
22 Reviews
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Close to one of the worst movies I have ever seen
3 April 2019
Don't waste your time. Good concept, poor writing and senseless ending. This is a real stinker of a movie.
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Polar (I) (2019)
I gave it a 4 and that was being generous, weak film about my profession
14 February 2019
I always watch films about my profession and I am always amazed at how horribly wrong they get things. Being an Assassin for Hire is not nearly as glamorous or as bloody as this movie and others portray it to be. I suppose it could be if one wanted to make it that way but you would soon be caught by the Police and your career would be over.

You do your research on your target, you find the most opportune time to do the job without witnesses, then you do it and walk away. The idea is stealth and not getting caught. Being able to make a shot at a mile away is a necessity as well since you may not have the ability to simply walk up to your target.

This movie had poor writing and acting as well which is unusual as a few of the actors are usually quite good. It wasn't worth my time to watch it.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
2nd Review of this show after watching 5 episodes
17 October 2018
I have increased my rating of this show quite a bit. Yes, it is not the "Real" Magnum and everything is kind of jumbled up with it but this show is really starting to gel and it almost makes me snicker as much as the original did. Don't get me wrong, Tom Selleck IS Thomas Magnum, but this really is turning into a decent show. The Plots and Subplots are somewhat fresh while still holding onto many of the Magnum "themes" and if you pay attention, you will see how the writers and directors pay homage to many of the things in the original show either outright or thru Easter Eggs.

This show is worth your time to watch and if you hate the fact it is and uses the Name and other things related to Magnum, then disregard that and watch it for the sheer entertainment. You won't be disappointed unless you stop watching after the first couple of shows.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Interesting, let's see where they go with this
27 September 2018
Like all new shows that have a unique premise this show can keep going into unknown waters, so to speak or it can dumb itself down and turn towards the known so people don't get lost while watching it.

The acting and character development isn't stretching, yet, but it could. If it does, that will make the show that much better. If it continues on as weak or mild along with a "Known" premise i.e. God, Greater Power, etc. Then I don't think it will last long. People like to be surprised with original storylines and plots these days but still want it to be able to relate to it.

Overall, I like what I have seen in the Pilot. Let's hope it stays the course and keeps throwing new things at us each week. One problem this show does have is it's touch of Sci-Fi as the big Networks have the ability to destroy a good show like this more often than not by not allowing it to grab hold and find its audience. Often it gets moved to a poor day or time. So I am crossing my fingers, but I am not going to hold my breath as the Networks have let me down too many times in the past with good shows.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Magnum P.I. - What worked and didn't work with the Pilot Episode.
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You have read the reviews from the Cheap Seat Whiners on how horrible this was compared to the Classic 80's version (and it WAS a Classic). But let's break the show down without giving away too many spoilers.

So, what worked? Sadly, not much. At least if you are a hardcore original Magnum P.I. fan. However, there were a few bright spots. Higgins, I liked the female Higgins. It can add a new dimension to the show the other didn't have. The Lads, who doesn't love the aggressive pain in the butt to Thomas Sullivan Magnum? The cars, I'm glad to see they even used a Ferrari like they used in the original show along with the "Robin 1" license plate.

Well, that was about it. I found the show did ok with me as long as I forgot I was watching a remake of Magnum P.I.

What didn't work? Everything else. With the exception of the new Female Higgins and The Lads, the rest of the cast and actors were almost unlikable. Even a personal favorite of mine, James Remar seemed to be mailing in his performance. I'm not really sure if it is the actors or the writing but it is probably a combination of them both. Wrecking 2 Ferrari's in a 45 minute (without commercials) show is horrifying and downright criminal.

I will give this show a few episodes to see if it gets better but I'm not sure how many other people will give it. Even the geniuses at CBS don't seem to sure as to date, they have only filmed 4 shows. I guess they don't see it lasting long themselves. But hey, I guess they will get some Brownie Points for their "Diversity". I'm sure lead actor Jay Hernandez is probably a very good actor, but I'm sorry, he is NOT Thomas Sullivan Magnum.
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Cyborg X (2016)
I believe this is the worst movie I have ever seen
5 March 2018
Worst acting, storyline, writing, dialogue I have seen in years. They drag things out to make it thrilling. All they succeeded in doing is making it annoying. Don't waste your time. Whoever was involved with this movie should quit the business and start practicing saying, "Would you like Fries with that?"

