
22 Reviews
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Relatively intriguing, but awkward script
13 March 2024
While I do think the premise is decently interesting, I feel as though the translation from novel to tv series hasn't been very smooth. The script is just a little bit awkward, it's rushed, and the characters continuously do things that I think make better sense in a the novel. In this format, certain things sort of end up happening out of the blue, and without narration and internal dialogue to convey what the hell the character's thinking, some of it comes across as sudden and almost a bit bizarre. There's a lack of real emotional depth to these scenes, which is honestly disappointing considering the subject matter.

I also think the main character's a bit of a bore. Soldier with PTSD now has to handle being a single mum, and questions her sanity in the process? Better than all her guy friends at aiming her gun and is, of course, absolutely stunning. Hides her grief by going back to work too soon. Dislikes her overbearing MIL who is a therapist (and absolute sh-t at reading other people) and "only wants what's best" for main character's young daughter? It's just a little "meh". And while at first I thought that the actors just weren't doing a particularly good job, I know think the script probably just makes it hard for them. I think they should've had a dialogue with Coben in terms of how to properly convey the novel into a film series, what sort of liberties they could take, etc.

HOWEVER. Because I do think the plot is intriguing, enough to keep me guessing for now (they're building up a nice suspense, I'll give them that), I'll keep going. Most of the cast is doing a pretty good job, and I think it's nicely shot.
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I mean... I kind of love it?
22 February 2024
The pilot fell a little flat to me, not gonna lie - but episode 2 was pretty awesome. :) It's kind of like they hadn't fully warmed up for episode 1 or something, because the quality rose significantly after that.

And look, let's just all accept that there's never going to be a live action adaptation of ATLA that truly satisfies us. We love the original too much, it's just an impossible standard to keep up with.

This adaptation is no exception. It doesn't 'quite' live up to its source material. But there are still things to love about it.

The stunning cgi being one of them. The bending looks super cool. We all remember how it took like four earth benders to lift a single rock in the Shyamalan movie, which was laughable. In this adaptation, they're just as skilled with their elements as in the original. I appreciate that. Overall, it's an aesthetically pleasing series.

I do agree with some of the other reviewers in regard to the acting, however. Some of the actors come across as a little inexperienced, especially in the pilot.

But in their defence, I think the script sort of makes it difficult for them. Some of the dialogue falls flat, even when it's supposed to be super impactful and dramatic. Plenty of telling-instead-of-showing. It gets a little weird at times. Especially when some of the scenes lack a background soundtrack, so it's just them having straight-to-the-point conversations to the sound of wind. (This, too, got better after that first episode.)

And despite the acting perhaps lacking every now and again, I think they managed to stay much truer to the original characters this time around, which I'm so happy about. Sokka is so much funnier and wittier than in the movie. I actually RECOGNISE him. :) Same goes for Aang. He's a lot better here than in the movie - brighter, happier, more prone to jokes. It's so great to see, after the super stern Sokka and very serious Aang in Shyamalan's version.

I think they cast a really good Zuko, too! One of the best actors in the show, hands down.

(The actress playing Katara could do with showing a bit more emotion though. Katara was always very expressive - here, she just sort of 'barely' reacts to what's going on around her, with only a few exceptions.)

Unfortunately, episode 1 didn't make a great first impression, but I really urge you to give episode 2 a try. :)
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Bodies (2023– )
Intriguing, mind boggling, heartfelt
23 October 2023
I'm not exactly a science whiz, and I'm sure there are those out there who are going to poke clever holes in the time travel paradox we see here, as is often the case whenever popular media attempts a time travel storyline... but if you just allow yourself to sit back and enjoy the ride, you might find yourself enjoying this as much as I did. I thought this show did something fairly new and exciting with their take on the time travel trope, and I absolutely loved how they managed to bring these different timelines together in a way that somehow "made sense" to me - as someone who rarely tries to poke holes in fictional science. I'm here for the drama, the action, the characters and the mystery.

I ended up caring deeply for most of the characters and their respective fates, and there was rarely ever a dull moment.

