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Not Iconic but she keeps saying she is.
2 June 2024
This was such a 'Id rather watch a broken faucet drip' show. Kourtney keeps saying her pictures are Iconic...her wedding was iconic. More like moronic! Poor Travis having to be a part of the Kar-TRASH-ian Klan. I watched this Krap-fest at an adult slumber party and we couldn't stop laughing. Is this girl that much of an idiot she doesn't even understand the fundamental definition of iconic is?

Seriously put yourself out of our misery. I mean that family is embarrassing. Wasn't Kim the one who was pregnant with her third husband's baby while still married to her second husband?

Trash trash trash.
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Spacey Unmasked (2024– )
So basically these boys sold themselves?
14 May 2024
This was completely ridiculous and unbelievable. These aspiring actors who were not actors or trained actors literally fell to their knees because they wanted to stay in good graces with an actual accomplished actor. I don't believe Spacey baited these men or forced them to do anything they didn't want to do. Could things have gotten inappropriate? Sure but what interaction between someone of power and influence and someone who is of little relevance isn't awkward. Look, we all get what we tolerate. If these men didn't want his alleged advances..how about saying no.

These 'victims' gave people like Spacey power because they believed they should be good little people to be awarded jobs and fame. How about earning it? Success is a crap shoot and not always a meritocracy but you absolutely can not be a famous actor without having acted and acted on a level he has. These guys were looking for the easy route and are now crying they fell on a sword that..let's be honest..never cut them.

Nice try but this show fell flat.
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Deserved better. The guys deserved a better documentary.
26 April 2024
The footage was waaay to repetitive. For a band that has been around for decades I expected more BTS footage. The sound bites for each member was flat and didn't even reveal their individual uniqueness.

Look at what these guys did with their careers and how much they accomplished. So much is missing with this show. Who edited this? The narrative jumped around too much between episodes. I could not find much continuity or story to grasp on to. It's definitely not a series to binge watch.

You could pick up a rock magazine from the 80's and 90's and be more entertained with the actual two page article rather than this boring series.
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American Horror Story: The Auteur (2024)
Season 12, Episode 9
Yawn. What and why? I guess it created jobs?
26 April 2024
I tried to hang into this season but honestly every episode was a yawn-fest. Those 'actresses' Kim and Cara had absolutely no chemistry or watchable quality. Maybe hire actresses with elocution and annunciation skills. I get it the characters needed to be stiff but were they convincing or capable of delivering lines. No. The show has been going down hill. How sad. I'll try again next season if you promise to hire only actual actresses and not bottom feeder reality refuse and models who are so filler filled you can't tell what emotion they are attempting to display. Oh the story......was about as interesting as watching a faucet drip.
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American Horror Story: Opening Night (2024)
Season 12, Episode 6
Drip, drip drip wanna be Rosemary's Baby
16 April 2024
I get it. There was a writers strike..BUT THIS?! It's just a wanna be Rosemary's Baby with modern CGI. Such a spoon fed story. Maybe dump the boring Kar-TRASH-ian too. This story line was about as interesting as watching a broken faucet drip. The clothes are even boring. Who scored this season? Everything about this season just falls flat. What was the network thinking? Hurry ? It's just crap and the series deserved better. Is this what we can expect from AHC? A slooooow and boring crybaby death with each upcoming episode? Is this a joke? I guess it created a few jobs but altruistic it is not. It gives nothing.
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Death in the Dorms (2023–2024)
Dial back the loud music and maaaaybe this could be good
13 March 2024
Every episode has this loud unnecessary music after every 4 sentences spoken. Ok ok I get it...it's traumatic and horrible but the sloooow story reveal with the lame music mix was annoying. Slow motion visual with again loud pop music with each scene got old real quick. These episodes could easily have been 15 minutes each and told the same story. These are important stories but it felt like borderline sensationalism. Oh and the parents who dealt with their loss and grief by creating foundations? Really? I'm always surprised at the amount of foundations that people form to celebrate a short life and then these same foundations are gone in under 5 years. It comes off as somewhat arrogant and self serving while the spotlight is in them.

