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Written by psy cops?
2 April 2024
I bought this title together with the blueray set of babylon 5. I was looking forward to something new in the B5 universe.

But to my dissapointment this is absolute crap!

  • First of the animation is really simplistic and mediocre.

  • The characters dont look like their counterpart of the series at all.

  • They dont act like their characters either
  • awful dialog and jokes
  • Dumb nonsensical plot

To anyone reading this, dont spend your money or time on 'the road home'.

If this is a prelude to whatever new B5 content is being cooked up, dont bother. Just let us have the original series and the few movies that came out.
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From: Choosing Day (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Poor Frank
9 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is an issue i have with this episode and that is Frank being punished.

Not the fact he is being punished but that his wife isn't. If all they had to do is nail the window shut to prevent their little kid from opening it, why didn't she do it?? Grab a hammer and nails and just fix it.

We are supposed to be equal right, but only a man can swing a hammer according to these ppl.

Would be even better to board up EVERY window in this town, just to make sure, who know maybe the monsters figure out how to throw rocks at some point. Or why have their child sleep alone when there are literal monsters around. So many plot holes and questions, but Frank deserves to die for them.
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From (2022– )
Slow and politically correct
15 July 2023
Hello, I came across this series after a youtuber recommended it to me. The premise is interesting and the first episode really grabbed me.

Unfortunately, it fell down quickly with boring family and teen drama. Also, since hollywood has gone nuts iam looking at shows and movies through their lens. Something that stood out to me is how wonderfully diverse the cast is. In a town this small its already peculiar to have all these demographics represented. But if the show and characters are well written its totally fine. (i really liked lost the first few seasons).

But then i look closer and all white males are very negative characters, with exception of the dad Jim however he is pretty useless so far. We get the town drunk, white, the toon loony with his trees, white, the jerk character that doesn't believe what going on, white.

The important positions are nicely distributed across the other demographics. The sheriff, black, the other leader, a body positive woman, the doctor a women, the deputy is asian.

So all that combined with the slow storytelling made me stop watching it around the 7th episode.
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Horror or comedy?
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this episode and while at first i was baffled by the absolutely weird premise i soon started laughing loudly!

Out of nowhere come huge floating heads, one for every person and they want to kill the matching person by hanging them. Where they come from? Dont know, why do they want to kill people? Dont know. Whats the point of this anime, dont know. The heads looks hilarious and stupid.

I suppose there is some allegory hidden in here somewhere since suicide is a real problem in Japan but i judge these things by their premise and the execution of it. In both aspects its severly, in my opinion ofcourse. Dont waste your time on this one, unless floating heads floats your boat.
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Peaky Blinders: Episode #2.5 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
Slow and strange
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the show so far however i find Tommy acting very strange in this episode. With most of his business closed down, his goods taken, warehouses locked, betrayal, allies turned enemies and family members being apprehended Tommy still has time to worry about training a racehorse in the middle of nowhere and making out with the lady there and time to rekindle an old flame, Grace.

I was expecting this guy to fight tooth and nail to get back what he has and strike at his enemies that him cornered.
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The Orville: Midnight Blue (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Ignore the shills.
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Its yet another gender issue episode like we have quite a few of already. I dont mind the topic but seth has been hammering us with this subject quite a few times already. At least it (hopefully) closes the story arch with toppa because i couldnt care less about it.

We have 2 more episode left this season and i hope at least 1 is decent with kaylon and krill. I predict 1 other will heavily feature the doctor and Isaac, again!
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Its a comedy
7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this movie and it entirely met my expectations.

To start with what i liked; the first bit with Thor and the guardians and christian bale as the villian.

But for the rest of the movie i found the plot to be weak and Thor acting like a idiot most of the time. Why is the drunk mercenary slaver still leading Asgard and called a KING?? Why do the ppl of asgard even put up with this horrible person and havent started an uprising yet.

Another strange name thing was with Jane, why does she call herself Thor while wielding mjolnir? Not only does she steal his weapon and garb but also his name. This is never explained in the movie. Oh Nathalie Portperson is beautiful to look at but looked ridiculous in that armor and beefed up chest. The dresses with the metal parts in them from the previous movies fitted her way better.

The female gaze scene with thor being shackled, naked, in front of a big crowd would normally be a fine scene. But in this polarized day and age it just shows the double standards of those complaining about female nudity. If it would have been Jane Foster that ended up shackled, naked and humiliated the world would have been 2 small.

