4 Reviews
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Chief Zabu (1988)
Hilariously Relevant
7 November 2016
In the height of this election season, Chief Zabu is an extremely relevant film that follows multiple characters wanting a higher political status and influence. The hilarious political satire follows a group of New York real estate agents, played by Zack Norman, Allen Garfield, and Allan Arbus, as they plot to raise money and take over the fictional Polynesian nation Tiberaku while it's leader vies for admittance into the UN. This film was made in 1986, but the recent election inspired filmmakers Neil Cohen and Zach Norman to reassemble and release it. Allen Garfield plays Ben Sydney, the mastermind of this lucrative deal and ironically, the reason the filmmakers wanted to release this film. He is likened very much to a modern-day Trump. I was engaged the entire time, it was just so funny to follow these characters in their ridiculous ambitions, especially seeing how well it related to today's political state. I definitely recommend it.
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The Caretaker (I) (2016)
28 October 2016
I was so impressed with the character and setting driven storyline. Nowadays, there are few movies that manage to scare audiences without special effects, blood and gore; however, this film successfully kept me on the edge of my seat with incredible performances from the actors and a gripping original plot inspired by the old mansion they reside in and a family history of psychosis. Mallorie is a young woman who steps up to take care of her grandmother Birdie when all of her previous caretakers are driven away by the horrors of the old house that she lives in. Mallorie's boyfriend, August comes with her as emotional support, but also to keep an eye on her sleepwalking problem and her own fears of becoming like her grandmother. Sondra Blake does a wonderful job in playing the crazy grandmother, who carries the story forward as her psychosis becomes worse and her previous Wiccan practices are revealed as she summons the dead back to the house. Witches. Haunted houses. And a scary clown. This movie is perfect to get you in the mood for Halloween.
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Intense and Suspenseful
5 October 2016
Blood in the Water is a sexy independent thriller starring Willa Holland and Alex Russell as Veronica and Percy, respectively. The young couple in love spend the summer house sitting a beautiful home on Hollywood Hills overlooking the Los Angeles skyline. All is well until their old college friend, Veronica's ex-boyfriend Freedgood, played by Miguel Gomez, shows up and pulls them into his shady drug business. The film had me engaged from beginning to end with the suspense of what was going to happen next, but also with the incredible cinematography. The shots perfectly captured the Los Angeles lifestyle including the skyline in the background in many scenes and highlighting the lavish production design in upscale home they are in. Filmmakers Ben and Orson Cummings really know how to capture the beauty of Hollywood Hills, while still telling a compelling story about about love, greed and deception.
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Incredible and Immersive
28 September 2016
Citizen Soldier takes us right into the heart of the battle with the Oklahoma National Guard, in a true immersive experience. Unlike many documentaries that I have seen, filmmakers David Salzberg and Christian Tureaud employed the use of helmet-cams to gather footage from the first person perspective, truly capturing the bravery and camaraderie of our men and women currently serving in Afghanistan. We are able to see and hear everything that they are in those moments, from bullets flying and shattering their glass covers to just having conversations about their lives in humvees as they navigate the terrain. This raw action footage, intercut with interpersonal stories, sends a strong message about brotherhood overseas. These courageous soldiers share a bond like no other and that is conveyed by their language with each other in the field and in the interview segments. They are serving overseas to protect our country, but it is clear that their priority while fighting on the front-lines is to protect each other and make sure their brothers make it home safely to their families.
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