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Return of the Jedi (1983 Video Game)
Final closure to the series
14 October 2019
Often considered the weakest of the original trilogy eturn of the Jedi concludes the series with not so much as an explosion but with a thud. Its not a bad movie but it doesn't scale the heights that the previous two films scaled. The dark, eerie atmosphere that oozed from every frame of The Empire Strikes Back is gone. Instead, for Return of the Jedi, we have good triumphing decisively over evil, a too-pat resolution to a love triangle, and walking teddy bears. Even Darth Vader doesn't seem very daunting this time around. With the arrival of the Emperor (a gaunt-looking Ian McDiarmid), Vader has turned into a second fiddle. It's decidedly unsatisfactory to watch him engage Luke in a civilized conversation. From a technical point-of-view, the space battles are amazing, easily dwarfing anything depicted in the previous films. Not only are there many, many more ships, but their speed and range of movement have been dramatically improved.
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Interesting biopic with a tragic ending
18 September 2019
Made by Michael Apted the great documentarian Gorrilas in the Mist is a depiction of conservationist Dian Fossey's odyssey in Congo where she bonds with primates and eventually dies there. The most remarkable elements of Gorillas in the Mist are the technical ones. The photography is spectacular, and Apted does something subtle and effective with it. In the beginning, he relies on wide shots to emphasize the strange, almost otherworldliness of the terrain. There's a memorable early scene in which Fossey and Sembagare are shown dwarfed by a sea of green flora. It's beautiful and awe-inspiring. As the story progresses, Apted increasingly relies on closer, more intimate and less intimidating shots. Once Fossey has become comfortable with her surroundings, the movie reflects this. It's the same way with the gorillas. Initially represented as alien creatures, they gradually become recognizable characters.
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Serendipity (2001)
Cute romantic comedy based on the premise of déjà vu
8 August 2019
Peter Chelsom's Serendipity is a cute, adorable New York City romantic comedy which is an ode to the city and to the emotion of love. The main theme here perhaps is déjà vu- or fate, and the entire running time has the characters play around this theme. Both Cusack and Beckinsale are good and do the perfunctory job- look cute and act lovey-dovey. Jeremy Piven and Eugene Levy adds some wattage and comedy, but nothing is too funny or rib tickling. The real winner for me is the cinematography and this is one of the many films that will make you want to get on a plane and head to the big apple. If there is one drawback it is that for a romantic comedy the characters are barely with each other for the most part of running time. This might put some off, especially those who want their rom-coms to be simple and straightforward. Serendipity is a harmless excursion towards love- There's much to like here.
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A master sequel by a master filmmaker
25 February 2019
Although the original is a better film this sequel to the Terminator is a magnificent piece of filmmaking combining both- a great narrative and state of the art visual effects to tell a story which is based on speculation and yet manages to touch a chord. James Cameron's sequel sees some changes. The Terminator played by Arnold is a "good guy" here(T-800), sent back time from the future to save and assist the young John Connor from the clutches of an even more foe- the dangerous T-1000(played eerily by Robert Patrick). Terminator 2 has become such an important part of popular culture (thanks to its religious showing on every cable network everywhere on earth) that it seems strange to imagine someone who hasn't seen it, or knows the most famous scenes verbatim. Terminator 2 is what every sequel should be like. But then not everyone is James Cameron.
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Æon Flux (2005)
An interesting failure worth a chance
25 January 2019
Aeon Flux is a mess but it's a fascinating and intriguing mess. Aeon Flux is a science fiction adventure film that includes a lot of intriguing ideas, some of which are left underdeveloped. The script, credited to Phil Hay & Matt Mandredi (based on Peter Chung's MTV animated shorts), doesn't seem to know whether it wants to be smart enough to appeal to serious-minded movie-goers or dumb enough to appeal to popcorn-munchers. So it vacillates and, ultimately, that becomes its undoing. However, except during a few routine action sequences that fail to raise a single nape hair, Aeon Flux is never uninteresting.Early in the film, there's a nice action scene featuring pods that spit darts and grass that might cut the lawn mower (rather than the other way around). After that, the "exciting" stuff becomes routine: running around, blowing things up, shooting, etc. The ideas underlying Aeon Flux's plot are the film's strength, and the filmmakers deserve some credit for doing more than paying lip service to them.