The movie is way to comical and doesn't treat ANYTHING serious. In Ragnarok it was already going overboard a little but here the gloves came of. Thor losing his brother, father, friends? Lol! Thor losing his home and most of his people, lol! Children are kidnapped? Dont worry about it. Zeus, the leader of the greec pantion getting 1 shot, lol!

I think i just end it here, hopefully me review convinced you to not waste your time and money on it.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Just call it James Bourne, not Bond
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is called a james bond movie but is far from it. Other reviewers already have pointed out the flaws so i just list the things i didnt like about it.

  • Daniel craig doesnt fit the role of James Bond imo, he is far to cold and humorless.

  • the poker game scene is BORING! Especially when not knowing the rules.

  • James bond getting married is dumb.

  • the villian is underwhelming. Am i supposed to be impressed by a astmatic and blood-crying villian that is basically a banker?

  • James getting tortured and especially the way how. Is this meant to humiliate the character?

  • the movie takes itself far 2 serious.

Ever since we got a few more movies with daniel craig i didnt like any of them. I hope that now he finally buggered off we can get back to real Bond.
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23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Only the trailer was nice but the show was terrible. He-man dies and we get to follow a female cast. Once man-at arms went to kneel for thela to apologize i stopped watching.

What a mysandrist show, its as woke as it can get, utterly destroying and disrespecting the source material.

The fact that many reviewers that give this show a 10 feel they must insult ppl who dont like this must mean the negative reviews are true.
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Totally unoriginal
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First let me start with saying that those who gve this movie a score of 10 are (in my opinion) absolutely terrible at reviewing a movie. Even if it was able to entertain some people it still lacks sorely in script, dialoge and origninality.

Many other reviewers pointed out the many flaws of this movie, one of my biggest gripes is the aliens. Another brainless zerg like species that rushes towards their enemy and are devoid of any intelligence. How many times have we seen this already? Very disssapointing.
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Stargate SG-1: Gemini (2004)
Season 8, Episode 11
What is worse that Samantha Carter?
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having 2 Samantha Carters in a single episode. I really hate his character but having another one was just 2 much for me.
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Stargate SG-1: Menace (2002)
Season 5, Episode 19
Keep an eye on her maybe?
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like some of the other reviews mentioned already there is some lazy writing in this episode. The thing that bothered me the most is the fact she can create dozens or hundreds of replicators while being monitered by several security camera's. She has no material or time to make so many without anyone noticing. 1 perhaps, but not the many we see in the episode.
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Star Trek: The Galileo Seven (1967)
Season 1, Episode 16
1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this episode and the stupidity and the unprofessional behaviour of the stranded starfleet officers baffled me. They question every decision spock makes even tho the decisions are very smart and usually the best choice available. The officers are whiny, agressive and annoying and totally unworthy of starfleet officer. Especially the doctor, being a senoir officer acting in such a way, annoyed me greatly. Now that i think of it, the doctor usually annoys me because of his overly emotional behaviour.
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Feminist fairytale
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Many fellow reviewers already mentioned that the movie looks beautiful and has atmosphere however its not scary in the sligthest. I hate jumpscares in a horror movie but i do like it if SOMETHING happens. The feminist angle is already clear from the title, since the fairytale this movie is inspired by is called Hansel and Gretel, not the other way around. Hansel is reduced to a useless, whining little brother. A burden to Gretel who is the main character of this movie. Ofcourse there is an absent father and the only white males are the zombie and the pervy guy at the start. The witch keeps talking about how bad men are and how they should fear women. I would recommend watching hansel and gretel: witch hunters. That movie also has a original spin on the fairytale but it has action, fun, humor and does so without degrading all men.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Dont think about it
4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When watching this movie i was mildly entertained. The tension of the invisible man being there or not was amusing, Much like those paranormal activity movies i kept looking if i could spot something. However when i started thinking about the movie once it was over many plotholes came up. Many reviewers already mentioned them, the ones that stood out fhe most to me were the superstrength the invisible man seemed to have and that he was a ghost aswell. When he was fighting with people they couldnt feel him, grab on to him or hit him. I missed the part of the story why she left him, what his goal was or the point of his suits (besides stalking her). Also to me this movie felt like a jab at white men. Al the white men in the movie are evil or incompetent. Ofcourse the black guy is good and the victims are women. Like many of the more recent movies this also is a woke piece of garbage, filled with plotholes and lack of story or character development. I would not recommend but if you do watch it, dont think about it.
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Child's Play (2019)
Decent remake
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I see alot of 1 and 10's for this movie. In my opinion its neither. I liked the movie quite alot. I prefer the AI angle much more than the silly voodoo of the original. It also made it plausible that chucky could control other machines and even makes sense if they make a sequel to this. (chucky being uploaded to the cloud)

