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The Fall Guy (2024)
The movie sucks, but the stunts were great!
25 May 2024
Not the first time this actor played a stunts guy. In the movie " Drive" he did some car rolling scenes too. He was perfect for the role.

The romantic comedy didn't stand a chance when the main topic was the action scenes, it felt cheap and poorly written. The bad guy was written to be too dumb, also the movie parodied him by calling him the Bond bad guy.

Of course the main star of the show is the people behind the scenes and I found most interesting seeing that they left time at the end screens to show how they did a movie about stunt guy featuring stunts guys and girls doing the movie. Applause for the people behind the scenes doing the real dangerous stuff, maybe not as dangerous as Tom Cruise... haha.
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They Live (1988)
Good idea, but many flaws
2 March 2024
I have seen many memes about this movies and the sunglasses. I was curious to see it. I know that not all of the Carpenter is good, this one is one of the not so good movies.

They live is a mix of the unemployment capitalism struggle of the regular Joy in the world in which they have no control. The people live their life in obedience having simple goals like Buy, Watch TV and reproduce in subconscious messages all around them. There were many things that didn't make much of a sense. Better acting should be one thing that movie miss, it's okay for the movies of the 80's. It feels like one of the Twilight Zone episodes.
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
It was a good a show.
13 November 2023
I can't recall much of the season one, maybe Hollywood should pay fair wages and produce shows on Timely manner so you get get your next episode on the Minute. Despite being not remembering the show I enjoyed it neverthelesss, high quality of production and writing, it always works.

Not being a long show will make it one of the many that come and go, you know it was great but you barely remember it.

Loki had his hero moment and became the timelines only hope. The century of experience make him wise enough to put his friends and love one in the first place. A good epilogue to a epic battle, making all of the Marvel shenanigans looking insignificant. But I won't recall this show for that long, nowadays shows come and go...
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Ozark: Sugarwood (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
It's weak, nothing not seen before
8 November 2023
This show have very few written reviews. If it was that good and popular people would write about it. Some are comparing it to the Breaking Bad, in a way it's again a regular man doing shady things because he is best at it. The family drama in the first episode is just too boilerplate, it feel rushed to learn that much. The main antagonist is nothing like the Gustavo Fring or the Salamanca family, more like a guiliable businessman.

Boring place, boring future screenplay, let's see if I'm wrong. I'm looking for more words without spoilers to say, but there aren't many for such type of show, nothing that haven't being done already, just different personalities and location.
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Coming Home (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
I just miss Walking Dead...
20 October 2023
It is not that this is some kind of extraordinary series or something, I just miss iconic characters like Daryl Dixon. Making a sub story inside the zombie universe helped making this story more enjoyable, one season had enough and plenty of action and drama. I honestly expedited a lot of filler episodes like that one about Isabel's background, but the writers kept it consistent.

The main main evil person reminds of the Disney universe, too plain and simple, powerful lady that can manipulate and torture, yet so powerless to do s$$t.. A lot of local culture and geography, good battles.

Very emotional end, it seems Daryl can be happy for once, not sure if they are going to make a season 2, kinda pointless really.
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Alouette (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Too many head injuries.
1 October 2023
Daryl is like the Mad Max, a man that tries to mind his business, but no what he does or where he is, he ends up in a situation where he is the only one who can help and he can't say no.

This show more and more mimics the Last of Us. Bad thing? Maybe in terms of originality. Very plain and simple nemesis that will chase them throughout the season until someone he cares about is hurt and he kills the bad guy. Sorry spoilers....

In this episode we saw some comedy and white lies that protect to avoid someone being hurt, which will the theme for the next 2 episodes for sure. Good filler part with the backstory of the nun, a lot more to be explained, but good so far.

And lastly, if the writers keep hitting Daryl's head he won't be able to continue his road to America on Season 3.
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Futurama: Zapp Gets Canceled (2023)
Season 11, Episode 8
It can blow away the episodes before.
25 September 2023
If you someone watch the old seasons and watch this episode I bet they can't tell that something was different. Good story about one of the many failures of Zapp. We had a episode before where Zapp was kicked out, a little bit of modern time situation this time around.

A strong point showing Leila's desire and unhappiness, I really liked the starfleet references and jokes. Aeey Captain, a good episode. It showed what a good person Leila is and she stand for what she believes, unlike Zapp. That makes me think for the reason why captain like Zapp can keep his job, it take a person with no compassion and moral compass to take a decision like the one with the Air people.
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Andor (2022– )
Don't expect a hero.
4 August 2023
Unlike the usual bs with Disney Minus, you can expect the usual nonsense for semi-grown adults about the drama events of a characters you don't give a *** about. But Andor is difrent, you do get the usual filler that you wish ended ASAP so you can see the action and drama you cared about, but there also the elements of a person who was just a nobody, regular theft, outlaw living in the shadows.

