
12 Reviews
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Soul to Keep (2018)
A Great Effort! Well Done All..
3 April 2019
This film gave me confidence in the young film makers of our world. The acting was very genuine..even though if I had been part of that group the minute reading from an old spell book to conjure demons was suggested I would have made my exit and gone home. Even though they reference Wes Craven and Blair Witch they really should have considered the Evil Dead..which I believe the makers are paying slight homage to. I thought some of the first reviews had to be people connected to the film trying to create a buzz. But I as someone living in Scotland can say it is a damn good low budget horror movie and again I cannot stress how natural and realistic these young actors are..the fact that they can all sign well in relation to the deaf acting is also a bonus. Like any of my reviews this is short. I don't review movies I don't like. Negative criticism is easy in a world of disposable media. I hope all involved in this film go on to do well. Thanks for keeping my mind off my own life and entertaining me for an hour and a half.
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Surprisingly captivating..
22 February 2019
I am not really reviewing this but felt I had to give a positive vote in this film's favor due to the many negative generalizations by others. I loved this creepy film. I liked the film The Hallowed another great Irish horror movie and I have an interest in old folklore, the fairy realm (more often dark) and the terrifying concept of changelings. I felt 'The Hole In The Ground' excelled with it's story. Yes various elements may remind you of other films but true originality is virtually impossible theses days. I don't want to put any spoilers here so instead I suggest you watch this in the dark and alone and make up your own mind. Yum...spider anyone?
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Mandy (I) (2018)
16 September 2018
I don't need to say anything realy but... You will LOVE or HATE this trippy, vengeance fuelled gorefest. Watch it..then watch it again like I did. Cage is great in this, Riseborough is kinda creepy, the Children Of The New Dawn are mental...Jeremiah is insane. The satanic bikers on acid rocked. I can see many bands stealing audio samples from this film. I was blown away by how enjoyable and captivating this was to watch. Oh and Elijah Wood was one of the Producers?! Well done for getting this made. THANK YOU 'MANDY'.
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Summer Scars (2007)
16 September 2018
I watched this film in 2018 although released in 2007. I loved it. It really reminded me of a darker version of the old Children's Film Foundation movies that I watched as a child in the 70's. It reminded me of my childhood playing in woodlands..and encounters with bullies as well as the 'odd' adults me and my friends would encounter. Aged 16 me and my friends made a 5 minute film in nearby woods and it also created nostalgia for my youth now well gone. All the actors and the actress were superb in their roles and very natural. The whole short film passed with a perfect pace. Like all films I like I also say that it might not be for flashy effects or high budget here..just a solid British film. Again I thought it was brilliant..well done to all involved.
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Mission of Honor (II) (2018)
Brilliant..even though he Allies treated Poland disgracefully after the war...
9 September 2018
The Polish contribution to victory against Germany has always been understated. The efforts of 303 Squadron were a revelation to me..and I thought I knew a lot about W.W.2. I was always aware that it was a Pole who invented the landmine detector..another 'quiet' part of their contribution to the war effort. Being a 3rd generation Pole myself my grandfather told me much about the war..including how the Poles were denied their part in the V.E day celebrations and parade after all they had done. So anyway that off my chest the film was very good..yes the C.G.I could have been better..but it did not detract from a thoroughly enjoyable movie. Iwan Rheon's Polish was so good it had me checking online to find out if he was possibly from Poland..he is not! I do not need to say much more. If you liked Red Tails, Memphis Belle, The Battle Of Britain, 633 Squadron etc or any decent aviation based war film then I think you won't go wrong here.
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Extinction (2018)
Cylon amnesia..
28 July 2018
Loved it. Nothing new. 'monkey see monkey do'..nice message. As stated in Battlestar Galactica..."all of this has happened before and will happen again". Especially screenplays.
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Mother! (2017)
Why people pirate films and ANOTHER review for MOTHER!
3 March 2018
In this world if you buy fruit and it is rotting you take it back for a refund. If your new phone breaks..same..refund..and so on. Only with films, music, plays, concerts or mainly anything 'creative' or 'art' based do you pay your money without some form of guarantee. Cinema going, D.V.D and blue ray purchase are expensive interests and there are more of us poor people than wealthy. Movie piracy is the only guarantee those with little money have against the multi billion dollar film industry if a film turns out to be 'not' as advertised or in your opinion crap. 'Mother' in my opinion is an astounding film..I have not been affected by a movie so deeply since at age 16 The Exorcist scared me senseless ( not long after leaving the Catholic faith I was it's targeted audience ). I am 52 now and maybe Mother hit me so hard due to my Theology degree and my Catholic upbringing. Not 'getting' this film does not make people stupid and getting it does not make you intellectually pretentious..firstly this film was misleadingly sold as a horror is NOT A HORROR FILM. If i had opted to watch this instead of 'IT' I would have been very annoyed and felt cheated. This in my opinion is why people do illegally download and in this case I understand why. A friend recommended this to has been out awhile. I knew about it but I let the critics argument sway me away from seeing it... Mother is a totally personal experience. At one point a fan of the poet says "I feel these words were written especially for me"..and the poet says they are. Rather like the scene in John Lennon's Imagine where he speaks to a fan who has been wandering in his garden. Mother is a completely subjective and personal film written for all of us..some people will hate it and others will praise it. Like life it is up to you to make what sense of it you can.
