
35 Reviews
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Antlers (2021)
Unnecessary, boring, a mess
22 October 2021
I watched Antlers at an early screening expecting to see a decent horror film. Turns out Antlers in neither decent nor horror. The movie is not scary at all. The only thing that might be placing it into the horror genre is the gruesome imagery that it includes but other than that it would be fair to call it more like a fantasy mystery film that's a little spookier than expected. But even if you are not looking for a horror film Antlers is still bad. The dialogues are cringy and full of cliches. I was bored towards the middle because the progress of the movie is pretty slow and with very little action happening in every act. Even the third act isn't really rewarding. Wouldn't recommend it especially when your options include Halloween Kills.
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Mixed Feelings
19 September 2021
I've been listening to the soundtrack of Dear Evan Hansen for years now and since I'm not from the U. S and could never watch it live, I would always like to picture how the show was, with the singing bits and everything. You can imagine my excitement when I found out they're adapting it into a movie... and then my disappointment when I saw how badly reviewed it was. I just saw it today and I can definitely say that it wasn't bad but I kinda have mixed feelings about it. First of all they cut out the "Anybody Have a Map?" song which is the first song that really helps us understand the main characters and to me it's one of my favorite and most meaningful songs of the entire musical. It helped me picture everything so well and understand Evan and Connor despite the fact the I had never seen the entire show. So yeah that really hurt. The songs that are actually in the movie are performed kind of awkwardly at least that's what it seems like to me ( I don't know if that was the purpose or if that vibe is actually present in the live show as well), with some exceptions of course. My favorite song which is "Sincerely, Me" is actually exactly as I pictured it and very well performed so this is a plus. Moving on, the acting is pretty decent as an all star cast is present. I'll be honest I don't mind Ben Platt or the fact that he is older, to me it just doesn't seem that off although I can see why it could bother other people. I'm personally used to watching older people playing teens, it's a very common thing in movies and I think Platt did a very solid job as Evan Hansen. He seems to know the part very well and I really have no complaints. Amy Adams is glorious and she made me cry several times with her performance. Julianne Moore is also there (for no obvious reason) but her talent is pretty wasted as her part doesn't really allow her to do much. It's small and really absent from the whole story. The plot can be problematic from time to time but that's not actually very much of the movie's fault since it's an adaptation and all the problems of the original version of the play are clearly there. We can tell that it's a story that means well and tries to tell something significant but it doesn't really use the right ways to do so. Over all though it's a heartwarming story, very emotional and about a very sensitive matter that I know is going to affect a lot of people that go to the theaters to watch it like it did with me. The reviews really led me to believe that it was going to be a lot worse than it actually was. Of course it's not perfect, several flaws are mentioned in here to prove it but it's not by any means unwatchable or awful. I had a good time, I sang along to the beloved soundtrack and I went through all the emotions I thought I would. Again I can not tell if it was a good adaptation of the Broadway play but as a person that hasn't seen it I can say that Dear Evan Hansen is fine. If you loved the soundtrack like me and you wanna see it in action then this probably covers you. On the other hand if you are not a fan of musicals and have never heard of Dear Evan Hansen before I really don't recommend it. There are better movies out there to watch especially in the musical category. Hope this helps you make up your mind!
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Cry Macho (2021)
Why are people liking this
17 September 2021
I went to an early screening of the movie with high expectations since I'm a Clint Eastwood fan. The story seemed very promising and heartwarming and knowing Clint Eastwood I expected to cry my eyes out inside the theater. That's not what happened. At all. I almost fell asleep. The movies starts off pretty straight forward and the main story kicks of immediately. It continues to remain interesting for the first half hour but after that it seems like the screen writers had run out of ideas. The plot kinda stops and the only thing we are witnessing are Mike Mailo and Raffa hanging out. Nothing happens to move the plot forward. It's so forgettable that two days have passed and I'm struggling to remember what happened in order to write this review. The acting is also not good at all as Raff's lack of talent is obvious (Eastwood is great as always of course but unfortunately he is not alone in the movie). It's not a bad film but it's extremely unremarkable. You could save yourself some time and money by watching something else.