We don't get to see a hero, we get someone who fight, run, betrayal, run and fight back at the end. Experience the moral duty of a man who made a promise, when there is an action there is plenty of it, when there is a drama you wish to turn the TV off.

I really hope they play this right, I don't want another Mandalorian with predictable, twist-lacking plots. Play it right Disney, sad endings are fine, fillers should be limited, major events should take a 2 seasons to happen. Don't let me guess that he will find the person who he was looking for in the season 2 fine and well and there will a happy end or whatever.
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Futurama: The Impossible Stream (2023)
Season 11, Episode 1
I have never being much of a Calculon fan.
30 July 2023
Flashback to just where we were a decade ago the romantic story of Fry and Leila is yet to begin again.

Long live the 30th century box, wait that was the 29th media, now it's the fulu and their placed advertising that rule the show. Long live the fulu platform. It wasn't much of a episode, the voice actors nail it as always, like they never took a break from voicing the characters. I expected it to way different after so long, but it kinda feels like the same show. Ignoring whatever happen to them and making jokes. Classic Futurama.

I won't ignore the fact that the episode was parody of itself, which considering the long canceling history of the show it turn into some tradition to mock the producers and the studio.

Not sure if they can manage to reboot the show without only relying on the historical and tech events in the last years as parody ground for the jokes in between. Futurama was a big thing, it was very original show, not your casual The Simpsons episode. I hope for a proper season to be remembered by this generation of viewers, no matter the streaming platform.
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The Guardians of the 2023 top movies
16 July 2023
There just a few good movies a year, out of those 2-3 will be remembered or become a new movie sequel begining.

The Guardians of the Galaxy is always a top movie or the year. Even if there was another marvel/Disney movie, they get right only with the semi superheroes like the Guardians.

The movie is not fair from its roots, the characters (and the few filler ones) act as before, having the same chemistry as before. What I didn't like about the movie is that they stick back to helping someone who is personally attached with the enemy,just like the older movies . The story of the bad guy didn't made much of a sense. You will say Tanos didn't make either, but this time is same as before, but worst. Great quality of production and story telling, no complains there. Only because of that I can rate this as 8/10.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Out of place, very predictable.
8 July 2023
Mad respect for the actors, they played their role really well. The story in the other hand... well let's say I have seen this before... hmm out of body+ space+ isolation + tragedy + family+ sad+ happy .... did an AI generate the story of this episode? Nothing that I haven't seen before and nothing that can't be predicted as outcome if you watch it for 20 min.

The space idea was okay, being in the 60's not so, the replica's are 100 years ahead, the space station right in the 60's! Does that make any sense for you?

You can tell what will happen to the co-pilot's family very soon after, too many clues, way too many. Dear writters, let me sweat for the unknown outcome, wonder, panic and be really surprised. I was like - " I bet that will happen at the end". Always hated this show, The Twilight Zone was the best.
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Black Mirror: White Bear (2013)
Season 2, Episode 2
Total waste of time
5 May 2023
Not much of an entertaining episode. I found it quite boring. I don't care about being ethical or not, I care about enjoying it by how it has being written and acted, for me it failed on the both. The Black Mirror in general is nothing more that poor rip off of the original good original stories like the Twilight Zone. It can be good if they try to make it more not so plain and simple if you understand what I'mm trying to say.

I find the story for quite unrealistic, future or today's, no person would act in such play to torment others and not even once go out of character, it must be the opposite of what they are trying to prove by being like her in way of making the other suffer and enjoying it.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Long time no see.
26 April 2023
The next generation was more like the current Star Trek show for at least 2 generations of viewers. It is not the original or the shows after that, it was the Next Generation that made the Star Trek something that was talked about even 'till today. Some will say the the Next Gen didn't had the best of end, I will say that the show had a reasonable end, but the movies ruing it.

The initial Picard seasons (1 &2) were so bad, I couldn't bare the weigh of even looking at them, until I heard that Season 3 was back on the track of being a Star Trek show. It still creeps the modern day drama editing, weird camera cuts and angles with mediocre story, but half of the time Season 3 is what Star Trek use to be, considering the got most of the crew of the original to guest star in it made the experience seeing them again very happy and nostalgic.
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Black Bird (2022)
Not a thrill, lack of surprices
25 April 2023
After only an episode and a half we already knew who is the killer and what he have done.

