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The Cleaning Lady: From the Ashes (2024)
Season 3, Episode 9
It's just so infuriating!
2 June 2024
I enjoyed the first season, it had a moderate amount of crazy that required a fair amount of the suspension of disbelief. All shows have a level of this to create the drama, but this season...!! There's a threshold that I can take, and this episode alone blows clear past it. The amount of eye rolls and moments that feels like a clear insult to my intelligence. How are people liking this soapy mess of a show?

The first season felt grounded in reality, but now? The cast barely works a day job, but okay. Ramona's a big scary cartel boss, but doesn't seem to have any other business or acts like one. She built her empire and now just wants to live in Vegas and play around with small time jobs? She literally searched Thony becuase she didn't trust someone "she tried to kill" but upon finding out she needed surgery, immediately requires her to perform the surgery? Did she suddenly stop valuing her life, leaving it in the hands of a "doctor". And a doctor isn't all encompassing for anything medically related. There's so many fields of study, no one can possible know it all. Thony suddenly becomes Dr. House and solved a medical case that apparently the best doctors in the world couldn't diagnose? And don't get me started on the fbi or the absurd character of Jorge... Nadia started off as the intelligent wife and is now relegated to the stupid woman trying to rebuild her life making dumb ploys and decisions that aren't very thought out. Did the writers get entirely replaced?
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Gangs of London: Episode #2.1 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Reviewing Season 2 as a whole
11 November 2022
I'm a big fan of the first series, lots of action and tension brought from the usual Gareth Edwards type of action, including excellent use of shaky cam where it doesn't get overdone and distracting like many other films. Unfortunately, what made the first season so great for me, doesn't show up this season and I just finished the finale. It's like the show runner wanted to focus more on the "gangs" rather than the action, but the writing is so boring. Scenes drag on and gets uninteresting. The characters took a turn for the worse. Elliot is put on the back burner this season, to focus on the less interesting new characters. Some batman villain in a tracksuit is the new face of the antagonists while the investors remain shadows. He's very eye-rollingly cringy and his actions really belong in Gotham, not the real world London. The writing for the main cast has gotten so lazy and boring, even Lale felt like a different person. The worst is how Sean acts, channeling is best Thomas Shelby impersonation, nothing like the guy struggling with his inner demons that made him so much more interesting last season. It really feels like an entirely different show, and I'm not coming back if they happen to renew it.
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SEAL Team: Aces and Eights (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Horrible execution to an otherwise powerful scene.
9 November 2022
This season has so far been my least favorite, and I'm only staying on because it feels like the end is nigh and I've made it thus far and feel invested to certain characters. Clay being one of them, and the how and what happens was far too predictable or telegraphed in the earlier scenes. . Like a previous reviewer said, you could see it coming way too early in the episode. Probably what ruined an otherwise above average episode this season,instantly sinking it to one of the worst. Sadly, I'll keep tuning in but more than excited for this show to be finally be over. Based on how they treated the ending of this episode, I'm in for some serious disappointment from the series finale.
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Walker: Independence (2022–2023)
Should be on The CW. Unrealistic western.
22 October 2022
I stumbled upon this show and knew nothing about it prior to watching the pilot. The short of it, a show with very pretty and good looking people on small and cheap sets. The lead actress wasn't bad, but very distracting when every scene she's in looks like she had just walked out of a this-century salon. After being lost in the prairie for however long, she wakes up with perfect hair and the cleanest dress. No immersion felt, just kept feeling like I was watching something produced for the CW. Where the main cast is gorgeous, shiny, and very young (except for Barr). Before this review, come to find out that the walker reboot originated on the CW lol. If you're looking for a shut-your-brain down unintelligent and pretty looking show in a western setting, you might like this show. Feels like it was produced for the younger audience. Maybe I'm jaded by the level of quality in today's TV offering.
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The Blacklist: The Cyranoid (No. 35) (2021)
Season 8, Episode 9
A good episode to call it quits
7 March 2021
I could sit here and make a list of the stupid things that this episode had, probably the worst of the series in terms of how unbelievable things have gotten. The awful plotline aside, the characters themselves are now plot devices just to further the plot and just aren't interesting anymore. Yes, even reddington. I find myself caring less and less if any given main character were killed off. I've been looking for a reason to finally stop watching this show, and after this awfully written episode, I can finally call it quits. The last few seasons have gotten progressively worse, reminiscent of the writing typically found on a CW show. It's gone the path of Blindspot, except that show was trying to have fun with everything. Blacklist tries to stay serious, but comes off as just senseless episodes with so much filler that the payoff in the series finale just won't be worth the wait.
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