Oh well. Nice try.
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Madame Web (2024)
Drip...drip...drip Dakota was B-O-R-I-N-G
16 February 2024
I think lot was the casting. Dakota is known for her monotone lackluster voice and emotionless face who has absolutely no charisma so why put her as a lead in a 'superhero' movie. She doesn't have the strong presence to carry anything. The story could have been delivered much better because it had potential especially with the other cast members. The visuals were subpar with what you can expect with these moments vies snd yeh yeh the costumes were creative. The lead was just annoying and cringey to not only watch but have to listen to. It was so annoying to hear Dakota utter a word.

Nice try but no.
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Erika should keep paying. Just drag her.
14 February 2024
To see Erika say she didn't know...and how she behaved when she supposedly found out is indicative of everything. Don't believe a word out of that snakes mouth. How arrogant of her to tell those victims she is in the same boat as them! Absolutely disgusting. She banked and lived so indulgent on the dime of the victims. Then she calls them 'alleged' victims.

Trash. Erika is the same trash as Tom.

Whether she knew or not is not as important as how she acts now that she knows.

She doesn't genuinely care about those 100's of victims who suffered and are due the money Erika lived on or she would be handing whatever she makes to them and make an effort to make someone's life easier.
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Saltburn (2023)
It tried but died. B-O-R-I-N-G
28 January 2024
I can honestly say I was extremely bored and caught myself having to rewind it because I started thinking about other things I needed to do.

How about the whole attempt at shock value totally failing. The cinematography was pleasant but the acting was about as interesting to watch and listen to as a faucet dripping.

The story was too predictable and just fell flat. The wardrobe was adequate so applaud that dept.

Hey on the bright side...this little film created jobs even if they were temporary.

I'm thankful I saw this on a streaming service so I could rewind it when I was more entertained in my head thinking about what to make for dinner. Although if I was forced to not rewind I'm not convinced I missed much.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 1 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
Embellished modern version of 'The Thing' movie
22 January 2024
It's dark and mysterious. I appreciate the 'she's awake' ...somethig poked the bear message. It reminds me of 'The Thing' at every scene although it's missing the heart pounding yet ethereal percussion score in the background. I also appreciate the symbolism that means something to the characters but nothing to the viewers-YET. I'm excited to keep watching this. Thank you for not over feeding the viewer with CGI and gory special effects. Just the story and the human element to carry us. Great writing, directing, cinematography and acting.

Work in the score and the experience will be less soft.
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The Curse (2023– )
It's so boring it's interesting
9 December 2023
It's like that urge you get to look at a traffic accident as you drive by even though you know dead bodies are there. I keep watching these episodes already knowing I didn't enjoy the previous episodes. It's a perfect representation of how people exploit charity and philanthropy. People that only do good deeds while being watched and rewarded for it.

It's mirroring people that have money and think throwing money at problems will make them go away.

I'm definitely going to keep watching because I'm hoping this couple fails but other than this show is totally annoying and the characters are cringy.
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The Kardashians (2022– )
HULU must be desperate? This is Trash.
15 November 2023
Just stop with this bottom feeder family. Can the frozen face avatar creature wanna be looking just go live under a rock of shame where they belong? The crooked OJ lawyer offspring must be making him proud. One daughter has three kids with a narcissistic whiner and never marries him and is now a shill for 'healthy living products' that just make expensive urine. The other daughter gets pregnant during her second marriage but with another man's sperm all of course after she and her mother sell her sex tape. The youngest lies about her obvious massive plastic surgery and sells an image and makeup setting ridiculous expectations on teens. One daughter who has two kids by a known and publicized cheater and has lost so much weight she looks and acts like a zombie. Then another daughter is a model which is basically a job where her hair is done for her, her makeup is done for her, and her clothes are picked out for her so all she does to make money is stand or walk BUT SHE HAS STRESS AND ANXIETY. 🤣😂🤣😂 I suggest you find something better to do with your time than watch this dumpster fire of a family. Serve a higher purpose like volunteer to pick up feces at a dog park.
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In the Fire (2023)
The child actor was the only one to deliver
29 October 2023
This was a nice try and the story seemed interesting but the execution by the actors (other than the main young boy) all fell flat. No chemistry on the screen or believable dialogue. To say it was an underwhelming movie is being polite. The cinematography was decent but the editing and continuity was very amateur hour.