Lack of creativity, even so this is only "inspired by" the real events. It could have being better, if this is not a documentary then make it enjoyably to watch. Make it so the viewer needs to wait in anticipation to learn who was the killer, would the main protagonist succeed in his task or not. Mixed victim's drama with generic phycho moments and casual "I'm your best fake friend" moments. I really want to say there is more to this, but there isn't. I regret watching this, only the first episode is interesting, after that you can pretty much be sure what will happen and how it will end.
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The Sopranos: Chasing It (2007)
Season 6, Episode 16
Sloppy editing and play
7 April 2023
Like I'm watching season 1, the actors make mistakes all of the time, the director is cutting the camera angle at the wrong moments and all is glued at the worst moments possible when the transition is not matching. The changed the Antony's character like they want some quick end of this 6 season soap drama. Gambling addiction? That simple huh? How about the other characters, why Paulie is not planning something, Chris not being addicted anymore? His psychiatrist use to be a major part, even she had her own crisis, now she is okay with him stopping coming? You can tell the writers just want to wrap this up with the lowest effort possible.
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A water park adventures.
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The long awaited Avatar 2 movies is out. We were blown away by the first instance, the CGI, story, world of the Pandora's moon. It was impactful, great movie, great action and drama.

The way of the water it's just a family adventures and sea creatures. The death enemies are re-born out of imagination, the people are still hunting down and the moon's resources. Just there isn't the wow factor anymore. Even I found the CGI to be not that realistic in the imagination part of the movie, the "blue monkeys" were not that vivid and I hoped for, maybe on IMAX there is better way to experience the movie.

The story is average, it lack details. Jake goes to another tribe, re-learn how to be native, have joyful time with the family, fight the evil dude again, lose someone he loves and another happy existence until Avatar 3 The way of the Earthworms.

There were moments that didn't make sense. Why the big Whale like creature is outcast, they are smart but don't believe each other? Nobody cares about Spider, even so they consider him family? Same applies for Kiri, why the left her story half empty, it was 3 hour movie and nothing much. Jake also is good at chocking underwater, how that works guys?

Not the movie I expected, just another movie.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
The episode wasn't a waste of time, here is why:
1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We really wish for an action packed experience, but this was an important episode. Without the story of Ellie won't be complete.

We know that she got kidnapped by the Fireflies, how it happen was a mystery. We also know she wasn't alone when she got bitten and she refuse to talk about it.

It fits right on place knowing how and why. It also showed Ellie as a creature of emotions and someone that can love and care about another person, mixed with Joel's events we know she won't left him no matter what.

The last of Us have a lot of "filler" episodes, I personally didn't like the previous one where Joel meets his brother in somewhat a communist community, even so it doesn't look as bad.

The Joel later injury is too dramatic, no important organs are affected. Risk of infection, but that will be ignored for the sake of the show's progress.

There is a lot of weak moments in the show, but only the beautiful moments get slapped as bad. The taste of the viewers nowadays is only violence and sex.
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The Last of Us: Please Hold to My Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Not much happening.
12 February 2023
I found kinda boring actually. Some catch up from the last episode, some camping, road trip and bad navigation. All of that mixed with bad dad jokes from a magazine Ellie found. Any good? Even I found it annoying, and I liked the Bill and Frank episode. The writers did little to make much of this episode other than giving us some short guess of a cult like camp with weak leader and runaway member that cause problems. Pure drama with little to add up to the actual quality of the last episodes.

For people that are about to die, the main duo doesn't act like it's new for them, not much fear and panic, more like walk in the park.
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The Last of Us: Infected (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Come on now!
2 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who forgot to fill the lighter with lighter fluid? Special effect guy was it you? Director? Writer? Luckily it produced fire at the very, very, very, very last moment.

A story of great sacrifice and another lost for the Joel. He just wanted a battery. He didn't get to suffer from the lost until the next episode, but the viewer knows he is in pain. The episode also serve as a "tutorial" if we can speak of a video game style, where the viewer learns some things as do the kid - Ellie. The enemies lack something, a human touch, perhaps because of the mushroom part is too strong of an appearance. If feels like a monster with no human part into them, unlike the Walking dead way to presenting them.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Tragic romantic story?
2 February 2023
I read someone saying that this like the movie "Up" but with homosexual couple. Well, the "Up" movie was a lovely story, is not a bad comparison, more like why we get a whole episode about this story, but it's okay to explore other characters stories.