Some compare this to the terminator but thats unfair imo. The AI never wants to murder Andy, it just wants him for himself. The AI is not evil, it just has no notion of good and evil and acts on what he learns. Without the restrictions that are removed at the start of the movie, his actions make perfect sense, from a machine point of view. ( i even felt sorry for him at some point!) The acting was fine, iam not expecting or looking for stellar performances in a horror movie.

What i didnt like was that alot of the gory stuff was mild. The camera turned away or the scene is very dark. Also it was 2 light hearted and tried to be funny 2 much. It is almost if they tried to make a family friendly horror movie. I dont understand why Andy didnt involve the police after he found the severed head. Some personal issue i had with the movie is that it seemed abit woke. Depicting men, especially white men as bad. Evidence: Andy's dad, absend father. First victim the friend that also happened to cheat on his own family, the creepy janitor of the appartment building that is also a peeping tom, The black guy was ofcourse a good guy and a cop. So we are made to feel good when the white guys die, because they deserved it. But we are supposed to feel sad when the black people die since they are nice and good people, this is woke trash writing. Of the group of kids (minus Andy) only the girl is assertive and acts, while the boys cower in fear.

Overall i would recommend this movie just dont expect a masterpiece.
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The Golem (2018)
27 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I came to IMDB to see how low a rating this movie would have. To my suprise its actually quite high. The premise is good enough to be able to make a decent movie out of. Unfortunatly is didnt impress me. The sets were boring, none of the characters managed to grab me, the story moved along very slowly, the golem was little boy, that was not scary AT ALL. Should have been some frankstein esque clay monster imo. The whole movie had a very low budget feel to it. I would not watch it again and not recommend it to anyone.
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Funny Games (1997)
21 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Despite all the violence i found this movie to be boring. It played mostly at a single location, barely any music. A very long boring scene past halfway totally slowed the movie down. The violent scenes were tame, ive seen way worse and alot of it was offscreen.

The antagonists werent scary or intimidating at all, their clothes made them seem laughable in my opinion, especially the shorts and those long thin legs coming out from under it of the main villian.

What annoyed me the most was the lack of resistance by the victims. At the start of the movie (the hostage situation has just begun) some of their friends drop by for a minute by boat. At that point only 1 of the antagonists is present WITHOUT a weapon and 4 adults! 3 woman and 1 guy could easily overpower the dude, walk over to the house and subdue the other guy, or leave and get the police. At this point the bad guy only has a golf club as weapon... The rewind scene was beyond dumb, totally removed any immersion i had left after all the 4th wall breaking.

I would recommend 'the strangers' instead of this. Its a similair premise but executed far better. 'Eden lake' or 'hard candy' are also far more interesting in my opinion.
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Deep Clean (2018)
make an entire show out of this!
19 June 2019
I just watched this short film on youtube and i love it! Well done to all those involved in this. I hope this gets picked up for a show!
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Chernobyl: Vichnaya Pamyat (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Should be mandatory to learn about this at school
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Valery Legasov is a true hero and yet i havent heard of the good man until this show. Thanks HBO! I think this should be studied in schools, the danger of burocracy and nepotism, the fall of the soviet union and especially the heroism of Valery Legasov and his supporters. This kind of hero we often see in fiction, making the right choice and suffer the consequenses nontheless. This struck me much harder because its real and happened not that long ago.
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Black Mirror: Smithereens (2019)
Season 5, Episode 2
Havent we seen this before?
7 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Usually iam not really feeling the need to write reviews but on occasion i get those itches so here we are.

I have yet to watch the third episode of this season but so far i do not like what i see. The story in this episode was so incredibly boring and i feel this topic has already been covered plenty of times, social media bad we know! Also this doesnt give a bleak glimpse of the future, it is happening right now. Where is my science fiction??

Another thing that might just be me but because of all the social and racial unrest in america and the entertainment business iam starting to pay attention to the race and gender of the characters. Not because i really care or want to but because its being shoved in my face. Personally i just want a good story. Now that i do pay attention to it it seem white males are being slowly removed from televisionshows. The first episode had no white people at all, oh wait, the babysitter was white....where is the diversity?? In the second episode the main dude was white... but he was the antagonist, the bad guy and died in the end. His victim a black guy, the police mainly women and women of color. The other males that were shown were background characters.