This movie is really that bad.
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Swept Under (2015 TV Movie)
Wow, I gave a made for TV Movie a 7..... NEVER Happens
5 March 2018
This was a pretty decent made for tv movie. It screams as if it was an Ovary Channel Movie, WE, Lifetime, etc. The acting was good, the plot even better. I would like to have seen a different ending, but the one they did kind of left it open for a possible sequel. If they made one, I would watch it.

I am a big fan of Devin Kelley. She is a natural beauty that can totally make the "Hot" factor work in sweats, plaid shirt and no makeup. Hey, she's a Minnesota Gal and being a Minnesotan myself, many of them can pull that off. Not to mention Big Clomping Snow Boots, a Parka and a Furry Bombers Hat. Devin is a great actress and was really good as Julie Sullivan in the tv show, Frequency that got canceled after only one season. Too bad, it was a good movie and tv show.

This movie is worth the watch if you like a bit of a mystery with your almost love affair type movie.
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Hostiles (2017)
Worthy of a 5 purely on the strength of the Acting
27 February 2018
It is astounding how many great actors this movie had in it. Bale, Pike, Sturdi, Beach, and it keeps on going from there. Even smaller parts had bigger name actors in it. There wasn't enough dialogue for all the great actors in this movie. That was a bit of a disappointment. Coupled with the Indians not speaking English, it really hampered their ability to act.

I love me a good western, sadly, this just isn't one. Like the fault of many Westerns these days, there is just too much SJW action. Yes, we all know the Indians were not treated the best back then. Nobody knows this more than me being 2/3rd Ojibwa. Sometimes people like to forget that quite often, we Indians gave as good as we got. There were atrocities on both sides, once we realize that, we can move on. Some SJW in a movie like this is expected, but it was literally dripping with it. Just too much to bare and it took away from the story and plot.

Overall, great acting, but it could have been so much more. Just disappointing.
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The Gateway (2018)
Solid 7, Acting wasn't the greatest but....
16 February 2018
This had a great story and plot line. There is more that could easily be explored with this plot line. As far as low budget Sci-Fi goes, this was one of the better ones. The acting could have been a bit better, but it really wasn't that bad. I have seen much worse from far more movies. Worth the time to watch it.
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This movie is one of those little known about, hidden gems
18 January 2018
Ok, for those of you that have read my comments on movies in the past, you know I rarely have given a movie a rating of over 8. Especially a movie that might have a smaller budget (most of them I have seen just aren't that good). This one however, IS THAT GOOD.

It has a very interesting concept and story line as well as some Actors you will have seen from MANY other projects, especially guest starring on TV shows, heavy on sci-fi.

The Lead is David Lee Smith who has been in a few things but popped up as Lt. Stetler on CSI:Miami towards the end of it's run. He is easily a "Go To" lead in my opinion.

Tony Todd whom I saw for the first time in the remake of "Night of the Living Dead" and who I think has been on nearly every Sci-Fi and Horror Show since the 90's and is a very solid actor is also on board.

John Billingsley, another actor in this movie that has a ton of work on his resume but I think is best known as Dr. Phlox on Star Trek:Enterprise.

Ellen Crawford who has been acting since I was a Senior in High School and is best known as Nurse Wright on ER.

Richard Riehle who is another one you will recognize instantly and probably has been on nearly every TV show ever made since the 70's lol.

A few other relative unknown actors who are surprisingly good and then of course.......

A personal favorite of mine as a youngster, "The Greatest American Hero" himself, MR. William Theodore Katt. I remember back in the mid 80's he saved me from being forced to watch what I thought was going to be a complete disaster of a movie on a first date with a young girl who I was VERY smitten with and I thought that the date would be equally disastrous as I really liked her but I didn't think the feeling was mutual. Then to find out she dragged me to a movie called, "Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend" at a theater with nasty popcorn, well, I was simply contemplating going to the bathroom for the 1 1/2 hours of the movie lol. As I was looking for the closest exit, Lo and Behold, I was in for several surprises that evening, first off, the Popcorn was still nasty, but I saw William Katt appear on the screen and with his quirky acting ability, he did not disappoint. And then the biggest surprise of them all, after about 5 minutes into the movie, the girl turned and looked at me and said, "Thank you very much for taking me to this movie, I really wanted to see it but none of my friends or family wanted to". Then she proceeded to lightly grab my chin, pulled my face to hers and gave me "THE KISS". You know, "the kiss" that made everything in your body, mind, and soul come alive and you just knew she was "The One".