I honestly tried to enjoy this because the story was intriguing. Oh and how it was scored could have been much better. It just missed on so many levels. Unfortunately I think casting Amber Heard will make it box office fodder. Hopefully the director's next project will give them a better opportunity at success because this was definitely not a hit.
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Chambers (2019)
Bad bad acting and lacking continuity.
23 October 2023
Besides Thurman and Goldwyn the actors were horrible. This was a 10 episode series that could've been just 2 episodes. The redundant stories really got old. The pace of their dialogue was a yawn fest. The plot weak and the cinematography very bland.

The most disturbing thing was the lack of continuity between scenes. I'm curious as to why the main character was written to be so dumb. Every time she made a decision to be active and engaging it fell flat. Thurman tried but her intensity for the simplest interaction with 'Sasha' was over the top. The girl playing Sasha was such a drip and just could not deliver.

Again nice try.
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The Chi (2018– )
Season 6 is ruining it all.
25 September 2023
Shooting, drawn out party music segment, over dressed family meal, partner frustration, weak ambition story....then repeat. The first 5 seasons had exceptional storylines and strong characters but the 6th season has the characters we love become watered down and a bunch of whiners. Pot growers? Rapper? Gamer? It's just so flat. It's as if all the sudden these bright articulate able to over come obstacle young ones just evolved into commoners. Very anticlimactic. Why? This just became the show that for generations has already been written. I had high hopes for this show but season 6 was a total disappointment.
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Howard's Mill (2021)
Fake, faux very 'look at me' narrative
14 September 2023
I didn't enjoy this and dare I say the girl who narrated it is very cringe. If you're going to be the one speaking maybe try a different was of enunciating the letter 's'. The story was totally drawn out and the characters were boring. Very anti climactic if there was every any excitement at all. Nice try, but kids don't quit your day jobs. This was definitely a waste of time and I'm only grateful because it didn't cost me a dime to watch. Low budget, low quality, low everything.

The music used was even mediocre. I'm not convinced this was supposed to be serious because it is a total joke. Skip it.
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Physical (2021–2023)
Season 3 suuuuucks
8 September 2023
Please bring back Dela Saba and kick Zoey Deschanel to the curb. Bunny was such an interesting and fresh character and whatever season 3 is it's just flat without Bunny. First of all what did Zoey do to her face?! It's such a downgrade and quite frankly vey cringe to look at her let alone see her attempt to act quirky. She is seriously failing and the episodes need to use less and less of her if they are to remain even remotely entertaining. Sheila is getting a bit tired too. Greta is losing her spicy disposition. Why is this show becoming a drip fest? Bring back the silly and the angst of Bunny and start from there.
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Rich & Shameless: Rodman's Stolen Millions (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Elkin King...is a bottom feeder con
3 September 2023
Why is the son of that fraud who stole from Dennis Rodman still walking free? What an absolute leach lowlife. These successful athletes are predictably surrounded by greedy do nothing people and the fact that this Elkin POS thinks he is worth a single dime he swindled from Rodman is laughable. The episode was great and exposed a truth. Financial managers' are 80% scams. Elkin and his fraud mother were self serving scam artists and BOTH should be serving life sentences. End these losers and keep them away from the rest of humanity. Elkin won't survive long in Los Angeles.....can't wait to read about someone ending his ticket.
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Could have been 1 episode
11 July 2023
This isn't necessarily a unique story because unfortunately it happens more often than actually reported in the media. The show and it's story presentation just dragged. So much was repeated it seriously could have just been a 60 to 90 minute single episode rather than a series.

