
2 Reviews
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Bodyguards (1996– )
"You know a bodyguards life is a lot like a football"
22 September 2006
When i first saw this show advertised to be on Australian TV back in the late 90's i ignored it thinking it was just capitalizing on the Kevin Costner movie 'Bodyguard'. But then i caught an episode and i wish i had watched it from the start. The partnership between Sean Pertwee and Louise Lombard was so well acted and the structure of each episode was extremely entertaining. It wasn't an overblown TV show that you can tell spent most of its energy in making things explode so that they could put that clip in the commercial to lure audiences and then not deliver on any other level. The show delved into the lives of the two main characters and thats what made it interesting. The stories for each episode where also well written with interesting guest stars who were good actors. And of course there was a lot of action and intrigue which is always good. But what was great was that there was humour, and it flowed naturally from the characters, it didn't appear contrived. It was British but in a good way, and if this show was made in America it would no doubt be on DVD by now. I don't know why British TV production companies are not interested in releasing this show on DVD. It was a great show and deserves a DVD release.
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A beautiful film, not as stylish as Delon or as methodical as the book but beautiful, beautiful
16 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the Alain Delon film a year or two before the Damon film came out in 1999. To me at the time, a young film addict, it was an amazing film. My initial thought after it finished was that if i ever could make a film i would remake this one. When i was sitting at a bus stop in Perth faced to face with a poster of Damon under the title 'The Talented Mr Ripley' i was unimpressed. I missed my chance i felt and i decided not to pay any attention to the film, and not to see it. Years later when i was with Shazrina my closest friend i found out she had a Jude Law obsession, an actor who i had not really watched much. She referred to him in Ripley as being a Bronzed God. At this point i had grown an affinity for Damon as well, after re-watching Good will Hunting, Oceans etc.. so i decided to bite the bullet and watch The Talented Mr Ripley. The first thing i liked was the music, the switching back and forth from the jazz and whimsical score to the sadder notes, the darker shadows of the score. I didn't watch the film expecting to see a remake of the Delon film, i knew that this film played Tom as gay unlike the Delon film so i expected it to follow a different set of triggers. I loved the colors in the film... it is a beautifully filmed picture, just like the Delon film, but where Delon is always alone and always expects to be alone Damon try's to be a part of something but fails. To me both movies tell only half of the motivation of Tom Ripley as told in the Highsmith novel. I really enjoy re-watching The Talented Mr Ripley because of its beautiful locations, grand music and well acted characters (but i still fell like an observer unlike the Delon film where while watching you almost become Delon). But this movie was made to be observed, certainly the killing of Dickie and the tension of the continuous escapes by Tom are captivating and well done, but i watch it every time for its beauty. (If it wasn't made meant to be watched for its beauty then why cast Jude Law, huh Shaz?) It's strange to find a murder film that you can relax to. The beauty does tend to over run the film at times. Having said that, one of the best scenes in the film is where the two main characters are in the forefront- when Tom kills Dickie. The camera is a close up shot and the beautiful background is actually pushed to the back.. here we finally see what Dickie feels about Tom and we see what type of a person Tom really is.. its important that we see nothing but the characters and the use of eliminating the beautiful background is done well, if only for a moment.

The thing i like about the Ripley story is that despite how beautiful everything looks non of the characters are perfect... Marge is too needy, Dickie is too selfish and Tom is homicidal. There is so much more to say about this and the Delon film, they are both great films but they speak differently, arouse different feelings and reactions. To me neither are exactly like the book so the prospect of making the film again is a possibility for this once upon a time film addict.

(though the film means more to me for different reasons..), if you want to watch a stunningly beautiful film with relaxing music and interesting characters, a bit of tension thrown into the mix and you don't want it to be a foreign film or a merchant ivory production than this is your film.

To make the film more enjoyable try speaking with Jude Laws fake American Accent for the rest of the day, its fun, try it!

'Marge, Marge! You've got to hear this!'
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