
14 Reviews
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
This movie is an abomination
19 October 2022
Horrible acting, horrible story, horrible characters..... this movie is a dumpster fire and a massive slap in the face to each and every fan of the original. Do yourself a favor and just stick with the first one. Skip this absolute travesty of an irredeemable trainwreck. It's such a waste of time. The original is still a wonderful classic and infinitely more watchable. The new one is a poorly written vomit-inducing abomination. It's a slog to get through and one I hope to never see again. I certainly will never go out of my way to watch it again. More typical F-level filmmaking from Disney+. When are they going to learn?
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Scream (I) (2022)
WORST movie of the franchise by far!
14 January 2022
This movie is an abomination. A disgrace. An insult. A slap in the face to Wes Craven and each and every fan of the series. It's unbelievably bad. I haven't been this angry walking out of a movie in a long time. It literally feels as if we're watching a Stab movie, not a Scream movie. It's a joke. A farce. The cheapest of imitations. Please just let this dead horse of a franchise die. It is beyond time. Ugh!

Just atrocious filth.
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The worst one yet!
27 May 2021
My God was F9 terrible! It's completely gone into full blown spoof territory. This movie is almost literally a cartoon. The story is ridiculous and laughable. The acting is cringe beyond measure. And at this point it feels like they're just pulling stuff out of their backside for the heck of it. Not because it's a story worth telling. The series has definitely jumped the shark and gone off the deep end. What the heck are they even doing anymore? It's become an embarrassment and a total disaster.

Go and watch the original Fast and Furious and then come back and watch F9. They don't feel like they're even a little bit related. They feel like two totally different franchises.

Just pretend the series ended with F7. It's better that way.
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Death Proof (2007)
Absolute trash
12 May 2021
This is by far QT's worst film. Holy hell what a boring piece of disappointing crap. It was utterly painful to sit through. Saying any more isn't worth my time or effort. This movie sucks.
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This show is a total garbage and basically a spoof of the original trilogy
30 April 2021
This show is trash. All the charm and goodness of the movies is totally missing. It feels like it's a spoof of the movies. A bad, lazy, unfunny spoof. Frankly, as a fan of The Mighty Ducks it feels like a total slap in the face. Seeing Gordon again is cool but he feels really out of character. And all the shoehorned woke garbage..... my god. This show is definitely a product of its time. It's pure cringe.
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Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen!
15 February 2021
My God.....I have almost no words for this dismal piece of crap of a movie. This movie is beyond atrocious! Whaaaat were they thinking?! They completely destroyed Leatherface and made a full blown mockery of him. Nothing makes sense. Everything about this movie is horrendous. And I'm serious when I say, this may very well be the worst movie I have EVER seen in my entire life! I mean it. To call it an abomination isn't nearly severe enough. It's WORSE!
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Richie Rich (1994)
This movie is great fun and endlessly entertaining!
15 February 2021
The last time I'd seen this movie was sometime in the 90s. I remember back then I loved it and watched it all the time. It was just so good. Well, fast forward to today and it's been over 20 years since I've seen it so I decided it was time to check it out again, unsure of what to expect and how I would feel (but I wanted to see it for old times sake). Man, I loved it just as much as all those years ago. It's such a fun movie. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely goofy at times and there's more than a few eyerolling moments, but overall, it was just such a joy to revisit. Even sitting here now, I feel like watching it again, and it's only been a few days since I last watched it. I found it to be that good. I highly recommend checking it out. If Shout Factory ever releases it on bluray I'll pick it up Day 1.

The score by Alan Silvestri is fantastic. It's so, so, so good.

The guy that plays the villain does such a good job.

Cadbury and Keenbean are great too.

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Jaws 2 (1978)
This movie suuuuucks!
19 April 2020
JAWS 2 is a wildly overrated borefest. I just pulled it out again last night for the first time in a number of years and boy was it bad. Just boring, boring, boring and extremely forgettable. After the credits rolled it felt like I hadn't even really watched a movie. There's just nothing to it. No meat on the bones. And boy does the shark look bad. Only The Revenge has a worse looking shark. And on top of that they show it WAY too much.

It isn't without positives though. There are glimers of foreboding with Brody. There are spots where you can really feel his dread. However they don't last all that long. The movie could have really built on Brody's paranoia and playd to that. The scene where he walks out into the water to retrieve the piece of boat and the body was pops up was well done.

Another thing I really appreciate about JAWS 2 is it has the exact same look of the first film. You can watch them back to back and they both look almost the same.

The musical score is really good too. John Williams made some nice additions to the original music.

I should mention I laugh every single time when the kid is pumping up his raft boat with the foot pump while spouting a monologue with an accent and the raft part pops. That is legitimately funny.