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Campy fun but still ask the actors for a refund!
5 January 2019
Batman and Robin has reached cult status for how bad it is. But I feel that watched from a campy perspective this isn't all bad. Hopefully the ensuing passage of so many years has hopefully calmed the audiences towards the film. Batman and Robin moves at a dizzying pace, yet goes absolutely nowhere. Somewhere between the quarter and mid-point of this film, things turn repetitious and tedious. We see basically the same fight scene re-enacted three or four times -- and it isn't all that impressive on the first occasion. We become numb to the glitz and glamour, but, looking beyond it, we see only a vacuum. In trying to put the "comic" back into "comic book", Schumacher has reduced Batman to the equivalent of a daily newspaper strip -- disjointed and painfully shallow. The character probably deserves more respect, but, in Batman and Robin, he doesn't get it. And, for that matter, neither does the audience.
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Bizarre, offbeat misfire
2 January 2019
This isn't a good film, in fact it is downright bad. More likely to inspire thoughts of Michael Bay than Lewis Carroll, this sequel to Tim Burton's 2010 Alice in Wonderland borrows sparingly from the Carroll novel with the same title, opting instead to use Linda Woolverton's confused and incoherent story as its basis. The movie is frequently incomprehensible and, on those occasions when it makes sense, the viewer may wish it didn't. Visually, Alice through the Looking Glass has its moments but pretty backgrounds and clever special effects can't obscure the disappointment resulting from a half-baked script and a miscast villain.
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Fright Night (2011)
Only watch it to compare with the original
21 December 2018
This is a remake of the older 80s film and should stand as proof that no matter what star cast you have and how technology has developed so much to aid the filmmaker, it is always a wise decision to never tinker with the original. If for no other reason then basic psychology says that people will always, no matter what, compare the film to the original and chances are high they will always prefer the original. This Fright Night; the remake seems like a lazy cash grab with the 3-D acting as grotesque and gaudy ornamentation. Any special qualities one could ascribe to the 1985 movie have been lost in translation.
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About a Boy (2002)
Great Hugh Grant film
2 November 2018
Will Freeman is the ultimate slacker. Living off the royalties of his one-hit-wonder father's Christmastime jingle Will is proud of never having had a job or, indeed, having done much of anything. He's not interested in a serious relationship - casual sex and one-night stands are his forté. Then, one day he ventures into a single parents' group meeting. Soon, he is dating a woman who is babysitting for her friend's son, Marcus.This wouldn't mean much to Will, except that Marcus takes a liking to him and decides that Will might be the perfect match for his emotionally disturbed mother, Fiona (Toni Collette). Then the strangest thing happens - Will and Marcus strike up an unusual friendship. But complications ensue when Will falls for another single mother (Rachel Weisz) and wants Marcus to pretend to be his son. This is a hilarious drama from England and you should check it out.
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Arachnophobia (1990)
Watch it for the scenic location and the early 90s vibe
25 October 2018
Set in a tiny town on coastal California Arachnophobia is a fine comedy-horror film. The small town is invaded by poisonous spiders from South America which are accidently stowed aboard a coffin carrying the victim killed by the spider. The Jennings family also relocate to the town at just about the same time. Led by the ever likeable Jeff Daniels Arachnophobia is a slow paced film which takes its time to unravel. There are no major effects though the spiders can give the creeps. Frank Marshall directed and he would go onto make other animal themed films such as eight below and Congo.
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Sleeper (1973)
Watch it for the novelty factor
8 October 2018
Sleeper is a novelty simply because of the fact that it brings comedy to the genre of science fiction. Starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton Sleeper is set in a future with government oppression. Woody Allen plays his usual neurotic self and is ably supported by a gorgeous Diane Keaton. Sleeper is one of the most underrated Allen films and there is no reason why you shouldn't see this one.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Great comedy
19 September 2018
Ghostbusters is considered a classic of the comedy genre. It's a very well paced film and the acting by everyone involved is top notch. Unlike the female remake the great thing about this film is how the acting compliments the script and nothing seems forced. Another great addition is the sparing use of CGI which compared to the overindulgence in the remake really stands out. Bill Murray excels in his deadpan and Sigourney Weaver looks ravishing and proves she is a great actress. The direction by Ivan Reitman is crisp.
