
19 Reviews
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It should have been so much more.
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this with so much nostalgia, at first the original suits and cheesy puttys was fine, but the story became messy and confusing with flashbacks.

Then.. we get on to the Megazord, what the heck was that CGI, awful, the episode felt short, and underbaked. They could have done so much with it and Netflix did the bare minimum. I still enjoyed it, but it wasnt what I hoped for or what it should have been.

The nostalgia was there, the actors, (most of them), the cheese, but the little things were missing, no Bulk and Skull, not uber-popular rangers and no original style megazord. This made for a weak film. It could have easily been fit into 30 mins and it would have made little to no difference on the overall outcome.
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2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this after I saw Petes bit about Arianna Grande on Tik Tok, but this was awful, a 48 minute show with only 5 mins of a stoned and unfunny Pete along with some oddballs comedians. With the pumped in laughs and jokes that didnt hit the mark I can say this was a waste of time.
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Run (I) (2020)
19 April 2022
It wasnt terrible movie, but it wasnt great either, it felt like they wrote it, rewrote parts as it went along. The only saving grace was the brilliant acting and the Stephen King references.
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F.E.A.R. (2021)
Isolation - Not too bad a movie
7 March 2022
I can understand why people might not like this film. It is slow and there isnt a lot happening in terns of action.

But it is a film that deals with the isolation of a family trying to survive in a ravaged place by a zombie like infection and other survivors who have a specific taste for things. A family who have their own problems mentally and physically.

In all this the infection is always around, heard but not seen, in the small parts we do see them, they are terrifying and persistent.

Its a different take on the zombie genre. Personally I enjoyed it. But the modern day fan who likes their quick fixes. This is not for you.
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Sing 2 (2021)
7 March 2022
I am a grown man, I thoroughly enjoyed Sing. But this was brilliant. Better than the first and everything was beautifully created, the story was solid and it was just a great laugh and fun film. My daughter and I chuckled throughout.
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Oh what could have been
30 December 2019
I love historical movies, I understand that sometimes they deviate from the truth to make them more appealing,

Sadly this is not one of those movies. The flow of the film and in-accuracy is frustrating. The casting of the main character was I thought fantastic although the fear of keeping true to the story was sad. It is a Feminist PC mess and the director seems to "act" like she is being risque but fails miserably in every aspect. Scenes that could have been beautifully crafted and mystical seem flat and one in particular I kept referencing to my wife as "The curtain house" as it had no relevance and no drama.

Casting of actors who may have been best for the job but in no way accurate was also a mistake. I may seem to come across as "racist" but this also came from my highly educated wife who just so happens to be black. She felt the movie stole from their fight for equality but doing this.

To anyone from the outside watching this, it may seem good and stylish. To Scottish/British people who know a bit about their own history, its a s**t show and not worth the time or money.

Avoid and read a book.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Mesmerising, Brilliant and Original
20 October 2019
I had my reservations about this, the casting choice, the director, the subject matter, but when I watched it I was simply blown away.

The story would have worked even if it had never been a comic book movie. It is brutally honest and holds nothing back. It's an uncomfortable and emotional journey from start to finish.

I wasnt sure about Jaquin Phoenix, but he was perfect, his acting was perfect and he played the role incredibly.

The thing to remember about this is that it's not part of any DC franchise already out there. It's not Ledgers joker, it's not Nicholsons and it's not the other dudes. Its Phoemoxs iteration in its stand alone movie and it works soooooo well.

The political undertones were superb and for the director of the hangover to pull this off I will happily admit my reservations were wrong and he made a masterpiece.

Watch it and enjoy it or dont. It is certainly a rollercoaster of every emotion.
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Shazam! (2019)
DC Warner Brothers take note
5 April 2019
If DC and Warner want to know how to make their DCU work. This is it.

It's dark, gritty, bright, fun, exciting and hits the heart.

No more crappy standalones, this is the movie that could kick off a true competitor to the MCU and we loved it (my daughter and me)

One word...... SHAZAM!
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Ignore the BAD reviews
12 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was not sure what to expect going into this movie. I took my daughter in for her 7th Birthday and she was pretty unsure what to expect too, still riding the wave of Gal Gadots Wonder Woman.

We sat down and immediately she recognised the short but sweet tribute to Stan Lee, I did share a tear for him... again.

The movie itself is really well paced and is serious enough to be believable and adult but also funny and vividly colourful for the kids.

The characters were exciting and different and it felt like we were getting a glimpse into the future of the MCU.

The story itself was great, we loved it. It wasnt too much and introduced the character well. The twist was unexpected but then I didnt go into the movie looking for faults.

We thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I am glad they did this before they release a really unnecessary Black Widow movie.

The post credit scenes were also great and really tied everything together, much like the scene at the end of Black Panther, this movie could easily serve as a stand alone or part of the bigger picture movie.

Really enjoyable and fun and fresh.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Sound of Thunder (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Great but terribly rushed and underdeveloped.
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season has been different from the last. Season one was fresh and new. this one feels like the writers didn't trust their own material to carry the show and brought in characters from the past "Spock"

However the problem is now we are on the adventure to find Mr Spock and for him to save the galaxy. We are so many episodes in and a lot has happened. Probably too much. This would not have been so bad if side stories mattered and things were paced better.

We finally land on a new planet and nothing happens. A few conversations, a few aliens and then a quick rescue. I feel like by now in season 2 we should have found Spock, and the rest of the season should have been about the emotional drama between brother and sister colliding all the while, trying to save the galaxy from the red angel and using each episode as a subplot.

