjoy" Discovery, but never really, truly got me off (nerdgasm, as previously mentioned) I now feel like the Trek we've all been craving has finally arrived, and who better than Picard to deliver.

It would appear they will be addressing some of my favorite plot points from TNG that were the more thought provoking and deep concepts that ultimately become taboo in a once almost Utopian future, now seemingly fragile with fear of a powerful unknown enemy corrupting the Federation and its' core directives, the entire galaxy is under threat... ....after years in peaceful seclusion, a tormented Picard is summoned to action by an old friend, and our seasoned Captain (well, Admiral) will not hesitate to face off against any foe, unknown or otherwise(*wink), and ENGAGE accordingly.
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Messiah (2020)
a thought provoking answer to an increasingly complex question.
3 January 2020
"Messiah" is the story of a man claiming to be a messenger of God, his impact on the world & the inevitable disruption that ensues. Taboo? Possibly on a political level, but give credit to the creator's attempt to answer a question that I, as many others have undoubtedly pondered over a lifetime(forgoing the bigger question)....

..."If Christ(Abraham/Muhammad) were alive today, how might he make his presence known and accepted in today's world?"

Exploring the second coming of Christ(etc..) and what that might look like in today's world brings up some interesting things to consider. A world of second guessing "facts", truth, beliefs & ideologies, but more importantly the significance we attribute to information. Several times over the series, Al-Masih (the Messiah) insists "History is Over", indicating the past should not dictate the present, and I believe also referring to digital record and social media taking over as dictated proof of existence, rather than perspectives that inspired legend and belief structures. Personally consumes me at times, making me question if how far we've progressed technologically is actual regression of our humanity.

While (binge)watching, I found myself genuinely wanting Al-Masih universally validated, which shouldn't be surprising as the protagonist, but as good drama does, the series often throws reality at you, making you question whether or not you as a viewer are being played... which is done masterfully at times. It made me realize that doubt was necessary for any belief to have meaning... sounds simple (like, duh right?) but it's at the core of this series and when thought through thouroughly enough, kinda blows my mind.

Overall, definately recommend this to most viewers, but sure some out there will see this as blasphemous or a convinient outlet for their hate...
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Netflix just changed the game... again.
15 March 2019
Sublimely animated (NSFW) shorts... each with it's own unique and beautiful (& mature) story. Think game cinematic-Animatrix saga with hyper-realistic futurism/multi-dimensional concepts. Absolutely GORGEOUS. I enjoyed each immensely, and cannot wait to see more, hopefully becoming a mainstream format.
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Stands Alone as a breathtaking thill ride
23 November 2018
Along side the original, the two are completely different movies. And yet, this masterpiece still retains a that familiar unique feeling from the first, but goes WAAAAY beyond what was expected from fans... Visually and Audibly stunning... Story is gripping... Acting superb... 10 stars is right on. By far my favorite movie in the past 5 years at least. *seen 16 times now ")
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"Actors Studio" without the pretentious overtone
4 November 2018
No studio audience which can take some getting used to, but I find it way better than the forced cheap laughs and awkward tension your typical late night talk show has with their guests.

Bad reviews tell me it's just too different from what they're used to.

What's not to like though? Intimately organic interviews with some favourite actors & semi-talented celebrities. Say what you will about Alec Baldwin, the man can charm the pants off a snake. Haters shut up. It's very good.
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Replicas (2018)
Merging of many played out narratives, and yet, better than expected...
1 November 2018
Yes, you'll undoubtedly spot some of Keanu's more pivotal Sci-Fi roles converging into this character. Namely Johnny Mnemonic, Neo, Kevin Lomax and as always, his "Ted"-encies... But the character is not the draw in Replicas. This Movie is purely playing out real-world hypotheticals, set it up with a grieving father/husband whos scientific research is already on the verge of breakthrough on multiple levels. The plot touches on a few near-future concepts that haven't exactly been approached in this manor, or at least all in one story line. Without giving too much of it away, I will say that there are some laughable plot holes and the occasional half-baked CGI, not to mention the acting... was good enough. Overall, it felt plausible (in my mind) and it's fair to say I enjoyed it. Recommended to all who dare to give Keanu the benefit of the doubt... Station.
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Maniac (2018)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A truly unique, profoundly intelligent, absurdly hilarious & entertaining work of Art
22 September 2018
Jonah Hill, Emma Stone, Justin Theroux & Sally Field shine in this miniseries masterpiece...
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