I did take some slight issue with the future setting (2053) being rather tame... it was a high tech society with characters who sported odd hairstyles, which didn't exactly come across as a fresh take, and I kind of wish they'd fleshed out that future society a bit more, but perhaps there's more to come. (I do genuinely wish they'd made it seem more like an actual dystopia, but it wasn't a huge issue.)

Definitely recommend this series!
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That '90s Show (2023– )
For some reason I really liked it
21 January 2023
I don't know if it's just pure nostalgia or if the show actually does reach a certain standard, but I binged this first season in one day and I found myself feeling all kinds of fun fluffy feelings. Plus, I actually laughed. Many times. At sitcom jokes. Yeah.

There's something fun and comforting about watching a sitcom series that sticks to a relatively simple concept. Not just because it's reminiscent of my teenage years watching this show's predecessor, but because there are so many shows aimed at young adults with these super convoluted and complex storylines, often focusing in on the horrors and downsides of life. This was a really nice break from all that. It's just a gang of teenagers being dorky and having crushes on each other and becoming best friends... plus, red and kitty are there, and that makes me feel all warm and mushy.

Do I think this series is Emmy nomination stuff? Hell no. Few sitcoms are. But I am really hoping it gets renewed for a second season. I need something cute and teenagey and silly in my life, and I don't think I'm the only one.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Wednesday = a mean Mary Sue.
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm... pretty underwhelmed. Having only seen episode one, I'm torn between the hope it might get better after a few episodes, and exasperation at Wednesday being so unbelievably unlikeable.

I get that Wednesday is supposed to be dark and moody and obsessed with death - none of which I would mind.

'This' Wednesday is incapable of having a conversation with anyone without saying something hurtful or condescending, and it very quickly loses its charm - if there ever was any. She's the main character, and we're supposed to be rooting for her, but I find it incredibly difficult to do so. I actually keep hoping someone will put her in her place.

As most teenage girl protagonists these days, she considers herself a victim of parental oppression (after they send her to a school for "outcasts" rather than let her get charged for attempted murder, how awful of them). She's like a not-funny parody of what a moody teenager is like.

Aside from generally disliking the titular character, there's other stuff I'm not a fan of either. The cliche school cliques, the "all grown-ups are enemies"-trope, the fact that this series seems way too much like any generic YA fantasy series to be an actual Burton project... like, I'm upset, ya'll.

But Wednesday's behaviour and demeanour is by far what puts me off the most. She's got the perfect grades, is the one who protects her bullied little brother, is amazing at fencing, and writing, and saying really smart-sounding things... but she's so friggin mean and malicious to 'everyone', including those who truly have done nothing to deserve it. She's a mean Mary Sue.

I will keep watching just to see if it gets better, but I'm not too hopeful.
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Do NOT make the mistake of stopping too soon.
1 November 2022
I'll admit the first episode had me rolling my eyes a few times, as I got the impression it was just another typical teenage fantasy drama, but honestly guys. Just... please keep watching. It gets so good. I can almost guarantee that there are twists and shifts in this series that you would never see coming if you only watch the first few episodes. (Unless you've read the book, I guess?) Plus, the effects are STUNNING, and the soundtrack gave me chills.

I will say that the ending was rather predictable, but that didn't really bother me. I don't mind endings being predictable, so long as the story's good! I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. In every episode, something new and exciting happens! And they speak French sometimes! And there's lgbtqa rep! (And heterosexual rep for those of you who needed me to point out the obvious.) And the magic is so cool and ruthless! Episodes 1-2 don't even cover the tip of the iceberg, guys, you gotta keep going!!
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The Sandman (2022– )
Bit of a messy storyline, but I liked it
14 August 2022
What a ride. In just 10 episodes, the story took so many twists and turns that by the end of it, I weirdly felt as though I'd just watched 5 different shows. Characters that you think will be important throughout are abruptly removed, never to be seen again. And that goes for more than just the characters. You'll be tricked into thinking the main character's initial goal will be the focal point of the whole series, but it's not. It changes, more than once. And honestly? I'm kind of here for it.

I can't explain why, but I like the messiness. I like that I can't foretell what's going to happen, where the story's heading.