This episode would have been perfect and certainly could have been spread out over 2 maybe 3 episodes. The context was perfect for the big picture.

I hope the rest of the season banks on the new characters and the next season is not based around some plot to find Kirk, or Scotty, or Picard who travels back in time. Discovery is a strong, fresh show on its own.
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Crackdown 3 (2019 Video Game)
Run, destroy, jump, liberate, repeat
19 February 2019
Well, its basic, it wouldnt look out of place on the 360, its very samey, but it has moments where its fun, entertaining and addictive. It has elements of being an old school shooter/platformer but there is no direction and no reason to really do anything.

I am fortunate to have got it free with game pass and for that subscription i would only recommend getting this game. Its not worth the retail price and it really doesnt bring anything to the Xbox One.

If you want some fairly easy achievements and something to pass the time, then go for it, but do not play with high expectations as it will only ruin the experience.
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A movie forever in my heart
18 February 2019
I have probably watched this film 100 times. I love it. I recently watched it again after around 8 years of seeing it last and i was not disappointed, the visuals, the story-telling the Regina Hall voice "MOOOM" the music and the emotions all brought me back to the moment I first saw it.

The acting is superb and It led me to watching many great movies of that time.

I Highly recommend this movie to any sports fans, romantics, lovers and friends. Well worth a watch.
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Outlander: Man of Worth (2019)
Season 4, Episode 13
The straw that saved the camels back
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Finally something happened of relevance. I think the writers of the show took a different route with this series. I started slow, went off on tangents, had plenty of irrelevance and then in the last episode did ABSOLUTELY nothing.

The season finale came in and was a wonderfully crafted episode with only a few gripes. We saw twists and turns and birth which was beautiful. They saved the show with this episode but only by the skin of their teeth.

Going into the next season the writers need to really make a decision about where to go. To commit to the relationship between Brianna and Roger and pass the torch from Clare and Jamie.

To bring it home and make it about Jamie and Claire and their quest to succeed in the old America.

Or just cancel the show.

The episode was feel good but left nothing for us to think about going into the next season, unless you consider that Bonnet probably escaped the explosion of the last episode.
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Oldboy (2013)
If you've never seen the original its a decent movie
25 January 2019
The problem with Americanizing movies is that Hollywood have a fear of taking risks.

If I had not seen the original Oldboy before this I would have thought it was an excellent movie however a lot of the original source material has been ignored.

The same can be said about movies like The Ring and The Grudge, Deathwish (update 2019)

Its not a bad film, its just the original has more grit, more controversy and more violence and emotion.
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Outlander: Providence (2019)
Season 4, Episode 12
The most irrelevant episode
22 January 2019
I hate reviewing this show less than a 9 as I love it so much, but this season has been a wasted effort and this episode adds to that. This whole season should have been about Brianna and Rogers journey to finding eachother and then Claire and Jamie, but instead we've been through dull side stories that go no where and nothing exciting. The writers have really let us down.

This episode, the 2nd before the finally, did nothing but tell you who the villain was. It did not further the story in any way and its heartbreaking. The only saving grace was the shock factor in the ending and one of my favorites being rescued.

I didn't not even bother me that the main cast were not the focus of this episode, as i have mentioned this season should have been about Brianna and Roger. But the writers have failed us.

The rest was irrelevant, i really hope that the finale episode somehow redeems all the mistakes of the season, otherwise I fear the show may suffer the same fate as Scotland.

I still love it, still optimistic and all is well :)
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Outlander: The Deep Heart's Core (2019)
Season 4, Episode 10
A mish mash of things.
8 January 2019
Following the revelations from the last episode I expected this one to be much better. Instead we got a mixture of different things happening at once. This episode felt rushed and it makes you realize there are only a few episodes left before the season ends. The other thing it made me think about is that there is no definitive villain this season, the obvious choice is Bonnet, but there could also be Governor Dyson and the curve ball Jocasta (Jamies aunt).

All in all, this has been my least episode in the entire show. I really hope season 4 doesnt end on a cliffhanger or made just to set up season 5. So far its been great, I expect the next episodes to be better.
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Outlander: Savages (2018)
Season 4, Episode 5
The show keeps delivering
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love outlander with all of my being, it reignited my love for my country and national identity. Just when I thought it couldn't get better they threw in this curveball and the reuniting of old friends. Every episode has me in tears and it's always a rollercoaster of emotional.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Brilliant, fresh and not Netflix
21 November 2018
I loved t by e Netflix marvel universe until the got lazy and boring with Luke Cage and Iron Fist season 2. I couldn't watch them and I previously despised Agents of Sheild (I may give it another chance).

This show was fresh, political, fun and new. The characters were likable, the story flowed perfectly and there wasn't too much. The bad reviews on here are obviously from people who like to read the last page of a comic before the rest because this show was something special.
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Fear the Walking Dead: No One's Gone (2018)
Season 4, Episode 8
Fear the walking dead
2 November 2018
It's true, FTWD should fear TWD. I was always concerned when I learned that TWDs Morgan was coming over due to TWD being so stale and FTWD season 3 being so brilliant.

The first 8 episodes have been confusing but gotten gradually better. It's sad they had to jump ahead so much when FTWD was meant to see the apocalypse happen as it was happening and not be an aftermath.

This episode was brilliant. Another shock death and it was noble and emotional and I am loving the new characters. To see where this show will go is a mystery.

Now the worry is, will these characters wind up freshening up TWD or be the death of the main series.
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