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Why are people hating on this? (Edited)
23 July 2021
I'm a big fan of AHS so I was pretty excited about American Horror Stories. The series includes self contained episodes of horror stories that may or may not seem familiar with the original series. I've finished the show and I can say that it isn't that bad as the user review lead you to believe. Many people rated the show without even watching all the episodes which is pretty wrong in my opinion. It might not be American horror story and sure there is room for improvement but it's definitely entertaining. Some of the episodes are good and some are average but it's normal and the concept of self contained horror stories works really well with me. The pace doesn't seem rushed despite the fact that an independent story needs to be crafted in just 40-60 minutes. The acting is great as always and I really appreciate the fact that new actors are introduced in every episode. The characters are as always iconic and there are nice twists and turns. I'm so glad that it was renewed for another season and I'm certain that the episodes are going to get even better as the show progresses. I'm very satisfied with this series and it was just what I would looking for from the creators. MY RATING 8/10.
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Very entertaining
11 July 2021
The movie is great and if I dare to say even better than the original. The movie is full of pop culture references and it's really funny if you belong in the adult audience. It has its fair share of 3D and 2D animation and the main idea is more promising than the original. It's actually less stupid and more satisfying to watch because everything in the plot is built with much more care than the original space jam which is cool and all but it barely fills its 90 minute duration. Space jam a new legacy is 2 full hours and you have something cool to watch every minute. I really wasn't looking forward to watching it but I'm glad I did. It's a very nice family movie with respect to the original.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Guys it's not that bad
22 April 2021
The first thing I want to say is that I'm an Anna Kendrick fun but I'm not really biased at all. Yes Anna Kendrick was the reason I chose to watch this movie but if it's a bad movie you can be damn sure that I'll point it out. I expected this movie to come out for a long time and I was determined to watch it, reading all the bad reviews though discouraged me. I watched it anyway. I'm glad I did because it wasn't a bad movie. The plot is there, the science talk I guess is accurate and the acting is solid. The reason I'm giving a 7/10 is because it was a little slow from time to time and because the plot seemed a little stretched sometimes (that's all I'm going to say for now so I don't give the plot away). It has tension, moral delemas and high production value. There's nothing more I have to say just an okay movie. I don't think it deserves all that hate. If you like sci-fi dramas this is for you but don't expect to get amazed but the original plot. I'd say that it's pretty close to reality so if you are looking for something mind blowing better skip. If you're looking for a movie to watch this afternoon and you like space and science talk then you're going to love it.
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You've seen it all before but for some reason you'll still enjoy this
7 March 2021
When I first heard about this movie I wasn't very excited. The premise wasn't interesting enough for me and there was just something about it that made me go: "nah". Still I decided to give it a shot because it is a Disney movie after all and I was curious to see what they came up with this time. And I'm very glad I did. I went in with low expectations and negativity expecting the worst since I read a bunch of reviews but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes it's the good ol Disney formula that we all know. Sometimes it's even laughable how much it felt like watching Moana again BUT apart from the cliche storyline the movie is amazing. It's more visualy pleasing than any other animation I have seen recently and the voice acting is flawless (how couldn't it be with such a wonderful cast involved). It delivers a nice message to the younger audience (yes Disney is great I'm an adult and I still get excited over Disney releases but the target audience is children and we should judge the movie based on that) and the action is decent enough to keep you pumped throughout its duration. Personally I was not bored at all. Not a big fan of the comedy but still pretty decent for a children's movie. All in all you'll have a fun time watching it and there's no doubt that we have a new addition to the Disney hall of fame here. I really hope it will come out in theaters when it's possible since I would really enjoy watching it again under different circumstances AND I'll make sure to never doubt Disney again since these guys rarely disappoint. Totally recommended!