Anyways, back to The Man from Earth. The movie was shot at basically one location which kills more movies than it helps. At that point, in order for a movie to "Make it", it needs to have a Strong Story, Acting, and Dialogue. Most movies like this fail miserably, but not this one. The story by Jeremy Bixby was SOLID. He had a small resume of some sci-fi show writing like Star Trek and others, but I believe this was his first ever stand alone "Book". Well, Mr. Bixby NAILED IT. Sadly he passed away in 1998 and never got to see his Book turned into this WONDERFUL movie.

The Directing is also pretty important and Richard Schenkman who had about a dozen Directorial projects under his belt when he took the helm of this project did a Bang Up job with it.

The Acting was Solid and what you would expect out of a mostly very experienced cast and the Dialogue was pretty decent with more High Points than low ones.

I don't know what the Budget was on this movie, I can't believe it was very much with most of it probably going to Cast and Crew, but when I see a movie like this, it shows that even a lower budget movie can have the look and feel of a Big Name Studio Flick with a Larger Budget.

I have seen this movie over 9 times during the course of the last 10 years and I am entertained every time. They recently came out with a Sequel to it, "The Man from Earth, Halocene" which I just watched and they are planning on hopefully a 3rd installment or better yet, making it into a series. There is so much and so many directions sequels and/or a series can explore with the Main Character, John Oldman. I have no doubt this franchise would end up becoming something many people would watch and become vested in. At the very least, it would end up with a large Cult following for sure.

I gave this movie a 9, something I rarely do. While it may not be as strong as some of the other movies I gave 9's to, it is just more than an 8. While not perfect (very few movies are), it has MANY more good things about it than bad and it is a movie that really makes you think "What If?"

Do yourself a favor, track this movie down and watch it. Then, watch it a second, third, and fourth time and you will really grow to love it.
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Singularity (I) (2017)
This movie could have EASILY been an 8, but it WASN'T
5 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I only gave it a 4 and I should only give it a 2. It got a 4 because it was that bad and it appears the only people that really showed up to work on it were the Camera and SFX's people. Many of the scenes, Robots and Scenic background shots were awesome. The rest was disappointing, to say the least. It should have only gotten 2 Stars for completely blowing an excellent opportunity to make a great movie and an even better Sequel. This could have easily become a 3 movie series and did high bucks at the box office. Too many issues. The actors didn't even get dirty, perfect hair, new clothes, make-up, NAILS, etc. No attention to detail of the story or plot. Were the only other humans to survive Hair, Make-up, Nails and clothes makers?

With some better prep and acting, this movie could have easily been an 8. But they didn't and it isn't.

Go ahead and watch it and make up your own mind, but make sure you write a review and vote on it to offset the Purchased IMDb positive reviews and votes for it. If you are wondering how they do it, I was to so I went to a couple of sights and asked them. They obtain, (buy, beg, steal), abandoned user ID's and do votes that way. They sell them by the 25's. If you want 25, 5-star votes, it will cost you around $18 dollars and goes up from there. Same with reviews, but they cost more. You know your movie sucks when you have to buy favorable reviews and up-votes.
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Destined to get the Axe....Sadly
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is an extremely entertaining show. I normally don't go for this sort of silly thing, but Jason Ritter is fabulous in it. He is really able to "stretch his acting legs" and use this show as a vehicle to showcase his all-around acting abilities much like his father did in 3's company. You can really see the similarities between his acting and his fathers, John Ritter. The facial expressions and the physical comedy, along with his looks are spot on to his Dads.

Given that, I'm not so sure on the writing of this show. It needs to start to get something going other than the predictable "Fixing" of people every week. I'm not just saying this from my vantage point, I say this from the fact of the ratings. It started off mildly strong and has been dropping every week. We have now passed week 4 and it appears there are only 2 more episodes that have been taped. I don't know if it only intended to have 6 this season, or if they are then going to take a break and tape some more or did the network tell them to stop filming anymore? It also appears Jason Ritter is currently filming another TV series as well called "The Long Road Home" which is set to only run 8 episodes but of course could run longer if it has the ratings. I don't know if he is just slated for a few of the episodes or the whole thing.