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Cold Skin (2017)
9 February 2018
What a brilliant, original and highly enjoyable film. Take a siege situation rather like the classic story of 'Zulu'..but mix it up with a 'Night Of The Living Dead'..'I Am Legend' assault of deep sea dwelling cryptids like those in 'Humanoids From The Deep' (aka 'Monster'..Doug McLure 70's movie). Set the film on a remote island where our two protagonists are stuck for a year with dwindling supplies. Also add a 'Shape Of Water' element but with an abusive inter species relationship..and finally add fantastic actor Ray Stevenson whom I have loved since I first became aware of him in the series 'Rome'. On top of everything the visual effects are very good..the soundtrack is commanding..and the remote island and lighthouse are a major aspect in themselves. And finally the urgency of night coming and what the darkness will bring. Not for everyone but a certain kind of moviegoer will love this as I did. Well worth the time. Can't recommend enough!!
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
I Loved This...
6 February 2018
If you enjoyed films like Trollhunter, Thale etc you should get a kick from this. Four British lads on a hiking trek through Sweden to pay tribute to a departed mate who has been murdered at the start of the film in an off licence robbery. The story has a slight Blair Witch feel to the discovery of the carved runes in the trees as the group soon get lost in a forest. With most of my reviews I do not want to spoil the movie so I try to keep my comments brief and spoiler free. This film plays heavily on how damned creepy forests can be..even in daylight..and combines this with the concept of ancient nature elemental's/demons or gods...The acting is very natural which makes the group of friends feel your own mates. I recommend this..but insist you view films the way that I do for full affect..view alone, in the dark..on a 42" screen..sitting between stereo speakers or surround sound if you have it. That is the ONLY way to view any movie to be able to fully appreciate it. Make your viewing a ritual and you should enjoy 'The Ritual'.
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Devil's Gate (2017)
Unexpected treat..
19 January 2018
I went into this film with no idea of the subject matter..or cast..basically not knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. Not everyone's cup of tea but if you hold a flame for movies that tread ground in the theme of alien abduction you might (like me) find this film a rewarding way to spend your time. Plus the cast are also a great surprise once you become aware they are all very familiar for smaller parts in smaller movies that you have seen before. The FX are of high quality..I loved the juxtaposition of confusion between "angelic beings/demons"..and earths garden variety of interstellar child thieves! I do not want to spoil this for anyone..I almost gave it a miss and was glad I did not. I hope you get a kick from it as I did. And Elizabeth Schull is gorgeous as always.
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George Romero would be spinning in his grave!
6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love zombie movies..aged 13 when Dawn Of The Dead came out it changed my life. I stopped counting how many times I watched the Romero classic after it reached 350..(I know that is hard to believe). When Day Of The Dead arrived I was old enough to see it in a cinema..and I loved it. WHY would anyone attempt a remake is beyond me..there was a crap attempt at a remake over ten years ago and now this. Another crap one. Due to The Walking Dead and the pure genius of Nicotero most zombie attempts these days seem insignificant and poor, Day Of The Dead Bloodline is one of these films where I question..what a waste of money, when finished being made did those involved feel proud of their garbage? This remake has much swiped from Romero's original..instead of Bub we have Max..a semi human zombie who seems to be a bit of a perverted stalker. Everyone..scientists, military and civilians are all in a bunker. I forced myself to complete the viewing. The 2 stars is for the make-up effects which are quite good..however on a final note I can't stand fast running zombies. It works in 28 Days Later because we are dealing with a virus rather than reanimated corpses. The only person I believe could remake Day Of The Dead and succeed would be Grieg Nicotero. The undead should have a green, rotting shambling look to them. Anyway watch Day Of The Dead Bloodline at your own peril. But I suggest you watch Romero's original AGAIN is a more valuable way to spend your time.
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Astounding & Captivating
30 December 2017
I was not sure what to expect when I began viewing this..but was quickly drawn into the world of children living close to poverty a stones throw away from the 'magic' of Disneyland. Struggling single mothers..who at times are hard to like. But simply put this film tackled the social decay of modern life. However the main focus of this film is the incredible acting by the is easily sucked into their world and at times I forgot this was a movie. It was easy to think I was watching a documentary. This film moved me and reminded me of my chaotic yet dreamy childhood. Many people will not like it..others will be blown away like I was. Once more I must say the children acted so naturally that they were outstanding. I cannot remember ever seeing a film like this before. I hope you enjoy it.
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