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Regaining my faith in cinema
12 February 2021
Unfortunately in the times we live in not many movies are released. I was starting to get more and more disappointed with 2020's releases until I saw this movie. The reason I first watched it was because it's one of the award season movies but it turned out to be on of my favorite movies of all time. I didn't watch any promo so I went in with no expectations. The movie handles a very sensitive matter with respect. It has a sence of justice and I will never forget how I felt the first time I watched this. It made me tear up. The plot is rich with exciting things happening in every act of the movie. It can be slow from time to time but in a way that doesn't make you bored. I'd say it rather builds up the tension for the final act. The acting is spot on and the score is amazing. The characters, even the minor ones stand out with nice punchlines. But most importantly Carey Mulligan shines as Cassie an iconic character that should be remembered from every cinema lover forever. Even though this is a revenge story Cassie definitely has morals and makes sure to give everyone in the movie what they deserve and only that. Maybe in my eyes she goes a little too easy on them but hey that's just my opinion. I think people dislike this movie for the wrong reasons and they just scratch the surface of what the movie is trying to say. I believe that if you watch this movie with an open mind there's no way that you will dislike it. The only thing I regret is not watching it sooner. It's a thrilling experience that I will never forget. A true winner for me.
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Love Life (2020–2021)
Amazing show
10 June 2020
I am not much of a TV series person, I usually prefer movies but I decided to give this one a shot since Anna Kendrick is one of my favourite actresses out there. I saw the first episode and I thought it was okay, nothing particularly exciting, just a chill rom com but right now I am absolutely hooked. After watching every episode so far I can confidently say that this is a great TV show with great acting and plot. I am not biased, when an actor/actress I love does a bad job I'll be the first to acknowledge it so believe me when I say that Anna Kendrick shines with a hilarious yet partially heart breaking performance and she's a reason alone to watch this. The script is also very interesting with many ups and downs (emotionally speaking) and I am thrilled every time an episode comes out. If you are looking for something relaxing and entertaining to watch this show is for you. If you want something more exciting then you might not be particularly thrilled about this but I think it's still worth watching. Definitely recommended.
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I have no idea why but this movie is amazing!
15 December 2019
Where do I start? I can't find a single flaw in this movie,, everything is absolutely great: The performances, the dialogues, the music, the characters and the way the director can make a movie that is just about a couple getting a divorce so damn interesting to watch. I really had very low expectations before going to see it because I was absolutely sure that I was going to be bored to death since there wasn't really any plot in it but I was dead wrong. Despite not having anything too exciting happening the movie is very pleasant to watch and I enjoyed every minute. Maybe it's due to the fact that it has a lot of dialogues and it doesn't feel slow or the brilliant performances of the protagonists. Either way I don't think that anyone is going to be disappointed after watching it. I totally recommend it!
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The Annabelle movies keep getting better
28 September 2019
I was not a fan of the whole Annabelle franchise. The first movie was not good at all, the second was better and now the third brings us back to the good old Conjuring universe we all know and love. I love the whole setting of the movie, Annabelle Comes Home is a real time travel and the acting is also pretty decent. It has some very solid scaeres but personally I am not a fan of the special effects that were used. Apart from that I liked everything else and overall I believe tha Annabelle Comes Home was a decent movie and I liked it better than every other Annabelle movie. Recommended!
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Good enough I guess
5 September 2019
Look, It Chapter Two is probably not going to blow your mind but it's not going to disappoint you either. There is a lot of hype for this movie and the trailers and everything made it seem such as the movie would be a lot better than it actually was, I assume that's the whole point of promotion, but considering that the first movie fully met my expectations I would have expected something a little better (I'll explain). Pros The acting is great and the casting is flawless. All the actors are a perfect match to their children predecessors and they approach their parts with respect towards the characters we all met and loved as kids. It has some very good moments with creepy jumpscares and wacky characters and achieves to balance between comedy and horror. As an ending to the whole it 'franchise' it's what you would expect without any unpleasant surprises and it's going to leave you satisfied and kind of nostalgic. Cons I personally didn't like the backstory that wad given to 'It' and they way they suggested would be right to defeat it, although I haven't read the book and I don't know if that kind of material was included in the original story. 3 hours was too long for this movie and it made me a little tired towards the end. I also didn't love the cgi, I have the feeling the the previous movie had used better effects. Conclusion 'It Chapter Two' is a solid conlclusion to the story and it has the thrills to excite horror movie enthusiasts. The cast has chemistry which makes the movie even better and if you loved the first movie then it's worth your time but don't expect to get the same feeling with the original. Rating: 7/10
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Didn't have any expectations, still got disappointed
24 August 2019
You know those films that make you feel like you completely wasted your time because you've seen the same premice 100 times before? Well The Curse of La Llorona is one of those films. I've seen my fair share of horror movies and I can confidently say that this film is not scary at all, it's unoriginal and a dark page in the Conjuring universe. Even Annabelle was better! The only good thing about the movie is the acting and the fact that Linda Cardelini who is totally likeable stars in it, but even she can't change the fact that this movie sucks and there's absolutely not one good thing about it. I regret watching it and wouldn't recommend it to anybody unless you are new to the genre in which case you might make some fun out of it. I give it 4 stars because the production was solid, money had been put into the film without a doubt and it might have been enjoyable if the same story wasn't told a million times in the past.
