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Disturbing, but relevant
23 October 2023
If you filter the review scores by country, it's basically the Americans who are trashing the film. I'm an American living in Norway (the home country of the director), and I found the film very disturbing, and incredibly relevant.

I teach about American government and politics and it's clear that despite the fact that there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, religion has had a massive influence on politics in the US for a long time. How does anyone think Roe gets overturned despite the majority of Americans being against that?

And this film shows how these Evangelical literal interpretations of the Bible lead to America's flawed Israel policy. It's incredibly scary to see how many people want war in the region and how close we are to this escalating.

I only wish we got to know how the one former preacher, Frank Schaeffer, came to leave the movement. It could serve as a path forward. How do you deprogram these people? The film doesn't really leave us with any hope or point to any solutions to the problem, which is my main problem with it.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
None of it makes sense
1 August 2023
I have loved Josh Hartnett since I was 15. The man is still gorgeous, and you gotta love Aaron Paul, but they couldn't save this episode because absolutely none of it makes any sense. There is no logic as to why any of the things happen other than to set things up for the rather obvious conclusion. I won't list all of the things I couldn't get past so as not to spoil it (others have already done so), but I'm really disappointed in this episode and glad to read that others had the same exact reactions I did. Black Mirror has always taken inspiration from The Twilight Zone, but what TZ did so well is that they kept things much simpler and not so convoluted. This felt forced in so many ways.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Best if you know grief
2 March 2023
I watched the first two seasons and liked it, but I didn't really get it. I was intrigued, but very confused. And then my 35 year old husband dropped dead suddenly when I was pregnant with our 2nd daughter. I saw the 3rd season after that massive loss and suddenly it all made so much sense.

Profound grief is what you need to understand and appreciate this show. Those of us on this side will get it, but if you don't know what we do, if you've never lost someone suddenly long before you expect them to go, it probably won't make much sense to you.

I rarely watch a show again, but now I plan to watch it all again.
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Great adaptation of Larson's own work
16 December 2021
I don't think some viewers know that the film is an adaptation of Larson's own semi-autobiographical show. So it's not a typical biopic like Ray or something like that. So it's not written about him after he died, but is written by him from before he wrote Rent.

Larson's songs are good and Garfield does an outstanding job singing and playing piano. I've never really felt one way or the other about him before, but now I see how truly talented he is. He's sure to pick up an Oscar for this one (at least a nomination).

Definitely a must see for musical/Broadway fans.
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Some reviewers didn't get the point
7 May 2021
If you think this documentary is about Berkowitz, then you will be disappointed. I suspect not all the negative reviews made it to the last episode where it really reframed the story.

The descent into darkness mentioned in the title is not about Berkowitz's descent into darkness, it's about the journalist who got too obsessed with the case.

There are some aspects of the storytelling that could be better, but we thought it was interesting enough.
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This Is Us: Forty: Part Two (2020)
Season 5, Episode 2
It's not political, it's the ending that's the problem.
25 April 2021
Apparently there are only 2 reviewers with any darn sense. Just because the show takes up the reality of BLM, doesn't make it "political". And it fits perfectly well into the plot line for Randall all along where he's struggled with being in a trans-racial family.

He's not hating his family or rejecting them like some are saying just because he calls Kate out on it. He dropped everything like he always does and ran over to the cabin to help with his mom. He clearly loves them. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a challenge for him to grow up black in a mostly white world where that part of him was mostly ignored and, in the case of William, purposely hidden from him. And the fact that he grew up more privileged, just makes him more conflicted about it. If you can't understand any of this then you obviously have some self-reflection to do.

BUT what is completely ridiculous is the ending. NO. Just no. This is clearly some new stupid thing they've come up with that was never originally in the plan and can in no way be realistic. No matter how that situation plays out, I can't see a way for it to make any logical sense. The whole thing with Nick was already pushing it, but THIS?! No, this is like daytime soap opera territory.
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One Day at a Time (2017–2020)
Constant laugh tracks don't make it funny
22 March 2021
I really don't understand why there are so many raving reviews. This type of old school constant laugh track show is kind of obnoxious and I could only make it through a few episodes. It seems the only complaints are about the liberal themes. That's not my issue.

I'm Cuban from Miami and it was nice recognizing some aspects of my culture, but the acting is phony and it's just not that funny. It's 2021 and I can't watch a show that takes place entirely on two fake sets: the apartment and the doctor's office. And I don't really like that NONE of the actors are actually Cuban. They couldn't find one? Pass!
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Black Monday (2019–2021)
Don Cheadle is the best
13 February 2021
Is he basically playing the same character as House of Lies? Yeah, pretty much. Is it a problem? Nope. Cheadle is pretty fantastic at playing lovable jerks. And the rest of the cast was good as well. Laughed many times. There are also lots of good plot twists. Amusing 80s costumes. Yeah, season 2 isn't as good, but it's still worth watching. And I will watch season 3 when it comes out!
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True Detective: Now Am Found (2019)
Season 3, Episode 8
Anticlimactic ending!
31 January 2021
They gave away the whole ending in the episode before, so this one feels pretty pointless. When they finally get the whole story, it's like yeah, we know already. No big reveal.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Great show for a quick binge
31 January 2021
Similar topic as Pose, but the cast of this one is better. A lot of top notch actors in this one. And it's nice that it also manages to be lighthearted and fun as well as the sad parts. I watched it all in one night.