And although many of the characters and details seem outlandish and at times a bit exaggerated in a way that reminds me of American Gods, combined with elements one might find in a dark fantasy manga storyline, if you allow yourself to just go with the flow, this is a pretty fun ride. And it definitely triggers your imagination. Though to my dismay, certain characters and aspects of the story itself seem to serve the sole purpose of... "coolness enhancers" - you sort of get the feeling the writers are trying just a smidge too hard to impress the audience. I'm not too mad about it though. I think I would've been far less impressed if they'd gone with the whole "7 deadly sins" trope, because it will remind you of that, but I think they've managed to tweak and update that theme into something rather new and exciting.

We've seen dark shows challenge our perception of humanity before, and I've never been overly impressed with that whole "when humans stop lying and embrace the truth, they all turn into sex-driven murderers"-trope.

It's a tired theme. People tend to think cynicism is the equivalent of depth. Sometimes I suppose that's true. But it's not the "only" approach, and this series demonstrates that beautifully. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the more uplifting messages conveyed here. Also pleasantly surprised by the characters' moral complexities. They're all flawed in one way or another, and while I was consistently rooting for the titular character, there were times I was truly challenged to reevaluate my opinion.

I really enjoyed this, and am looking forward to a season 2. (Hoping we'll see more of the characters that we were only briefly introduced to in season 1.)
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12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, it's not for everyone, and there are bits and pieces that definitely come across as a bit unrealistic - you'd think if they were going to make survival in the wilderness a focal point, they'd do more research.

(The scene where she tries to lift a makeshift pot of boiling water with her bare hands, burns herself, and then decides to PUT OUT THE FIRE to let it cool down astounded me. Use your shirt as a makeshift oven-mitt, woman!! I mean she could've at least tried that first. Man, that one's gonna be bugging me for months. XD)

That being said, I think it's a pretty beautifully told story of a young woman going through some serious sh-t, gets stranded alone, is forced to face her inner demons, and finds a new perspective on life. If you stop expecting this series to be like an actual, accurate survival-guide and instead just go with the flow, you might rather enjoy it. I think the acting's overall pretty good (though some characters could use a bit more personality imo) and while some of the survival-methods she employs had me raising my eyebrow in scepticism, it's still pretty exciting watching her struggle and find "solutions" (regardless of how fathomable they are). I'm definitely rooting for her.

To sum up: I think it's pretty decent! It's not going to challenge your intellect or lead to any major epiphanies, but it's engaging enough. I started watching last night and was pretty excited to keep watching this afternoon when I got back from work. :) Good show for a cozy Friday night in.
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Uncoupled (2022–2023)
Really enjoyable, if you don't take it too seriously
11 August 2022
... so I'm 'not' a middle-aged gay man. I'm a 30 year old gay woman who don't deal with getting dumped very well, and I enjoyed this show far more than I ever did Sex and the city, even though I see the obvious similarities. It was an easy and pretty fun watch, I like most of the characters, and I disagree with those saying Michael is unlikeable. He's flawed and a bit of a whiny mess, yes, but I still liked him and wanted to see him happy.

Now, seeing as I'm neither a New Yorker (or even an American at all), I can't say whether they're "realistically" representing the lgbtqa scene in NYC or not. But do they have to? Can't we just have fun at the shenanigans, the exaggerated glamour, the gay jokes? I don't know, I just thought it was a fun, lighthearted watch. Perfect for when you just wanna snuggle up on the couch after work. :)

That last episode ended on a cliffhanger that made me gasp, btw. I really hope we get to see a season 2. (Though I'm willing to admit that I'd like to see a bit more character development.)
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Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
Loved every damned second of this
3 May 2022
I don't even know where to begin. Because it's not like we've never seen pirates before, it's not like we've never seen this style of comedy. And still this series is so fresh and unique in its imaginative pirate-adventure-setting, and the lovely balance between comedy and solemn sincerity. The scenes where the character show true emotion aren't made into cheap jokes at the expense of their macho mojo, there's something so genuine and heartwarming about how most of the characters are in touch with their feelings in a way that, again, isn't constantly made into a joke. The queer representation is absolutely wonderful. It's positive, it feels genuine, the relationships are all so HEALTHY, and I can't even tell you how much that means. This show just made me so happy.