The episode portrait the lonely man that was happy to be alone, until he meet the one who proved him wrong and they live happy ever after ... after they decided to die happy together -The End.

Maybe the episode should have keep it just romantic without try to place any sexual elements, or to add more of the Joel meetings to make the connection, but it's okay. I can't rate it the same way I rated the previous episodes, because that doesn't feel like what Last of Us showed us before, it was a movie within a TV show.
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Strong begining.
16 January 2023
I never played the games or heard about the story, so my review will be less biased.

When there is strong foundations like a book or in this case a video games, you can be mostly sure that the work will be proven to be interesting enough to be watchable and enjoyable.

If this series have come a little bit sooner I would have said "just another zombie TV series, move on...", it have being a while from the Walking Dead that just refused to end, only some Korean work have kept the presence of such undead characters. Would the audience grow out of this zombie alike tv series? Something yet to be seen.

"The last of us" had a strong emotional introduction, pre-face to the beginning of the post apocalyptic world were single parent is taking care of his daughter and works all day to make the living. The story telling alike other TV shows of quality is not quick to make the viewer worried, so aren't the characters. It's all good until it's not. Very fast and intense breath taking run in the seek for safety, but this isn't a happy story.

The rest of the 20 years later shows the battle of existence in the new reality of the situation. Joel the main character struggles to wrap a plan, in the process he meets a "package to deliver" which would allow him to get what he needs.

The future part is less emotional, I think the first part have stronger impact on the viewers, at least for me.

It's will be very adventure filled show, I expect a lot of drama and bounding time with the "package".
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Well crafted story.
11 January 2023
While this is good told story, still is a story that is biased to show the one of the sides as victim of the system. While this is likely the case for many other examples for cures and access to alternative procedures, the real story can't be denied. Burzynski won't be called what he is called if he was more transparent about how his cure works and more transparent of the full results of his trials.

While many seek a miracle cure, some of the those cures come at a price. Sometimes is just monetary, and sometimes is just quicker end with more suffering.

My advice is to seek what the unbiased opinions before you try something that can be too good to be true.
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Rick and Morty: Analyze Piss (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Not so bad this time around.
29 November 2022
In the style of Analyse that and Iron Man, Rick was faced with the root of his issue with the people who hate him. His effort to solve his issues went to the rise of new star his son in law - Jerry. Jerry proved himself worthy for admiration and Rick got proved that doing nothing could avoid a lot of troubles. In the rise of a hero an issues arise from the antiheroes in the shadows that won't get the same attention as before. The second Iron Man reference occurs when the Hero faced the anti-hero -hero.

Another good addition to the series, unlike the previous episode. When done right, using the popular culture and other work could be a recipe for average to decent episode filled with drama and action. Won't call this episode great, but won't call it bad ether. It shower the human nature of Rick and the valuable lesson of the concurrences of our actions.
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Cliché, well done cliché.
25 November 2022
Cinematography 11/10! Voice/Foley 7/10 , CGI 8/10 Story and story telling 5/10. Great overall, but it lack originality big time, half of the episode is very good, but once you learn more about it falls apart.

It feel like watching one of those X-files episodes that happens in the story telling of the 50's. Twilling Zone. While that would be great as one of the Mulder's adventures, I would expect a little bit more efforts for world class movie writer like del Toro. It's common trend in his work, that feels like he does something very familiar very good, but he does it at the easiest way possible. The lack of complexity in the main protagonist and the reason for the events in the episode leave the viewers and the characters with the explanation of - we do what we do just because, also we are very dumb.

I won't bother with the rest of the episodes, I kinda expect what I would see.

The quality of the production is high up, I recommend at least getting familiar with the style and the performances.
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Rick and Morty: Full Meta Jackrick (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
So bad, it's unwatchable.
23 November 2022
2 episodes! That's how far this show can last before they run out of ideas do episode like this one. Meta bad, bad beyond this world bad. So disconnected that every 5 seconds you have no idea what's the episode about. Try it, skip 5 sec and try to make sense of what you are seeing.

The lack of consistency makes every other bad TV show in the real life looks good next to this. The worst of Family guy and South Park is better than this, even the Kardashians make more sense than this episode. Full Meta Jackrick went full Matrix 4 in the way how self aware of how bad it can be. Just stop it, try your best, get new writers or guest writers. The flood of 9/10 reviews give fake expectation of quality that isn't there. You can't trick the audience with few good episodes per season and fill the gaps with whatever popular culture references you can come up with.
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