At any rate, back to it needing to get going. There are several different directions this show could go and obviously at some point he will have to leave the town of Taylor, Texas to find the other 35 Righteous as is hinted by his visions. That could be problematic for the chemistry being built with the others in the show like his sister, niece, crazy friend, and the police officer. I hope we get a chance at seeing where this show will take us but I fear it won't last that long. Networks, especially ABC, have the habit of killing decent Sci-Fi type shows before they can really get going and find an audience. They did it with the show Forever and most recently, Time after Time.

I really feel they screwed up with Time after Time as they had a great story and very strong cast. They only showed the first 5 or 6 episodes and killed it right after that and didn't show the remaining 6 shows that were taped. I came across those remaining shows online and watched them all in one night as each show got better and better and I couldn't stop watching it. That next day was a rough one without any sleep. It also left a little cliffhanger for a season 2 which of course will never happen.

The problem is they had Time after Time going up against The Walking Dead. When TWD ended it's season last spring, we could have had an opportunity to see what Time after Time could have done without TWD as it's competition. But for some reason, they canceled it right then, it's almost like they were afraid that maybe it would take off and do well. Both shows would have a similar audience so it was very puzzling they decided to cancel it before it could air without TWD as its main Competition for an audience.

I hope this show picks up and lifts its ratings, but sadly I don't see that happening in this time slot and I don't see ABC being generous enough to give it another slot and let it build an audience. I truly do HATE Network TV and rarely watch it. I just Binged watched all these shows back to back on the internet. The "Cable Networks" seem to be putting out better quality shows and more apt to give them a chance than the Networks do
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Could Have, SHOULD HAVE, Been much more
1 September 2017
I went back and forth between giving this movie a 4 or a 5, I settled on a 5 just because of the strength of the Actors. Given that, the movie seemed very Rushed and void of many important facts left out from the Book. I am not going to get into specifics, but if you haven't read the book, the movie will be a bit confusing for you. I suggest you at least read the 1st Dark Tower book AND THEN see the movie.

I was not overly thrilled with the Casting of this movie. Idris did a good and believable job, but there are many that I feel could have done better. Mathew, on the other hand, as Walter O'Dim was a complete Bust in my opinion. Mathew is just to "Likeable" of a Character Actor. "The Man in Black" needs to be much more menacing and ominous and M.M. just can't deliver that kind of role. The rest of the casting was "Ok". I really think they under-utilized Jackie Earl Haley. They could have given him more range in that character.

Maybe it's just me, but most of King's Books just don't translate to movies very well. "The Stand" and "Silver Bullet" were probably the 2 best Books that worked as movies. But "The Stand" was also given several nights of 2-hour events to tell the story. Perhaps if "The Dark Tower" does become a TV Show, it will give us more, but I only see that happening if someone like Netflix or AMC takes it over. Regular Network TV will destroy it as they do with most Fantasy/Sci-Fi shows.

So, overall, this movie is worth seeing but read the book first to really appreciate the movie.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Great Show, I hope they have a Season 2
4 August 2017
I gave this show an 8, which for me is a very high rating. The acting is very good, in fact, I don't think Franco has ever done a better job. The main women in the show are all very Hot. They had to "Dress Down" Lucy Fry's character, the Russian Wife of Oswald, and that still didn't work that well. That woman could be covered in Mud and would still be hot. But the Blonde Bombshell that played the Co-star of the show, Sarah Gadon could very well be one of the top 10 hottest women alive today.

The story is interesting and does have a few weak points that perhaps they will address in a season 2, or not. But overall it was an interesting twist to the entire "Who Shot JFK" Legacy. One has to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald either did not act alone or was used simply as a Patsy. The "Kill Shots" of JFK would have been hard for a top quality sniper using today's weapons, let alone someone like Oswald who had not been active Military for some years using an Italian made Infantry Rifle with a weak 4X scope. That type of Rifle was at best a moderately accurate weapon and that would be with a precision loaded Cartridge ammunition.