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Amusing and worth your 20 minutes
26 July 2019
The show is great, with funny moments, irony and good voice acting and it's probably going to keep you amused for the 20 minutes of its episodes' duration. It is a solid piece of work from every aspect and it's extra awesome that it's available on a free streaming service. Sure some episodes are better than others but all in all it's meets expectations with a great cast and spot on jokes. Recommended!
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Us (II) (2019)
Why all this hate?
4 June 2019
I watched Us without any particular expectations, since I thought that Jordan Peele's previous movie: Get Out was kind of mediocre. I was in the mood for a horror movie so I decided to give this movie a go, without being aware of the reviews or the rating. Had I known how much people hated it I would have changed my mind about watching it but I'm glad I didn't read them. The movie had me surprised and I can confidently say that I really enjoyed it. PROS The movie is packed with a great cast,a very creepy score and an interesting plot. Us is not something you see everyday since it's not your typical supernatural horror flick and to me this is really important since I am getting so tired of watching movies with similar plots (something that is pretty much what you get when you are looking for something in the horror genre) and I really appreciate when writers put some extra effort to give you something original. The movie has some solid scares, good action and an upredictable plot so it was pretty exciting and fun to watch. CONS I really don't have much negative to say. Maybe I got a little tired towards the end but then again I found the ending pretty rewarding so it didn't bother me that much. The movie is not very easy to understand so there is a possibility that you feel a little lost especially in the end. CONCLUSION: The movie is an original and decent horror movie with a lot of depth and meaning. It takes a little research and thought to fully appreciate it. Having read a few theories myself I can tell you that I really respect Peele's work and his effort to make a point and throw some symbolism in a horror movie since it's not something that really happens in most hollywood productions. But even if you just stick to the surface and don't want to make any additional research the movie still makes sense and it is absolutely entertaining and worth watching. MY RATING: 8/10
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Climax (I) (2018)
I guess you can call this movie "Requiem for A Dream but without great acting, meaningfull scenes and good music".
7 April 2019
I was looking for something intense to watch, something scary and disturbing that would make me think and I wouldn't forget as soon as the credits rolled. Climax is sure one of those movies but not in a good way I'll tell you that. The thing is the pace is terrible and by that I mean that the first half of the movie is so unbelievably boring and meaningless, full of scenes of people dancing and talking about sex, drugs and gossip that it makes you angry. I felt so tempted to give up on the movie during the first 45 minutes but I decided to stick on it since I was assuming that some action was building up and I was right. The second half is full of desturbing scenes of people doing crazy and violent stuff, blaming eachother, dancing (again), screaming (all in all it's a complete mess). I really enjoy intense movies but this is something else. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for the simple reason that the first half is boring and the second half is so disturbing that it's impossible to go through without cringing to the whole craziness of it all. If you hate yourself and you want to watch something that is going to make you feel terrible and empty then watch this movie. Also if you have any friends who think drugs are cool I recommend you make them watch it because after this they're going to change their mind. I do not regret watching it the first time but it was not a fun experience and I don't think I could ever watch it again. Not for the faint hearted and if you are looking for something intense and shocking better skip the first half.
