
21 Reviews
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Grace (2014)
A story about curses and love...
8 August 2021
The themes within Grace and the different folklore plot lines are fantastic. This is a series which is, at times, hard to watch as it feels claustrophobic, as though stuck in a horror story relationship. Acting at times & overtly dramatic scenes of horror also lead to this. This is a great series that has many elements of intrigue. Curses, love, folklore of the Asian Culture, and creepy and mysterious throughout.
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A deep, visceral look inside tragedy & family
15 September 2020
This show is one of the few that dig into the gut and really takes the viewer on an intimate ride of a myriad of emotions. The death of a teenage boy triggers a nightmare for the family of the accused. The father, Andy, being a DA is forced onto the other side of a courtroom as his son becomes the prime suspect. Emotions run between husband wife, Jacob/mom dad/Jacob, and the further in the series goes.. we learn more and more about why certain people are who they are genetically. A fascinating look into a world of family, decades of secrets between husband and wife, a son suffering from all angles. A binge watch. Then acting is superb, especially when psychology/genealogy is introduced. Spectacular.
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Code Black (2015–2018)
Real. Raw. An absolute winner
13 July 2018
I have to add one thing to this review, being that I worked at the hospital that this show is based on. I'm a nurse, and I don't watch medical TV shows as I find them to be Sci-fi in genre. There are a select few, but Code Black is a show that is bringing us good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horror and on of the life and emotions of those working TOGETHER in a big city ER. The cast, who at first seems odd, blends beautifully together to form a team. All these reviews have said it. Just another 10 stat for this show.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Wait, is this still the same movie?
12 February 2018
I love horror especially the "Occult" genre. This movie was a definite watch for me. It's horror & in a genre I love. I want to give this movie a 10 but there were too many absurd things going on, I frequently wondered if I was watching the same movie. The movie starts high, as a group of friends set out on a hike. Insert plot scenario, early on, just not THE plot. I say this because the number of sub plots and side issues being used to drive the film, for me, took out all momentum for a very non-climactic climax. I know a lot of people loved this movie and a lot of horror fans that love horror/comedy types will love this.The ending was actually the most interesting part until the ending actually happened and I saw the credits while thinking, "what in The world did I just watch?" Give it a try. So many different ratings spikes my interest. I should have skipped the first half and just watched the second, or first and end.
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The OA (2016–2019)
An absolute gem this one.. Netflix is on a roll
24 December 2016
I do believe that Netflix has, as they start coming out with Netflix originals and Foreign Series being picked up by Netflix, dominated the TV & Movie streaming platform. In the case of "The OA" I was not sure what to expect as far as plot, genre, originality & complexity. I merely began watching. First, acknowledging the actors chosen, perfectly in my opinion. The writer of this show also is the main character in this series. Both screen/script writers did a fantastic job creating a foundation for a plot to build up. This series is perfectly paced, so, if you watch an episode and quit you are most likely making a mistake. I really hope this I seen and reviewed because me, 30 y/o Female, my brother 50 y/o and Father older all love this show because of how well the screenplay and acting plays out. My daughter, 14 is also loving it. Just go on and start!
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Ignoring the Reviews didn't pay off this time..
15 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, to me, was extremely non believable considering that it is a true story based on the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Opening, we are introduced to our location, Tehran, Iran with a gathering of people at a party. From that moment, the first thought was that the selection on actors i.e. Selma Hayek and most others, were not cast correctly as Iranian descent/Middle Eastern actors. The set, background, was so fake, I felt like I was watching, and this is very difficult to describe, a clip on "how to make a film set look real: The beginning stages." From that moment on, not one set of dialogue, as a reviewer said before me, made any sense. Nothing was played out, and the movie lacked a true plot. This is a truly discouraging and disappointing experience while watching a movie based on the true events of the Jewish/Muslim conflict during the Iranian Revolution of the time. I would not watch this movie if you are familiar with the history, a true movie buff and critic, or put off by or offended by cultural/ethnicity casting. I believe what was done here was offensive. I do also think that many will find that this is a good movie and enjoyable, however, I hope that by picking certain actors in this movie was not the CSA or Directors idea of getting it attention, as this was a real and horrifying time in history for many.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
I'm not even sure what I'm watching yet..