However, none of that has anything to really do with this show, it had some cool twists and turns, good acting, good writing and directing. I liked it a lot. It was an uncommon twist to a Period Time Travel show. Definitely worth your time to watch. I binge watched it on one very rainy day where I was the only one at home. It was perfect.
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The Wall (II) (2017)
ANOTHER Wretched Film
4 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I thought, maybe, just maybe, we were going to get to see a REAL acting opportunity from Johhhhhn Cena. Nope. Not happening. The Director used him as nothing more than a Prop. How sad. I think Cena has the ability to deliver some really good and moving Acting but is never given the opportunity.

This movie has more weak points than strong ones. Only one person is really doing the acting in most of the movie. That is the character Isaac, known also as "Eyes" who is the Spotter for John Cena's Sniper Character, Mathews. In reality, there are only 2 actors you see, Cena and Eyes. You hear another actor, supposedly an Iraqi Insurgent Sniper. Eyes starts off as a strong, funny and interesting character. He finishes as a whining little girl. So, I have to give the Acting in this movie a 5 and I feel that is being generous. The Bad acting is more than likely a result of bad writing in the screenplay. The writing was awful, it bounces around and at some points, you think it is starting to click and then there is a stupid line that destroys everything. The Directing? What Directing. Whoever did it, just simply "Phoned it in".

This movie was just all over the place but was building to a possible decent ending. Well, that was all crushed in the last 5 minutes of the movie. Perhaps it was the "Realism" factor that was so poor. Anyone that has spent time in the "SandBox" will find this movie to be poor. We didn't and wouldn't have acted like this, nor would we have had the stupidity to bring along KNOWN faulty equipment. I remember ordering my own Body Armor because I didn't feel the Military version was good enough. A Sniper in our Unit even had Barrett send him his own personal Rifle over. Not to mention, rescue Choppers are not old Nam Copters that have a paint job. I don't really want to give too much of this movie away, but when a unit comes to rescue you, they don't come in 2 Unarmed Choppers and a few guys. There are usually some ground forces, Attack Helicopters or Warthogs or F-16's or the rare F-22.

The idea that when a couple of men need Rescuing it's because they are in a "Hot Zone", that is, the enemy is present. You might even send in a Drone to check out the area first. But you don't go with unarmed Nam era Choppers. If I didn't know better, I would say this movie was made by Iraqi Insurgents. Iraqi Snipers usually used either a Russian made Sniper Rifle or a British Made version. There also was some Austrian made Steyr HS-50's that were shipped to Iran that made their way into the hands of some Iraqi Insurgents. That weapon, however, is a single shot and shoots either a .50 BMG or a .46 Round. They are also notoriously horrendous shots, except for the Iraqi Sniper called Juba. There is some talk that the Iraqi Sniper in this film is supposed to be Juba. I find that virtually impossible to believe. Although, there is some controversy as to whether Juba was just one person or even just a Myth. At any rate, Iraqi Snipers would not be shooting a Rifle that fires a 7.62 x 51mm NATO Round. Why? First off, the Guns are hard to get hold of and are very expensive as is the Ammunition. That is why Iraqi Snipers used a common Russian, Austrian by way of Iran or British weapon. The only time an Iraqi Insurgent MIGHT shoot a 7.62 Round would be in an AK-47 and then it is a 7.62 x 39mm round which is NOT a NATO round.

The fact that John Cena's character, Mathews, used an M24 SWS Sniper Rifle is a bit unbelievable as well. There are at least a Dozen Sniper Rifles at that time that are all around better Rifles to use.

I am losing sight of the "Big Picture" here about this movie. It is an annoying movie in most respects. Acting, Directing, Believability, Military Accuracy etc. Don't waste your time or effort going to see it at the theater. Wait until it ends up on Netflix or HBO and even then, it's not really worth your time.
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E19 Virus (2017)
Ugh. Do yourself a favor and Run Away from this movie
16 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, Just, Wow If it wasn't for the horrendous acting, Directing, Special effects, and Writing, this would probably be a good movie. I felt like I was watching a bad Monty Python meets Ed Wood Movie. Did they steal the ending from another movie they made because this ending made Zero sense.

If you can choke people Ala Darth Vadar, why are you running around with a Sponge Brick hitting people with it?

I need to hit myself a few dozen times with a Brick for sitting thru more than the first 5 minutes of it.