Its all pandering to minorities and feminists and because its done so obvious i really hate it. because of the social/political crap that has infested this show i give it 1 star, otherwise i would have given it 3 stars.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Not worth the wait
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Oke i admit that while watching this episode i was glued to the screen. However once the end credits were rolling i started thinking about some things that bothered me during the episode especially about the militairy side of the battle;

  • cavalry charging into unknown terrain, unknown enemy force in the darkness, loosing the entire dothraki army in the process.
  • dothraki are excelled mounted archers and the undead are dangerous when in melee range. So harras the undead forces with ranged attacks, easy kills minimal losses that way.
  • Catapults/ trebuchets awesome! lets place them in the front lines... These artillery pieces should be behind the castle walls or at least behind the trench that was made. Now they got lost right after the dothraki were annihilated.
  • Should have opened the battle with the artillery. It has the longest range and can do the most damage. if anything shoot stuff that burns to get some light on the battlefield.
  • why not resume the artillery fire after it was clear the dorthraki were finished?
  • Ballista's/scorpions (machines that fire spears/harpoons) might have been more useful against the undead, but that just my speculation. (Doesnt really matter since they werent using the trebuchets either)
  • unsullied in front of the wall were pretty useless, should have placed them on top of the wall.
Thats just the opening of the battle but i think i made my point. Dragons were underused by both sides. 1 blue fire blast and most of winterfell would be toast. Landing on the ground so the dragon can be swarmed by undead was very dumb. I could go on like this but i will end with the ending. It the most predictable end possible, for 2 years ive been hoping they would not end it like this but they did. The most cliche, hollywood type of end possible. Its the boring trope of killing the king,queen, hive mind, central computer or whatever and the rest of the enemy is defeated instantly. I very very dissapointed with that, i dont care even who got the kill in the end. Its a decent enough episode but its filled with bad writing and illogical actions/events. Not worth the wait.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
The cat is great
23 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After i just got back from the cinema having watched this movie i came on IMDB to see what my fellow viewers thought of it. It seems we either did watch a different movie of my opinion differs from the majority. So to offset all the 10 score reviews, here is mine:

I start with what i liked about the movie;
  • the cat, i love main coons. Even after it was turned 'evil' i still wanted to hug it!
  • the acting of the little girl was decent in my opinion.
  • the changes from the book i didnt mind at all.

I didnt like pretty much anything else.
  • there was no atmosphere to this movie, it felt bland and generic to me. Watch a movie like Christine for example, another movie of a stephen king novel. That oozes with tension and atmosphere.
  • there wasnt anything scary and only minor gory scenes. 1 scene was abit creepy, when the cat was sitting in the cradle with the toddler. The movie could have used more of that.
  • Lots of bloody jumpscares! The cheapest and laziest way to scare the audience. I hate it! Its just the movie version of someone yelling BOO in your face.
  • the acting of the adults wasnt convincing to me. I didnt feel the dread and despair of the father after loosing his child. The books did convey this really well. i didnt care at all for any of the characters.
  • the little girl overpowering both her parents is very unrealistic to me, even while being resurrected there is no mention of her having superpowers beyond that.

Ah well i guess i made my point. watch it, dont watch it. many seem to like it and i wanted to like it but its nothing more than a run of the mill, cliche filled horror movie. Hopefully they get it right in the next remake!
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Can we go back to scifi please?
21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another episode that focused on a relationship like we had quite a few of already. Not only that, this couple's relationship has had plenty of screentime so far in my opinion. Unworthy chapter of the Orville especially since at the end of the episode nothing in their relationship has changed. I would like more space exploration (no more moclans please...), hostile alien species, diplomatic troubles, science gone wrong, political difficulties or a combination of all that. The Orville did deliver some of this but lingers in the relationship angle alot. Wouldnt be so bad if it explored the relation of human/aliens or between different aliens. For example I did really like what they did with the krill women and Ed Mercer. If i wanted to watch a show about human relations i would watch friends or something.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Fears put to rest
5 February 2019
At first i was worried it would yet be another relationship centered episode. Turns out i was right and wrong, it was another episode about a relationship but this one i really liked! I always love anything involving AI's so this episode was right up my alley. The sidestory and the jokes all work really well. i laughed out loud quite a few times! Good job everyone involved on this show, keep it up!
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