13 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've almost finished the 2nd season and I still am a bit so-so about this show for a number of reasons. The premise is great especially coming off of TWD, you think OK this is what started it, or here is the reason this all happened, or something. It's turning into a B rate remake of a show you simply cannot remake. First of all, the actor choice is beyond me, starting at first with Cliff Curtis as the man with the plan, who we really want to compare but don't, Travis. Travis is no Rick. There is however in the beginning this mystery, with the Spanish family, then the creature who I believe was the new Nurse that was below sick grandmas bed almost feeding off of her. However, that story-line is never fallen through, at all, as though it never happened. Then I think maybe this is it, Fear the Walking Dead's main purpose is confusion, period. However, back to the actors and the acting with Kim Dickens, who I honestly didn't know well in the TV/Movie scene, but her part as Maddie, the mom of the broken family, is the worst acting I've seen in a TV show to date. I truly am not OK saying that either, however the producers had to have told her be as fake as you can. Just so bad. I'll end with the teens and Spanish speaking cast that have been well thought through. Frank Dillane as Nick has to be one of the better character personas I've come across as of late, and they did well casting Chris. Overall, I will continue just to see where this goes. There is a strong strong Spanish/Mexican culture in this which leads me to some theories. I also like that it has been incorporated, even though, it's never clear whether in Mexico or California but I will let that slide!
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The Neighbor (II) (2016)
Refreshingly misleading amazement
7 September 2016
This film is one of the most refreshing thrillers I have seen in a while. I am going to be vague in my review as I don't want to spoil anything, and on that note, I watched this movie after watching 4 seconds of the trailer. Anchor Bay, small town, weird neighbor and thriller was enough to get me on the viewing wagon. The Neighbor takes you on a series of twists and turns, mostly being character developments and plot lines. The film I started watching was not the same as the film I ended watching, which I must say I have not seen done by a director or film writer in a while. I recommend this film HIGHLY for anyone who likes mysteries, thrillers, horror movies, and action. The cinematography was also impeccable as well as the soundtrack and film score. Everything came together perfectly in this puzzle.
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Antibirth (2016)
An film that provided exactly as described in plot...
4 September 2016
So, I can't say that this was my all-time favorite movie of the year, nor can I say it didn't lack substance. However, I did watch this movie 2 times, being an indie film producer and writer before giving any rating or review. This film, in my opinion, is meant to be satirical and humorous while also being horrifying and bloody grisly fantastic. We have Natasha Lyonne, perfectly cast, as the main character who basically wakes up pregnant and has all these strange things start to happen to her. I will say, this film is not a stand alone "Thriller" so do not be confused. After my second go around with this film, I realized the meaning of it. Also, while watching, keep an ear out for the music choice as it is perfectly placed and could not have been picked better. 10 stars on music and Natasha Lyonne's performance. This movie will either be your cup of tea, or it will not. Think, Trainspotting. This movie is nothing like it, but you either loved or hated it. I loved both.
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The Remains (I) (2016)
Todd Lowe, at the lowest
6 August 2016
I had to rate this movie because the movie itself really is not that bad. It catches in the beginning and pulls you in. Yes, this is a plot and story line we or I have seen done way too many times, however a different approach in the beginning of the movie set a different way for the movie to go. Many many options could follow! This excites me and I did keep watching and finished the movie. I do not know who Todd Lowe is as an actor. However, for me, he absolutely botched this film. I review things for part of a living, and I also write Indepent movies, so for me to say that I feel as though I have sinned against humanity, seriously. However, I feel I need to point out that the children in this film did fantastically creating a creepy, eerie, feel. All the actors at the beginning were good, one lady being fantastic. I do not understand why Mr. Lowe is acting as though he's never acted before. Maybe he hasn't, because I haven't looked, but real bad casting in that area because he's seen a lot as the father. Eeks.
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I went straight into this movie, no read up, no reviews..