I thought it was a "Student" Film. But then I saw it had a $120k budget. They must have spent all that budget money on food, because they sure didn't spend any on Actors or anything for the Movie.
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Life on Mars (2008–2009)
Another very good show that fell victim to the "Networks"
24 May 2017
Life on Mars.

Another prime example of a good show that had a following killed off because of idiotic decisions by a Network, this one by one of the worst offenders, ABC. Had the show not gone on a 2-month hiatus and then a time and day change, it might have seen 2 or 3 seasons, easily.

This was one of the first shows of several in a line of 70's or 80's time period. Why? Because that is the time period most of the people now in charge grew up in. It's something they, and myself, relish for a return of. Back to a "Simpler" time, if you will. Of course, EVERY generation thinks and says that lol.

This was a remake of yet another British series of the same name and many of the same named characters, with, of course, a few differences to entice the American audiences. I'm not sure what it is, but the British sure seem to have a knack for strange and interesting Television and Movie entertainment.

The show has an AWESOME cast. Jason O'Mara is in the leading role as Detective Sam Tyler. He isn't really your "normal" leading man in action based Sci-Fi Television shows, but he does a great job when put into them. Terra Nova was another show he was an "odd" leading man in as well. And now also as a cast member of Agents of Shield. When you first see him, you think, "WHAT?" But after a few episodes, you settle in and can't imagine anyone else in that role. In one of the episodes of this show, his real life wife, the stunning Paige Turco is a guest star. You will recognize her as Clarke's Mother, Abby Griffen from the show The 100. In that same episode, you get a chance to hear Jason's REAL accent. Being that he is from Ireland, it, of course, is Irish.

Gretchen Mol plays Woman Police Officer, Annie Norris. She, of course, is a very beautiful woman, but they are able to "Temper" that beauty by her uniform and meek presence. At moments along the way, they spotlight that beauty by adding some growing strength and a Burnette look here and there. Mol is a natural blonde and hot, but nothing like when she turns into a Brunette and sizzles off the TV screen. She is truly one of those women who is much better looking as a brunette and not her natural blonde. The show takes some interesting twists and turns and Mol's character, what is normally a "3rd Tier" supporting role, blasts to the forefront.

Harvey Keitel is Lieutenant Gene Hunt, the leader of the 125 unit. He is the typecast of the old 70's man in charge, gruff, tough, mean, but with a tender side. His character, like all of them, seem to grow and change because of the presence of Det. Sam Tyler.

The rest of the cast is relative unknowns, but Michael Imperioli who plays Det. Ray Carling, begins to shine as the typical 70's "Sexist Pig" male that Feminists of that era battled for control with. He is some pretty good comic relief with his lines, jokes, and name calling.

I recommend this show in general, I gave it a 7, which for me, is a very "good" rating. Any of my ratings of 6 or up you will be happy with the show and easily be able to watch the entire series. If I rate a show 8 it is an awesome show, 9 would be one of the best shows I have ever seen and 10, doesn't exist it. It is hard to classify because it crosses a few genres, Sci-Fi, Police Procedurals, Drama. d then relies on another to keep it going. Much like many of the shows being made now.

Final Note: (And if you have read some of my other reviews, MY TYPICAL RANT TIME). In my opinion, the Networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, now FOX and probably soon, the CW, have a LONG HISTORY OF DESTROYING GOOD SCI-FI SHOWS with STUPID Decisions. This show was a victim the same way. Right now, the only way a good Sci-Fi show has a shot at several seasons is on a Cable Network or the CW. The main Networks rely too heavily on an old, outdated, FLAWED, system of measurements, the Neilsens. Nowadays, most of us are busy and DVR or Stream our TV and Movie entertainment. Perhaps a Social Media system should be set up to gauge audience interest rather than the horrible "Neilsen" system used FAR TOO LONG. As proof, imagine how long CBS or NBC would have allowed a show like The Walking Dead to go on. They would have killed it after the 1st season. CBS had a decent winner in Supergirl, but yet they transferred it to their CW. They now have the new Star Trek show, but wisely(?) (We shall see), they are going to be showing just the Pilot on their network and then going to their new "Streaming" service with it. They are going to make it their "Flagship" of their streaming service. If not done right, their streaming service will crash and burn like could easily happen if not handled correctly. NBC killed the show "Revolution" which had massive ratings and proved, done properly, a Sci-Fi show can live on the Networks, but an overly long Hiatus for the show killed it. The audience moved on to other shows and by the time it came back, no one was left to watch it. Plus, they changed the premise so much, it didn't really resemble much of the original 1st season.