Some of their parents are horrible but others are really supportive, so it's nice to see both. I think it's a bit predictable who is going to get AIDS and die, but it still resonates. Wonderful series.
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Not just for nostalgia
28 January 2021
I used to love this movie as a kid, and now my young daughter does too. She is obsessed with all the different musical numbers and smiles the second she sees DVD come out with the sticks for Me Ole Bamboo.

It doesn't have Julie Andrews, but it's definitely just as good as Poppins. And these children are actually more charming and likable than the Poppins kids.

It's a classic!
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
What are you waiting for?
20 December 2020
I just re-watched a whole season, which I NEVER do of any show. And it was still just as funny as the first time! This show gets me to laugh out loud with every episode.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Meh, not worth it
7 October 2020
We watched the first episode, but this is really not that interesting or charming. I only gave it a chance because of the 7.5 review score, so I had to come here and explain it's not worth it.

I rarely give up on shows, but the acting was so stiff and fake. I was not remotely invested or interested in her character. You can't watch a show where you don't care what happens to the main character.

I'm not against a lighthearted show, but this was just lame cliches about French people and no funny parts. Next!
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Criminal: UK: Sandeep (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Best one of season 2
7 October 2020
Criminal is really based entirely on the tour de force acting of the people being interrogated. And damn was he good. I've never been a fan of BBT, but I've seen a few episodes and had absolutely no idea it was Raj.

I mean, are there things that don't really make sense? Yes. But do you care when you're watching it? No. Not at all. His performance is just so good.
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LA 92 (2017)
3 October 2020
This documentary is like when you can't look away from a car crash. It's sort of horrible, but fascinating. I love the approach of just using archival news footage.

Completely disagree with the person complaining about it being too biased. The news footage included does not make the violent looters look good at all. You see their insensible violence, the deaths, and also the despair of shop owners. They are made to look just as bad as the police officers.

But the film does a good job of explaining how this powder keg exploded. It makes it quite clear that while it started with King, this isn't something he wanted to happen, and it quickly digressed to having nothing to do with that.

What's nice about only using the news footage and seeing what people said and did is that you can read between the lines and draw your own conclusions. This is just as much about poverty as it is racism.

And the worst part is that the US has barely moved on from the situation of 1992, so it's happening again and again in 2014 and 2020. And probably beyond.
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Obnoxious and unhelpful
12 September 2020
If you wanted another Marie Kondo type show, then you will be disappointed. I barely managed to get through the end of the first episode.

The worst part is that there isn't really anything helpful. So as a viewer, if you're looking for advice on how to organize your own home, you're not going to get it.

I felt like anyone could easily do what they had done. I kept waiting for the part where they would give advice or tips, but there aren't really any.

As for the hosts...My husband said it well: it's like they have to constantly talk to fill the space, but don't have anything to say. Honestly they're what I hope people abroad don't think all Americans sound like. It's embarrassing.

I want another season of Marie Kondo instead.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
What happened?
4 August 2020
This is the question you wonder when you watch this. Really good actors, and yet it's genuinely not funny. The part with the chimp was straight up painful to watch because it was just so bad. And what happened with Lisa Kudrow's character? We only watched it because we like the actors, but as others have said, if you think it will be as funny as the Office, you will be very disappointed.
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Taskmaster (2015– )
Funny and entertaining
19 April 2020
I have to admit that when my husband wanted to watch this, I had never heard of it and was skeptical. But when I saw the good reviews on here, I said ok. Glad we did! We have only watched seasons 4&5, but thought they were both funny. I think 5 is a bit better though. I would love to do some of these types of challenges with my students!
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The Letdown (2017–2019)
Very funny
19 April 2020
I watched the first season before I became a mom and still thought it was hilarious. It was only after I became a mom and watched the second season that I got the pun with the title. Haha. This show is so much better than Working Moms. Worth a watch, regardless of whether or not you're a mom.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
Not actually funny
19 April 2020
I've seen a lot of complaints about how shallow and selfish these moms are. And it's completely true that none of them are likeable. But I would be fine with that if the show was actually funny. I almost never quit a show, and I'm a mom myself, so I really tried. But had to give up because the show actually feels kind of painful to watch. And not in a good way. If you want a good show about motherhood, the Australian show, The Letdown is WAY better. It's actually laugh out loud funny unlike this one.
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Awful acting!
17 August 2019
I could not make it through this show because of how bad the acting is from all the non-star cast. Dear god, they all say their lines in such a fake, unnatural way! Maybe it's also bad writing, but either way, it's bad.
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Chernobyl (2019– )
Good, but not the greatest show ever
3 July 2019
I liked the show, but don't quite understand the hype. This is an interesting mini series and there is some good acting, but my husband fell asleep several times. I can understand why, because after the first episode it really is quite slow with a lot of talking. There are parts that drag, and the variety of accents is a bit odd. Once you notice that, it's hard not to notice it. Overall, a good show as long as your expectations aren't out of the world.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Amusing, but predictable
16 February 2019
Sometimes this show feels as though Wes Anderson made a superhero show, and that's the good part. The problem with the plot is that it's really obvious to figure out, so when they reveal the "twists" you're like, I knew that already. It's also quite disjointed.

Five and Klaus are probably the best, along with Hazel, in terms of characters and actors.

People seem to be exaggerating on both sides: it's not the worst thing ever, nor is it the best. It's amusing and has potential, but didn't quite get there.
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