4 August 2016
This movie, being under some categories as thriller/drama and even Sci-Fi, don't quite fit nor do it justice. Evan Rachel Wood and Ellen Page are sisters living in a post-apocalyptic word, with their father. Somewhere in the "Pacific Northwesr" however no location is given. What I love most about this move, and what I think that true movie watcher will appreciate is how real, connected, and undeniably candid the two sisters relationship is throughout the entire movie. This alone, made this this a definitely 9 for me. One 'ore star was not given for reasons I will not share in this review. The movie has a realm of mystery and fear of the unknown, and of the know. This director does a marvelous job at keeping focus on what's going on in that particular moment, and keeps you there. Not wondering what will happen or what did happen. Give this a try!
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Ørnen (2004–2006)
Most Underrated Foreign Series (For English speaking folks)
22 July 2016
When I think of Ørnen, The Eagle, and though I am still watching it although almost finished, I wonder why this show has not been broadcast throughout the world. From the start, this series develops the characters, who you soon learn to love, dislike, fell pity for, want to punch, etc. A show with this ability deserves A+ from me. These characters transform, and when I say transform, it's as while watching the series, you are experiencing the transformation of every character. An unbelievable job well done. Ørnen manages to hook you, and not let you go. The stories vary, so think of it not as whodunit, or a MI5, or drugs.. Think of all of that together, and I say beautifully woven. Then we have, The Eagle, the star of the show (#1 in character development) who is a loner, however see's from different angles, and isn't anywhere near perfect, Chief of Police. Icelandic born, speaking several languages, you start to wonder. You will know if you watch this series, who is The Eagle? Who is he really? Such an amazing show that I hope all get to watch. 7.5 with 999 reviews doesn't cut for this screenwriter!
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Glad I watched this movie, despite the negative reviews all around
21 June 2016
This movie may be unrealistic and way over the top, yes. But as I watching it I found myself totally engaged in the movie. I kept thinking, wow, what if this really happened, mostly because of my own fears but hey. The visuals and cinematography were graphic and a bit fake at times. I also think that the movie could have done with a little less hints, which if you watch you will understand. I enjoyed the movie, the plot, and the execution. Just kept thinking what if this was happened, or could happen. The only thing that irritates me about this is that they kept making movies like this, i.e. London has Fallen which I won't pay to watch.
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Realistic to a degree of excellence
21 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with no real expectations, however knowing a lot about Kajaki and those who were there in 2006. In the Afghani/War on terror, many movies come out that have no realism, no research, no detail specifications or background information. I found this movie to be on point in all of those categories making it a real and horrifying viewing experience. Controversial war films are rarely made these days. This was a controversial time in the 21st century when many who were in Kajaki in 2006 will, most definitely, relate to and understand. Many war movies use the same army gear, guns, etc however there is a huge difference between all factions, countries, and wars. This movie, if you know a little about war history, just by turning it on you would know the place, incident, and year. The director/costume people did a fantastic job with the accuracy right down to the TATTOOS ON soldiers. Another bold and extremely accurate detail I found was the attention to mines and effect they have when one is triggered. Spot on. The makeup was so real, and accurate, is was like I was there. The men in this movie told a story. The story was the soldiers telling it, not the action going on around it. That is a what I call a fantastic script. A soldier is your brother, or sister, and in a life or death situation, They're not going to just run because it's too dangerous. This film was a showcase of bravery and truth. I wish they had gone a little further with some of the other issues at hand in Kajaki but this was the issue at hand and 10 stars for taking the leap. I don't see any mystery, however.. Not much mystery in this movie, straight up a war drama. A tragic, funny, and a display of brothers in arms.
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Good Kill (2014)
Drone pilots, not just US stationed people.. The effects of war on the people involved in EVERY aspect
20 June 2016
So this movie's genre actually falls under a "thriller" and war, hence the reason I watched it. The description about a drone pilot and the Taliban is only a minor part of this story. If you are looking for action packed war drama or thriller, check out something like BHD or ZDT. This movie is solely here to show the viewer the effects that war can have on someone that isn't even on the ground in a fighting country. The effects it can have on ones family. Morality plays big in this movie and I found that the plot, even in its misdirection, was a very solid lesson for all. The title of this movie is also fantastic. Well done, good acting, a little wobbly on script, but a solid watch.