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Spy Hard (1996)
A bare recommendation, just for Leslie
25 July 2018
I don't recollect much of this film simply because Leslie Neilson has been in some much better efforts than this- airplane, the police squad and the naked gun series to name just a few. Spy Hard may have tried to cash in on Leslie's name but the fact that I cannot remember anything about this movie says everything. To be fair I am rating it a 4 meaning there has to be some redemption factor, probably a few scenes. I will watch it again but I feel that you can give this one a pass if you have better comedy films around.
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
A must watch for comedy drama lovers
10 July 2018
Jerry Mcguire is a great drama comedy with a good performance by Tom Cruise and some excellent acting by Renee Zellwegger, young Jonathan Lipnicki, Bonnie Hunt and especially Cuba Gooding Jr. who won a best supporting academy award for this role. The jokes are great and the script is breezy yet heartwarming and witty. This is Cameron Crowe at his finest and one of the finest drama films made in the 1990s. Cameron Crowe is a great writer and Jerry Mcguire could be his best work.
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One of the most quirky romantic movies ever made
4 July 2018
I feel terrible that I cannot remember much of this movie because I remember loving it on first viewing. Some scenes- I distinctly remember a boat scene with a dialogue that touched me- are vaguely in my memory. This film is about a man who has been given a few months to live. He meets a cute woman and the entire film is them going from one quirky setup to the next. Meg Ryan was my dream woman during these times and Tom Hanks should patent the good guy image such is his likeability. This film needs a re-watch from my side, but I have no doubt in recommending it to others.
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The Shadow (1994)
Watch it for a low key Superhero approach and an amazing tone and atmosphere
26 June 2018
It feels strange that currently we are amidst a massive Superhero binge. Hollywood has managed to saturate the superhero genre but there was a time once when a Superhero film was a lifetime event. The Shadow belongs to that era- based on the pulp character from the 30s this is a polarizing film. I loved it for the most part especially the low key feel and tone. The casting is good and Alec Baldwin is more than adequate. Say what you will about the guy and his temper, he was a dashing man(and still is) and plays both The shadow and his alias Lamont Cranston quite well. Reviewers thought otherwise and even the box office was tepid but this film has developed a cult following ever since.
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Blindness (2008)
Great premise well executed
18 June 2018
I was surprised to find this film not just engrossing but incredibly well shot. With a white color pallet that is seldom put to screen Blindness is about a city that is suddenly engulfed by something that causes instant blindness. Exquisitely shot and well-paced this is a film that will make for something that will surely fascinate the audience. 7/10 (Great premise well executed).
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Catwoman (2004)
Worst Movie
8 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A disaster from the beginning to the end. Watch it just to have a good laugh with your friends. One of the worst films of the 21st century.
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This is a good film...
22 May 2018
Beauty and the beast is a strange movie. It is not a bad film (quite the opposite actually) but it suffers from being compared to the 1991 animated version which is often considered one of the best animated feature films ever made. However, Bill Condon's Beauty and the Beast live action version starring Harry potter's Emma Watson is a competently made engaging musical which can be watched and enjoyed on its own. There are some similarities between scenes which are probably homages, but the plot points have been changed to provide background for Belle and the Beast. All in all this is a good film and as long as you don't compare this to the legendary animated film you will have a goodtime.
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Transformers standards this one stinks to high heaven
22 May 2018
Clearly the Transformers series has overstayed its welcome (it probably did that by the 2nd installment) for this the fifth(!!) film is an abomination. The narrative is pretty much one thing: Giant robots punching one another as hapless humans flee for their lives but what is shocking is that even these CGI ridden overloaded set pieces stop making sense after about ten minutes in. In fact, most kids (or anyone brave enough to go watch this) will have a hard time telling who is fighting who. Even by Transformers standards this one stinks to high heaven, and that is saying something.
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Superman in a match up that doesn't really do justice to both the characters
22 May 2018
A middling feature by the usually good Joss Whedon Justice League is an average film that suffers from pacing issues and the fact that it follows Nolan's Batman series. A lot of focus was placed on Ben Affleck, but he is a surprisingly good Batman facing Henry Cavill's Superman in a match up that doesn't really do justice to both the characters and the fans. Justice League is too expensive and, in your face, to be an after thought and too bloated to be considered a good film. Average at best.
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