I also watched the deleted scenes and I don't understand why any of them were cut honestly. They were all actually pretty good and would have added a bit more to the overall film had they been left in. I especially like the one where the Mayor votes to keep Brody as Sheriff while all the others vote to let him go. That to me was a redeeming moment for the Mayor. The parking ticket scene was funny. And the underwatch helicopter shark attack was a nice extenison too.

Anyway, I don't feel the need to watch this movie again anytime soon. If I do, it's probably going to be quite a few number of years. It's just not interesting.

I'd rate the series in this order from Best to Worst.......

JAWS - Masterpiece

JAWS 3 - Enjoyable cheese

JAWS 2 - Boring

JAWS The Revenge - Garbage
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Dark Fate is an abject embarrassment...
26 October 2019
The movie was straight garbage. Zero atmosphere. Zero suspense. Zero foreboding. Zero dread. Zero tension. It was just another tired and boring retread. And just like the previous three films before this one, it neither looked nor felt like a Terminator movie. More like a dollar bin direct-to-DVD knock off. This is yet another black eye for a way past dead franchise. Let it burn.

It's important to note, this franchise has always been and will always be: The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. That's it. Those two films are the beginning, middle, and end of the story. The ENTIRE story. There is nothing else to say. Things were wrapped up beautifully at the end of T2. Everything after is nothing more than horrifically awful fan fiction.

Rating - 0/10. I wouldn't own this movie if it was given to me for free.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
Underrated B-Movie Gem - Cult Classic - The best JAWS sequel by far!
4 October 2016
JAWS 3-D gets a lot of undeserved hate. The film isn't nearly as bad as most people seem to think it is. It's actually a fun and enjoyable piece of early 80s cinema. The score is great, mixing old themes with all new ones. It really fits the setting well. Most of the characters are likable, interesting, and just plain funny (which adds to the enjoyment of the film) and the story itself makes for a fine old- school monster movie. A lot of the underwater scenes are dark and grainy but that just goes to enhance the atmosphere and make it even more spooky.

All of the actors play their parts well. Dennis Quaid is great as always. Lea Thomson, Louis Gossett Jr., John Putch, Simon MacCorkindale, and P. H. Moriarty all do a fine job. Bess Armstrong is probably the most annoying of the bunch but over time she's grown on me. I don't find her to be quite so bad anymore. Overall, nobody does a bad job. The first half of the film has the reputation of being boring because there is limited "shark action," but to me this is the best part. This is the period that sets the mood and allows us to get to know all of the characters and builds suspense toward the eventual encounter because we know the shark is trapped in the park. By the time the second half starts and the "shark action" really kicks into overdrive, everything has been established, the stakes have been raised, and it just makes it all the more interesting.

A lot of the 3D effects look extremely corny, especially seeing them in 2D, but that just adds to the film's overall charm. Comparing it to today's slick, ultra-glossy, extremely fake looking CGI and I greatly prefer the old cheesy effects. At least they're unique and charming rather than lifeless and completely devoid of any emotion at all (like CGI). But of all the film's complaints, the effects seem to be what gets the most scorn, and I believe that to be the main reason why the film has the reputation it does. Most people can't seem to get past the peculiar effects. The shark itself doesn't look amazing, but I definitely prefer it to the shark from either 2 or 4. But at the end of the day, I guess the bottom line for all the effects is if you're specifically looking to criticize the film for it, you'll definitely have plenty to work with. But if you're able to just sit back and enjoy the film for what it is and look past its superficial flaws, you'll have an extremely fun and enjoyable experience.

The key is to watch this film on its own and not right after the original or any of the others. Let's face it, the original JAWS is not only the best film in the franchise, it's the greatest shark movie ever made and one of the best films period of all time. Most films aren't going to measure up. The second film isn't terrible but it's definitely a major step down from the first and can be quite boring to get through, especially on repeat viewings. The fourth movie (Revenge) is a notoriously bad facepalm-inducing catastrophe of epic proportions. It literally killed off the franchise and isn't worth talking about beyond that. As a whole though, 1, 2, and 4 seem to be the real trilogy of this franchise (though I personally prefer it as 1, 2, 3). As is though, JAWS 3-D is the outlier in look, feel, and setting, but boy is it better for it. It's far and away better and more interesting than either sequel, by a long shot. It isn't boring and it certainly isn't awful. You just have to see it for what it is.... a fun, cheesy, 80s monster movie with uniquely odd effects. If you give it a chance, it may grow on you.
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Such a letdown
15 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'd like to talk about what I liked about the film.

Happy Hogan. For me, he was the best thing in the whole film. Genuinely funny and someone I cared about.

Robert Downey Jr. delivers another great performance. In fact, none of the performances is really bad. They all do a really good job.