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Bird Box (2018)
A decent horror movie
26 December 2018
When I watched the trailer I knew I had to watch Bird Box right away, since it seemed like an interesting movie with an original plot. I think this was pretty much what I got even though it had its flaws. PROS: It's definitely not a waste of time and no one can deny that it has a good main story and a higly respectable cast. It is packed with action and the plot unravels pretty well so the two hours pass pretty quickly. CONS: It uses many horror movie cliches and there are times it gets predictable. Also if you ask me it could have used it's cast a little bit better considering that some good actors don't get a respectable amount of screen time. Plus the ending was a little bit dissapointing at least for me. IN CONCLUSION: It's a very respectable movie. It DOESN'T imitate "A Quiet Place" and if it wasn't for some cliches the movie could be considered just as great if not better. I think that it is totally worth watching and it definitely deserves a spot on your watchlist.
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The basket case teams up with the princess!
7 September 2018
And appareantly they make a really decent movie! From all the teen rom-coms netflix released this summer I think that "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser" is the best one. "The Kissing Booth" and " To All the boys I've Loved Before" were okay, they were entertaining and fun to watch but to me there was nothing special about them. Alas they were cheesy, predictable and unrealistic. I am not saying that "Sierra Burgess Is a Loser" isn't but I think it's a little more special and it stands out among modern day teen movies. It had a nice plot, not anything super original but at least it had emotion ,it had depth, not everything was shown from the prospective of the main character and it DIDN'T INCLUDE NARRATION (don't get me wrong, I love it when a movie has narration but I think that in teen movies it's overused and unnecessary.) It is cheesy but not too cheesy (it doens't make you cringe), it has cliches but not in a way that it's unpleasant or boring to watch. It broke down some stereotypes and I think that the friendship between the bully and the protagonist is a very nice touch and it's really nice to see a minor development of the characters and especially the mean ones. The truth is I really enjoyed watching, it was funny and just entertaining like most movies in the genre. All though I am not the person who laughs easily I caught myself openly laughing during certain moments of the movie. So to sum up I totally recommend the movie to you. Either you love teen movies, or rom-coms or you are just looking for something not to "heavy" to watch tonight and you just want to play it safe with an entertaining and lighthearted comedy this movie is for you.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
6 August 2018
I am not the kind of person who watches TV series but I love Amy Adams and Patricia Clarkson so I decided to give "Sharp Objects" a shot. The first episode wasn't very promising to be honest, it was just an introduction to the concept and it set the tone for what's about to follow. The performances are exquisite and so is the cinematography.When I watched the series I felt like I knew Camille Preaker, I feel like I knew Adora I feel like I knew Amma, every time I watched an episode I got instantly transported to Wind Gap and this is probably due to the well constructed characters and the amazing work of the director. But now that the series is officially over (I really hope it gets a season 2 though but the ending didn't left much potential for it) I can confidently say that Sharp Objects is one hell of a series and it was worth every hour I spent on watching it. It was slow with not much progress in every episode but all the waiting and the patience is totally WORTH IT. I am still thinking about the ending how wouldn't I be (don't worry I won't spoil anything). Now every doubt I had for proposing it to others is gone. I have no negative things to say, every episode leads perfectly to the next one and all of them lead perfectly to the ending. My advice: if you are looking for something new to watch on TV you should totally consider watching this. You might not find it very exciting at first but for me you shouldn't quit it very easily. If the ending doesn't satisfy you for watching every episode I don't know what will. MY RATING: 10/10
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Hereditary (2018)
25 July 2018
Wow. I mean WOW. Hereditary was a very hyped movie and my expectations were very high but for the first time I felt like the movie fully met my expectations and was even better than what I imagined. NEGATIVES For me there're really not much to say about the flaws of the movie. Maybe it is very disturbing at some points and it has some weird are freakish scenes but to me it wasn't that negative because they contribute to the better understanding of the movie and after all Hereditary is a horror movie and this shouldn't really come as a surprise. Although I think Alex Wolff did a good job in most of the movie there were a scene or two where his acting has leaning more to ridiculous than realistic, of course that's only my impression. POSITIVES The first half of the movie is flawless to me. It builds tension and gives us useful information and hints in order to be able to follow what's coming in the second half. Also as much as it concerns the first half the twist was amazing and certainly not predictable so early in the movie at least. The plot leads perfectly to that twist and the scene that