
6 Reviews
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CBS News Sunday Morning- Leftist/Marxist Propaganda Show
6 April 2020
How is it that after 30 plus years of refusing to take hard political stands, CBS Sunday Morning now stands for everything Leftist-Identity Polarized Politics and the mouthpiece for a Leftist-Marxist ideology that is literally tearing the country apart? Thanks to Comrade Pauley and the rest of the Marxists on CBS News, we have a propaganda platform to "educate" the masses about the rampant "racism" and lack of "diversity" and wall to wall "victimization" of the Left. You have the nerve to pretend to be "journalists"? (LOL)... or "objective" ? (LOL)....when you take every opportunity to bash the President over made up, biased B.S.-please don't pretend to be fair or objective because you are not. The entire CBS corporate and media structure should resign along with their moronic board of directors who see no problem in ticking off over half the American public because they've appointed themselves pompous enough and morally superior enough to lecture the rest of us on our nation. CBS corporate is so brain dead stupid they don't understand that they are turning off tens of millions of Americans over their bashing of the country. So much for making money off revenue advertising- right. Idiots.
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Two Thumbs UP....Way the Hell UP...
1 March 2020
I have watched thousands and thousands of movies over the course of decades of fanatical movie watching and I can honestly conclude that this is quite possibly the greatest movie ever made.

Stand aside Scorsese, and Kubrik and the other hacks of the Pantheon of Cinema Gods, the director of this gem should be nominated for a Nobel right now. All the standard superlatives ....breathtaking, a masterpiece, not do this movie its rightful justice.

Its profoundness touched the core of my soul like an asteroid of astounding pleasures. Dare I say, "Orgasmic" ? Yes. Yes, I dare say it.


As for the intense skill of the actors, the Oscars go to each of them. There is no competition. A bravura performance filled with searing heart rending genius and enough pathos to fill a casserole dish.
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The Ghost (1963)
Goth Horror Classic
20 August 2018
The Ghost has two leading actresses. One: Barbara Steele, the quintessential Scream Queen of early Goth Euro Horror. Two: Barbara Steele's lips/mouth. That mouth. That sultry, sulking tempestuous mouth that takes on a life of its own in each scene; literally devouring each scene they are in. Watching her mouth move in this movie is like being put in a trance for 90 minutes. The supporting actors, Peter Baldwin, Elio Jotta, and Harriet Medin deliver flawlessly in their roles and help to build the rising tension with the clever suspense filled story line. And some of the dialogue is priceless....(paraphrase)"You can't die....think of all those starving leper children in Calcutta you promised to save!" Each, noir lit scene is precious. Each stare from Steele; a jewel. Many Euro Horror fans ignore this movie and that is sad. It really shines in a sea of lesser made horror movies of that time. Break out the Jiffy Pop, break open the soda pop, plop down on the sofa, and treat yourself to a bit of Horror Heaven.
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Trailer Park Shark (2017 TV Movie)
Redneck Rapture
17 August 2018
Quite possibly the most catastrophically stupid shark movie ever made. How country folk are seen by the Limo Liberal slime of Hollywood is perfectly depicted in this wretched piece of trailer trash filth. Every imaginable trailer trash-redneck cliche is stretched to the farthest gear when radiated sharks seek blood and gore on an unsuspecting population of Oxycotton drenched trailer trash. Plot? Who cares about plots at a time like this. Movies like this revel in the theme of despicable type casting, cliche strangled and mangled main characters and zero story line development. The only obvious interest lies in the never ending body count of Billy Joes and Bobby Sues getting "ate" by those damned shark critters. Oh the humanity.
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Good God...what have you done? Geeeeeeeez
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The screenwriters, the producers, the entire cast of this schlock piece should be rounded up and escorted to the brig and interrogated one by one as to who ate the strawberries from the ships' ice cream stores. Oooooops. That is another movie entirely, The Caine Mutiny, a truly classic movie on every level. This movie. Oh God help us. This movie. This is quite possibly the stupidest movie ever made. I can see it now. Hollywood aging rat pack producers bang on Cage's mansion door and beg him to salvage this "treatment" of a script. "Please Nick. Please rescue us from this shipwreck. We'll pay you anything. We know your careers is in tatters. We know your desperate. We know you need the cash. Please. Please. Pleeeeeeeze! Nick stares at the ceiling from his lazy boy. "Sure, I'll do it, boys. But, you'll need to supply me with the proper amount of blow before I commit to such a venture" From inexplicable beginning to absurd end, the movie meanders like a deaf, dumb, blind man trying desperately to make sense of the senseless. They didn't even bother to get the CGI even close to real. Who cares? They didn't even bother to get the dialogue into semi coherent shape. Who cares? Gee whiz. They didn't even bother to press the uniforms. Anybody who spent two seconds in the military knows for darn sure that the anal retentive navy always has to have those damned uniforms pressed to a crisp at all times, even before they are right about to be blown to hell from a Japanese torpedo strike. Seriously, this movie is a direct insult to the hundreds of brave men who actually did die a slow, vicious bloody death in the waters of the Pacific after delivering the bomb. Their suffering and bravery gave meaning to the word, hero. And Captain Charles Butler McVay III, the actual captain of the Indianapolis who was made a scapegoat by the Pentagon and politicians saw his life destroyed after this tragedy at sea. He took those bogus court martial trials like a man, with quiet nobility. The families of the dead sailors mailed him death threats for decades after that. They repeatedly called him to threaten his life many times. He suffered quietly through all of that hell. Then one day in November, 1968, he walked out into his front yard, holding the doll of a toy sailor in the left hand, given to him as a child and a pistol in the other hand and shot himself. These real stories of heroism, nobility, and true courage are paid a deep disservice by this horrible movie. The real story of the U.S.S. Indianapolis is heroism at its finest and most legendary. You men will always be remembered by those who are committed to knowing their history and the truth.
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Horsemen (2009)
Sadistic Good Times with Satan's Little Minions
27 December 2017
Gosh darn it. If only Satan, you know, the Dark Lord, could be just a little less sadistic and cruel and more on the jovial, upbeat, positive side. Humans and their sick fetish with evil and all its' nasty habits.

Case in point: Horsemen (2009).

This movie is one sick puppy wanting to be put down. I agree with other reviewers comparing this "gem" to the movie, "7" and it is a fair though faint comparison.

The only upside is watching veteran actor Dennis Quaid deliver his usual top notch performance in a role and a story that could have been better written and told. He deserved better. It really is a series of sad, sick, depressing Satanic sacrifice murder rituals framed around the Bible's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Or, should we say....the Four Fish Hooks of the Apocalypse.

The movie tries to walk us through the convoluted mirky plot to no avail. The really depressing aspect is the realization that so much money and talent was poured into this black hole of a confusing plot line leaving most, including myself, lost toward the end.

A bad movie is a terrible thing to watch. It's 90-120 minutes of your life you'll never get back. Pity.
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