Yes, I HATE the Networks and can't wait until the day they bankrupt themselves from stupidity and arrogance.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
I like this show, I wish I liked it more...But it is a MESS
18 May 2017
I like the premise, the acting is mostly decent, better than most low budget Sci-Fi. Make no mistake, this is very low budget. You just don't see it as much because they don't use the "Normal" scenes you might see in an Apocalyptic show. They rely more on character confrontations/relations and old fashioned "Good vs.Evil Drama. In reality, you cannot afford to make a TV show like this, UNLESS you turn it to more of the "Low Budget" direction.

I say it is a MESS because you can't really figure out who or what the characters are and represent. I anticipate they are doing this on purpose to keep the viewers on their toes, but in many instances, the Characters are acting or doing things completely out of their "Norm". Most people don't do that. In one episode Peace will be a Huge driving point for a character and in the next episode, not so much as they Easily kill or call for the killing of others.

Not to mention, the "World" that they live in is derived of Clans, Coalitions, and Friendships, but they are easily thrown out the window at the drop of a hat or any certain event. Like I said, I am sure this is done on purpose to keep you on your toes and not being able to say, "I saw that coming, or I knew that would happen".

In small amounts, this is a good strategy for a show, but on the epic level this show does it on, it is becoming "Routine". You can almost assume now that any plan or goal will NOT happen as that is how the whole show is written. If a character says they are going "Left", you KNOW for sure they aren't and will end up going "Right" instead. Same with the plot and story lines.

Overall, I like this show, it is entertaining and I like this Genre... BUT... they take the "Tortured Soul" plot of many of these types of shows too far and it actually drags it down in the end. They have the main characters not only Battle with their own "Darkness" and sometimes following it when needed, but they do it when NOT needed as well.

If you can't rely on the Main Characters of a show to be true to at least one Positive aspect of their Personality, then you question the ability of anyone else "Living" on the show. Perhaps LUNA was on to something?

This sadly leads to another issue with viewers. With myself, to be honest, if they killed the two main characters off, Clarke and Bellamy, I wouldn't really care all that much. Because THEY AND THE SHOW are a MESS, you really can't "get in the corner" of the main characters anymore like you once could. This is NOT how a show should make you want to feel or act towards the main characters.

Because of all I have written, I give "The 100" one more year, (Season 5) and then it will be canceled. UNLESS, by some miracle, they "Clean Up" the mess they have created in the show and the Characters, mainly the main characters during the 5th season.

One additional thing, I won't say what it is otherwise I have to report this review as a "Spoiler", but if you have been watching the show, you know what big event is supposed to be happening. They have been prepping for it the entire 4th season. IF THEY ALLOW THIS EVENT TO HAPPEN.....

it will take the show down a BAD ROAD that it surely will NEVER recover from. It will guarantee the show doesn't have a 6th Season. Nobody will be entertained with the same plot lines happening week after week for the next "5 years". That is what will happen if the "Event" is allowed to become part of the show. There is just too little epic plot lines that can be established when the show is confined to a "Small Area" of Environment.

The only option if they "do the event" is to fast forward "Past" it when its effects are no longer part of the story for the 5th Season. But then, we also won't know what the motivation of the characters are any longer. Essentially, we will have to learn about them as if they are new characters. The whole show and Characters will "Shift" and essentially "Reset" to Season 1 of this show. While it was fun the First time around, it would be repetitive and lame a 2nd time around. It will also become a disastrous move by the Writers and will guarantee the show gets canceled after Season 5.

I think the show started going "South" when they destroyed the ability to use the Mount Weather angle back in Season 2. Season 3 had a good plot line with a formidable opponent as did Season 4, but they tend to "Drag" it all out a bit. When you look at it, the Season 4 "Problem" is the ULTIMATE problem. How do you top that for a Season 5 "problem" without "Jumping the Shark"?

Like many shows these days, they don't have a problem "killing off" second tier main cast members. Although, this show does it to Epic proportions unlike we have ever seen. It really makes it so you don't want to get to "involved" with any other characters in the show outside of Clarke or Bellamy.