it happens is perfectly executed in every way. Now for the second part: It follows the consequences of the twist mentioned before (which I don't want to reveal because the movie is totally worth watching and I don't want to ruin it). During that half the movie evolved from the original and disturbing horror movie that it was to a more cliche and classic horror movie per say but let me explain. When you first see the second half of the movie especially towards the end you will probably ask yourself questions like: 'what in the name of God is going on here?', 'I am completely lost', 'okay this is very weird' but when the credits start to roll and when you start processing what you just saw and taking all these little details that were given to you throughout the whole movie under consideration you will realize that everything that was shown makes perfect sense and that the movie's transition from alternative to classic was not only acceptable but also necessary. If you are confused make sure to make a little research about the movie in order to better understand these things that you maybe missed. It's really important to be able to understand the whole point of the movie since it can be interpreted both literally and symbolically- and I know- the movie is not the easiest to follow but everything you need to know it's there. Also most of the performances were flawless and I really like the symbolism behind Ari Aster's directing work. CONCLUSION For me Hereditary was a nearly perfect movie. Although it left me with a very strong and positive impression when I first saw it I really needed to think and research about it in order to fully appreciate it. It might seem weird with the first look but it makes A LOT of sense more than most movies do and for that it requires us to see beyond the haunting pictures and more deeply into the plot. So yeah, I totally recommend it to the lover's of the genre mostly, I am not sure that it would be pleasant enough to people that are not used into watching horror movies. Anyway everything said is my humble opinion and there will be people who will disagree with it but as much as I'm concerned GO WATCH IT. MY RATING:10/10
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
Not bad but not great either
25 July 2018
I walked into the movie thater with not much expecations. I just assumed that it would be a summer block buster packed with enough action and comedy to keep me entertained throughout the whole movie, just like the other Ocean movies, and for the most of it this is what I got. NEGATIVES: Yes the whole concept isn't as promising at the first one and of course I already knew that from the trailers. For me it isn' that bad for a sequel, it may lack the chacacter chemistry and suspense that the first Ocean movie delivered and some of it's parts were poorly written and very convenient for the plot comparing to the first one but I don't think that the franchise has much potential and it has more sequels that it needs so of course after a certain point it loses it's originality. POSITIVE Ocean's 8 is packed with a very talented female cast which elevates the movie and sure makes it pleasing enough to watch. Anne Hathaway although very talented wasn't much suited for the specific character that she was given but it didn't really bothered me, besides she had some funny lines and managed to give me the whole asthetic of the rich and kind of crazy star. The plot is mostly good and not with many plot-wholes and it's both simple and complicated at the same time. There are also some funny moments throughout the movie and the advantage that it had comparing to Ocean's 11 is the back story for Debbie Ocean's relationship with Claud Bekker, it was a really nice touch that gave us the oppotunity to understand the character's motive little bit better. Also the movie justifies the Ocean name in the title something that I really didn't see coming. CONCLUSION Ocean's 8 is a fun block buster and a decent addition the Ocean's franchise. It has it's flaws like many movies in the category but it has a solid cast and a respectable budget so I didn't feel robbed or disappointed after exitting the theater. I knew what I wanted to watch and I got it. It isn't perfect but it sure isn't bad. MY RATING: 7/10
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Unusual but AWESOME
21 January 2018
We saw a lot of great movies in 2017 and I can confidently say that Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is one of them. Written and directed by Martin McDonagh the movie is a winner in every category . It's original, it has great performances and a plot full of brutal, funny and sad moments. It's balance of humor, violence and drama is remarkable and not easy at all to find in today's movies. The real asset of this movie though is Frances McDormand. She plays a non likable and very complex character and delivers one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. She manages to make you like and fully understand a violent character, basically the 'villain' of the movie something that I have experienced very few times and that's one of the reasons I gave the movie 10 stars. The truth is ,not everyone can appreciate and understand the bizarre style of the movie and I am very disappointed to see that this movie is hated by a lot of people. Love it or hate it there is no denying that Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is a unique movie and definitely something that you don't see everyday. I believe though that even more people are going to love it and that's the reason I decided to write this review. To maybe push people to watch it and see with their own eyes McDonagh's great achievement.