It stayed dedicated to those particular victims but for a series it should have went bigger. Include more stories of how these schools and admin protect the teachers rather than believe the students who have been victimized. How these schools wait and wait before involving the police. Schools need to monitor and insist on boundaries. Stop with the emails, texting and unsupervised social interaction off campus and after school hours.
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And Just Like That...: Chapter Three (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
Why is Miranda stupid now?
30 June 2023
They all talk so slow and if they have to hold oral retainers in their mouths and WHY HAVE THEY MADE MIRANDA SO INCREDIBLY STUPID?

I absolutely can't stand how weak and yet narcissistic they have made Miranda.

Carrie is predictably fragile .....so whatever.

Charlotte is just dwelling in that lame mommy circle and it's just so over done.

This series is very disappointing. The core girls are just so annoying so thank god for the three new ones.

A stolen Birkin bag was anticlimactic.

The stolen jewelry scene fell flat. How much more nonsense can this show display.

I want my hour back. I've tried but it's just such a yawn fest.
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The Idol: Stars Belong to the World (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Shock value is sooo over. What a dumpster fire.
27 June 2023
The dialog is so boring. This is creative? It's as if it was written by someone who wanted to get back at Johnny Depp by exploiting his daughter in this lame attempt to be provocative, actual borderline porn wanna be drama. Whyyyyyy?

Whyyyy did Lily do this? Oh and 'The Weekend'? Please take at least one acting class. The story and every single character falls way below expectations. Oh and the black Lincoln with suicide doors is way to classy of a vehicle to be transporting those trash characters.

I can't believe HBO went along with this crap. I want my hour back. What a total waste of time.
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American Pain (2022)
Not surprised...Florida.
24 June 2023
It's a well edited movie. Can't help but feel majorly annoyed with the jovial happy attitude the biological father had during his interviews. All of these people are such bottom feeders. Is it something in the water over in Florida? This film exposed so much about the sociopathic origins of these two brothers. How they behaved isn't unique to them, but the fact that the drug manufacturers perpetuated their large unnecessary distribution is the crime catalyst. It's just disgusting how desperate people are for these drugs. It's a reflection of the downwards spiral of humanity. Here's hoping these pharmaceutical companies get shut down.
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Just skip the Ron (father) parts
17 June 2023
It is definitely an interesting and sad story but the interviews with the father, Ron, and his watered down Walmart-level 3rd wife are so unnecessary. Who need to hear from that couple? He's a felon and still acts arrogant although a christian? He's as trash as they come. That 3rd wife has absolutely no reason to talk about this issue at all. She should have been wiped from any footage. The other interviewees contributed more to this series and were much more interesting to watch. All the father contributed was his little man syndrome machismo.

The brother spending his life looking for his sister is just heartbreaking and his parents are the epitome of deplorable human beings.
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The Idol (2023)
This story is old
5 June 2023
Why? Is this one of those 'just trying to create jobs' stunts? It should have been a silent movie because the only thing noteworthy is the cinematography. The context is boring, the delivery bland and the point....who knows. It's not worth it. Nice try but there are so many other scripts and stories to be told and this is what the studio picked? Watching this show makes you wonder if the film industry is still a creative industry. How many times are they going to regurgitate the 'poor me' 'fragile me' sexploit me' story.

It's been done. Lily Rose should pick better work because this film...oh wait this series is a piece of junk.
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3 May 2023
The music during the scene switches is annoying. It's trying to be 70's but really falls flat. Also, why are they talking like that? The mumbled sounds of men that sound like they haven't finished chewing their food. The dialog wasn't very thorough and the attitudes were all wrong.

Nice try but I just can't watch another episode. The story also fell flat. Absolutely no continuity which made it difficult to settle into.

Cinematography was great, props and wardrobe nailed it so maybe it would have been better as a silent movie? Sad, just sad that Woody would do this substandard show. He should have skipped it.
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