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A slow, climactic, emotional watch
20 June 2016
For me this movie was a must watch. Loving indie movies and loving war movies seemed like the perfect match. The preview is a little misguiding, I must say. I thought the movie wasn't going to be exactly what it was when I finally watched in, per the previews. Nonetheless, this movie hit me in many ways. The emotional thriller ride it takes the viewer on is quite a slow burning heart-attack. For me, the most important aspect of this movie was not only the different views between the factions of Parliament in the UK & Factions of parties of US and in the British Military, but the meaning of life. This movie, for me, stood for the meaning of life, not just in general, but as in 1 single person. How one person would be affected by an action that cannot be undone.

The characters and the cast were beautifully cast. Hellen Mirren was fantastic and I don't think I've seen her in this type of character before. That being said, I believe this is must watch for those only who can sit through a slower movie, though heavy heavy weighted. It had several aspects of a movie from last year, Good Kill, with Ethan Hawke. Almost a Dejavu moment. A totally different plot/characters etc, yet still similar.

I would had given 10 stars, however I feel as though more background could have been provided on pretty much everyone in the move. But An otherwise, well done!
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Hush (I) (2016)
Creepy & Great Watch
17 June 2016
I was totally hesitant watching this movie as it appeared to be the same old story. The filmmaker did a fantastic job shooting the movie showing the different perspectives. Going in I merely thought woman in a house stalked by killer, boring. A deaf woman, ups the ante in filming and sound or lack there of. I found the cinematography great in this movie as well. It had a dark, eerie essence about it and it was a multi climactic movie. This movie did its job and was creeping me out for a couple of days. It has been a while since a thriller/horror flick has had that effect. Watch the movie for yourself. Don't even look at the ratings or even my review!
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Lone Survivor (2013)
Some visual annoyances.. But a good watch
17 June 2016
This movie caught me by surprise. It was a great watch with action and drama. I did however have several issues with it. For me to really love and get into a movie, I need to know and love or hate the characters. In this movie I found that I couldn't tell some apart, even at the end. Another issue, was the visual effects only by way of the filming location. This movie, set to take place in J-Bad, was way too obviously filmed in the US or Canada, or so I thought. At the end of the movie I had to look up filming location because it was not real enough for me. I don't want to spoil anything so watch and make your own decision, and check out the filming location if you feel it seems strange. A good watch, but could have been a lot better if the script had played more into a deeper story background.
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A true story, depicted on film..
15 June 2016
It was difficult for me to watch this film. The true event was based on a day that will bleed my heart forever. Watching this film as someone who was so close to that day in 2012 Libya put the movie into perspective for me. I think that it was done beautifully and researched to the best it could be. It is full of action yes, but this movie will hit your heart, especially if you imagine you were there, or you loved someone who was. Because that's what makes a true story more real. Mr Bay did it again, portraying not just guns and violence. He wrote history emotion, family, and reality to an extent. He then made it into a film that I for one will keep on my bookshelf. Thank you for making this film and showing the hell within the hell. A must see film!
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Give it a chance before reading reviews
8 June 2016
I love horror. These movies are a bit overdone,however I loved the casting. Sarah Wayne Callie's is one of my favorite actresses and Jeremy Sisto can always pull it off. This movie is predictable, however, I watched until the very end. I paused when doing something else! It definitely has some super creepy scenes. They did a great job at making this movie as realistic as possible when dealing with the genre. I ignored the reviews and ratings and rented this on demand. Looking back I would have waiting until Netflix or a non pay. Instead I wanted a good creep and I got it! This movie gets a B- from me and watch before you decide if it's a good or bad movie.
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
Episodes you never want to end..
26 May 2016
I came across the first two seasons of Wentworth of Netflix. It took a long while to actually click on it and start watching it, as the description was a bit deceiving. However, let me say, Don't judge a book by its cover and certainly, do not judge a season by the description of a "first episode" This is one of the most gritty, real, and addictive drama series I have seen in a long while. A lot of people when I recommend this series to them, say "Oh like, "Orange is the New Black" No, not at all. Different cup of tea. This show kept me hooked from episode to episode and from season to season just wanting more. I became interested in not only the plot, but the characters as well. The writers did a fantastic job building each character up where you learn to know them. Just renewed for a 4th season in AU! Wentworth is back.
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