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Mother! (2017)
8 December 2017
Darren Aronofsky's Mother! is a true cinematic masterpiece. Let's start from the basics: The movie's character is mainly symbolic which means that by itself it might not make a lot of sense but once you understand what the movie is trying to tell you will start loving it. I am not going to tell, you how I interpreted because I don't want to spoil anything but its secret meaning is very obvious if you ask me. The actors give great performances and you literally feel the emotions of 'her' as the movie goes on. For me Mother! was an amazing experience not only because I was mostly living and not just watching the movie but also because the movie stayed with me long after its end and its horrific but beautiful messages still torture my mind. I understand people who say that the movie was bad I can admit that it is not easy to watch due to some gruesome imagery and its chaotic atmosphere but if your heart is strong enough you will absolutely love it like I did!
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A descent horror comedy
28 October 2017
I went to see Happy Death day at the movie theater without knowing what I should expect since it got mixed reviews. What I saw left me completely satisfied and I am going to tell you why it was totally worth watching and not a waste of time and money as some might say! Yes the movie's main plot is someone who relives the same day over and over something that has already been covered in movies like 'The Groundhog Day' and 'Before I Fall'. someone might say the movie is not original because it steals its main plot from a classic and 'better' movie but this is wrong. 'Groundhog Day' and 'Happy Death' day do not belong in the same genre and they are completely distinct with only a few things in common which don't prevent the movie from being entertaining. Plus one great thing about this movie is the characters and I am not talking only about Tree. The way that the characters are developed throughout the whole movie is brilliant. At first you think that you are going to hate the protagonist and you will be glad every time that she is killed but man this is not true at all. You end up to love characters that under different circumstances you would hate and hate others that you would usually love. Also for those who say that Tree is stupid and not lovable: That's the whole point in movies that the main idea is that someone relives the same day! It takes a bad character and makes it good because living this experience makes him/her realize who they have been this whole time and who they truly want to be. Bill Murray was not a likable protagonist but I haven't seen anyone complaining about it because..... he was played by Bill Murray I guess. Although the movie has a few of clichés and some plot wholes here and there, it has a very well constructed plot that makes you question every single character, you don't know who the killer might be since as we mentioned before Tree is mean to everyone so you would think that most of the people would have at least a reason to kill her. Last thing: The movie has the perfect balance of horror and comedy. It has some very good scares but also some very good jokes which don't ruin the scary moments and have you laughing as like you are watching a comedy or at least me. To sum up I believe that 'Happy Death Day' is a movie that EVERYONE can enjoy because it's smart funny and scary (horror movie lovers I am going to be honest you are not going to leave the theater scared but there are some heart stopping jumbscares and creepy moments that are going to give you a good horror experience). Don't mind the mean reviews. Go to the cinema and see for yourself if it was good and for me you are not going to regret it. It is not a masterpiece but a movie doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be entertaining and this is the case with this one!
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Flatliners (2017)
from an interesting sci-fi drama to a stupid horror flick
26 October 2017
I had high expectations from Flatliners because of the trailer so when it flopped in the box office and most of the reviews were negative I decided that I had to watch it as soon as possible and see with my own eyes if it was as bad as it was said to be. When the movie started I was pleasantly surprised: It was exactly what it promised in the trailers and I was curious to see what was going to happen next. Unfortunately the second half of the movie was indeed BAD. After the very interesting theory about afterlife that is shown to us in the first half, the movie starts to become more like a horror movie and not even a good one. It has a lot of moments with predictable scares and the one cliché after the other. The movie stupidly takes a bad turn and fails to be anymore interesting.It tries to be smart by using medical terms but it is literally gets more and more stupid as we go closer to the end. I gave it 6 stars and not less because it had a very talented cast starring the amazing Ellen Page which literally saved most of the movie and also because I really enjoyed the first half and I believe it wasn't a total waste of time.I am not going to spoil anything, I am just going to tell you to keep your expectations low and not get overwhelmed before watching the second half.
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