The opening song "I'm Blue" was a great throwback to the 90s. Loved it.

My problem lies with the story and how it's handled. First of all, The Mandarin is Ironman's arch nemesis. He is the Joker to Ironman's Batman. How they could totally and completely f*%k that up is beyond me. Mardarin is an epic villain and should've been firmly based around his comicbook counterpart. But no. What we got is some lame generic villain who was no better than that turd from Ironman 2, and who did not at all even in the slightest resemble the true Mandarin. I supposed it wouldn't have been quite so bad if they had just left "The Mandarin" name out of the film altogether, but as is, they totally flushed Ironman's greatest foe down the toilet like some piece of garbage.

In Ironman 1, 2, and Avengers, Tony's suits are all extremely solid and stand up to tough damage well. Hell, even the God of Thunder bashes the suit with some pretty good shots, but it stayed together and held up nicely. In this disastrous wreck though, pretty much any time Tony's suit gets hit, it falls apart. Just a f*&king disgrace.

All in all, I hated this film and never want to see it again. Ironman 2 is still Marvel Studios' worst film to date, but Ironman 3 is right behind it. It sucks. It's terrible. It's boring. It's a slap in the face to the other films that came before it. What a way to wreck an amazing villain and a great character.

Marvel should be ashamed of themselves. I hope to God the rest of Phase 2 gets better from here on out and the worst is behind us. I don't think I can handle another monumental bastardisation like what I witnessed with Ironman 3.
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Scream 4 (2011)
Scream 4 was God-awful!
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't nearly as deep or character driven as the first two. Pretty much the only character I cared about besides the original trio was Kirby. It didn't take the time to properly flesh out most of the other characters (go figure; how ironic; especially with what was said in the beginning).

It didn't take itself anywhere near as serious as I had hoped it would (was hoping for a level of seriousness equal to that of S1/S2).

There were a lot of dead end story lines; stuff that was built up but never paid off (such as Gale's book and the love triangle).

There wasn't much "cat & mouse" at all, if any, between the killer and the victims. There was almost no mystery or sense of urgency to figure out who the killer was by any of the characters (nice try Gale).

When Sidney realized a new killer was starting up, she didn't seem to care much at all (This should have been an epic and significantly emotional revelation for her).

Although Jill turned out to be one sick puppy, I never took her seriously as a villain. She's a good actress but when it came time to flip the psycho switch, she failed (whereas all the other killers hit it perfectly); by that I mean, it didn't feel real. I don't think it necessarily felt forced, but it was definitely on its way.

Above all else though, it just didn't feel like a true Scream movie. It felt more like an imitation; like a Stab film. After all this time, I honestly said to myself as I was walking out of the theater... "I waited 11 years for this? This was the best they could come up with?"

To say that I am "extremely disappointed" would be a massive understatement. This film was a repugnant farce and a slap in the face to the rest of the series and its fans. Shame on Wes Craven and the Weinsteins for butchering Kevin Williamson's script.
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Rocky IV (1985)
Rocky IV is among the greatest action films ever made!
10 May 2010
What can I say... This is the best Rocky film there is. Albeit not quite as deep or character driven as the others, it more than makes up for it in the action department. When I first saw Rocky IV, I was 100% blown away at how amazingly awesome it was! Everything from the montages, to the landscape, to the fight scene, to Rocky, to Ivan Drago himself... all wreaks of total awesomeness! DO NOT MISS this classic edition to the Rocky franchise! One cool little tid-bit you all should know.... Rocky IV is the highest grossing sports movie of all-time World Wide, having made a whopping $300+ MILLION at the Box Office.

This film also has got to be one of the most inspirational films I have ever seen! Never before have I wanted to get outside and run or workout like I do after watch this movie! I think you will too.

Ivan Drago is the man! Best Rocky villain, by far! Not even the brutal CLubber Lang can match the awesomeness of Ivan Drago!
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He said he'd be back!
10 May 2010
T2:3D is unlike anything else you will ever experience. Without a doubt this has got to be THE premier theme park 3D attraction. Everything about the T2:3D experience screams "attention to detail" whether it be the queue, the pre-theater video, or the actual attraction itself. Once you enter the doors you are immersed in the world of Cyberdyne Systems, and if you let your mind go, you'll easily believe you're really there.

This is what T3 should have been. I will even go so far as to say that T2:3D Battle Across Time is FAR better than either T3: Rise of the Machines or Terminator: Salvation, even combine! T2:3D is a spectacle that cannot be missed! I highly recommend watching T1 & T2: Judgment Day before coming to see this. It feels like the real continuation. Infinitely more so than those two other turds previously mentioned (T3/T:S).

The price of admission at Universal Studios is well worth it for this ride alone! This is a piece of history. DO NOT MISS IT!!!
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