Enjoy Season 5 as there probably won't be a Season 6.
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Drone Wars (2016)
No No No No No. Don't do it. There are only 2 reasons to watch this
7 May 2017
There are only 2 reasons to watch this movie, Whitney Moore, and Verona Blue. Otherwise, this movie is a total pass, a Dog with Fleas, a Hot Babe with massive STD's. Poor acting, erratic plot, Low Budget of Low Budget SFX.

These Low Budget Alien Invader movies are usually KIND OF Fun. This one is just painful to watch. It's like something the Crusty SyFy channel would only air at like 2am.

Given the choice of watching this movie or hitting yourself over the head with a 2x4....... Take the 2x4 beating, Trust Me.

You have been Warned.
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Loved the First one, this one...not so much. Disappointing
7 May 2017
They could have gone so many different directions with this movie, but they picked probably the WORST Plot line to follow.

Great Tunes though. I mean, "Brandy"? What an awesome, almost forgotten tune of the 70's. I had it on Cassette and I have it on DVD as well as USB Memory.

They had Kurt Russell and used him so wrongly it may be his worst Film yet. Sly Stallone and they use him like a Retarded Judge Dredd type character personality. At the end credits, I am pretty sure I heard Hannah Montana's (Godawful Miley Cirus's) voice. If they want to destroy the next movie, go ahead and put "Twerk n' Tard in it.

They did expand on Drax's Humor, that was good. And who doesn't love the Trash Panda, Rocket Racoon when he is Full Blown Sarcastic. I can't even tell Vin and Cooper are doing Baby Groot and Rocket's voices.

I do question putting Megababe, Pom Klementieff, in all that make-up so you can't even see her total Hotness.

So, overall I give this movie a 6 and I feel I am being more than generous with that rating given all they COULD HAVE DONE with this movie, versus, what they ACTUALLY DID. With the wait and they hype, this movie was just nearly a complete letdown. And the Ending??? That Royally Sucked. If you saw the movie, you know what I mean, if you haven't, you will see what I mean.

Sorry, but the best part of this movie is the Music.
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World's End (2010)
Did they run out of Film? Movie drags on to big ending and Plop
7 May 2017
The only reason I gave this movie a whole 3 stars is that it had a bunch of actors you would recognize from small parts and many 80's and 90's actors and some serious Hot Babes like the woman that played Sara, Elizabeth Roberts.

The Movie drags on and on and it makes you believe there will be a "Good" ending that it is building up to, but NOPE, the ending is just a big.......PLOP. The ending is like having Elizabeth Roberts naked in front of you saying, "Take Me" and just as you are about to, you wake up and it's actually Hillary Clinton. PLOP.

I love these kinds of movies, just NOT THIS ONE. If you are really bored and your choices are watching this movie and cutting off a finger, well, it is a toss-up, but you could at least "Justify" watching this movie then.

You have been WARNED.
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Greatest "Apes" movie still made to date
8 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie and most others in its series. But this was the best one as it explained the most and had so much going on.

They really developed the characters, especially the Apes and essentially gave them a "Humanity" the viewer could relate to especially during the conflicted times of the late 60's and early 70's. No Ape movie since then has delved into the Ape characters as well but Tim Burtons version did a decent job.

Charlton Heston was a huge coup for them to get to play Taylor but Roddy McDowell kind of stole the show with just his Ape Facial expressions. To be honest, I think he should have won an Oscar for his acting ability in this movie. Many actors can't get their feelings and emotions across normally, but he did it expertly with his Ape Prosthetics on. Not to mention the walking and movements were really good. I think that's one of the reasons this movie and the others in the series were so good, they didn't use masks, they used prosthetics for the faces.

For its time period, this movie was truly ahead of its curve. Even today, with CGI, many movies do not look this believable. And then of course, finding the Statue of Liberty on the Beach at the end was probably one of the most stunning endings for a movie back then. It was Pure Shock and Awe. Once they found the talking human doll and glasses in the cave you kind of knew something was up but the Statue of Liberty was just a "Bam" moment.

This movie is easily one of my top 20 favorite movies of all time when you combine the Acting, Story, Sets, Make-up, etc. But then again, having worked some in the industry, I have grown a huge appreciation for all the "Other" things that need to happen, get done and come together to make a Movie Work.
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