That cliffhanger though!! We need season 2!!

(To all of you who keep saying that there's "enough" lgbtq rep in media today and that this is part of some evil leftist scheme to turn children gay - honestly, just go sit somewhere else then. There's plenty of pirate movies and series out there that don't feature queer romance, just let us have this and stop being a bummer.)
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Ultimately, wonderfully heartwarming
22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this by saying I thoroughly enjoyed binging the whole season in one evening - and I'd been looking forward to doing so for MONTHS, being an avid fan of the comic. It did not disappoint, I was squealing, laughing and crying along with the characters. Some patience was required for the (very few) scenes I found a bit cringey, seeing as I'm not part of the intended demographic, as a bisexual lady at the ripe old age of 32. This is a wonderful and heartwarming series for teenagers, and I would imagine plenty of kids will find comfort in this. I found comfort in it, too, as the show (bad the comic) explicitly brings up bisexuality. Representation is beautiful.

Now, in the name of honest reviewing, I will say I wasn't a 'huge' fan of some of the changes they made to the storyline. Some seemed downright unnecessary, like the Imogen mishap. I don't quite understand why the writers felt that was a necessary addition - it kind of forced Nick to stray from his own character a bit, which I didn't really like.

Towards the end of the season, focus shifts towards Charlie's spiralling levels of self-hatred (which come across almost a bit exaggerated and annoying when compared to his comic persona), causing him to nearly break up with Nick and having a massive falling out with Tao. (Why did they make Elle of all people tell Tao about Nick and Charlie when they had explicitly asked her not to?? And why did Elle never face any consequences for doing that??) Although they all make up and wrap up the season on a very happy note, I don't understand why they did that. (Was it to circumvent the events we see in the Paris trip knowing they wouldn't be able to fit all that in? Perhaps.)

I also thought it was odd, the way Nick left the field in the middle of a game to grab Charlie's hands in front of literally everyone and run off with him - with Imogen smiling after them - and then still acting as though they were keeping the relationship a secret? How could anyone NOT think they were dating after witnessing something like that? It was like a huge romantic gesture. XD Ah, but I digress. It was cute as heck.

Okay, so now that I've got that off my chest, I'm going to wrap this up by emphasising that I did enjoy this show tremendously. Despite straying from the source material in ways that I personally found incomprehensible, I was still swept off my feet by the warmth and the innocence of teenagehood, the music, the adorable animations that are so unique to the comic... I think the entire cast did a phenomenal job, though I will say I was especially impressed with Connor's portrayal of Nick. Heartfelt, honest, dignified and charming the way only Nick Nelson is. Just beautiful. Chef's kiss.

REALLY hoping for a season 2.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Pretty intriguing, for a teenage mystery show!
26 February 2022
Okay, so I have to say, I'm quite enjoying this show. It's pleasantly curious, and it isn't obvious who's behind the murder (or I'm just dumb). The characters are mostly likeable, which makes it easy to find a favourite or two to root for.

One thing that I do find irritatingly typical is the complete and utter lack of adult characters that the teenage main characters actually trust. Each teenage main character has parents that are messed up in 'some' way, and it's almost laughable how they're all matched up. The straight A student with her super strict parents, the beauty queen with her ditzy, shallow mom, etc. And let's not even get started on the teachers. Christ.

Not gonna lie - as an adult, it bugs the living hell out of me that recent teenage dramas so often exclude any sort of positive relationships with adult characters, or the notion that an adult might actually be wise, knowledgable, sympathetic and helpful. Not sure how this "grown-ups suuuuck" trend will influence the younger audience. But whatever; I digress.

