
8 Reviews
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Abandoned (III) (2022)
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
19 January 2024
For some reason, this is a movie about the worst men you could ever come in contact with if you are postpartum. The psychiatrist in this movie was in no way, shape, or form a mental health professional. If I were married to somebody so patronizing and condescending as John Gallagher Jr., I would just say this movie history would repeat itself 40 years later. He makes all of his insecurities and ignorance her problems on top of everything else she has to deal with, rather than actually helping or listening to anything she has to say. It was even more difficult making it through this movie with a baby crying so much because after a while I just had to wonder wtf were they doing to make the baby cry that much. They couldn't make up their minds if they wanted to make this an unusual obsession, postpartum psychosis, a ghost movie, a crime story, or a phrogging movie, so they just kind of shuffled in a little bit of everything without explaining anything. Maybe they just wanted an excuse to put in a randomly happy ending with a question mark at the end. Honestly, this production was put together so poorly even the close captioning is incapable of spelling 'breathing' correctly (breahting). My review feels like it's all over the place, and that is because the movie is all over the place. Enjoy or don't, the choice is yours.
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Intervention (2005– )
Intervention for ...
8 October 2023
A series that has consistently shown in over 20 seasons that every addict has a toxic family that needs an intervention. Unsuspecting family members find out that addicts aren't the only ones who are sick and need treatment. The Canadians are even more ignorant, toxic, and heartless than Americans, so that's a mind blowing twist to watch. The reviews on this show that complain about exploitation are absurd. This is actually an educational show that is necessary for conservative areas filled with morally superior narcissists who abuse their children in the name of jesus, and you'd be an addict too if you experienced some of these traumas or just plain toxicity of those who are supposed to be loving. I know people who have prevented their own addictions from learning from this show, people who have learned to identify the behaviors involved with addiction, future psychology professionals who honed their skills during school, and people who have become less toxic to others because they didn't like what they saw in the show that reflected on them. I have found similar results with the Hoarders series: psychology education helps society and individuals improve.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Casting makes all the difference
22 February 2022
Teresa Palmer is so terrible, she almost destroys the hard work and excellent performances of the rest of the cast. Matthew Goode is fabulous, and everyone else in the show commands reverence for their abilities and dedication to bringing this story to life. Teresa Palmer was cast only because she has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair; I'm sure there are a million beautiful women with blue eyes and blonde hair who could perform as if they were prodigy-level intelligent and actually show some emotions on their faces, as Teresa Palmer certainly cannot. Shame on her, the casting director, the director, and Deborah Harkness for not protecting her work.
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Jim Nally is garbage.
9 January 2022
He avoided professionals who deal with trauma victims, grooming and the resultant behavior, sociopathy, psychopathy, and he does so to deliberately rile up the stupid general public who want to bring back public executions because they're lives are worthless. Please, from a professional psychology, philosophy, and psychopathy lifetime student, rise above the stupid hate and watch something else.
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Brilliant Southern Satire
28 October 2021
Southern born and raised and I am still blown away at the brilliance of this entire piece, writing and acting. When the accents put you at ease because they sound like everyone around you, it makes it easy to catch all the nuanced satire and comedic pokes and jabs at nearly every single Southernism I grew up with. Fifteen years later, I am still blown away by the entire cast and their performances. I can't help but miss jokes because they have me laughing so hard. Sometimes I literally bang my fist on the couch or bed I'm laughing so hard. Laughter is the best medicine, and this cast is one of the most talented groups of comedians we have. Every single one is worthy of the time to look up and choose other films they've done. Sacha Baron Cohen is one of the most underrated comedians on the planet: he's basically a Shakespearean trained clown and he lifts the ambient intelligence of this entire production from the ground into the ionosphere. Every now and then, I feel the need to laugh until tears fall and all I can think of is Talladega Nights: "Sir, you taste of America." Always remember to complete the credits for one of the best scenes of the entire movie; Jane Lynch and the boys are great!
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Meet the Village
28 October 2021
It takes a village to murder a child. Meet the adults lacking in morality who warped one of their own children to murder another child they didn't like. They've never been so proud.
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The Vanishing (II) (2018)
Oh, Gerard! You're so silly
2 September 2021
A very entertaining story about the most extreme yet realistic notion of what could have happened to the three lighthouse keepers from the Fannin Isle Mystery. In real life, it's no mystery: a hurricane pounded the isle so hard it twisted the metal railing out of shape and a boulder that weighed a ton was moved. The table was set for a dinner that was never served. The inspector from December 1900 reasonably and with evidence concluded that two keepers went out to tie down a piece of equipment (one was previously fined a lot of money his family couldn't afford) and were either blown off the cliff or washed off with a large wave; the third keeper went out to help and was also removed via storm. These isles are off Scotland, and I can assure you, we Celtic folk aren't satiated by some boring storm. It's got to have a massive ocean beast and some kind of faery. This story is so much more mainstream as to be palatable to Americans, and I enjoyed the fun they had with the facts of the case. I thought running with the mercury poisoning was a good touch, and flat out laughed and rolled my eyes at Gerard Butler and his antics for an ending. I enjoyed the actors' performances and I enjoyed the complete deviation from history to just have an entertaining story that might get you talking about what you would do on an island like that. Who doesn't love a good island story for a moral dilemma?
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Terrible acting & laughable science
13 July 2021
This movie is pure garbage except for one thing: the monsters. A+ for the monsters! Acting is so terrible I barfed in my mouth a few times. Maybe that's just because the writing is so bad; after all, actors can only work with what they're given and directed to do. Play this movie, fast forward through all the parts without monsters, and I believe you'll have an entertaining show. Also, golden opportunity missed for JK Simmons to say, "I know a thing or two, because I've seen a thing or two."
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