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Maleficent (2014)
This is not the same Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
26 July 2014
If you think you'll get Maleficent from the old film, don't even bother with this movie. It will disappoint you all too much, and I get why many Maleficent-fans who are hating on this movie.

If you can get pass that point, this is an enjoyable movie. Angelina is really doing a great job, and is exciting to watch. It's beautiful at some points in the movie and I really like those parts. The story is told at a fine speed, and I wasn't bored at any point. I just don't get why they changed so much of the story. That is some sort of a problem for me, and I probably won't ever see this again, but I just didn't hate it, and I didn't love it.
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I wanna see this again!
25 September 2006
This is the first Quentin Tarantino-movie I have seen, and I love it..

The story is basically about this woman, who wakes up 4 years after she was supposed to be married, of her coma. Back then she was pregnant, but have lost everything, and now she wants revenge on those people who betrayed her back then.

And boy she does it good. Uma Thurman does a great job, and keeps you entertained the whole movie long. Who would have guessed that a movie about killing people could be so good? I sure didn't and was vary skeptical when I first heard about this movie. Then they showed it on danish TV, and then I have to see it. When the movie stopped I felt it all was going to fast and was missing a lot. How many movies is sow good, that you forget about the time? At the moment, I'm just waiting to see Kill Bill vol 2, and just wanna see this one again.

If you can take vary violent scenes with a lot of blood, you shouldn't miss this. Others? Don't see it, you will probably not like it.
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What do you say to this?
25 September 2006
I still don't know what's really to say about this movie. It starts off trying to be interesting, but doesn't do a great job. I though it was nothing, and still watched.

The story is mainly about Charlie Mackenzie, who's looking for the right woman, but he's relationships always goes wrong be course, Charlie don't trust any of his girlfriends. When he meets Harriet he decides, he will trust her, but again he stars thinking a lot. This times he's new girlfriend, knows things and do things that makes her look likes a murderer. Now Charlie needs to find out if it's his imagination (again?) or is it true.

I have to say this is a great plot, but I still found myself looking at other things, and didn't really pay much attention to the movie, and at some point I felt disappointed in the movie. But when we're at the end and see what it all really was about, I was happy again, and happy that I saw the ending. The ending ROCKED, but it's not enough to make a whole movie good, unfortunately.

Do like Mikes Myers...? If you do, then you'll get entertained others should find another movie, to watch.
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Life Without Dick (2002 Video)
I actually liked this...
20 September 2006
First of all I have to say I loved this movie. I know a lot of other people who doesn't like this, but I sure did.

We start seeing Colleen coming home, and she think's her boyfriend (Dick) is cheating on her. Than she take out a gun that is in her purse, and point it at Dick. She then pulls the trigger and shots her boyfriend. She is a bit surprised, cause the guns she has, don't usually have bullets in it. Then she hides the body and is trying to live life after this "tragedy".

The whole idea of a dumb blond girl who "unfortunately" kills her boyfriend, can't be anything but funny, when it's a comedy. Everyone is stupid in their own way, and they don't have any idea of what they are doing.

If you like that kind of movies this is for you. Just watch it.
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Gallipoli (1981)
"I'll see you." "Not if I see you first."
1 September 2006
This is a story about 2 Australian sprinters, who both are sent to the Gallipoli campaign (Turkey) to fight in the first world war. Not much else is there to tell, but it's still surprisingly good and somehow the movie, makes you want to see more.

Mark Lee and Mel Gibson are both great as their different characters, and everyone else who was supporting characters, mated the story go on vary well. Unfortunately the is missing something extra (mabey it's just because it's old, and I'm not used to those movies), to make it go all the way to the top! I wouldn't be the one to find it and fix it, cause it can still destroy this movie, with one of the most powerful endings I ever have seen. Something you WILL remember, and you NEED to see.
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Be Our Guest
28 August 2006
When Maurice is on his way for the city with his new invention (and horse), he gets lost i the forest. When he is trying to find a way out wolfs attack. The horse escape and Maurice runs into a castle. When he goes in, he find himself trapped again. In the castle lives a big beast an he's NOT happy with the new visitor, and puts Maurice in prison. Meanwhile the horse ran home and Belle (Maurice's daughter) make the horse led her to her father.

Beauty and the Beast is one of Disney's best movies, with humor and true love that will teach you not only to love the outside, but the person in other people. Are you more the the fun parts, you still won't be disappointed. Character like LeFou, Lumiere and Cogsworth makes you laugh time after time, and parents can also find them self laughing of the sweet Chip. And lets not forget the evil in this movie, and his name is Gaston. Not scary, but VARY selfish and he won't give up for the things he want (okay maybe that's scary).

So lets all sing along with the movie, and see it (again).
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The Lion King (1994)
The King of Disney
24 August 2006
Once again I have seen this fantastic movie, and I love it just as much as always.

At first we see little Simba, who just found out he's going to be king, and when you are young and the future king, you can do everything you want to. Or that's what our young Simba thinks, but his uncle have others plans, and one day the only thing that never should had happened, happens and Simba is forced to leave everything, but can he escape his past?

The Lion King is, and will be the best animated 2D Disney movie of all time. You immediately love all the characters, and couldn't see the movie without one of them. They are funny, evil, good, interesting and more. Then we have the good music to fill your ears. Who hasn't song one of those song to them self? Cirkel of life makes you feel good, I Just Can't Wait to be King makes you a child again, Be Prepared brings your evil laugh forward just a few seconds, Hakuna Matata makes you want to relax even more, and just enjoy life and Can You Feel the Love Tonight makes you a little romantic for a while. And lets not forget the background music, which also is perfect for this movie. And then we have the fantastic animation, that just positively surprise you all the time.

So just see the movie, if you really haven't. Lion King the best Disney movie of all time.
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Welcome to the Caribbean, love
7 August 2006
It'a almost 3 years since I saw this for the first time. And who didn't think: "This It's going to suck big time"? I did, but somehow I still ended up in the cinema, and saw the movie. I was VARY surprised when I walked out, and remember saying to my self: "This is actually good!" The movie has it all.. Good vs. bad, love and the funniest pirate you probably ever is going to see.

Johnny Depp as (Captain) Jack Sparrow is not your everyday pirate, and some will probably still wonder what is he doing? Johnny does a great job and get every part of Jack to work so well. It makes me want more of that character. Orlando Bloom as Will is I my opinion good as well. Who else could be a little bad boy and still have some nerd-style over him? Keira Knighty as Elizabeth challenges the god girl question. Can you really be a god girl, like you have been your whole life in a pirate-world? Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa is more dominated than the others characters, without make the other characters look small. That's a god balance between them all. And lets not forget even the smaller parts, but I think you need to see the movie to get to know them.

You mat think: Is it still worth it? AYE! Specially if you are going to the the next 2 movies.. Look at me. It's now 3 years later I still can't get enough of this movie.
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