I'm liking this, for the most part. It's an engaging high school murder mystery - far better executed than PLL in my opinion - and I think the main characters all develop nicely throughout. I actually haven't seen the final episode yet (I'm on ep 5), and I still have no idea who could've done it. Looking forward to finding out. ^^
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Onward (I) (2020)
I absolutely love this film
3 February 2022
Two words: brotherly love. In a way we haven't really seen in Disney films before. (There's been plenty of focus on sisterhood, which is great and all, but emotional bonding shouldn't be reserved for women, goddamnit!!) This film is full of healthy expressions of feelings between two teenage brothers who struggle to understand one another, discovering magic and going on a crazy journey to find a way to spend some time with their deceased father, and growing closer along the way... just, wow.

This film is a wonderful mix of laughs, feels, colours, mythical beings in a fun modern society setting, magic and everything I need and want to see whenever I'm feeling down.
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Encanto (2021)
It's... decent.
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so let me start off by saying this film took me by surprise in that I hadn't really heard about it until it suddenly popped up around Xmas and I was THERE for it. Love me a good Disney flick. Was even more excited when I discovered Lin-Manuel Miranda is responsible for most of the music - you can instantly tell he wrote those scores. And they're AWESOME. I absolutely love the music.

What I don't love as much is the actual plot. First of all, the main character is lovely and you really feel for her. She's the only one in her family who didn't get a gift, she's the only one who's not "extraordinary", and I think many can relate to that despair, and the desperation to still be useful to her family and make them proud somehow. I really felt that. But the thing is, the relationships she has with her family members never really grow on you. They're so shallow, we don't really get to 'know' any of them. So when she's forced to hug her sister Isabella - miss perfect - it's not as impactful as it could and should have been. When we learn that her other super strong sister is actually super sensitive and vulnerable on the inside, same there - we don't know her well enough for that to truly mean anything. So all that family stuff that's meant to be what drives our heroine forward just sort of remains a shallow and pretty confusing mess. I'll admit the grandmother's backstory brought tears to my eyes, but it was so fleeting... you know? I really wish we'd gotten to know all of them a little bit better.

It's also super frustrating that we never really learn WHY she wasn't given a gift. The house - the source of their magic - is obviously on really good terms with her, they have a very friendly relationship, so why? Was it so that she'd be the outcast who ultimately saves the house? She couldn't possibly have seen through her grandmothers harmful ways if she'd been given a gift?

And in the end, she's STILL not given a gift?? Not gonna lie - I was kind of hoping for a "good job, you saved us all, here's the secret gift I've been saving for you all these years, you've truly earned it, hun!" I mean all the other family members get these outstanding "rooms" (more like dimensions) that they get to just disappear into, and she has to stay in her old nursery?

Like, I get that the moral of the story is that she's special and worthy of love even without magical abilities, but it just seems so friggin unfair. Especially when the family gets their abilities back in the end, they have this amazing new house to move into, the Casita-spirit is back, she has literally saved the day, the family, the valley... and she STILL doesn't get a gift?? I'm all for a good moral of a story, but this one left me feeling frustrated. :/ oh well.

Giving this a 7, mostly because I'm a huge sucker for Miranda, and because I did enjoy large portions of the story - particularly the Bruno bits. The animations are gorgeous, too. I just wish they'd spent more time building up the relationships, so that we'd truly CARE.
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Close to Me (2021)
Decent cast, but as a feminist, I'm irritated.
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean the plot is decently exciting, and I do think the actors all do their characters justice (though some characters seem incredibly misplaced, or "jammed in" for no reason, I'm looking at you, Rose)... but as a woman, I'm disappointed in the covert messages about the modern marriage that this show has to offer. This is the kind of show redneck dudes will point to and say "see? Feminism is just hating dudes!" Jo started off as the hero, the one I was rooting for, definitely - but towards the end of the show, my sympathies went towards Rob. We got to see this really honest and raw portrayal of what it might be like, being a cheating husband in an unhappy marriage that he's desperately trying to save. I found it quite moving, oddly enough.

Jo is just... so harsh, so aloof, and constantly feeling sorry for herself even though she does things and says things that are straight up cruel. She's just not the strong female role model I was hoping to see. I wasn't even that mad when he let go of her. That's how difficult liking her had gotten by then.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
I want to hang out with the staff!
8 August 2021
For a medical drama that at first glance seems to follow the exact same recipe as other medical dramas (specifically with the main character being a brilliant doctor who does things his own way and ignores the wishes and commands of those above him), this series does feel like a breath of fresh air in the midst of other medical dramas - and I think this is largely due to the wonderfully diverse group of characters, each one brimming with personality, charisma and often time - a genuine sense of humour, despite the hardships that come their way, working with sick and dying people. Psychiatrist Iggy is a personal favourite of mine, but there are just so many good characters in this show, portrayed by immensely skilled actors, I find myself wishing I could work at New Amsterdam myself, so that I could hang out with the staff. Throughout the series, there's a unique undertone of feel-goody optimism as the characters point out flaws in the US health care system, as well as the pharmaceutical industry, and try to find ways to mend it, or work around it. (It'd perhaps be a bit naive to think this series could affect real change, but none the less - food for thought.) The plot lines and medical mysteries of each episode are certainly compelling enough, although those don't stand out as much to me, compared to other medical dramas; The characters in New Amsterdam are really what made me fall for this show, and I fell hard.
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A much needed dose of optimism - meagre in actual fact
2 August 2021
Okay, let me start off by saying this film made me happy, plain and simple. As you consider what they're saying throughout, and dare consider the prospect of them being 'right' in their claims, you can't help but to feel carefully optimistic about the future. Which is arguably a pleasant break from the constant dread brought on by climate change and everything else that's gone to hell lately.

However - I do wish that they would have presented us with more concrete, scientific fact and elaboration, rather than bombard us with pretty landscape images and time lapses. It does spark a certain sense of uncertainty and suspicion, like this may be just another semi-religious scheme claiming they have all the answers and solutions and taking advantage of an audience that is getting increasingly desperate for salvation, which puts a damper on the whole optimism thing.

Having said all that, I do believe that the scientists that contributed to this film really believe in their own work, and the science of fungi is a relatively young one. I think there's potential there that we haven't really considered before, and I look forward to seeing where this may lead. The optimism this film created in me is something I intend to savour.
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This film is all over the place
27 June 2021
I like the idea behind this film - an autistic night clerk secretly filming/watching the hotel guests in an effort to imitate their conversations because he wants to be able to act more neurotypically really kind of tugs on one's heartstrings, and you end up rooting for him from the get-go.

It's just a shame that the script is all over the place. While I'm sure the actors/actresses in this film are in fact quite talented, the script made it incredibly hard for me to take this seriously. Several dialogues seem forced in there, and don't really line up with the rest of the movie. I wasn't emotionally invested in Bart's budding friendship/romantic relationship with Andrea, nor was I experiencing any sort of suspense at the idea that a murder's been committed at the hotel and that Bart's the main suspect.

Figuring out who the real murderer was took minimal effort as well, and the ending was just bizarre. I can enjoy movies that end with question marks, but this? This was just weird.
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Not great (but I still got hooked).
26 December 2020
Okay, first thing's first: this is not a great show. It's barely even good. You could blame it on the fact that I'm probably not part of the intended demographic - I'm 30, and kind of "over" stories where high school in-fighting drama is what drives the plot, but because I did take dance lessons when I was in high school, I still felt like this might be up my alley. And I mean, it kind of is. I ate it up - binged it, even. The thing is, though, that although the frequent dancing's pretty good in and of itself, the messed up plot line distracts you from the show's aesthetic aspects.

If you're going to watch this show, get ready for characters that are incredibly difficult to care about. There are very few that are genuinely likeable, and those that are make some very questionable choices that will have you rolling your eyes and smacking your hand to your forehead. One other thing that's immensely frustrating about the characters is that no matter how awful a character is, no matter what horrible things they do to sabotage someone else, no matter how much they lie and cheat and manipulate, no one is ever forced to face any form of punishment for their actions. It's just brushed to the side and forgotten, all of a sudden they're all friends again (without explanation) and after I've tried so hard to care about these characters, it's painful to not even get the satisfaction that comes with watching that one really, really mean girl come face to face with her actions - and the consequences they entail.

Secondly, characters will hook up (and occasionally even declare their love for one another) with ZERO build-up, and it's bizarre. So be ready for that. This show is not for those that like to ship characters.

Thirdly, themes like sexual harassment, sexual assault and grooming do occur throughout the series... and are dealt with terribly. Just terribly.

Then there's the issue of PACING. Jesus Christ, the plot is just all over the place. It's very, very confusing. Characters will randomly hook up with each other (leaving the audience utterly perplexed), blame each other for Cassie's fall (the crime that's supposed to drive the plot), characters will be lovey-dovey one minute and start arguing the next, a boy is shown to be suffering from bulimia but it's never really dealt with, and there's a police woman who is desperately trying to solve the case because of reasons that have nothing to do with the rest of the story (from what I can tell anyway - I'm only on episode 9). There are SO many shifts in the pacing of this show that it's hard to take it seriously.

And yet, I watched it all. It's oddly addictive, the way shows with pretty actors, lots of nudity, good music, drama and an attempted murder mystery are. If you have 10 hours to kill and you just wanna find something to binge watch, I'd actually recommend this show, because even though it's kind of dumb, unrealistic and poorly paced, it's pretty entertaining.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
As someone who hasn't seen the original...
14 July 2020
... I'm really enjoying this show so far. I get that those who've seen the original film can't help but to compare and I get that the changes are probably frustrating as hell. But I haven't seen the film, and I think that many of us that haven't seen the original might enjoy this a LOT more than those of you that have. I think the premise is amazing (though I do find myself wondering if the Snowpiercer world could realistically function as a long-term solution), I like the dystopian tone, and I'm a huge fan of Diggs since way back. The acting is a bit monotone at first, but I think it gets better the further into the story you get. Plus I love me some upper class vs. working class action. Fight the system! In conclusion - if you haven't seen the film, you might really enjoy this show. If you 'have' seen the film... well, maybe try going into this with an open mind and lowered expectations.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
On episode 2, am already getting bored
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so this may be a little premature, but so far I'm feeling a little bit disappointed. I like the premise, I like how she was 'accidentally' chosen for this immense thing, and the special effects are neat. But I feel like her getting involved with the semi-criminal squatters (who have ZERO personality btw) and immediately developing an intense crush on this dude fits poorly into the overall story. I'm trying to care about him as a character, but it honestly just bothers me that he's even in the story. Kind of feels like the producers decided a romantic sub-story was absolutely necessary in order to attract teenage girls, whereas I would've honestly preferred this show to focus solely on the badass nuns and her learning how to use her new powers. Will continue watching, but currently, I'm just feeling annoyed and fighting the urge to roll my eyes.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
So very disappointed.
23 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get one thing straight - I have never read the comic, so I have no idea what the original story/character is like. Even so, I was expecting a heck of a lot more than this. This might just be the lamest, least original, most annoying take on the infamous fallen angel I've seen so far, and I've seen a LOT of them. It bothers me how they're trying so damned hard to make him look like this really cool and savvy guy, and yet he just comes across as obnoxious, patronizing and arrogant - and definitely not in a good way. I'd be okay with it if he was at least a LITTLE bit evil, but he's not. He's fighting crime. He punishes bad guys. He CARES about people. No, seriously - WTF? I think a lot of people would agree with me on this: If you watch a show titled "Lucifer", you're kind of HOPING for the evil anti-hero. Not this laughable excuse for a devil.

Also, I've only seen the pilot episode so far, but the sheer amount of blatant misogyny in this one episode made me gag. The female detective tries so hard to be tough and stay on top of things, but with the way that this is written, she usually ends up looking like a naive fool next to the oh-so charming and witty prince of darkness. It's actually a bit sickening to watch. (And Christ, let's not even mention the singer who got shot. I'm absolutely disgusted by the way she was written.) The soundtracks are decent, I guess, but sadly not very original. Definitely the typical "rebel" soundtracks commonly used for this particular kind of show with this particular kind of title character. (How many times has "Howlin' for you" been used as a soundtrack by now? Good lord.)

Overall, I'm just really disappointed. I was expecting so much more.
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